
Dear all,

It is a dark time of the year, but we can be glad for a rather beautiful autumn so far with several pleasantly fresh, cold, and dry days. Some of you may also been fortunate to see the Northern Lights.The establishment of the new research units are now formally accepted by the Department Council meeting on November 2nd and will formally take effect January 1, 2024.

As you know the Norwegian Research Council has decided to carry out evaluation of medicine and healthcare (EVALMEDHELSE) (2023-2024). The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the quality of Norwegian research in an international context. In addition, for the evaluation committee to advice the authorities about future research strategies/developments. Both the administrative unit and the research units must do self-assessments. Although this is a busy time, both regarding research and teaching, hopefully, all research units have started to fill in the self-assessment form with an internal IBM deadline of December 15, 2023.

NFR has made several changes to FRIPRO. To mention a few: continuous deadlines and  submission restriction period (quarantine). Next faculty lunch, November 22, the senior adviser of the faculty support team for externally funded research will inform about changes regarding applications for NFR (FRIPRO) and EU (ERC). PhDs, postdocs and young researchers will get information about FRIPRO and ERC on December 6 (7th floor seminar room at 14.30-16.00).

Finally, our mandatory HSE-day is Friday December 1. Please save the date. The HSE day will be followed by our Christmas party in the 4th floor canteen in the evening, with traditional Norwegian Christmas food, entertainment, and dancing. The food is free, but you must bring your own beverage. Deadline for registration for the Christmas party is November 19th. The registration form is found here: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=15981565.