NBS symposium – open for all
On Wednesday 10th of April (from 08.45 to 13.15) NBS Bergen and BBRS are arranging a minisymposia on the 3rd floor of BBB.
08.45 – 09.00 Mingling and welcome (Auditorium 4)
09.00 – 10.30 Short talks from young researchers at UiB (Auditorium 4)
10.45 – 12.00 Poster session WITH PIZZA! (Vrimlearealet)
12.15 – 13.15 Key-note lecture from Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz (Auditorium 1)
For a link to the full program, please see here: NBS Symposium final program (002)
The symposium is open for all, if you want to attend only the keynote lecture from Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz at 12.15 in Auditorium 1, no registration is needed.
If you want Pizza, or if you are bringing your poster, please register here: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=16713189
Highlights from the program: Key note lecture from Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz from Janelia Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), VA, USA, in Auditorium 1 at 12.15.
We are very fortunate to have Jennifer as a speaker in Bergen. She has pioneered the development of live cell imaging techniques based on photobleaching and photoactivation, and using these techniques she has over decades performed groundbreaking research on organelles in eukaryotic cells and their dynamics. Her talk is titled COPII with ALG2 and ESCRTs control lysosome-dependent microautophagy of ER exit sites. Please see the full program in the link below for an abstract of her talk.
Bring-your-old-poster poster session
From 10.30 – 12.00 everyone is invited to present their own posters at our informal poster session. Please register your poster in advance (following the link above) or if you have already registered as a participant, just show up at the poster session with you old poster under your arm and a representative from NBS will help you find a free space at the poster boards.
There will be a cash poster prize for the best reused poster, sponsored by Biophysics Colab. Towards the end of the poster session there will be served Pizza sponsored by the Medical Faculty at UiB and the BBRS research school.
The event is meant to be informal and fun. We hope to see you all there!
NBS Bergen Organizing Committee
Wednesday 10th of April, 3rd floor of BBB.
Save the date! Research Day at the Faculty of Medicine
2nd Research Day at the Faculty of Medicine | Faculty of Medicine | UiB
18 June, EITRI
Core Facility Expo
Have you wondered where to find modern research instruments and who can help you use them? Or asked yourself which services are available to you and what you can use them for? The Faculty of Medicine is organizing an event where you can get to know all our core facilities and other research services used by our researchers.
Visit stands and hear presentations of all facilities for medicine, health and life sciences at UiB.
Read more here: Core Facility Expo | Faculty of Medicine | UiB
29 April 2024, EITRI
Nordic Developmental Biology Societies & Michael Sars Symposium Joint Meeting
The Nordic Developmental Biology Societies & Michael Sars Symposium Joint Meeting will take place in Bergen from Tuesday 28th until Friday 31st May 2024.
We aim to generate an interactive and dynamic atmosphere to foster interactions between developmental biologists in the Nordic countries and the wider international community. We offer an exciting programme with two keynote speakers, 20 invited speakers and 12 contributed talks ranging from developmental biology to stem cell biology and regeneration in a large diversity of research organisms and systems.
Nordic Developmental Biology Societies & Michael Sars Symposium Joint Meeting | Michael Sars Centre | UiB
Tuesday 28th until Friday 31st May 2024, Media City Bergen
Division of Research and Innovation – events and courses
Norsk: Kommende arrangement for Forsknings- og innovasjonsavdelingen | Universitetet i Bergen (uib.no)
English: Upcoming events for Division of Research and Innovation | University of Bergen (uib.no)
University of Bergen Library – events and courses
Norsk: Kommende arrangement for Universitetsbiblioteket | Universitetet i Bergen (uib.no)
English: Upcoming events for University of Bergen Library | University of Bergen (uib.no)
Digital understanding, knowledge and competencies (DIGI) – staff and students
Norsk: Digital forståelse, kunnskap og kompetanse | Universitetet i Bergen (uib.no)
English: Digital understanding, knowledge and competence | University of Bergen (uib.no)
Se tematiske søkerkurs til frister i 2024 – NFR
Sjå opptak av søker webinar (forskningsradet.no)
Arrangementer Alrek
Arrangementer – Alrek (alrekhelseklynge.no)
Events – NFR
Norsk: Forskningsrådets arrangementer (forskningsradet.no)
English: Events (forskningsradet.no)
News – NFR
Norsk: Nyheter og pressemeldinger (forskningsradet.no)
English: News (forskningsradet.no)