How to use Mentimeter
At the department day in May, Arne Tjølsen presented the tool Mentimeter which can be used in teaching for quizzes, polls surveys etc. For those of you who are interested in learning more, the UIB’s Learning Lab is arranging two digital courses at beginner and advanced levels in August.
Mentimeter is a response tool making teachers interact with their students in real time. Using the tool, you can carry out live polling, surveys and quizzes, create word clouds, receive questions from the students and build all of this into presentations. The students connect easily from their own device, without an account.
Coming course this fall!

NEUROSYSM930 – Applied bioinformatics and data analysis in medical research, November 7-11, 2022.
Campus UiB / Haukeland University Hospital.
Note deadline September 1.
In this 3 credit course, you will learn to apply bioinformatics and data analysis in clinical research on human tissue. It will focus on practical aspects and methodological considerations that needed to be taken into account when dealing with human derived data, such as data sensitivity, limited sample sizes, sample misclassification, choice of appropriate statistical models, and covariates, and tissue heterogeneity. The course will be composed of seminars, lectures, and hands-on tutorials given by clinicians and researchers based on real-life scenarios.
Who: The course will be highly beneficial for all participants with an interest in bioinformatics, biology, medicine, or clinical research in general. It is open to researchers, postdocs, PhD students, master students, students enrolled in the Medical Student Research Program, and others interested in the topic. A basic knowledge of statistics is required. Familiarity with next-generation sequencing and a basic understanding of molecular biology and/or genetics are desirable.
Place: Campus UiB / Haukeland University Hospital, personal attendance.
When: November 7-11, 2022. Lunch will be provided.
Deadline for registration: September 1. Non-UiB students register through Søknadsweb, and UiB students register through Studentweb. If you don’t need the study points, you can register for non-ECTS participation through this link.
Program: not yet available, will be available through this link.
Organizers: Dr. Kim Brügger, Dr. Fiona Dick, Dr. Gonzalo Nido and Dr. Lilah Toker have the academic responsibility. Contact: kim.brugger@uib.no
More information and pre-reading list: on this website

CCBIO905 – Methods in Cancer Biomarker Research, September 27-29, 2022.
A fully digital event in Zoom. Note deadline September 1.
This course focuses on the full panel of standard and advanced methods with relevance for cancer biomarker research. The intention is to provide an understanding of the various methodologies and their application in basic and translational cancer research. The course further covers relevant topics like optimal sample collection and biobanking. Note also a keynote lecture by Klaus Pantel on ctDNA and CTCs in the evaluation of cancer treatment efficacy!
The thematic parts include methods ranging from basic techniques on nucleotides and proteins to more advanced approaches, as well as bioinformatics and biobanking. The course will focus on methods to study biomarkers in tissue samples, blood samples, circulating tumor cells and DNA, and other biologic materials. Methodologies like PCR techniques, microarray, next-generation sequencing, bioinformatics and artificial intelligence, immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization, protein ligation assays, Western blot and ELISA, tissue microdissection and proteomics, flow cytometry, flow and imaging mass cytometry, and biobanking will be presented. Changes in nucleic acids and proteins in different settings will be discussed, as will the clinical applications.
Who: The course is open to researchers, postdocs, PhD students, master students, students enrolled in the Medical Student Research Program, and national and international students and researchers interested in the topic.
Place: Online on Zoom. Access links will be sent to the registered participants in due time.
When: September 27-29, 2022
Deadline for registration: September 1. Non-UiB students register through Søknadsweb, and UiB students register through Studentweb. Also possible to register for non-ECTS participation in this link if you don’t need the study points.
Program: Preliminary program is available through this link.
Organizers: Lars A. Akslen and Agnete Engelsen have the academic responsibility, and Ingeborg Winge (ingeborg.winge@uib.no) is the course coordinator.
More information: on this website
CCBIONEUR910, Patient and Public Involvement in Medical and Health Research,
November 30 – December 2, 2022.
Note deadline September 1.
The course aims to inspire increased user participation in research trials and will present methods on how to involve user representatives. This is highly relevant to all biomedical research fields, and Patient and Public Involvement is documented to positively impact the relevance and efficacy in medical research.
Learn: How patient and public involvement influence medical research, the conduct of clinical studies and the application of research results. About the researcher’s responsibility for patient and public involvement to be integrated into the entire process in a clinical research project. What role of user organizations and local user committees may have in your work. To communicate research findings to patients and the public. To discuss with users how their perspectives can contribute to democratization and quality improvement in research projects. To incorporate input from users into your research project. To assess and convey the added value of patient and public involvement and initiate productive user involvement in your research projects.
Time: November 30 – December 2, 2022
Place: Eitri and Haukeland University Hospital main building auditorium B301, BB Building auditorium 4, all on-site event
Program: Not yet available, but you can read about last year’s course here.
Academic responsibility: Nina Jebsen, Tone Skår and Kjell-Morten Myhr
Coordinators: Hilde Norborg and Rasmus Humlevik
Who: The course is open to researchers, postdocs, PhD students, master students, students enrolled in the Medical Student Research Program, and representatives from user/patient organizations.
Deadline/registration: September 1. Non-UiB students who need the ECTS register through Søknadsweb, and UiB students register through Studentweb. Also available for non-ECTS participation for a limited number of patient representatives. The user organizations will receive an invite. More information: on this website.

NORA national research school for AI
Earlier this year we were granted a National AI research school by Research Council of Norway. I am writing to you as your research is linked with AI topics and your organization being a partner of NORA. The objective of this email is to make you aware of the research school initiative and engage you in the future activities. For example: if you see a topic that needs to be covered as a workshop, webinar or an educational course. We can capture that input and plan future activities around it.
We plan to do several activities under the research school from research exchanges to topical events. It would be good to have your inputs and feedback. Here is the link to the research school webpage: Research School – NORA – Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium
If you are supervising a PhD student or know a PhD student who can benefit from this research school. Please ask them to sign up for free membership here: Membership – NORA – Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium
We also have a call for courses going on for 2023 term. If you are interested in preparing new courses on AI, then please fill the application here: Courses: Call for Application – NORA – Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium
The deadline for the call is 31 Aug 2022.