Fakultetets dag i 2023
Fakultetets dag i 2023 blir 19. april kl 9-12 med etterfølgende lunch. Der får du anledning til å treffe kollegaer fra andre institutt og ikke minst høre de som har vunnet ulike priser. ChatGPT, utfordringer og muligheter står også på programmet.
Les om programmet her: Møt våre beste – Fakultetets dag 2023 | Det medisinske fakultet | UiB
Faculty Day in 2023
The faculty’s day in 2023 will be 19 April from 9 am to 12 noon with a subsequent lunch. There you will have the opportunity to meet colleagues from other departments and, not least, hear from those who have won various awards. ChatGPT, challenges and opportunities are also on the programme. Please read aboute the programme here: Møt våre beste – Fakultetets dag 2023 | Det medisinske fakultet | UiB
Gledelige nyheter fra bedriftshelsetjenesten (BHT)
Psykolog Andreas Schei jobber nå 100% fra 1.01.23, og han vil bistå i det forebyggende arbeidet med det organisatoriske arbeidsmiljøet og i vanskelige personalsaker. I tillegg har vi fått en ny kollega, Truls Flønes Lillebø. Truls er fysioterapeut og kognitiv terapeut og er en del av det psykososiale teamet hos oss i BHT.
BHT er ekspertgruppen som bistår UiB/arbeidsgiver i arbeidet med arbeidsmiljøet. Vårt fokus er arbeidsrelaterte helseproblemer, og vi kan bistå med risikovurderinger, forebygging og tilrettelegging. Vår rolle er fri og uavhengig, og vi har ingen rapporteringsplikt. Vi er tilgjengelig for alle ansatte for konfidensielle samtaler ved behov, og kan gjerne benyttes dersom en ansatt er i fare for å bli sykemeldt. Da kan vi bistå med råd for å forebygge fravær som kan gjøres sammen med leder. Høres noe av dette aktuelt ut for deg eller dere må dere ikke nøle med å ta kontakt.
Good news from the occupational health service (BHT)
Psychologist Andreas Schei is now working 100% from 1.01.23, and he assists in the preventive work and in difficult personnel cases. In addition, we have a new colleague, Truls Flønes Lillebø. Truls is a physiotherapist and cognitive therapist and is part of the psychosocial team at BHT.
BHT is the expert group that assists UiB/employers in their matters with the working environment. Our focus is work-related health problems, and we can assist with risk assessments, preventative measures, and adaptation. Our service is free and independent, and we have no reporting obligation. We are available to all employees for confidential conversations when needed, and can help if an employee is at risk of being absent due to illness. In such cases, we can assist with advice to prevent absences, which may be done together with the manager. If any of this sounds relevant to you or you, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
COVID-19 and immunosuppressive treatment in Multiple Sclerosis – what have we learned?
Popular Science talks in the Library.
MS (multiple sclerosis) is an autoimmune disease that affects young adults and causes damage to the central nervous system. Around 13,000 people live with the disease in Norway today. There is no curative treatment, but immunosuppressive drugs have in recent decades given a far better prognosis than before, and made it possible to live with the disease with less loss of function. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the question arose: Are patients on immunosuppressive treatment at greater risk of serious infection than others? And does vaccination work optimally? Medical doctor and research fellow Hilde Marie Torgauten (Haukeland University Hospital) has investigated just this and will tell you about the preliminary results from her research. The talk will be held in Norwegian.
20.04.2023 – 14.15–15.00, Bibliotek for matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fag, Realfagsbygget.
New application period for the welfare-cabins – the summer of 2023
You can now apply for the desired period at the welfare cabins for the summer of 2023, in the period June 25 to August 13.
Read more about the welfare-cabins here: Cabin hire | Employee Pages | UiB
When applying for a cabin, one must prioritize both the desired cabin and the period.
If you are allocated a cabin, you must either confirm or cancel the rental period. In order to cancel your booking, you must follow the link provided in the confirmation email and then register your cancellation. It is not enough to simply refrain from confirming your booking.
Cancellation deadline for allocated cottage is 30 days before the start of the rental period to avoid cancellation fee.
You must use the electronic cabin system (https://reg.app.uib.no/hytter) by logging in with your UiB username and password.
When applying for the first time, you must enter some information. All applications must be registered in the electronic cabin system to enter the draw.
The application form and information about the cabins can also be found on the employee pages below Employment conditions – Welfare – Cabin hire. The application deadline is April 26. The winners will get information by email.
Questions about the cabins can be directed to The Estate and Facilities Management division via UiBhelp.