
Research Day at the Faculty of Medicine – 26. September

The Research Day will be an annual arena where researchers from the Faculty’s five institutes showcase their research, build good collaborations and new alliances. We want to get to know both the established groups and new and young researchers.The program is varied, with lectures, discussion rounds and innovative forms of co-creation. Please read all about it here: Research Day at the Faculty of Medicine | Faculty of Medicine | UiB
Poster competition
PhD candidates are invited to participate in the poster competition. The winner will be awarded NOK 30.000 NOK to use for travel to an international conference, workshop, or course. Candidates apply for participation in the poster competition here: Søknad om deltakelse i posterkonkurransen / Application for admission to the poster competition (uib.no) no later than 25 August.
EITRI, Haukelandsbakken 31, 26. September, 09.3015.00


Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products – Capacity Mapping

Together with EATRIS Norway, the Faculty of Medicine will hold this first event to map the capacities for ATMP at the University of Bergen and Haukeland University Hospital.
The EATRIS ATMP platform offers over 44 state-of­-the-­art European centres, covering the entire ATMP production and development pipeline.
Norway, Sweden and Finland are considering building a Nordic EATRIS ATMP hub with the aim to accelerate the translation of ATMPs into patient benefits by connecting the Nordic capacities and capabilities in the ATMP development process.
This event is an opportunity to showcase research and innovation in ATMP, expanded network of contacts, common events, and potential research projects in the future. It gives you the unique possibility to have an impact from the start. A light lunch will be served.
Sign up: Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products – Capacity Mapping | Faculty of Medicine | UiB
31.08.2023 – 11.0013.00
Armauer Hansens Hus, 4. etasje, styrerommet


Alrekdagene 2023, 20 – 22. september

Da er det tradisjon! På tredje år på rad blir det arrangert Alrekdager i tilknytning til Forskningsdagene i Bergen. Vi gleder oss til innlegg og diskusjoner rundt utfordringer som vi best løser på tvers! Alrekdagene er åpen for alle, og primært innrettet mot ansatte, studenter og brukere tilknyttet partnerne i Alrek helseklynge. Alrekdagene 2023 | Det medisinske fakultet | UiB
Programkomiteen for årets Alrekdager er godt i gang. Vi beholder populære konsepter som temadag i kino, frokost- og lunsjsamtaler og forskningsnatt om dagsaktuelt tema. I år som i fjor organiserer vi også arbeidslivstorg for studentene – med relevante speedkurs!
Nytt er at vi tester ut workshop på ulike samfunnsutfordringer med et blikk mot utlysninger av midler. Vi kommer også til å pilotere interessen for korte webinarer til helsepersonell, som de kan se og delta i der de jobber, mens de får en matbit på døren.
Påmelding og program: Alrekdagene 2023 – Alrek (alrekhelseklynge.no)
Alrek helseklynge, Årstadveien 17, 20 – 22. september


Long-Term Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Society

The Pandemic Centre presents a one-day international conference on the long-term consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and lessons learned. Join us as we explore the enduring impacts of the pandemic on various aspects of life and discuss ways to improve preparedness in its aftermath.
Long-Term Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Society | Pandemisenteret | UiB
Scandic Bergen City 27th of October, 09.0017.00


Open Call for Proposals – Virtual Research Institute

This is an invitation for outstanding experts in the field of medical biotechnology to evaluate the applications of the research projects submitted in the third  #VirtualResearchInstitute Łukasiewicz – PORT : Overview | LinkedIn(WIB) competition managed by Łukasiewicz Research Network PORT Polish Center for Technology Development.
Virtual Research Institute (port.org.pl)
For more info: elzbieta.szlauer@port.lukasiewicz.gov.pl  or Marek Wagner Marek, marek.wagner@uib.no


The World Expo of Synthetic Biology – iGEM Grand Jamboree

Read more about the meeting here: iGEM Grand Jamboree in Paris 
2-5 November, 2023 Paris Expo – Porte de Versailles


Cell symposia: Molecular mechanisms and integrative physiology of obesity

Home – Cell Symposia: Molecular Mechanisms and Integrative Physiology of Obesity (cell-symposia.com)
October 13–15, 2023, Shanghai, China


Velkommen til Panoramaseminaret 2023

Velkommen til Panoramaseminaret 2023, som finne sted 12. og 13. september i Oslo. Seminaret tar for seg muligheter og utfordringer i akademisk samarbeid med landa som er omfatta av Panoramastrategien: Canada, Brasil, India, Japan, Kina, Russland, Sør-Afrika, Sør-Korea og USA.
Les mer og meld deg på. Påmeldingsfrist: 1. september 2023.
Panoramaseminaret 2023 | HK-dir (hkdir.no)
12. og 13. september i Oslo


Winds of Change and Streams of Solidarity

The University of Bergen, in cooperation with international partners, invites you to the conference Winds of Change and Streams of Solidarity: Latin America, the Caribbean, and Europe in the 21st Century in the University Aula, 4-5 September 2023.
Read the main page here: Winds of Change and Streams of Solidarity | Research | UiB
The conference aims to focus on the overall common possibilities and challenges for Latin America, the Caribbean, and for Europe in the foreseeable future. The academic committee for the conference has selected four interlinked themes of particular interest for discussion and analysis with water as a transversal theme. In alphabetical order these are:
(a) culture and arts,
(b) democracy,
(c) environment and technology,
(d) health
The conference will gather academics, practitioners, policymakers, civil society, and other stakeholders, trying to advance the conversation, the knowledge and the insight in order to find joint solutions to common questions. We are counting on the presence of all the nine Latin American and Caribbean embassies in Norway: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, El Salvador, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela.
University Aula, 4-5 September 2023.