
Dear colleagues, 

Spring is upon us, a period that symbolizes a time of growth and hope. Our potential and hope for growth in research lies in leveraging our opportunities for external funding. Much like the natural world awakening around us this time of year, we must be awake and ready for the relevant calls ahead of us! 

The Norwegian Cancer Society open call is coming up now, with deadline 28 May 2024. The call is not published yet but will be soon. We have had a steep decline in terms of the number of submitted applications from IBM the last years. So, I encourage everybody that is eligible and working with cancer research relevant to this call to apply this year.  

The Research Council has announced that the call for Centre for Excellence Scheme (SFF-VI) will be published in spring 2025. It will be a two-step application process. The first application deadline is at the end of 2025, while the deadline for Phase II applications is planned for autumn 2026. The awards are scheduled to be made at the end of 2027. The Research Council will hold an open information meeting about the call during spring 2024, and there are also plans for applicant webinars once the call has been published. The faculty has developed a form where researchers are asked to describe the theme of the initiative and which partners might be considered to join the center. You will find the form at this link. 


The internal deadline for submitting initiatives to the faculty through this link is set for May 15, 2024. The University of Bergen will allocate earmarked incentive funds, which will be distributed in two rounds, the first round being in the spring of 2024. SFF is a great opportunity for long term funding, either as coordinator or as participant. The competition will of course be tough, so I encourage you to actively seek partners for this call already now to be in a good position when the call is out.  

Please visit this website regularly to obtain updated information about external research funding calls: Application Support for External Funding | Faculty of Medicine | UiB 

The Faculty Day 2024 will be held on Wednesday, April 17th at 9 am in the auditorium of Armauer Hansen’s building – please reserve the time.