
Dear colleagues, 

This will be the last newsletter before the summer holidays, so I would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for your great effort during the spring semester. We have delivered on all our key subjects: teaching, research, innovation and dissemination, even though we have significantly fewer employees in all categories compared to previous years. We have every reason to be proud of the job we have done! This goes for everybody, the technicians, administration, researchers, post docs, PhDs, lector, associate professors and professors. I would also like to include the master and forskerlinje students who are doing very important and impressive work. Finally, I would like to show my gratitude to the emeriti. They have contributed a lot more than one could expect and this is very impressive, inspiring and something I truly appreciate.  


I want to highlight that we are planning for an IBM day for all our employees august 19 at Scandic Hotel Ørnen. This is planned as a whole day event (08:30-15:00), so please reserve the date!  
The detailed program will come later, but the idea is to have a common session for the entire department the first part of the day with the main subjects being: status at the department, IT-security, the use of AI in our everyday work, organizing all our scientific equipment in the booking system and more.  
For the second half we’re planning for breakout sessions where we separate the PIs, PhDs/post docs/researchers, technicians and the administration. There will be tailored relevant subjects for each group. This will include: on-boarding, carrier development, HR assisted team building, AI specific subjects (how can I use AI to score my application according to reviewer guidelines and identify low scoring segments to improve? Can I use AI in the hiring process? What about in the exam work?), and more. 


I strongly encourage everybody to sign up unless you have a very good reason not to. This is an important day for us an department, both for the social aspect, to be updated on department status and plans and for building important competence. Please use this skjemaker form to register if you can attend or not: Påmeldingsskjema til Instituttets dag (IBM)/ Registration form for the IBM day (uib.no).
The deadline for registration is June 26. 

I wish you all a fantastic summer!


Uke 29 vil man ikke ha mulighet for å sende pakker ut grunnet ferieavvikling,
de andre ukene før og etter vil gå som normalt.

Week 29 there will not be possible to order shipments out due to the holidays.
Weeks prior and after will be as normal.

IBM day for all our employees

We are planning for an IBM day for all our employees august 19. at hotel Ørnen.
This is planned as a whole day event (08:30-15:00), so please reserve the date!
The detailed program will come later, but the idea is to have a common session for the entire department the first part of the day with the main subjects being: status at the department, IT-security, the use of AI in our everyday work, organizing all our scientific equipment in the booking system and more.
For the second half we’re planning for breakout sessions where we separate the PIs, PhDs/post docs/researchers, technicians and the administration. There will be tailored relevant subjects for each group. This will include: on-boarding, carrier development, HR assisted team building, AI specific subjects (how can I use AI to score my application according to reviewer guidelines and identify low scoring segments to improve? Can I use AI in the hiring process? What about in the exam work?), and more.
Please use the skjemaker form to register if you can attend or not: Påmeldingsskjema til Instituttets dag (IBM)/ Registration form for the IBM day (uib.no)
We strongly encourage everybody to sign up unless you have a very good reason not to. This is an important day for us an department, both for the social aspect, to be updated on department status and plans and for building important competence. The deadline for registration is June 26.
IBM day august 19. at hotel Scandic Ørnen

Snart ferietid – meld inn ferien din nå!

Hovedferien omfatter etter ferieloven 15 feriedager og skal avvikles i perioden 1. juni – 30. september.
Ved utløpet av denne perioden forventer UiB at alle ansatte har avviklet minst 15 feriedager.
Dersom du ikke har søkt om ferie ved å registrere det i Selvbetjeningsportalen ennå, er det fint om du gjør det nå.
Veiledning finner du her: https://dfo.no/kundesider/lonnstjenester/selvbetjeningsportalen/soke-om-fravaer-i-selvbetjeningsportalen.
Spørsmål? Kontakt Anita Garden.


Vacation Time is Approaching – please register your vacation now!

According to the Holiday Act, the main vacation period includes 15 vacation days and must be taken between June 1 and September 30.
By the end of this period, the University of Bergen expects that all employees have taken at least 15 vacation days.
If you have not yet applied for your vacation by registering it in the Self-Service Portal, please do so now.
Please find guidance for the Self-Service Portal registration here: https://dfo.no/en/attendance-and-absence#anchorTOC_Register_holidays_and_absence_8.
Questions? Please contact Anita Garden.

 Job advertisement in JobbNorge

We would appreciate if you could distribute this to any relevant potential applicants that you may know.
1-2 professor eller førsteamanuensis i biomedisin (264158) | Universitetet i Bergen (jobbnorge.no)
1-2 Professor or Associate Professor of Biomedicine (264158) | University of Bergen (jobbnorge.no)

Informasjon om bytte av passord

Grunnet et alvorlig sikkerhetsavvik hos vår leverandør Sikt – Kunnskapssektorens tjenesteleverandør (tidligere UNINETT), vil vi anbefale alle våre brukere som har fått nytt passord etter 2. april 2022 om å bytte passord.
UiB avdekket i forrige uke at nye passord blir logget i Sikt sine systemer hver gang brukere bytter passord. Sikt som leverer løsningen for passordbytte til UiB, opplyser at feilen nå er rettet og at alle passord er slettet fra loggene deres. Vi vurderer det som lite sannsynlig at passord er kommet på avveie, men det kan ikke utelukkes. Derfor anbefaler vi alle som har fått nye passord etter 2. april 2022 om å bytte passord.
Kontoene på UiB er i tillegg sikret med to-faktor og vi har gode varslingssystemer for å oppdage mistenkelige forsøk på pålogging. Derfor er det lav risiko for at uvedkommende får tilgang til kontoer på UiB. Samtidig vet vi at det er en tendens til at brukere benytter samme passord i ulike tjenester, selv om man fraråder dette. Passord endres på passord.uib.no. For informasjon se i hjelp.uib.no.
Vi beklager ulempen dette medfører, men ber om forståelse.
Med vennlig hilsen
Tore Burheim

Information regarding new passwords

Due to a severe security flaw at Sikt (Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research), we recommend all users who have changed their password since 2nd April 2022, change their password again.
UiB discovered last week that since 2nd April 2022 whenever a password was changed, the plaintext password was logged in a Sikt system. Sikt have now fixed this flaw and no longer write passwords to the log file. The passwords that were logged have now been deleted from all known locations.
While it is unlikely that the logged passwords have been the subject of a security breach it is impossible to confirm this one way or the other. Therefore, anyone who has changed their password between 2nd April 2022 and 12th June 2024 should now set a new password.
Many services at UiB are secured with two factor authentication. We have systems in place to discover suspicious logins. We continue to use these processes to discover security breaches. Due to this, we think there is a low risk of unauthorised access to UiB systems from this security flaw.
We also know that many people re-use passwords across many services including services outside UiB. If this is the case for you, you should change your password wherever you have used the same one you have set at UiB since 2nd April 2022.
Your password can be changed by visiting password.uib.no. If you need assistance, or for further information, please visit help.uib.no.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this situation and ask for your action and understanding while you change your password.
Vennlig hilsen/Best regards
Tore Burheim

Post i sommer

Internposten vil gå som normalt i hele sommer. Uke 29 vil man ikke ha mulighet for å sende pakker ut grunnet ferieavvikling,
de andre ukene før og etter vil gå som normalt.

Campus buss

Siste tur for campusbussen vil være fredag 5. juli. Den vil gå i normal rute igjen mandag 12. august.

Transport og materiell seksjonen

Materiell seksjonen avvikler ferie fra1.juli, og frem til første halvdel av august. Kun enkle monteringsoppdrag og transportoppdrag vil bli gjennomført i denne perioden. Større flyttinger som krever mer enn 2 personer må bestilles hos vår rammeavtalepartner Firstmovergroup. Kontaktdata Firstmovergroup: christopher.reistad@firstmovergroup.no Mobil: 970 02 290


Verktøy basert på kunstig intelligens i utdanning
Denne nettsiden gir en kort innføring i hva generativ kunstig intelligens er, og rammene rundt bruken av disse verktøyene ved UiB.
Bruken av språkmodellen ChatGPT og lignende tjenester har fått allmenn utbredelse siden lanseringen av ChatGPT seint i 2022. Generativ kunstig intelligens (KI) bringer med seg mange muligheter, men innebærer også noen utfordringer.

Verktøy basert på kunstig intelligens i utdanning | Ansattsider | UiB

HMS og velferd

UiB velferdstilbud – billetter, hytter, trening og mer

Velferd og leie av lokaler | Ansattsider | UiB

UiB welfare offers – tickets, cabins, training and more

Welfare | Employee Pages | UiB

Det medisinske fakultet har egen protokoll for stikk- og kuttskader
The medical faculty has its own protocol for cut and stick injuries


Comparing in vitro cytotoxic drug sensitivity in colon and pancreatic cancer using 2D and 3D cell models: Contrasting viability and growth inhibition in clinically relevant dose and repeated drug cycles.
Tidwell TR, Røsland G, Tronstad KJ, Søreide K, Hagland HR.Cancer Med. 2024 Jun;13(11):e7318. doi: 10.1002/cam4.7318.PMID: 38872378 Free PMC article.

Molecular mechanism of HNF-1A-mediated HNF4A gene regulation and promoter-driven HNF4A-MODY diabetes.
Kind L, Molnes J, Tjora E, Raasakka A, Myllykoski M, Colclough K, Saint-Martin C, Adelfalk C, Dusatkova P, Pruhova S, Valtonen-André C, Bellanné-Chantelot C, Arnesen T, Kursula P, Njølstad PR. JCI Insight. 2024 Jun 10;9(11):e175278. doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.175278.PMID: 38855865 Free article.

Disturbance in cerebral blood microcirculation and hypoxic-ischemic microenvironment are associated with the development of brain metastasis.
Roesler J, Spitzer D, Jia X, Aasen SN, Sommer K, Roller B, Olshausen N, Hebach NR, Albinger N, Ullrich E, Zhu L, Wang F, Macas J, Forster MT, Steinbach JP, Sevenich L, Devraj K, Thorsen F, Karreman MA, Plate KH, Reiss Y, Harter PN. Neuro Oncol. 2024 Jun 4:noae094. doi: 10.1093/neuonc/noae094. Online ahead of print.PMID: 38831719

Nanobodies against the myelin enzyme CNPase as tools for structural and functional studies.
Markusson S, Raasakka A, Schröder M, Sograte-Idrissi S, Rahimi AM, Asadpour O, Körner H, Lodygin D, Eichel-Vogel MA, Chowdhury R, Sutinen A, Muruganandam G, Iyer M, Cooper MH, Weigel MK, Ambiel N, Werner HB, Zuchero JB, Opazo F, Kursula P. bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2024 Jun 1:2024.05.25.595513. doi: 10.1101/2024.05.25.595513.PMID: 38826303 Free PMC article. Preprint.

Dynamic changes in immune cell populations by AXL kinase targeting diminish liver inflammation and fibrosis in experimental MASH.
Grøndal SM, Tutusaus A, Boix L, Reig M, Blø M, Hodneland L, Gausdal G, Jackson A, Garcia de Frutos P, Lorens JB, Morales A, Marí M. Front Immunol. 2024 May 16;15:1400553. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2024.1400553. eCollection 2024.PMID: 38817615 Free PMC article.

Dopamine synthesis and transport: current and novel therapeutics for parkinsonisms.
Tai MDS, Gamiz-Arco G, Martinez A. Biochem Soc Trans. 2024 May 30:BST20231061. doi: 10.1042/BST20231061. Online ahead of print.PMID: 38813865

Møter og kurs

Meet the European Research Council (ERC): Frontier Research in Norway

The University of Bergen (UiB) is proud to welcome the President and Scientific Council of the European Research Council (ERC) to Bergen. 
We extend an open invitation to the entire research community to participate in this open event in the University Aula, where you will have the opportunity to:
• Explore the significant role of excellent research in Norway and Europe through a panel dialogue featuring the ERC President, the President of the Norwegian Research Council and UiB’s Rector.
• Gain insight into the ERC’s perspectives, including trends, future developments, and principles guiding the work of the ERC Vice Presidents, across different research domains.
• Hear firsthand from ERC-funded researchers about their pioneering accomplishments and get invaluable insights into their journeys.  Learn how ERC grants can elevate your career and research with substantial funding opportunities for different career stages.
You are welcome to engage with ERC representatives, speakers and colleagues in plenary sessions and in the networking breaks and during lunch.
Please use this rare opportunity if you have the chance, and especially for those who plan to apply ERC now or the coming years.
Who will be there?
Maria Leptin, President, European Research Council
Oddmund Hoel, Minister of Research and Higher Education in Norway
Mari Sundli Tveit, President, The Research Council of Norway
Margareth Hagen, Rector, University of Bergen
Eystein Jansen, Vice-President, ERC and Professor, University of Bergen
Jesper Svejstrup – Vice-President for Life Sciences
And many more..
Please find the programme and practical information here:
Meet the European Research Council (ERC): Frontier Research in Norway | Research | UiB
Please register here – both for on-site and online participation. There is a limited number of seats.
26 June, 09.45–13.45 in the University Aula, Bergen

Division of Research and Innovation – events and courses

Norsk: Kommende arrangement for Forsknings- og innovasjonsavdelingen | Universitetet i Bergen (uib.no)
English: Upcoming events for Division of Research and Innovation | University of Bergen (uib.no)

University of Bergen Library – events and courses

Norsk: Kommende arrangement for Universitetsbiblioteket | Universitetet i Bergen (uib.no)
English: Upcoming events for University of Bergen Library | University of Bergen (uib.no)

Digital understanding, knowledge and competencies (DIGI) – staff and students

Norsk: Digital forståelse, kunnskap og kompetanse | Universitetet i Bergen (uib.no)
English: Digital understanding, knowledge and competence | University of Bergen (uib.no)

Se tematiske søkerkurs til frister i 2024 – NFR

Sjå opptak av søker webinar (forskningsradet.no)

Arrangementer Alrek

Arrangementer – Alrek (alrekhelseklynge.no)

Events – NFR
Norsk: Forskningsrådets arrangementer (forskningsradet.no)
English: Events (forskningsradet.no)
News – NFR

Norsk: Nyheter og pressemeldinger (forskningsradet.no)
English: News (forskningsradet.no)

Ph.d. og Post doc

Digital Life Norway – events

Digital Life Norway Research School offers courses and workshops which are accessible to candidates from all institutions nation-wide, and are organized with the purpose of enabling travelling participants to attend. Members who wish to attend the events below can apply for travel grants in order to have travel- and accommodation costs and course fees (where applicable) covered from the research school. You do not have to apply for a travel grant when attending the annual research school conference or workshops organized by DLN Research School.
See opportunities here: Digital Life Norway Research School

ReMO Webinar – The Power of Peers: Community in Academia

Postdoctoral researchers might change employers frequently, move internationally, handle a high workload, have family and friendship commitments in various parts of the world, and are enveloped in a system of competition. And yet they continue to create and maintain communities that are interdisciplinary, mixed-gender, and span languages and backgrounds.
This webinar explores the benefits of community among (postdoctoral) researchers, from the perspective of an independent coach who works with researchers and a researcher developer who heads a university’s PostDoc Office.
We will start by outlining common challenges postdocs face, give examples for community activities that have been beneficial, describe their impact, and give practical examples for people seeking to facilitate community (be it postdocs themselves or researcher developers). We will focus on a programme we run together: the PostDoc Peer Mentoring.
Online event: https://www.linkedin.com/events/remowebinar-thepowerofpeers-com7199804959251464192/
June 26, 2024 – 15:00-16:00

News from UiBdoc

Before we head off for the summer holidays, we have three exciting activities lined up to wrap up the semester!
Summer events – UiBdoc (wordpress.com)
Pre-Summer Party: We’re throwing a party!
Date: 21.06.24
Place: Smittbar
Stay tuned for more details!
Annual Meeting and Board Election: Join us for the annual meeting of UiBdoc and the election of our new board.
Date: 27.06.24
Time and Place: TBA
We’ve made great strides in connecting with the entire UiB community, and we’re excited to see new faces interested in joining our board for the next semester.
In addition, NHHdoc has set up a fun prediction game for the Euros (football) this summer! They’d love to have more people join the competition. If you’re interested, you can sign up here: NHHdoc – Home | kicktipp
Looking forward to seeing you all at these events! Best,Natalia on behalf of UiBdoc.

UiBdoc is a non-profit interest organization for PhDs, postdocs and other temporary scientific staff at UiB.
See events here: About – UiBdoc

News from international HR UiB

Newsletter: Newsletter – Summer 2024.pdf (uib.no)

UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers – events and courses

Upcoming events for UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers | University of Bergen
Newsletter:June 2024 (cloud.microsoft)

NorDoc course database – get ECTS

COURSES | nordoc (nordochealth.net)

ELIXIR Norway – see service offers for your project

SERVICES – Elixir Norway
For any inquiries, the ELIXIR Norway Helpdesk can be reached through: support@elixir.no

IT division – events and courses

IT division | University of Bergen (uib.no)


Nytt fra W4-prosjektet – Nye ansattsider UiB.no

Vi har i dag lansert oppdaterte ansattsider med tilhørende søk/filterside.  Se de nye sidene her: uib.no/finn-ansatte
Om de nye ansattsidene; I utgangspunktet teknisk oppgradering (fra Drupal 7 til 10); Ny inngangsside (Finn ansatte) med forbedrede søkemuligheter og resultatvisning; Nye ansattsider er i en ny visuell drakt, forbedret innholdsstruktur og tilpasset universell utforming; Forbedret visning av publikasjoner; Ansatte vil oppleve enklere redigering; Innholdet på dagens ansattsider blir migrert til nye; Info om ansatte vil fortsatt hentes fra DFØ og UiB tilgang; Publikasjoner vil fortsatt hentes fra CRIStin; Et nytt «Kort info»-felt som skal oppsummere hva du jobber med eller forsker på; Utgåtte elementer er kompetansefelt, CV, visittkort og dokumenter.
Vi oppfordrer alle til å benytte muligheten til oppdatering av personsiden sin. Ansatte har selv ansvar for å oppdatere sin egen side.
Slik logger du på egen ansattside:
-Finn ansattsiden din på uib.no/finn-ansatte/fornavn.etternavn og trykk på lenken “Rediger” som vises oppe i høyre hjørne. Eller:
-Gå til profile.uib.no og logg inn med Feide
-Sjekk at innholdet er oppdatert og godt skrevet.
Mer om hvordan du oppdaterer siden finner du i Webmanual som beskriver løsningen for ansattsidene. I overgangen til nye sider kan løsningen være ustabil, og det kan oppstå feil i visningen.
Trenger du hjelp til å oppdatere din side, ta kontakt med din lokale webkontakt. Dersom du finner noe som ikke fungerer som det skal i ny løsning, ta kontakt med Kommunikasjonsavdelingen i UiB hjelp. Du finner oss her: UiB hjelp – administrativ arbeidsstøtte – www.uib.no – “Kontakt oss om uib.no”

Forskningsmidler og mobilitet

INCP2 – Call for applications 2024

I samarbeid med University Grants Commission, India (UGC), lyser HK-dir ut midler til prosjektpartnerskap mellom høyere utdanningsinstitusjoner i Norge og partnerinstitusjoner i India. Man kan søke om inntil 2,8 millioner kroner og for en prosjektperiode på fire år. Oppstart må være senest 1. november 2024 og prosjektet må avsluttes innen 31. desember 2027. INCP2-prosjekter skal bygge videre på og utfylle allerede eksisterende forskningssamarbeid mellom India og Norge, og kan etableres innen følgende fagområder; Democracy and a rules-based world order; Education; The Ocean; Arctic/polar research; Clean Energy; Climate and environment; Urban planning and development; Health, including global and public health, biotechnology, and the medical sciences; Information technology and security.
Lenke til HK-dirs nettside, der man også finner full utlysningstekst: Indo-Norwegian Cooperation Programme in Higher Education and Research – INCP2 – Call for applications 2024 | HK-dir (hkdir.no).
Fagmiljø som planlegger å søke kan gjerne ta kontakt med BOA for utdanning ved spørsmål om utlysningen/veiledning – og vi ber da om en snarlig tilbakemelding. Kontaktpersoner: Katrine Moland Hansen og Elin Berge Flo
Søknadsfrist: 13. august 2024 kl. 15.00

Utlysing – Avanserte kliniske kreftstudier

I samarbeid med Trond Mohns forskningsstiftelse (TMF) lanserer Haukeland universitetssjukehus (HUS) nå et forskingsprogram for avanserte kliniske kreftstudier
Utlysing – Avanserte kliniske kreftstudiar – Helse Bergen HF (helse-bergen.no)
Søknadsfristen for innlevering av skisse og steg 1 pre-kvalifisering er 15. august.
Søknadsfrist er 10. januar 2025 for inviterte til å sende full søknad til TMF.

Announcement of Research program in Women’s Health

Faculty of Medicine at the University of Bergen, together with Helse Bergen and Trond Mohn Research Foundation (TMF), announces a Research program in Women’s Health.
Announcement of Research program in Women’s Health | Faculty of Medicine | UiB
Please read the details about the application.

Til demensforskere og andre interesserte

Nasjonalforeningen for folkehelsen er en frivillig, humanitær organisasjon som jobber med folkehelse, forskning på hjerte- og karsykdommer og demens, og er interesseorganisasjon for personer med demens og deres pårørende.
Gjennom vårt demensforskningsprogram er det nå anledning til å søke om:
– Postdoktorstipend
– Driftsstøtte og/eller nettverksstøtte
Søknader sendes inn via vår søknadsportal. Søknadsfrist: Mandag 2. september 2024 kl. 10.00.


Novo Nordisk Prize 2025

The Novo Nordisk Prize recognizes an active scientist who has provided outstanding international contributions to advance medical science for the benefit of people’s lives. The Prize is intended to award and further support biomedical research in Europe.
Call closes 14 August 2024

Forskerforbundets hjernekraftpris 2024

Alle medlemmer av Forskerforbundet kan nominere alle andre medlemmer av forbundet til «Forskerforbundets hjernekraftpris».
Frist for nominasjon er 1. september 2024. Les mer her: https://www.forskerforbundet.no/om-forskerforbundet/hjernekraftprisen/forskerforbundets-hjernekraftpris-2024

Horizon mission cancer
Accessible and affordable tests to advance early detection of heritable cancers in European regions HORIZON-MISS-2024-CANCER-01-03.
 ​​Improving the understanding and management of late-effects in adolescents and young adults (AYA) with cancer HORIZON-MISS-2024-CANCER-01-05. If these topics sound interesting, please contact the research advisers at MED for advise on how to build or join a consortium and apply: Application Support for External Funding | Faculty of Medicine | UiB

Application Deadline: 18 September 2024 

Centre for Advanced Study
Centre for Advanced Study (CAS)
Young CAS Grant –  application deadline June 11. and November 11. 2024.
CAS Research Grant – Application deadline October 18. 2024.
Se også her:CAS-flyer_2024_digital

Procedure when applying for funding at Department for Biomedicine

If you plan to apply for external funding, please always send a short notice no later than 1 month before to the Department administration:
Plans for external funding (Department of Biomedicine) (uib.no)
For applications for international funds (EU, EEA, others) you will need approval from the Head of the Department and the University’s division of research- and innovation.
Fill in this short statement (PDF) and send it to the Department administration: Anita.Garden@uib.no

Stay informed with the latest updates on research politics
Welcome to Science|Business | Science|Business (sciencebusiness.net)
Financial support for stays abroad
MED: Financial support for stays abroad for PhD candidates and Postdoctoral Fellows | Faculty of Medicine | UiB
NFR: Funding for Research Stays Abroad for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellows (forskningsradet.no)
Calls for Erasmus+
Tilskuddsutlysninger | HK-dir (erasmuspluss.no)
UiB Opp – kompetanseutvikling for eksternfinansiering og forskningsstøtte
Se UiB Opp kurs her: UiB Opp – kompetanseutvikling for eksternfinansiering og forskningsstøtte | Støtte til eksternfinansierte prosjekter (BOA) | UiB


Nyhetsbrev fra Institutt for Biomedisin
Bilder er enten fra UiB.no eller www.freepik.com
Publisert hver tredje uke
Ansvarlig redaktør: Frode Berven
Redaktør: Anne Mette Søviknes