Civitan Norway’s Research Fund for Alzheimer’s disease
Stipendmidler for forskning på Alzheimers sykdom – Civitan i Norge
Up to NOK 400.000,- (one can apply on all or part of the sum). Deadline: 1. April 2023.
The Michael J. Fox Foundation (Parkinson´s Disease)
Lysosomal Biomarkers Program | Parkinson’s Disease (
To develop, optimize and validate biomarkers related to lysosomal function, protein clearance and lipid homeostasis. Up to $350,000, 12-24 months. Pre-proposals deadlinf January 17.
Parkinson’s Disease Therapeutics Pipeline Program | Parkinson’s Disease (
To accelerate the path of the therapeutic pipeline towards clinical results through the support of ambitious and scientifically robust pre-clinical studies aiming at developing and testing treatments and interventions that can address the unmet needs of people with PD. Amount: flexible, up to 24 months. Read more about several deadlines on the webpage.
Novo Nordisk – grants in open competition
If you wish to apply for a grant at the Novo Nordisk Foundation, browse through our open competition calls for applications below to find the call that fits the purpose and idea of your project.
Grant Overview – Novo Nordisk Fonden
Mobility seminar for researchers
Are you planning a research stay outside Norway? This seminar will help you with your planning.
Mobility seminar for researchers | International Centre | UiB
Zoom 16.02.2022 – 12.00 – 14.00
EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) Fellowships
EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) Fellowships
Innovators in Science Award – cancer Immunology
To draw attention to the increasing global cancer burden, the 2024 Innovators in Science Award will recognize scientists from around the globe for their exceptional research in Cancer Immunology. Cancer remains the second leading cause of death worldwide, exacerbated by the difficulty in progressing novel therapeutics from the research lab to the clinic.
Innovators in Science Award | The New York Academy of Sciences (
Your institution is invited to nominate one (1) promising Early-Career Scientist and one (1) outstanding Senior Scientist conducting research in Cancer Immunology as candidates for the 2024 Innovators in Science Award. The nomination period begins February 1, 2023 and ends March 31, 2023.
Program for økt studentmobilitet 2023 – utvalgte profesjonsutdanninger
Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse lyser ut 65 millioner kroner i tilskudd til prosjekter som skal utvikle og prøve ut tiltak for å øke andelen studenter som tar studie- og praksisopphold i utlandet.
Program for økt studentmobilitet 2023 Utvalgte profesjonsutdanninger (
Søknadsfrist: 22. mai 2023
Research Council of Norway – upcoming courses and events
Events (
Innovation relevant funding possibilities
Researchers at the Faculty of Medicine can apply for funding to support research with innovative potential from national and international sources. Innovation relevant funding possibilities | Faculty of Medicine | UiB
Who does What? LCP – Local Contact Points and BOA experts
Overview of advisors in the BOA (Norwegian: Bidrags- og Oppdragsfinansiert Aktivitet) team with responsibility for information and work support for various research, education and innovation programs.
Who does What? LCP – Local Contact Points and BOA experts | BOA | UiB
Project Establishment Support (PES)
The PES scheme is designed to relieve the cost burden related to the preparation of project proposals to Horizon Europe.
Project Establishment Support (PES) | Employee Pages | UiB
Planning EU funding application – investigate results in EU projects and find collaboration
The Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS) is the European Commission’s primary source of results from the projects funded by the EU’s framework programmes for research and innovation.
About CORDIS | CORDIS | European Commission (
Strategi for persontilpasset medisin
Regjeringen har kommet med en revidert utgave av sin strategi på persontilpasset medisin. Dere finner dokumentet i lenken her: Strategi for persontilpasset medisin –