
Dear Colleagues,

First, I would like to congratulate Nils Halberg who last week become Professor! I also congratulate all the master students that recently had their exam and have now been awarded the degree!

This semester has been the first in a while where we have had the possibility to gather again in person. I think this was about time and has been very nice. I really liked meeting so many of you during the Department Day, and the strategy day for the PIs I also found to be rewarding and stimulating. We should have a continued focus on social gatherings also during the fall

Due to the well-known challenging financial situation, we have found it necessary to cancel the permanent position at the front desk, and from 11th July it will no longer be open full time. The tasks related to this position will be distributed on the existing staff. “Fellesavdelingen” will handle the sending/receiving packages For sending packages, contact “Fellesavdelingen” on tel. no. 45 26 34 24. In July, there will be few people at work in the administration. Orders will go as usual, and if there is a need to resolve other issues then contact Frode and Janne by e-mail, and we will try to assist as best as we can.

Our department has not had a HR-officer dedicated for the last three years, but we have now received good news from the faculty that we will get such a person to the department during the fall. That is indeed great!

I would like to thank all of you for your great effort you have laid down so far this year and wish you a very nice and relaxing summer holiday!