Start-up seminar for new PhD candidates
September 19. at 09.00 – 12.05.
Dear PhD Candidate at the Faculty of Medicine, UiB. We are pleased to inform you that we will now resume the PhD Start-up seminar for new PhD candidates at the faculty. Due to corona, this seminar has not been presented lately, but now we can meet and share experiences and information again. We invite all candidates who started from 1 July 2021 to 1 August 2022.
This is a heads up for you to reserve the time in your calendar. We are planning a program with focus on information to be of help and support for you in your early-stage period of your PhD study and interesting speakers to share their experiences as active candidates in the PhD program and alumna to give a broader perspective from the PhD education to pursue a career after finishing the PhD.
We will end the seminar with a lunch, a good opportunity to get to know your fellow PhD candidates and to do some networking as well. Please, reserve this time for the PhD Start-Up seminar:
Venue: Auditorium Midgard, Alrek.
More information and a registration form will follow. Keep an eye for it in your in-box. We are looking forward to seeing you there.
Career Development Awareness
How can reflecting on your future career be beneficial to you as an early stage researcher? How to invest in career thinking and not be overwhelmed? Join this course for enhanced knowledge about career planning. Career Development Awareness | UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers | UiB. 15. September 2022, at 09:00–13:00. Meetingrooms A + B, Muséplass 1 (basement) entrance from Prof. Keysersgate
In this 3-hour Career Development Awareness course for early stage researchers you will get an increased awareness around your current career path. Through individual reflection and group discussions you are invited to map out present research practice and reflect on future career goals, to identify necessary actions to get on the right track.
The course is beneficial for researchers at all career stages. However, we especially encourage new PhD and postdoc candidates to attend. Learning how to navigate long and short-term development early on in your career, will increase your skill and confidence in decision making and career management.
As a courtesy to the participants for giving UiB Ferd valuable feedback after the course, we offer complementary lunch at 1200. Registration deadline 11.09.2022 – 23.55. Registration.