Course – Metabolic pathway analysis
Course description: This course will provide an introduction to the computational analysis and reconstruction of both small and genome-scale metabolic networks. The main goal is to familiarize students with relevant state-of-the-art computational tools and databases, as well as to provide the students with hands-on experience in metabolic modelling approaches. Furthermore, we will cover the mathematical basis of constraint-based analysis of genome-scale metabolic models and provide a foundation for stability and control analysis of dynamic models. Link to the course description: Metabolic pathway analysis
Prerequisites: Basic competence in a programming language (preferably Python) is expected. Basic knowledge in biochemistry, linear algebra and statistics are required.
Time: February 19th to March 1st, 2024. Please note that the course is two weeks.
Place: University of Bergen, Department of Biomedicine
Course responsible: Ines Heiland, Mathias Ziegler, and Suraj Sharma
Invited lecturers: Sascha Schäuble, HKI, Jena Germany
Suggested amount of ECTS: 10
Number of participants: max 20
Registration form: Metabolic pathway analysis 2024 (
UiB Læringsarena ved NG5 inviterer til åpen dag mandag 22. januar
Mandag 22. januar inviterer vi på ny ansatte til for å se og slå av en prat.
Invitasjonen: Åpen dag i UiB Læringsarena 22. januar | Læringsarenaen i Nygårdsgaten 5 | UiB
Course responsible (emneansvarlige) – revised regulations 2024
The regulations for students and studies at the UiB has been revised, and the Medical faculty has accordingly revised our local regulations. You can find the local regulations here, with link to the UiB regulations: See also:
Nytt utfyllende studiereglement ved Det medisinske fakultet fra og med 1.1.2024
Utfyllande studiereglement ved Det medisinske fakultet f.o.m. 01.01.2024
Rekruttering av studenter fra 2023-kullet – Forskerlinjen høsten 2024
Ved Forskerlinjen er vi i full gang med å rekruttere studenter fra 2023-kullet med tanke på opptak på Forskerlinjen høsten 2024. Det er en absolutt fordel at aktive, interesserte studenter rekrutteres så tidlig som mulig i 2024, helst før sommerferien.
Til enhver tid er det ca. 75-80 studenter som går på forskerlinjen, dvs. ca. 10 % av studentene. Både studenter og veiledere melder tilbake om gode erfaringer og god forskning. Mange studenter er godt i gang med doktorgradsprosjekt. Vi har 17 plasser til disposisjon hvert år, 15 for medisin og 2 for odontologi. Med dette inviterer vi deg til å levere inn prosjektforslag. Det er viktig at prosjektene er av en slik karakter at de lar seg gjennomføre i forskerlinjeløpet. Potensielle forskerlinjestudenter er genuint interesserte, de er smarte og vitebegjærlige. MEN det er viktig å huske at de fleste er unge og uten forskningserfaring, noe som innebærer at de trenger tett oppfølging i startfasen. Husk at du skal vinne studentenes interesse og entusiasme for feltet og faget.
Forslag til prosjekter leveres inn via skjemaker: Innmelding av forskningsprosjekt for forskerlinjestudent (
Frist for innlevering: 26. januar 2024.
«Mingledag» – Som i fjor ønsker vi å initiere større kontakt mellom studentene og forskningsmiljøene, og inviterer dere til å presentere dere på stands. Vi vil forsøke å dele dere inn etter institutt. Det vil bli satt opp postervegger i minglearealet på BBB en gang i februar, vi kommer tilbake til dato og klokkeslett. Tilbakemeldingene vi har fått på dette opplegget er svært bra, både fra studenter og forskere. Hvis du lurer på hva Forskerlinjen innebærer og hvilke fordeler og plikter en har som er veileder, så finner du informasjon på forskerlinjen sine nettsider.
CCBIO courses – deadline February 1
We have a range of courses coming up this spring, and please note: for study point (ECTS) providing participation, registration deadline is February 1, in Studentweb. So, PhD candidates and students: remember to register, and supervisors and PIs, remember to advise your students to register. Except for the Clinical Trials course which takes place January 17-19, which qualifies for a Good Clinical Practice (GCP) certificate as well as study points. ECTS deadline in Studentweb for this course was January 5, and non-ECTS registration closes January 12. Courses with deadline February 1 for registration in Studentweb:
CCBIO901, the CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium series (3 ECTS). Also register in Skjemaker for each event. The coming event is February 1. Also open for other than students / non-ECTS.
CCBIO902, the CCBIO Seminar series and the Annual Symposium (3 ECTS). Also open for other than students / non-ECTS. Coming dates are in the CCBIO calendar.
CCBIO903, Cancer research: Ethical, economic and social aspects (5 ECTS). Course week 1: April 8-12, and course week 2: June 3-6.
This course focuses on ethical, economical and societal aspects of cancer and cancer research and aims to equip cancer researchers with tools for reflecting on the limits, challenges and opportunities of their own research, as well as provide an understanding of the outside-the-lab context, with discussions on the broader ethical, social, economic and political implications of their research.
CCBIONeur910: Patient and Public Involvement in Medical and Health Research (2 ECTS). Also open for other than students / non-ECTS. Takes place April 17–19.
The course aims to inspire increased user participation in research trials and will present methods on how to involve user representatives. This is highly relevant to all biomedical research fields, and Patient and Public Involvement is documented to positively impact the relevance and efficacy in medical research.
CCBIO908, Scientific Writing and Communication Seminar (2 ECTS). Also open for other than students / non-ECTS. Takes place May 21-22.
This course teaches how to organize ideas, results and messages in a scientific paper, improve titles and abstracts, present a clear problem statement, use punctuation, grammar and numbering in a text, write an informative and convincing cover letter, and will also present and discuss what is good research communication.
CCBIO904, Biomarkers and tumor biology in clinical practice (4 ECTS). Also open for other than students / non-ECTS. Takes place May 29-31.
This course covers tumor biological aspects important for the understanding of why cancer develops, and which mechanisms are important for tumor growth, metastases and morbidity in patients. The course will focus especially on tumor biological changes that may have or already have significance for personalized cancer treatment and clinical trial studies of new diagnostics and treatment.
CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium – February 1st
We are happy to welcome you all to the upcoming CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium, February 1st, 202409.00-13.00. This seminar series is a perfect place to meet and interact with other young scientists, and engage in lively and interesting discussions. We are looking forward to the keynote lecture by CCBIO Masterclass graduate Hege Berg, who will give a talk about clinical implementation of multi-omics methods in cancer diagnostics. The program spans several exiting topics including the role and inheritance of BRCA1 epimutations, novel CAR T therapies for lymphomas, and development of preclinical models for investigating resistant subclones in ovarian cancer. The application of CyTOF in oncology and fibrosis will also be presented.
CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium | Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO | UiB
Open to all. Please register here within January 29th at 11.00. Conference room, BB-building (right across from the auditoria), campus Haukeland, Bergen
Open to both junior and senior researchers as well as students. The symposium series is open, but also part of the CCBIO Research School under the code CCBIO901, and participation is eligible for ECTS. STUDENTS: Remember to sign up in Studentweb as well as the link above. Mari Kyllesø Halle and Vladan Milosevic are coordinators of the junior seminars and are planning and chairing these meetings. Any questions can be addressed to them.
Read more about the CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposia here.