
Dear colleagues, 

This will be the last newsletter before the summer holidays, so I would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for your great effort during the spring semester. We have delivered on all our key subjects: teaching, research, innovation and dissemination, even though we have significantly fewer employees in all categories compared to previous years. We have every reason to be proud of the job we have done! This goes for everybody, the technicians, administration, researchers, post docs, PhDs, lector, associate professors and professors. I would also like to include the master and forskerlinje students who are doing very important and impressive work. Finally, I would like to show my gratitude to the emeriti. They have contributed a lot more than one could expect and this is very impressive, inspiring and something I truly appreciate.  


I want to highlight that we are planning for an IBM day for all our employees august 19 at Scandic Hotel Ørnen. This is planned as a whole day event (08:30-15:00), so please reserve the date!  
The detailed program will come later, but the idea is to have a common session for the entire department the first part of the day with the main subjects being: status at the department, IT-security, the use of AI in our everyday work, organizing all our scientific equipment in the booking system and more.  
For the second half we’re planning for breakout sessions where we separate the PIs, PhDs/post docs/researchers, technicians and the administration. There will be tailored relevant subjects for each group. This will include: on-boarding, carrier development, HR assisted team building, AI specific subjects (how can I use AI to score my application according to reviewer guidelines and identify low scoring segments to improve? Can I use AI in the hiring process? What about in the exam work?), and more. 


I strongly encourage everybody to sign up unless you have a very good reason not to. This is an important day for us an department, both for the social aspect, to be updated on department status and plans and for building important competence. Please use this skjemaker form to register if you can attend or not: Påmeldingsskjema til Instituttets dag (IBM)/ Registration form for the IBM day (uib.no).
The deadline for registration is June 26. 

I wish you all a fantastic summer!