
Dear colleagues, 

First of all, it feels like about 1000mm of rain has come down over the city recently and mixed with heavy wind we really notice that the fall is upon us. A few important things have happened since the last newsletter came out, but could this give us a glimpse of sunshine? 

I would like to congratulate Sweden with the Nobel prize in medicine which went to Svante Pääbo (located at Max Planck Institute) for his work on mapping the genome of the Neanderthals! 

Another major happening was the state budget published on October 6, and it was interesting to see what was relevant for our sector. First of all, we were curious if an increase in the number of medical students to Bergen was mentioned. It was not, but 30 extra students were given to Tromsø.  As promised, they removed the ABE-cut which corresponds to more than 200 million, but this cut is replaced by another slightly bigger cut to support “new initiatives and re-prioritization within the higher education and research sector”. In addition, there will be a higher employer’s tax that could lead to an extra bill for us, but this is a bit unclear still. There is also an additional cut due to changes in traveling habits, about three times as much as for 2022. So, in short, we could unfortunately not find anything in the state budget that appears to improve our department economy. For the students, there was a suggestion in the state budget that students from outside EU/EØS/Switzerland must pay tuition fees for studying in Norway (Foreslår at utenlands­studenter må betale (khrono.no)).   

Regarding the state budget and the effect on the Norwegian Research Council, the council leaders indicate that “the Research Council will get the necessary time and flexibility so that no further measures are necessary now. The grants to the Research Council will be at a high and stable level going forward.” They further state that this means that it will be possible to apply for FRIPRO during the first half of 2023 and that the successful projects are awarded funding early in 2024. (Gode nyheter for Forsknings-Norge (forskningsradet.no)). However, no details have been announced yet. Nevertheless, you should have a look at the call for scientific renewal with a deadline in early February, where you can apply for research projects in certain categories, the most relevant for you is probably the health category (Forskerprosjekt for fornyelse (forskningsradet.no)). This call is also open for applications from young researchers. 

 When it comes to the revised long-term plan for research and higher education that also was put forward in the same period there were many interesting aspects. One is that the government will require that the Research Council award 25% of applications. It remains to see how this will be implemented when the budget is not increased. There will be a focus on facilitating so that researchers spend less time on applications, which I think in principle could be a good thing. The two main research missions that the government will focus on in this long-term plan are: 1. “sustainable feed: All feed for livestock and farmed fish must come from sustainable sources.” 2. “Include more children and young people in education, work and social life.”. These two goals are described as the two “moon landing projects” for this period (To nye «månelandinger» og mindre søknadsbyråkrati (khrono.no)). In this link you will also find other main goals and thematic priorities etc. Key words are strengthening innovation, sustainability, and high quality and availability in research and higher education. 

UiB are looking at ways to reduce the electric bill and one of the consequences is that the temperature will be set permanently to 21 degrees in all our offices and common area. The temperature in the laboratories will not be changed or affected. 

It seems like the fall is still upon us, but the fall can also be a nice and productive time of the year.

 I wish you all a great week! 


Energisparetiltak ved UiB

Universitetet i Bergen ligger an til svært høye strømregninger i inneværende, neste og kommende år. UiB har allerede iverksatt en rekke tiltak for å redusere energiforbruket for å gjøre universitetet klimanøytralt innen 2030. Dette er gjort gjennom å satse på målrettede tiltak som sjøvannsanlegg, solcellepanel og utvikling og oppgradering av bygg.
Universitetsledelsen orienterte universitetsstyret om de økte energikostnadene i møte 15/9. Styret ga universitetsledelsen fullmakt til å iverksette sparetiltak for å håndtere energikostnader på kort og lang sikt. UiB har også mottatt brev fra Kunnskapsdepartementet om å iverksette tiltak som gir effekt på kort og lang sikt.
Tiltakene som iverksettes har vært presentert for de tillitsvalgte og verneombud i Forhandlingsutvalget, studentene og har som forutsetning at de ikke skal gå utover kjernevirksomheten eller et forsvarlig arbeidsmiljø.
Eksempel på tiltak som iverksettes av alle enheter i dialog med lokal ledelse:
-Informere og motivere egne ansatte til å bidra slik at vi sammen kan redusere energiforbruket.
-Respektere driftstidene og at bygg blir stengt driftsmessig i helger, på kveldstid og i ferier.
-Bruke mindre varmtvann, fylle oppvaskmaskiner og autoklaver helt opp før start.
-Lukke dører og vindu, slå av lys, projektorer, skjermer etc når ikke i bruk.
-Optimaliserer bruken av rom.
Eksempel på tiltak som iverksettes:
-Redusere driftstider på ventilasjon i byggene med ca 10%.
-Senke innetemperatur (NB: ikke til under anbefalt grense).
-Stenge tekniske anlegg i bygg driftsmessig i ferier, spesielt viktig i den kalde årstiden.
-Redusere vanntemperatur i svømmebassenget til laveste anbefalte (26°C) og ventilasjon i svømmehallen tilsvarende.
Vennlig hilsen universitetsdirektør Robert Rastad
og rektor Margareth Hagen


Energy saving measures at UiB

The University of Bergen is facing very high electricity bills in the current, next and coming years. UiB has already implemented a number of measures to reduce energy consumption in order to make the university climate neutral by 2030. This has been done by focusing on targeted measures such as seawater systems, solar panels and development and upgrading of buildings.
The university management informed the university board about the increased energy costs in a meeting on 15/9. The board authorized the university management to implement cost-saving measures to manage energy costs in the short and long term. UiB has also received a letter from the Ministry of Education and Science about implementing measures that have an effect in the short and long term.
The measures being implemented have been presented to the shop stewards and safety representatives in the Negotiation Committee, the students and have as a prerequisite that they should not go beyond the core business or a proper working environment.
Example of measures implemented by all units in dialogue with local management:
-Inform and motivate our own employees to contribute so that we can reduce energy consumption together.
– Respect the operating hours and that the building is closed for operations at weekends, in the evenings and during holidays.
-Use less hot water, fill dishwashers and autoclaves completely before starting.
-Close doors and windows, switch off lights, projectors, screens etc when not in use.
-Optimizes the use of space.
Example of measures implemented:
-Reduce operating times for ventilation in the buildings by around 10%.
-Lower the indoor temperature (NB: not below the recommended limit).
-Close technical facilities in buildings operationally during holidays, especially important in the cold season.
-Reduce water temperature in the swimming pool to the lowest recommended (26°C) and ventilation in the swimming hall accordingly.
Sincerely, university director Robert Rastad
and rector Margareth Hagen


Nye antisklimatte i gym-rommet

Gymrommet i kjelleren vår har fått nye antisklimatter som holder deg på plass. Bare nyte det, men vennligst ikke søle kalk på matter når du trener ellers det blir vanskelig å holde mattene rene av renholdspersonell.


New non-slip matts in the gym room

Our gym room has gotten new non-slip pads to help you out during training. Enjoy them, but please be aware that they will be hard clean if spill gym chalk on them.



Utdanningsseminar onsdag 26. oktober: inspirere, aktivere, demonstrere, reflektere

Til alle ved IGS og de andre instituttene ved Det medisinske fakultet, også stipendiater, post docs og interesserte studenter: Velkommen til utdanningsseminar onsdag 26.10. kl 12-16 i Midgard, Alrek Helseklynge.
I 2021 kåret Det medisinske fakultet sine første seks «meritterte undervisere». Som mange vet er samtlige seks ansatt ved IGS. Dette er mer enn, og mye viktigere enn, en fjær i hatten. Det viser at vi er et universitetsmiljø med solid kvalitet, hvor vi skaper kunnskap både ved å forske, formidle og utdanne mennesker til å tenke selv. Studier av akademiske miljøer har vist at institutter som er opptatt av sin undervisning gjerne også har mer samhold, trivsel og produktivitet i forskningen. Man, kan nemlig ikke bygge gode utdanningsmiljøer uten lagspill, trygghet og vennlighet!
IGS har i mange år hatt halvårlige utdanningsseminarer for å inspirere, demonstrere og reflektere rundt måter å skape læring på. I høst er det våre egne meritterte undervisere som vil dele noen av sine erfaringer og metoder, og selvsagt innby til deltakeraktivitet som vi vet er nødvendig for å skape læring og nytenkning . I tillegg kommer Monika Kvernenes fra Enhet for læring for å presentere den rykende ferske læreboken i medisinsk pedagogikk, «Legers Læring».
Påmelding her: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=12574134

Event in Norwegian!

Erasmusseminaret for høyere utdanning 2022

Vi inviterer til Erasmusseminaret 2022 for universitets- og høgskulesektoren som arrangeres ved NTNU i Trondheim. Nedenfor kommer et foreløpig program som forhåpentligvis vil gi deg faglig inspirasjon, muligheter for erfaringsutveksling og gleden over å treffe kollegaer som du ikke har sett på lenge!
Trondheim,28. november kl. 19:00 til30. november kl. 15:00. Les mer og påmelding her: Erasmusseminaret for høyere utdanning 2022 (erasmuspluss.no)
Event in Norwegian!



Allergic Airway Inflammation Delays Glioblastoma Progression and Reinvigorates Systemic and Local Immunity in Mice.
Poli A, Oudin A, Muller A, Salvato I, Scafidi A, Hunewald O, Domingues O, Nazarov PV, Puard V, Baus V, Azuaje F, Dittmar G, Zimmer J, Michel T, Michelucci A, Niclou SP, Ollert M. Allergy. 2022 Oct 9. doi: 10.1111/all.15545. Online ahead of print.PMID: 36210648

Structural Characterization of Functionally Important Chloride Binding Sites in the Marine Vibrio Alkaline Phosphatase.
Markússon S, Hjörleifsson JG, Kursula P, Ásgeirsson B. Biochemistry. 2022 Oct 4. doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.2c00438. Online ahead of print.PMID: 36194497

BBB seminar

BBB seminar


 Linda Sandblad from Umeå University, Sweden will give a talk entitled “Cryo-electron microscopy methods to explore the nano-universe of cells and molecules”.


Position: Director of Umeå Centre for Electron Microscopy.
Research field: Cell biology, microbiology, biochemistry.
Main achievements: Linda Sandblad holds a PhD from (European Molecular Biology Laboratory) EMBL-Heidelberg and is currently a researcher at Umeå University. She has established the cryo-EM and electron tomography facilities as Director of Umeå Centre for Electron Microscopy. These achievements were awarded with a future five-year project for correlative cryo-EM method development, as a Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research – Research Infrastructure Fellow.
Seminar focus: This seminar will introduce cryo-EM sample preparation and instruments and give examples of projects and methods used for 3D image visualization of cells and molecules.


Thursday, October 20, 14:30


CCBIO seminar


 Ingeborg Tinhofer-Keilholz from Charité University Hospital Berlin will give a talk entitled “Advanced animal-free preclinical models for head and neck cancer”.


Position: Head Experimental Radiation Oncology Laboratory, Dept. of Radiooncology and Radiotherapy, Charité University Hospital Berlin.
Research field: Head neck squamous cell carcinoma; molecular mechanisms of resistance to radiotherapy, chemotherapy and targeted treatment; development of biomarkers for improved patient stratification and personalized treatment.
Main achievements: Tinhofer-Keilholz has published 124 scientific papers. She coordinates the research activities of the Charité Comprehensive Cancer Center Working Group Head and Neck Cancer. Since 2015, she is Translational Research Representative from the EORTC HNC Group and since 2020 she is member of the ESMO Faculty (HNC Group). She serves as reviewer for several high-impact journals including Lancet Oncology, Clinical Cancer Research, Annals of Oncology, and European Journal of Cancer.
Seminar focus: To describe the generation, advantages and limitations of advanced animal-free preclinical models for head and neck cancer; To present recent achievements from preclinical model studies with respect to biomarker development and therapeutic target identification.
Thursday, October 27, 14:30 



How to write competitive proposals for the ERC Consolidator and Advanced Grants

The competition for ERC Grants can be daunting, but UiB has many examples of researchers who have won and enjoy the academic freedom of an ERC grant. Find out how to best prepare your application with this digital workshop.
Digital course on Zoom, 08. November at 09:00 to14:30 and 09. November at 09:30 to11.30.
The Consolidator Grant stipend is for mid-career researchers (7-12 years after their PhD is defended) who would like to propose a groundbreaking and risky project that they could not finance anywhere else. Researchers with more than 12 years of experience are eligible to apply for the Advanced Grant.
Information and sign-up here: How to write competitive proposals for the ERC Consolidator and Advanced Grants | BOA | UiB
This course explains how to convey your research concept in a way that convinces both the ERC panel and your expert evaluators and maximizes your chance of success. On day one, ERC expert Mette Skraastad from Yellow Research will share information on how to develop a successful application. On day two, local experts provide further information about support available for applicants at UiB.



UiB Opp – kompetanseutvikling for eksternfinansiering og forskningsstøtte

UiB Opp er UiB sitt kompetanseprogram for å støtte opp under institusjonens økende behov for forskningsstøtte, og for kunnskap om eksternfinansiering knyttet til både forskning, utdanning og innovasjon. Programmet er åpent for ansatte som ønsker å utvikle seg innen feltene forskningsstøtte eller eksternfinansiering. BOA-teamet har ansvar for programmet.

UiB Opp1 – Innføringsprogram
UiB Opp2 – Videregående program
Sorry, links in Norwegian!

Introduksjonskurs om kjønnsperspektiver i forskingen

Kurset inviterer til refleksjon rundt hvordan analytiske kjønnsperspektiver kan integreres både i pågående forskning og i framtidig søknadsarbeid.
Parkveien 9, 7. november, 09.0016.00, Senter for kvinne- og kjønnsforsking. Inkludering av kjønnsperspektiver blir stadig viktigere for vurderingen av forskningens kvalitet – både for søknader og for selve forskningsresultatene. For eksempel har både Norges Forskningsråd og EU som målsetting at prosjektsøknader ikke bare skal ha kjønnsbalanse, men også at kjønnsperspektiver skal være en integrert del av prosjektets forskningsspørsmål, metode og analyse. Analytiske og tverrfaglige tilnærminger til kjønn kan dermed både bidra til å styrke en prosjektsøknad og til å gi nye innfallsvinkler som hever kvaliteten på forskningen. Informasjon og påmelding her: Ph.d.-stafett: Kjønnsperspektiver i forskning | Senter for kvinne- og kjønnsforskning | UiB, påmeldingsfrist 31.10. Dette kurset gir en innføring i kjønnspolitikken til eksterne finansieringskilder, og i hvordan kjønnsperspektiver kan integreres i PhD-kandidatenes avhandlingsarbeid og i eventuelle framtidige søknader.
Ph.d.-stafett: Kjønnsperspektiver i forskning
Etter kurset får hver kandidat 15 minutter til å presentere arbeidet sitt, fulgt av 15 minutter med diskusjon. Du kan enten presentere det overordnede prosjektet ditt, eller utvalgte kjønnsrelaterte problemer som gjør seg gjeldende i avhandlingen. Dette er en anledning til å få tilbakemeldinger fra erfarne kjønnsforskere så vel som andre deltakere.

Sorry, links in Norwegian!


Intelligente Bergen – kraftsenter for kunstig intelligens

Intelligente Bergen skal samle næringsliv, offentlig sektor, forskere og studenter i Bergen for å styrke og fremme vår regions posisjon som nasjonalt ledende innen forskning på og anvendelse av kunstig intelligens (AI). 4. november 2022, 09.0017.00, inviterer Universitetet i Bergen til konferansen «Intelligente Bergen – kraftsenter for kunstig intelligens». Sted: Universitetsaulaen, Muséplassen 3. Info og påmelding her: Intelligente Bergen – kraftsenter for kunstig intelligens | UiB AI | UiB.
Intelligente Bergen skal samle næringsliv, offentlig sektor, forskere og studenter i Bergensregionen for å få synliggjøre forskning på og anvendelse av kunstig intelligens (AI).
Konferansen utforsker nye samarbeidsmuligheter og åpner for dialog på tvers av fag og sektorer i regionen. Målet er å koble ulike aktører og vise hvordan kunstig intelligens brukes, studeres og utvikles ved en bredde av sektorer i regionen, med særlig fokus på bærekraft, helse og etikk.
Konferansen planlegges av UiB AI i samarbeid med Norwegian Cognitive CenterHelse Bergen og Bergen kommune.
Sorry, links in Norwegian!

Meld deg på søkerwebinar i høst

Skal du søke på ei av de store utlysingene våre for forskingsorganisasjoner i 2023? Også i haust held vi ei rekke tematiske webinar for deg som skal søke. I februar 2023 er det søknadsfrist for disse utlysingene: Forskerprosjekt for fornyelse, Forskerprosjekt for unge talenter, Samarbeidsprosjekt for å møte utfordringer i samfunn og næringsliv, Kompetansebyggende prosjekt for næringslivet
I fjor deltok om lag halvparten av søkerne våre i ett eller flere webinar. Ni av ti deltakere svarte oss i etterkant at dette hadde vert svært nyttig eller nyttig for utforminga av søknaden og prosjektbeskrivinga.
Vi legg sjølvsagt ut opptak i etterkant, men deltar du på tidspunktet, får du høve til å stille spørsmål til de som er ansvarlige for temaet i utlysinga. Aktuelle webinar for IBM:
25. oktober kl. 10–11: Maritim sektor
25. oktober kl. 13–14: Utdanning og kompetanse
31. oktober kl. 13–14: Nanoteknologi, mikroteknologi og avanserte materialer
1. november kl. 10–11: Global helse
Du kan melde deg på helt frem til webinaret er i gang.
Sorry, links in Norwegian!


Welcome to the Peder Sather Center 10 Year Anniversary

In 2012 eight Norwegian institutions joined forces and collaborated with UC Berkeley in establishing the Peder Sather Center for Advanced Studies. The primary mission of the center is to strengthen ongoing research collaborations and foster the development of new research collaborations between faculty at UC Berkeley and the participating Norwegian institutions.
More information: Peder Sather Center 10 Year Anniversary | Division of Research and Innovation | UiB
Each year a Peder Sather Grant is awarded to promising collaborative projects between faculty at UC Berkeley and Norway – across all disciplines. The celebrations will consist of a series of presentations from researchers at the Center, followed by a joint lunch and dinner for our guests in Berkeley. This is a great opportunity to learn more about how to use the Peder Sather grants and get to know some of the researchers from UC Berkeley from various disciplines.
Time: 26 October, 18.00 – 21.00 (Norway time)
Place: Digital / UC Berkeley


Plastic and plastic additives – impacts on human and environmental health

In collaboration with the Norwegian Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology (NSFT), the Plastics Network organizes the meeting “Plastic and plastic additives – impacts on human and environmental health” November 11. in Bergen, at 10:00-15:30. Information and sign-up here: «Plastic and plastic additives – impacts on human and environmental health» | Plastics network | UiB
The meeting will take place in Stort Auditorium, on the second floor in Datablokken, located at the High Technology Centre in Thormøhlens gate 55. It is also possible to attend digitally online over Zoom.
Researchers from various disciplines gather this day with a common focus on plastics challenges. The major topics are how plastic can impact both environmental and human health. Keynote speaker is Professor Juliette Legler from Utrecht University.



Congratulations to Sushil Dhakal, ICIS Student/Postdoc Members 1st author abstract presentations for Cytokines 2022 Hybrid Meeting topics. He presented the topic «Axl inhibition enhances type 1 interferon (ifn) response and potentiates chemo-immunotherapy». Please read more here: ICIS Student/Postdoc Member Travel Awards – Cytokines 2022 Hybrid 10th Annual Meeting of the International Cytokine & Interferon Society (cytokinesociety.org)



Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal

Funding is intended to support scientific renewal and development in research that can help to advance the international research front. This call is therefore targeted towards researchers who have demonstrated the ability to conduct research of high scientific quality. Which disciplines and research areas the call is open for, are specified under each thematic area and topic.
Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal (forskningsradet.no)
The call encompasses several topics. You can direct your application to one of these in the application form. You will find details about available funding and priorities for the selection of projects to receive funding under each topic.
This call does not include funding for the topic Ground-breaking research (FRIPRO). (We will publish information about the call for proposals for FRIPRO at a later date.) Please read the information about each topic carefully before you begin working on an application.
Please note that for some of the topics, the maximum amount of funding you can apply for may be lower than NOK 12 million. For the topics this applies to, the amount limit will be specified under the topic in question.
Application deadline 8. February 2023, 13:00.


EOSC-Life 3rd Training Open Call

This call is for training on topics relevant to EOSC-Life. Proposals can be submitted for funding to support the following activities (not mutually exclusive).
EOSC-Life Training Call Terms of Submission – EOSC-Life
– Development of new courses or other training activities. This would typically provide funding for personnel developing new training activities or adapting existing training to the needs of EOSC-Life; this could include face-to-face courses, e-learning courses, or stand-alone content such as video/podcast.
– Delivery of courses or other training activities. This would typically provide funding for venue related costs such as catering, and room rent and some support for the travel of trainers
– Capacity building. This would typically provide funding for any activity that supports expanding the reach of existing courses, shares best practice and knowledge exchange, and/or coordinates activities with other EOSC-related projects. This could include training new trainers or staff visits between Research Infrastructures. This could provide funding for venue related costs such as catering, and room rent or some support for travel.
With this Training open call EOSC-Life offers support without any restriction with respect to the training modality. Training courses can be face-to-face, online or blended courses. You don’t need to be EOSC-Life beneficiary to apply. In the past, funded projects requested a budget between 1,600 and 20,000 Euro. All events must run by July 2023. Submission deadline: 1 November 2022