BBB seminar
Linda Sandblad from Umeå University, Sweden will give a talk entitled “Cryo-electron microscopy methods to explore the nano-universe of cells and molecules”.
Position: Director of Umeå Centre for Electron Microscopy.
Research field: Cell biology, microbiology, biochemistry.
Main achievements: Linda Sandblad holds a PhD from (European Molecular Biology Laboratory) EMBL-Heidelberg and is currently a researcher at Umeå University. She has established the cryo-EM and electron tomography facilities as Director of Umeå Centre for Electron Microscopy. These achievements were awarded with a future five-year project for correlative cryo-EM method development, as a Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research – Research Infrastructure Fellow.
Seminar focus: This seminar will introduce cryo-EM sample preparation and instruments and give examples of projects and methods used for 3D image visualization of cells and molecules.
Thursday, October 20, 14:30
CCBIO seminar
Ingeborg Tinhofer-Keilholz from Charité University Hospital Berlin will give a talk entitled “Advanced animal-free preclinical models for head and neck cancer”.
Position: Head Experimental Radiation Oncology Laboratory, Dept. of Radiooncology and Radiotherapy, Charité University Hospital Berlin.
Research field: Head neck squamous cell carcinoma; molecular mechanisms of resistance to radiotherapy, chemotherapy and targeted treatment; development of biomarkers for improved patient stratification and personalized treatment.
Main achievements: Tinhofer-Keilholz has published 124 scientific papers. She coordinates the research activities of the Charité Comprehensive Cancer Center Working Group Head and Neck Cancer. Since 2015, she is Translational Research Representative from the EORTC HNC Group and since 2020 she is member of the ESMO Faculty (HNC Group). She serves as reviewer for several high-impact journals including Lancet Oncology, Clinical Cancer Research, Annals of Oncology, and European Journal of Cancer.
Seminar focus: To describe the generation, advantages and limitations of advanced animal-free preclinical models for head and neck cancer; To present recent achievements from preclinical model studies with respect to biomarker development and therapeutic target identification.
Thursday, October 27, 14:30