
Dear colleagues,

We have already entered the last winter month and are heading towards spring, which is a beautiful time in Bergen and definitely something to look forward to.

As I have communicated previously, Centre for Nutrition is about to move into the 7th floor at BBB. They are moving these days, and in relation to that there will be some more activity in the corridors and office areas there. One of the laboratories in the B-section has been rebuilt into an office area and will mainly be housing PhD-students and post doctors from the centre. They will also get 4 additional offices in the C-section. They will need to use the seminar rooms at the 7th floor for their meetings. There is already some pressure on access to seminar rooms, so we are looking into ways to make available more space for meetings to compensate for this. I hope everybody will give them a warm welcome and maybe their presence can give new possibilities for collaboration.



Nytt møtrom i 7. etg

Vi har fått et nytt møterom i 7. etg, rom 7A122aY, som kan bookes i Outlook-kalenderen. Det er prosjektor i rommet, og sitteplass til 10.

New meeting room on the 7th floor

We have got a new meeting room on the 7th floor, room 7A122aY, which can be booked in the Outlook calendar. There is a projector in the room, and seating for 10.

Se webtips og veiledningsvideoer for uib.no

Ukens webtips | Kommunikasjonsavdelingen | UiB

International Newsletter

UiB has a newsletter made especially for internationals, where you can find useful tips and news about
upcoming events. If you have moved to Bergen from a different country, we highly recommend subscribing to the newsletter.
Hr4ir Info Page (uib.no)
You can also follow the International Centre calendar to find events that are of particular interest to international
staff and students. Upcoming events for International Centre | University of Bergen (uib.no)
• Introduction course for new employees (Course )
• Paying tax in Norway (Seminar)
• Mobility seminar for researchers


HMS og velferd

Om søvn og utfordringer knyttet til søvn

I denne forelesningen tar professor Flo-Groeneboom oss med på en fascinerende reise innom ulike utfordringer knyttet til søvn gjennom livsløpet. Med bakgrunn i egen forskning, samt innsikt fra et sterkt nettverk av søvnforskere i Bergen og internasjonalt viser hun de overraskende effektene endringer i søvn og døgnrytme kan ha på helse og humør.
Om søvn og utfordringer knyttet til søvn | Universitetsbiblioteket | UiB
Bergen Offentlige Bibliotek 01.03.2023 – 18.0019.00



New Neuro-SysMed course – NEUROSYSM940

On the philosophy of precision/systems medicine – specifically designed for biomedical researchers, physicians,
and academics who are interested in exploring the ethical, social, and historical roots and
implications of emerging technoscientific medical practices, such as precision/systems
The nature of disease and suffering and the goals of precision medicine | University of Bergen (uib.no)
April 20 and 21 plus May 5, 2023, Haukeland University Hospital


Course in event history analysis – ODFLA902

The course will give an introduction to event history analysis and focus on extended event history analyses, such as competing risk analysis and multi-state models.
Course in event history analysis | University of Bergen (uib.no)

Cancer-related vascular biology – CCBIO907

Meet and learn from Harvard researchers who have been in the frontline of vascular biology research for decades, visiting CCBIO here at the hospital Join the complete course or selected lectures. March 20.-31. 2023.
CCBIO907, course in cancer-related vascular biology 2023 | Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO | UiB




Survival in a consecutive series of 467 glioblastoma patients: Association with prognostic factors and treatment at recurrence at two independent institutions.
Blakstad H, Brekke J, Rahman MA, Arnesen VS, Miletic H, Brandal P, Lie SA, Chekenya M, Goplen D. PLoS One. 2023 Feb 2;18(2):e0281166. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0281166. eCollection 2023.PMID: 36730349

Impact of small molecule-mediated inhibition of ammonia detoxification on lung malignancies and liver metabolism.
Makris G, Kayhan S, Kreuzer M, Rüfenacht V, Faccin E, Underhaug J, Diez-Fernandez C, Knobel PA, Poms M, Gougeard N, Rubio V, Martinez A, Pruschy M, Häberle J. Cancer Commun (Lond). 2023 Jan 28. doi: 10.1002/cac2.12402. Online ahead of print.PMID: 36708276 No abstract available.

Isolation of lymph shows dysregulation of STAT3 and CREB pathways in the spleen and liver during leukemia development in a rat model.
Steinskog ESS, Finne K, Enger M, Helgeland L, Iversen PO, McCormack E, Wiig H, Tenstad O. Microcirculation. 2023 Jan 26:e12800. doi: 10.1111/micc.12800. Online ahead of print.PMID: 36702790

Fragment screening using biolayer interferometry reveals ligands targeting the SHP-motif binding site of the AAA+ ATPase p97.
Bothe S, Hänzelmann P, Böhler S, Kehrein J, Zehe M, Wiedemann C, Hellmich UA, Brenk R, Schindelin H, Sotriffer C. Commun Chem. 2022 Dec 7;5(1):169. doi: 10.1038/s42004-022-00782-5.PMID: 36697690 Free PMC article.

AMNet: Adaptive multi-level network for deformable registration of 3D brain MR images.
Che T, Wang X, Zhao K, Zhao Y, Zeng D, Li Q, Zheng Y, Yang N, Wang J, Li S. Med Image Anal. 2023 Jan 13;85:102740. doi: 10.1016/j.media.2023.102740. Online ahead of print.PMID: 36682155

BBB seminar

BBB seminar 

Dieter Henrik Heiland from the University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany, will give a talk entitled “Spatial resolved transcriptomics: current developments and outlook”.

Thursday, February 9, 14:30


CCBIO seminar – Cancelled!


Lucy Yates from the Wellcome Sanger Institute, Hinxton, UK. Title TBA.
Yates, Lucy – Wellcome Sanger Institute

, February 23, 14:30



UiB University Library – open Science Seminars Spring 2023

The UiB University Library continues its popular Open Science seminar series in spring 2023 with a number of webinars on
Research Data Management and Scholarly Communication:
Research Data Management in the active phase of research,  February 17th
Make your research visible using researcher profiles, March 17th
How to make your data open & FAIR, March 31st and May 26th (in Norwegian)
Open Access publishing step-by-step, April 14th
Finding & reusing research data, April 28th
Data Management Planning WORKSHOP, May 12th
Upcoming events for University of Bergen Library | University of Bergen (uib.no)


UiB Opp 1.2 Søknadsstøtte forskningsprosjekter

Kurset tar for seg alle deler av søknadsarbeidet knyttet til eksternfinansierte forskningsprosjekt ved UiB, og gir deltagerne et innblikk i hva som skal til for å levere en konkurransedyktig søknad. Påmeldingsfrist 10.02.2023 – 12.00.
UiB Opp 1.2 Søknadsstøtte forskningsprosjekter | Støtte til eksternfinansierte prosjekter (BOA) | UiB
Forsknings- og innovasjonsavdelingen, Jekteviksbakken, 22.02.2023 – 09.0012.00



The Armauer Hansen 2023 Anniversary

2023 marks 150 years since the discovery of the leprosy bacillus. This landmark in the history of global health will be celebrated throughout the year, and on February 28 – the date of the first observation of the leprosy bacillus – we invite you to a commemoration in the University Aula.
The Armauer Hansen 2023 Anniversary | University Leadership | UiB
University Aula in Bergen 28.02.2023 – 11.0013.00


GDPR enforcement in practice and the road ahead – guest lecture
Five years in, the GDPR has raised the bar for data protection significantly.  What role will new regulation, such as the EU’s DSA and DMA, play. Tobias Judin, who is head of the international department at the Norwegian Data Protection Authority, will hold a guest lecture.
GDPR enforcement in practice and the road ahead – guest lecture | Research Group for European Law | UiB
Zoom 13.02.2023 – 12.3014.00


Fagdag NSF – Norske Sykehusfarmasøyters Foreningen

Norske Sykehusfarmasøyters Foreningen ønsker velkommen til årets fagdag med tema «Hvordan ruste sykehusfarmasøyten for framtidens oppgaver?». Les mer om fagdagen her: Fagdag NSF 09.03.2023.pdf
Påmelding: Checkin — påmeldingssystemet som er regnskapets bestevenn (frist: 23/2-2023).
Dato, 9. mars kl 9-16, Radisson Blue Gardemoen


Darwin Day – Horizons lecture: Making Sense of Cancer

Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. So what is the evolutionary meaning of cancer? What will it take to get rid of it? In this lecture, professor in medicine Jarle Breivik explores the evolutionary logic of cancer.
Darwin Day/Horizons lecture: Making Sense of Cancer | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences | UiB
Studentsenteret, Egget, 13.02.2023 – 16.0018.00


Disease related malnutrition – causes, prevention and intervention

Conference at Domus Medica, University in Oslo, or on Zoom link.
Disease related malnutrition – Institute of Basic Medical Sciences (uio.no)
«Store auditorium» Domus Medica, University in Oslo or on Zoom link April 21th 9:00 – 16:30


Likestillings- og mangfoldskonferansen UiB

Velkommen til Likestilling- og mangfoldskonferanse 24. mars 2023 kl. 08.00 – 15.00 i Universitetsaulaen
Konferansen er også avslutningskonferanse for likestillingsprosjektet GenderAct. Kontakt HR-direktør Sonja Irene Håland Dyrkorn for program.
Se også: Mangfold, inkludering og likestilling | HR-avdelingen | UiB
Påmelding her, frist 28. februar: Likestilling- og mangfoldskonferanse (uib.no)


Ph.d. og Postdoc

Informasjon om endringer i doktorgradsforskriftene ved UiB

Endring av UiB sine doktorgradsforskrifter ble vedtatt av universitetsstyret i møte 24.11.2022.
Les mer her: S_109-22Endring-av-dorgradsforskriftene-ved-UiB.pdf
Vi minner også om «Forskrift for graden philosophiae doctor (ph.d.) ved Universitetet i Bergen»

Representation for PhDs and Postdocs at UiB

We will discuss the purpose of PhD/Postdoc organizations at the faculty level as well as the practicalities of creating your own PhD/Postdoc organizations (e.g., compensation, communication with the faculty, and board). The event is open to everyone.
See event on UiBdoc Facebook: UiBdoc – Home | Facebook
Tuesday, February 7th, 11:15 – 13:00 at Ulrike Pihls hus (Aktiv 2).

Getting funded with good grant writing – international webinar

At scientifyRESEARCH, we are on a mission to empower researchers with funding information and enable the best research funding decisions.
Read more about this webinar here: Getting funded with good grant writing – scientifyRESEARCH
Tuesday, March 21 2023. 14:00 Central European Time

Bergen Summer Research School, 5-15 June, 2023

Bergen Summer Research School is now accepting applications from PhD students. Choose among five parallel multi-disciplinary courses in health, nutrition, education, caregiving, and migration. Apply by 15 February 2023 (extended deadline).
Here you will find all the information you need to apply . Make sure you complete the two complementary parts of the application process. Application | Bergen Summer Research School | UiB

UiB Ferd Career Centre for Early Stage Researchers – courses in spring-23

This is an overview of courses in the UiB Ferd calendar for spring 2023. The list will be updated as new courses are ready. There may be changes to the courses that we have not managed to register here, so always check the UiB Ferd calendar for the latest information on upcoming courses.
Courses in spring-23. | UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers | UiB
Upcoming events for UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers | University of Bergen



Effektiv Altruisme UiB

Effektiv altruisme handler om å bruke evidens og kritisk tenkning for å undersøke hvordan man mest mulig effektivt kan hjelpe andre eller på andre måter forbedre verden. Studentforeningen vår er en del av et globalt miljø som følger denne tankegangen når det kommer til karriereplanlegging, donasjonsvalg og andre viktige beslutninger. Vi tilbyr også rom for diskusjoner om globale prioriteringer og hvordan man bør gå fram for å effektivt gjøre verden et bedre sted.
Om oss – Effektiv Altruisme UiB (eauib.no)


Vi kobler altruistisk sinnede studenter til karriereveiledere, stipender og andre muligheter for å bygge nettverk og oppnå innflytelsesrike karrierer. Vi arrangerer også en rekke sosiale og lærerike aktiviteter for alle studenter i Bergen.
Introkurs i effektiv altruisme – Neste kurs begynner i uke 7 (mellom 13. og 16. februar). Påmeldingsfrist 10. februar.
Introkurs – Effektiv Altruisme UiB (eauib.no)

Forskningsmidler og mobilitet

Civitan Norway’s Research Fund for Alzheimer’s disease

Stipendmidler for forskning på Alzheimers sykdom – Civitan i Norge
Up to NOK 400.000,- (one can apply on all or part of the sum). Deadline: 1. April 2023.

Lysosomal Biomarkers Program | Parkinson’s Disease (michaeljfox.org)

To develop, optimize and validate biomarkers related to lysosomal function, protein clearance and lipid homeostasis. Up to $350,000, 12-24 months. Pre-proposals deadlinf January 17.

Parkinson’s Disease Therapeutics Pipeline Program | Parkinson’s Disease (michaeljfox.org)
To accelerate the path of the therapeutic pipeline towards clinical results through the support of ambitious and scientifically robust pre-clinical studies aiming at developing and testing treatments and interventions that can address the unmet needs of people with PD. Amount: flexible, up to 24 months. Read more about several deadlines on the webpage.

Novo Nordisk – grants in open competition

If you wish to apply for a grant at the Novo Nordisk Foundation, browse through our open competition calls for applications below to find the call that fits the purpose and idea of your project.
Grant Overview – Novo Nordisk Fonden

Mobility seminar for researchers

Are you planning a research stay outside Norway? This seminar will help you with your planning.
Mobility seminar for researchers | International Centre | UiB
Zoom 16.02.2022 – 12.00 – 14.00

EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) Fellowships

EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) Fellowships

Innovators in Science Award – cancer Immunology

To draw attention to the increasing global cancer burden, the 2024 Innovators in Science Award will recognize scientists from around the globe for their exceptional research in Cancer Immunology.  Cancer remains the second leading cause of death worldwide, exacerbated by the difficulty in progressing novel therapeutics from the research lab to the clinic.
Innovators in Science Award | The New York Academy of Sciences (nyas.org)
Your institution is invited to nominate one (1) promising Early-Career Scientist and one (1) outstanding Senior Scientist conducting research in Cancer Immunology as candidates for the 2024 Innovators in Science Award. The nomination period begins February 1, 2023 and ends March 31, 2023.

Program for økt studentmobilitet 2023 – utvalgte profesjonsutdanninger

Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse lyser ut 65 millioner kroner i tilskudd til prosjekter som skal utvikle og prøve ut tiltak for å øke andelen studenter som tar studie- og praksisopphold i utlandet.
Program for økt studentmobilitet 2023 Utvalgte profesjonsutdanninger (hkdir.no)
Søknadsfrist: 22. mai 2023

Research Council of Norway – upcoming courses and events

Events (forskningsradet.no)

Innovation relevant funding possibilities

Researchers at the Faculty of Medicine can apply for funding to support research with innovative potential from national and international sources. Innovation relevant funding possibilities | Faculty of Medicine | UiB

Who does What? LCP – Local Contact Points and BOA experts

Overview of advisors in the BOA  (Norwegian: Bidrags- og Oppdragsfinansiert Aktivitet) team with responsibility for information and work support for various research, education and innovation programs.
Who does What? LCP – Local Contact Points and BOA experts | BOA | UiB

Project Establishment Support (PES)

The PES scheme is designed to relieve the cost burden related to the preparation of project proposals to Horizon Europe.
Project Establishment Support (PES) | Employee Pages | UiB

Planning EU funding application – investigate results in EU projects and find collaboration

The Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS) is the European Commission’s primary source of results from the projects funded by the EU’s framework programmes for research and innovation.
About CORDIS | CORDIS | European Commission (europa.eu)

Strategi for persontilpasset medisin

Regjeringen har kommet med en revidert utgave av sin strategi på persontilpasset medisin. Dere finner dokumentet i lenken her: Strategi for persontilpasset medisin – regjeringen.no