
Dear all,
Finally, spring arrived with summer temperatures in time for the public holidays in May and the National Constitution Day celebration on May 17.
Spring is also a time for several interesting scientific events.
Already taken place:
– April 10, NSB held its 2024 symposia at BBB with interesting short talks by young scientist from the Sars centre, the Biology department, Pluvia and IBM. Rodolfo Baldinotti and Øyvind Strømland  represented IBM with very well-presented talks about nano-based detection of endogeneous Arc-Arc-complexes in hippocampal neurons and the role of PARP14 in mono-ADP-ribosylation, respectively.
– May 14-15, CCBIO arranged its annual symposium at Solstrand, with a full program centered around different aspects of cancer and cancer treatment.
– May 21, opening of a center for women’s health research in Bergen (Driv, https://www.uib.no/driv) at Etri.
– May 23, the newly appointed Honorary Doctor at UiB Dr. Alberto Ascherio held his Honorary Doctorate Lecture at BBB. Alberto Ascherio showed that there is a link between MS and the Epstein Barr virus. In collaboration with researchers at UiB, he hopes that the next step will be to develop a vaccine against the disease.
Coming up:
– June 2-3, Alzheimer’s Symposium: Spotlighting the Challenges and Advancements in Translational Work on Alzheimer’s Disease Models at Solstrand organized by Hongyu Zhang, Synaptic Plasticity Research Group. More info is found here: https://www.uib.no/en/rg/synplast/170478/alzheimers-symposium-spotlighting-challenges-and-advancements-translational-work
– June 10, the departmental summer get together will take place at BBB between 14:00 and 16:00. Please save the time! Deadline for registration for the  departmental summer get together party is Thursday June 6th. 12PM. The registration form is found here: Påmeldingsskjema til IBMs sommersammenkomst / Registration form for the departments summer get together (uib.no)
– June 18, 09.00-14.30, the second joint research day for the different departments at the Faculty of Medicine at Eitri. Please save the date! This year the theme is: knowledge valorization at the intersection of climate, environment, and health. More info is found here: https://www.uib.no/en/med/167986/2nd-research-day-faculty-medicine
Registration is found here: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=17055324 Deadline May 28.
We are near the end of the spring semester, and many of us are busy with preparation of exams and/or writing grant applications.  Applications to the Norwegian Cancer Society must be sent in before Tuesday May 28, 13.00. Wish you the best of luck with your grant application/s.