Ph.d. og Postdoc

Doktorpromosjonen i Universitetsaulaen

Fredag 27. januar er det klart for en ny høytidelig doktorpromosjon ved UiB for nye doktores som har diputert høsten 2022. De som ikke kan være til stede blir også presentert og kan følge promosjonen via internett. Familie og venner kan også se promosjonen på nett.
Doktorpromosjon 27.1.2023 | Universitetsaulaen i Bergen | UiB

English course: Improve Your Academic Writing and Presentation Skills

Mastering academic English can be as important as mastering your discipline itself. It is often decisive for conference presentations, getting published in journals and networking. Even if your general level of English is high, many scholars can benefit from expanding their skills in both written and oral presentations. Registration deadline 23.01.2023.
English course: Improve Your Academic Writing and Presentation Skills | UiB Ferd karrieresenter for yngre forskere | UiB
The course is digital and will take place via Zoom. There are ten (10) participants per course.
It will run for six consecutive Thursday evenings, two hours each time, from 17 to 19.
Course dates in February: 2, 9, 16, 23, and in March: 2, 9.

New application portal for Funds and Bequests – Meltzer and others
A «must read» for all PhD!

The University of Bergen has a number of foundations with statutes aimed towards research and education. These foundations announce their grants/funds for whom both employees and students can apply for. Some of the foundations will also allow external applicants apply for a grant/funding, as mentioned in their separate statutes. The largest of these foundations, is the L. Meltzer University Fund. Another 25 foundations are also available to apply funds/grants from.
The application portal for grants and bequests at the University of Bergen provides an overview of the foundations possible to apply funds/grants from. The portal provides information on each foundation such as, the purpose of the foundation, who can apply and what you can apply for.
UiB stiftelser hjem – Søknadsportal for fond og legater
Please note that this is a portal under development.
The deadline for applying for a grant or bequest this year is the 23. January 2023.


See also announcements that are not included in UiB’s application portal.
Fond og legater | Det medisinske fakultet | UiB


Utrecht Network – Young Researcher’s Grant

Up to 20 scholarships of €1,000 each will be offered to students for a short-term mobility. The grant is for thesis research on masters or PhD levels. Students are allowed to take courses as well. However, priority is given to «research-only» students, and it is meant for stuents who do not quality for Erasmus+ scholarships.
Since the study/research period including the application is self-organised, students are expected to check possible research areas of the university they want to apply to and to find the supervisor by themselves.
Minimum length of stay 4 weeks (mobility is not restricted to semesters but may also take place during the holidays). The period of mobility must start between 1 May 2023- 31 March 2024. Application documents:
– Application Form
– Letter of Recommendation by supervisor/programme coordinator
– Letter of Acceptance (by an academic supervisor/coordinator at the host institution)
Application deadline: Send to by 4th of February 2023