Ph.d. og Postdoc

The new UiBdoc board is from the medical faculty

The 2022-2023 UiBdoc board has finished its term and we are happy to introduce the members of the newly elected board:
Muntequa Ishtiaq Siraji, Department of Biomedicine, President
Valentyn Oksenych, Department of Clinical Science, Vice President
Natalia Fiesco Arango, Department of Clinical Dentistry, Newsletter/social media manager
Robin Mzati Sinsamala, Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, Treasurer

After summer we will announce fun and social activities arranged by UiBdoc.
This is a great opportunity to network with friends and experience Bergen with fellow PhDs from all of UiB.
UiBdoc | Bergen | Facebook

Newsletter from the team at the International Centre

Newsletter -Summer 2023
To subscribe to the newletter e-mail:

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