
UiB Climate Fund

UiB has decided to establish a fund to finance actions that will help motivate employees and students in the work to reduce the university climate footprint.
This fund will amount to 2 million NOK in 2024. The fund finance measures that support the work to ensure a more environmentally and climate friendly university. Either through direct reduction of UiB’ s climate footprint, or by motivating students and employees to participate in a joint “environment and climate dugnad”. Examples; environmentally friendly transport and events; measures for circular economy; creative and innovative ideas.
More info here:
Deadline for applications is set to March 17th

Research infrastructure

Det medisinske fakultet har i høsten 2023 jobbet med å utarbeide eget veikart for forskningsinfrastruktur.
Veikart for forskningsinfrastruktur


In the autumn of 2023, the Faculty of Medicine has worked on preparing its own road map for research infrastructure.
Roadmap for research infrastructure