BBB seminar

Cliff Kentros from NTNU will give a talk entitled “Genetic Interrogation of the Neural Circuitry of Memory”. 

Position: Professor, Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and Centre for Neural Computation, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim.
Research field: Systems Neuroscience, Neural Circuits, Learning and Memory.
Main achievements: Grass Fellow at MBL, Member Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences, Norway.
Seminar focus: This seminar focuses on the investigation of the role of individual elements of the hippocampal/entorhinal cortex circuit via both electrophysiology and calcium imaging. Specifically on efforts related to Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), and the development of a new rodent model capturing the pathological interactions between ab and tau, the two main pathological components of AD, in the same entorhinal cortex cells which show the tauopathy side of AD. This model will be used to study how the interactions between ab and tau cause neurodegeneration specifically in entorhinal neurons, the proximal cause of dementia in AD.
Chairperson: Clive Bramham <> 

Thursday, May 5, 14.30 

Olga Therese Ousdal from the University of Bergen will give a talk entitled “How the environment impacts the developmental trajectories of limbic brain regions”. 

Position: Olga Therese Ousdal is an associate professor at Department of Biomedicine, UoB and a consultant neuroradiologist at Haukeland University Hospital.
Research field: The neurobiological underpinning of common mental disorders as well as their treatments.
Main achievements: Ousdal´s work has gained both national and international attention, and she was awarded the Marie Spångberg award in 2021.
Seminar focus: This seminar will review evidence that early life adversities affect not only the outcome but also the pace of limbic brain development. Furthermore, it will be discussed how altering the pace of limbic brain development may increase later risk of experiencing mental health problems.
Chairperson: Ruth Brenk <> 

Thursday, May 12, 14.30