New students on the Master’s programme
The new students on the Master’s programme of Biomedical sciences will be looking for projects this autumn and spring. We are therefore collecting project descriptions for them. The timeline of the projects is from June/august 2023 to June 2024.
Last year we invited all potential supervisors to a “Master’s Day” where they had a 5 minute brief presentation of themselves and their project. After all the presentations we had a mingle session where supervisors and students could meet. We have received very positive feedback from this, and we will arrange this again in late November or the beginning of December this year.
Please send your project to or by the 14th of October. We will distribute all the projects to the students by the second half of October. The students can then approach the supervisors of the projects they are interested in. We ask you to not formally sign on a student to the master’s project before the 10th of December. This is because of several reasons:
-For the students to have time to find out more about the projects and meet with the supervisors they are interested in.
-The projects are available a short time before the presentation at the “Master’s Day” at the end of the BMED320 projects so that the students know more about methods and the research carried out at the Department (and Faculty).
-So you can evaluate each of the students approaching you.
We also ask you to hand in the Master’s agreement 14 days after you have formally signed on a student, so the study section know which projects are available after December. The students have until 1st of June next year to submit the master’s agreement. Thus, students might contact you after December too.Please let me know if you have any questions about taking on a master student.
Best, Siri Tangen Aaserud, Master coordinator.
VIKTIG! Frister for innkommende gjestestudenter ved UiB
Planlegger du å ta imot gjestestudenter i vår? Eller kommer studentene til neste høst? Uansett er det essensielt å ikke glemme UiBs sentrale opptaksfrister:
Vårsemesteret 2023 (januar-juni): 15. oktober (2022)
Høstsemesteret 2023 (juli-desember): 01. mai (2023)
Fristene gjelder alle typer studenter, enten de er Erasmus Traineeship-studenter, eller andre typer innreisende gjestestudenter.
Det er ekstremt viktig at disse fristene blir overholdt, for ellers vil ikke studentene få tilgang til bygget, offisiell studentstatus i Norge, etc. For å være helt sikker på at papirarbeidet blir fulgt opp ordentlig og fristene overholdt, vennligst ta kontakt med internasjonal studentkoordinator Stian Krog ( eller i god tid før fristenes respektive utløp. Uten administrativ forankring vil studentopphold ikke bli godkjente, og UiB får heller ingen studiepoeng for uautoriserte studenter som dukker opp, så det er svært viktig at Studieadministrasjonen blir koblet på tidlig, og er med under hele prosessen.
IMPORTANT! Deadlines for incoming guest students at UiB
Are you planning on receiving guest students this spring? Or will you have students visiting next fall? Regardless, it is essential not to forget UiB’s central admission deadlines:
Spring semester 2023 (January-June): 15 October (2022)
Fall semester 2023 (July-Desember): 01 May (2023)
The deadlines apply to all types of students, whether they are Erasmus Traineeship students, or other types of incoming guest students.
It is extremely important that these deadlines are respected, otherwise the students will not get access to the building, official student status in Norway, etc. To be sure that the paperwork is being followed up properly and the deadlines respected, please contact international student coordinator Stian Krog ( or in due time before the respective deadlines expire. Without administrative anchoring, any student stays will not be approved, and UiB will get no ECTS for unauthorized students showing up, so it is highly important that the Section of Academic Affairs gets in the loop early, and stays connected throughout the entire process.
Erasmus+ er EUs program for utdanning, opplæring, ungdom og idrett.
Best i Norge på studentutveksling (
Det er verdens største utdanningsprogram, med et budsjett på 28,8 milliarder euro for perioden 2021-2027. Erasmus+ har tre hovedtiltak: Mobilitet, Partnerskap for samarbeid, Støtte til politikkutvikling
Les mer om mulighetene i programmet på vår ressursside.
I Norge er det Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse og Barne-, ungdoms- og familiedirektoratet som er nasjonalkontor for Erasmus+ og som sørger for mobilisering til programmet og tildeling av de nasjonale midlene.
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Gjennom Nordplus kan du søke økonomisk støtte til ulike former for samarbeid om utdanning i Norden og Baltikum. Søknadsfrist for forberedende besøk er 3. oktober 2022, neste hovedutlysning har søknadsfrist 1. februar 2023.
Les mer her: Nordplus (
Søknadsfrist: 3. oktober 2022 innen kl 23:59