How to write a competitive CV for the Industry?
Employers in both the public and private sectors want employees with a broad range of skills. It is the job of the applicants to explain why their experience and skills are not only relevant, but desirable for the employer.
Writing a CV is therefore not just a listing of everything you have in terms of education and work experience. A CV should show that you have the right combination of skills needed to carry out the tasks described in the position. Information and sign up here: How to write a competitive CV for the Industry? | UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers | UiB
The course is designed for early-stage researchers who are curious about sector mobility.
05.05.2023 – 09.00–11.00, UiB Ferd Career Center for early-stage Researchers, Museplass 2, 2.
Healthy Working Habits: Time Management and Writing Motivation
Many researchers, at all career stages but especially early on, struggle with finding enough time to do everything. We work too much, we neglect our lives, we get burnt out – and we lose the passion for research that got us started. How do we develop healthy working habits and how can they renew a sustainable, positive relationship to our work?
Information and sign-up here: Healthy Working Habits: Time Management and Writing Motivation | UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers | UiB
This course will cover topics that deeply affect all researchers in and outside academia, and also transfer to other careers: time management and writing motivation. All disciplines and career stages are welcome.
27.04.2023 – 09.00–11.30, Ulrike Phils hus, Rom Aktiv 2, i Professor Keysersgate 1
UiB Opp Module 2.10 Posisjonering og langsiktig EU-arbeid
Du vil i kurset lære mer om EU, hvordan man kan jobbe for å påvirke politikk og programmer. Introduksjon til EU, EØS og Norsk programdeltakelse. Utforming og påvirkning av EUs forskning og innovasjonspolitikk.
For å bygge nettverk og påvirke må man være synlig – hvordan bli synlig?
Påmelding og informasjon her: UiB Opp 2.10 Posisjonering og langsiktig EU-arbeid | Støtte til eksternfinansierte prosjekter (BOA) | UiB
Det blir arrangert 10. mai 2023, kl. 9-12, i FIA sine lokaler i Jekteviksbakken 31, 2. etg.
UiB Opp 2.14 Åpen vitenskap (Open Science)
Da er det satt opp et nytt kurs i åpen vitenskap. Kursholder er Kjersti Hasle Enerstvedt fra UB. For påmelding og mer informasjon
Det blir arrangert 16. mai 2023, kl. 9-12, i FIA sine lokaler i Jekteviksbakken 31, 2. etg.