
Malin Lundekvam startet  som avdelingsingeniør 1. september i  forskningsgruppen Translasjonell Cellesignalisering og Metabolisme.


Eiendomsavdelingen får i uke 40 montert sykkelbur med UiB-kortleser der det i dag er
4 P-plasser for biler under bygget «Fjellsida». Kontakt Eiendomsavdelingen ved spørsmål.


In week 40, the Estate and Facilities Management division will have a bicycle cage fitted with a UiB card reader where there are currently 4 parking spaces for cars under the «Fjellsida» building. Contact the Estate and Facilities Management division if you have any questions.


Tilbud om helsekontroll 2022

Ansatte og studenter ved UiB som arbeider i risikofylt arbeidsmiljø, kan ha krav på helsekontroll. Informasjon om helsekontroll er nå tilgjengelig på HMS-portalen.
Arbeid og arbeidsplassen skal tilrettelegges slik at ansatte og studenter ikke blir utsatt for helseskade. Helsekontroll kan bidra til å forebygge sykdom og helseskader, og avdekke uheldig påvirkning fra arbeidsmiljøet. Ansatte og studenter skal gjennomgå helseundersøkelse før arbeidsoppstart hvis de skal jobbe med: Pelsbærende forsøksdyr og Bly og blyforbindelser.
Ansatte og studenter som jobber i risikofylte arbeidsmiljø skal ha tilbud om egnete helsekontroller dersom risikovurdering påviser helserisiko knyttet til eksponering av: Biologiske faktorer, Farlige kjemikalier, Kunstig optisk stråling, Bergarbeid, Støy, Støv med asbestfiber og Ioniserende stråling hvis årlig dose overskrider 6 mSv.
Linjeleder skal sørge for at overforstående ansatte og studenter får egnet helsekontroll. Hvis dere trenger å bestille time for en slik helseundersøkelse, kan dere ta kontakt med Bedriftshelsetjenesten på e-post:  Vi holder til i Christies gate 20, 1. etasje (inngang fra Muséplass).


Offer for health check 2022

Employees and students at UiB who work in a risky work environment may be entitled to a health check. Information about health checks is now available on the HMS portal.
Work and the workplace must be arranged so that employees and students are not exposed to health damage. Health checks can help prevent illness and health damage, and uncover adverse effects from the working environment. Employees and students must undergo a health examination before starting work if they are going to work with: Fur-bearing laboratory animals and Lead and lead compounds.
Employees and students who work in a risky work environment must be offered suitable health checks if a risk assessment shows a health risk linked to exposure to: Biological factors, Hazardous chemicals, Artificial optical radiation, Mining, Noise, Dust with asbestos fibers and Ionizing radiation whose annual dose exceeds 6 mSv.
The line manager must ensure that the staff and students above receive a suitable health check. If you need to book an appointment for such a health examination, you can contact the Occupational Health Service by e-mail: We are located at Christies gate 20, 1st floor (entrance from Muséplass).


New students on the Master’s programme

The new students on the Master’s programme of Biomedical sciences will be looking for projects this autumn and spring. We are therefore collecting project descriptions for them. The timeline of the projects is from June/august 2023 to June 2024.
Last year we invited all potential supervisors to a “Master’s Day” where they had a 5 minute brief presentation of themselves and their project. After all the presentations we had a mingle session where supervisors and students could meet. We have received very positive feedback from this, and we will arrange this again in late November or the beginning of December this year.
Please send your project to or by the 14th of October. We will distribute all the projects to the students by the second half of October. The students can then approach the supervisors of the projects they are interested in. We ask you to not formally sign on a student to the master’s project before the 10th of December. This is because of several reasons:
-For the students to have time to find out more about the projects and meet with the supervisors they are interested in.
-The projects are available a short time before the presentation at the “Master’s Day” at the end of the BMED320 projects so that the students know more about methods and the research carried out at the Department (and Faculty).
-So you can evaluate each of the students approaching you.
We also ask you to hand in the Master’s agreement 14 days after you have formally signed on a student, so the study section know which projects are available after December. The students have until 1st of June next year to submit the master’s agreement. Thus, students might contact you after December too.Please let me know if you have any questions about taking on a master student.
Best, Siri Tangen Aaserud, Master coordinator.


VIKTIG! Frister for innkommende gjestestudenter ved UiB

Planlegger du å ta imot gjestestudenter i vår? Eller kommer studentene til neste høst? Uansett er det essensielt å ikke glemme UiBs sentrale opptaksfrister:
Vårsemesteret 2023 (januar-juni): 15. oktober (2022)
Høstsemesteret 2023 (juli-desember): 01. mai (2023)
Fristene gjelder alle typer studenter, enten de er Erasmus Traineeship-studenter, eller andre typer innreisende gjestestudenter.
Det er ekstremt viktig at disse fristene blir overholdt, for ellers vil ikke studentene få tilgang til bygget, offisiell studentstatus i Norge, etc. For å være helt sikker på at papirarbeidet blir fulgt opp ordentlig og fristene overholdt, vennligst ta kontakt med internasjonal studentkoordinator Stian Krog ( eller i god tid før fristenes respektive utløp. Uten administrativ forankring vil studentopphold ikke bli godkjente, og UiB får heller ingen studiepoeng for uautoriserte studenter som dukker opp, så det er svært viktig at Studieadministrasjonen blir koblet på tidlig, og er med under hele prosessen.


IMPORTANT! Deadlines for incoming guest students at UiB

Are you planning on receiving guest students this spring? Or will you have students visiting next fall? Regardless, it is essential not to forget UiB’s central admission deadlines:
Spring semester 2023 (January-June): 15 October (2022)
Fall semester 2023 (July-Desember): 01 May (2023)
The deadlines apply to all types of students, whether they are Erasmus Traineeship students, or other types of incoming guest students.
It is extremely important that these deadlines are respected, otherwise the students will not get access to the building, official student status in Norway, etc. To be sure that the paperwork is being followed up properly and the deadlines respected, please contact international student coordinator Stian Krog ( or in due time before the respective deadlines expire. Without administrative anchoring, any student stays will not be approved, and UiB will get no ECTS for unauthorized students showing up, so it is highly important that the Section of Academic Affairs gets in the loop early, and stays connected throughout the entire process.

Erasmus+ er EUs program for utdanning, opplæring, ungdom og idrett.

Best i Norge på studentutveksling (
Det er verdens største utdanningsprogram, med et budsjett på 28,8 milliarder euro for perioden 2021-2027. Erasmus+ har tre hovedtiltak: Mobilitet, Partnerskap for samarbeid, Støtte til politikkutvikling
Les mer om mulighetene i programmet på vår ressursside.
I Norge er det Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse og Barne-, ungdoms- og familiedirektoratet som er nasjonalkontor for Erasmus+ og som sørger for mobilisering til programmet og tildeling av de nasjonale midlene.

Sorry, links in Norwegian!


Gjennom Nordplus kan du søke økonomisk støtte til ulike former for samarbeid om utdanning i Norden og Baltikum. Søknadsfrist for forberedende besøk er 3. oktober 2022, neste hovedutlysning har søknadsfrist 1. februar 2023.
Les mer her: Nordplus (
Søknadsfrist: 3. oktober 2022 innen kl 23:59



Through Nordplus, you can apply for financial support for various forms of cooperation on education in the Nordic and Baltic countries. The application deadline for preparatory visits is 3 October 2022, the next main call for applications has an application deadline of 1 February 2023.
Read more here: Home – Nordplus (
Application deadline: October 3, 2022 by 11:59 p.m


CCT196969 effectively inhibits growth and survival of melanoma brain metastasis cells.
Reigstad A, Herdlevær CF, Rigg E, Hoang T, Bjørnstad OV, Aasen SN, Preis J, Haan C, Sundstrøm T, Thorsen F. PLoS One. 2022 Sep 9;17(9):e0273711. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0273711. eCollection 2022.PMID: 36084109 Free PMC article.

Molecular physiology of Arc/Arg3.1: the oligomeric state hypothesis of synaptic plasticity.
Eriksen MS, Bramham CR. Acta Physiol (Oxf). 2022 Sep 8:e13886. doi: 10.1111/apha.13886. Online ahead of print.PMID: 36073248 Review.

Quantitative proteome profiling reveals molecular hallmarks of egg quality in Atlantic halibut: impairments of transcription and protein folding impede protein and energy homeostasis during early development.
Yilmaz O, Jensen AM, Harboe T, Møgster M, Jensen RM, Mjaavatten O, Birkeland E, Spriet E, Sandven L, Furmanek T, Berven FS, Wargelius A, Norberg B. BMC Genomics. 2022 Sep 7;23(1):635. doi: 10.1186/s12864-022-08859-0.PMID: 36071374 Free PMC article.

BBB seminar

Thursday, September 22, postponed.


Helena Erlandsson Harris from the University of Bergen will give a talk entitled “The alarmin HMGB1, inflammation and arthritis – immunoprofiling and molecular studies”.

Position: Professor, The Broegelmann Chair in Translational Immunology, University of Bergen and Professor at the division for rheumatology at Department of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet.
Research field: Inflammatory mechanisms in rheumatic diseases.
Main achievements: Authorship to many highly cited papers on alarmin functions of HMGB1. Coordinator of the EU-FP/ programme Counterstroke.
Seminar focus: Immunoprofiling of juvenile arthritis using the cohort we have established at Karolinska University Hospital and in-depth studies of the alarmin HMGB1 and its role in inflammation, including arthritis.
Thursday, September 29, 14.30 


Horizon Europe Success Factors

Welcome to the third event on Horizon Europe for UiB researchers, on Friday 7 October.
This time the focus is on factors for succeeding with your proposals for project funding – strategic networking, proposal writing and  the evaluation process – but also on how we link a research project to the big, global challenges.
There will be panel debates, introductions to the various parts of a project proposal in smaller groups, and stands with information about the calls for proposals coming in 2023 and 2024.
The target group for the event is academic staff at UiB. Registration deadline 30.09.2022 – 12.00.
Horizon Europe Success Factors | Division of Research and Innovation | UiB
Scandic Bergen City, Håkonsgaten 2-7, 07.10.2022 – 09.0015.00

UiB Opp – kompetanseutvikling for eksternfinansiering og forskningsstøtte

UiB Opp er UiB sitt kompetanseprogram for å støtte opp under institusjonens økende behov for forskningsstøtte, og for kunnskap om eksternfinansiering knyttet til både forskning, utdanning og innovasjon. Programmet er åpent for ansatte som ønsker å utvikle seg innen feltene forskningsstøtte eller eksternfinansiering. BOA-teamet har ansvar for programmet.
UiB Opp – kompetanseutvikling for eksternfinansiering og forskningsstøtte | Støtte til eksternfinansierte prosjekter (BOA) | UiB
UiB har som mål å være et ledende internasjonalt forskningsuniversitet. For å nå dette må blant annet bidrags- og oppdragsfinansieringen ved UiB styrkes, og i dette ligger også et behov for økt kompetanse på søknadsskriving og drifting av prosjekter i organisasjonen.
Vi skal løfte UiBs forskere, forskningsstøtteapparat og støtteapparatet rundt eksternfinansiering av forskning, utdanning og innovasjon. Dette gjør vi blant annet  ved å sikre at forskere og forskningsledere får opplæring i prosjektutvikling og drift av forskningsprosjekter, og ved å heve kompetansen hos en større målgruppe slik at flere kan bidra inn i støtteapparatet, eller ved å gi ytterligere spisskompetanse til den delen av administrasjonen som allerede jobber med forskningsstøtte og eksternfinansiering.

Sorry, links in Norwegian!


Meld deg på OPP!

19.-25.september arrangeres Innovasjonsuken OPP. Over 40 arrangementer er tilgjengelig i arrangementskalenderen. En glimrende arena for studenter, gründere, investorer og næringslivet for møtes for nettverksbygging, kompetansedeling og framsnakking.
Se hele programmet her:

Sign up for OPP!

19-25 September is the Innovation Week OPP. Over 40 events are available in the events calendar. An excellent arena for students, entrepreneurs, investors and the business world to meet for networking, sharing expertise and chatting.
See the entire program here:

«The promise of ctDNA and CTCs in the evaluation of cancer treatment efficacy» 

Over the past ten years, circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) have received enormous attention as new biomarkers and subject of translational research. Join us in a Zoom webinar to hear Professor Klaus Pantel, the father of the term liquid biopsy, give a talk on the application of CTCs and ctDNA in cancer research.
Special Seminar with Klaus Pantel | Centre for Cancer Biomarkers | UiB
Speaker: Professor Klaus Pantel, Director of the Institute of Tumor Biology, Center for Experimental Medicine, UKE Hamburg.
Thursday, September 29, 2022, from 12.30-13.30
The seminar starts at 12.30. Please log in a couple of minutes in advance, the webinar is open from 12.25. Link to join Webinar:

Høringsseminar: Referansearkitektur for deling av data i høyere utdanning og forskning – forvaltning av informasjon

Informasjon er fundamentet for læring og forskning. Sektoren jobber med en felles modell for hvordan den skal skape og forvalte informasjon av høy kvalitet som kan deles. Høringen av Referansearkitekturen for deling av data i høyere utdanning og forskning pågår nå med utvidet frist 31.10.2022.
Personell innen utdanning, forskning og administrasjon som jobber med informasjon fra egne og andre fagområder vil i seminaret få en kort innføring i modellen som er under utarbeidelse i høyere utdanning og forskning. Samtidig er høringsseminaret en arena der høringsinstanser kan stille avklarende spørsmål, få tilbakemeldinger som kan være til hjelp i utarbeidelse av høringssvar og fremme synspunkter som kan bidra i det videre arbeidet med referansearkitekturen.
Påmeldingsfrist: 23. sep. 2022 12:00
Praktisk informasjon: Møtet gjennomføres på zoom og vil bli tatt opp, men opptaket er kun for intern bruk og vil bli slettet når referat foreligger. Møtedeltagelse forutsetter derfor at man godtar opptaket.
Zoom 26. sep. 2022 09:00 – 11:00.
Se også: Høringsseminar: Referansearkitektur for deling av data i høyere utdanning og forskning – digital samhandling på felles plattform (
Sorry, links in Norwegian!



Post doc and PhD! Research grant for stays abroad in 2023

The Faculty of Medicine reminds that all university-funded research fellows and postdoctoral fellows can apply for financial support for stays abroad. Employees in externally funded positions must apply to their funding source for support.
The application deadline for this round is 1 October 2022. Support is then sought for stays abroad for 2023.
We ask that the departments inform their employees about the application deadline and the applicable guidelines. The department must be informed in advance. We would like to point out that there were new application forms and rates in 2021, and that it is these forms that must be used.
Financial support for stays abroad for PhDs and Postdoctoral Fellows | Faculty of Medicine | UiB
The faculty only has the opportunity to partially finance stays abroad, so everyone is encouraged to also apply for external funds through other schemes. See here: Funding Search | EURAXESS Norway
All applications must be sent to the faculty together, with signatures and attachments, either by e-mail to, or fully scanned into this case with the main document on the applicant’s surname, and other documents as attachments.



UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers

«UiB Ferd supports early stage researchers in their career development»
UiB Ferd Career Centre supports doctoral candidates, postdoctoral fellows, researchers and associate professors. We offer a range of services designed to help you develop your career within or beyond the university.


Mer forskning til studentene!
Mange av våre studenter ønsker å lære mer om forskning og en akademisk karrierevei, men opplever at det er vanskelig å komme i kontakt med fakultetets forskere. Dette er ikke nødvendigvis studenter som i utgangspunktet er ute etter sommerjobb/stipend eller ph.d.-stipend, men studenter som gjerne vil lære mer om forskning og akademia før de eventuelt tar et slikt valg.
Det er et langsiktig mål for fakultetet å rekruttere flere personer med profesjonsutdanning inn i faste universitetsstillinger. Dette mener vi vil styrke både undervisningen og forskningen på sikt, og vi tror at det å gjøre fakultetets forskningsaktiviteter mer tilgjengelig for studentene vil bidra til dette.
Vi søker nå forskere på alle nivåer som kan tenke seg å være kontaktpersoner for studenter som vil lære mer om forskning. Merk at det ikke foreligger noen lovnader om videre arbeid inn i forskningsgruppen, verken fra studentens eller forskerens side selv om kontakt oppstår.
Det viktige er at hvis du velger å delta på dette må du svare på de henvendelsene du måtte få fra studenter, og at du er tilgjengelig for møter med studenter (for eksempel i form av samtaler, omvisning på enhet, invitasjon til gruppeseminar).
Navnet ditt med kontaktinformasjon (e-post) og en kort beskrivelse av forskningsfelt vil bli lagt ut i de kanalene der vi vanligvis har kontakt med studentene. Vi håper mange vil bidra til denne «studentportalen for forskning». Vi har også opprettet en nettside der vi har startet arbeidet med å legge inn informasjon om forskere som har registrert seg.
Hvis du er interessert, vennligst send navn, instituttilhørighet og 1-2 lett forståelige setninger om forskningsfeltet ditt til Ramune Midttveit (

More research for the students!

Many of our students want to learn more about research and an academic career path but find it difficult to get in touch with the faculty’s researchers. These are not necessarily students who are looking for, for example, a summer job/scholarship or PhD scholarship, but simply students who would like to learn more about research and academia.
It is a long-term goal for the faculty to recruit more people with education in medicine, odontology, nutrition, or pharmacy into permanent university positions. We believe this will strengthen both teaching and research in the long term, and that making the faculty’s research activities more accessible to students will contribute to this goal.
We are now looking for researchers at all levels who want to sign up as contact persons for students who want to learn more about research. Note that there are no promises of further work into the research group, neither from the student’s nor the researcher’s side in this, even if meetings occur.
However, if you choose to participate in this, you must respond to inquiries you may receive from students, and you must be available for meetings with students (for example in the form of conversations, guided tours in the lab, invitation to group seminars).
Your name with contact information (e-mail) and a short description of your research field will be posted in the channels where we usually have contact with the students.We hope many will contribute to this «student portal for research». On the dedicated web page you will find information about the registered researchers.
If you are interested, please send your name, department affiliation and 1-2 easy-to-understand sentences about your field of research to Ramune Midttveit (


Call for mobility applications – north2north program

Possibility to apply for mobility funding for staff and students through north2north in spring 2023. North2north is the mobility program in the UArctic network. UiB sends one institutional application for n2n funding. Application deadline is September 30 2022 for activities in the spring semester 2023.
In this call it is possible to apply for funding to incoming and outgoing staff, and outgoing students (incoming students apply directly to n2n). It is not possible to recieve n2n grant if you already have a grant from a different mobility program (Erasmus+, Nordplus, etc).
Staff use the attached application form on the bottom of this page. Students applying for exchange through UiBs bilateral agreements to n2n partners will be contacted. Other students that want to aplly use the attached application form.
PhD candidates apply as staff for shorter stays (research stay, networking activities, academic seminars or meetings, etc.). For long-term stays or participation in i.e. phd-courses, summer schools or other teaching activities phds apply as students. Call for mobility applications – north2north program | International Centre | UiB
Deadline: 30. september 2022


The Research Fund for Asthma and Allergy 2022

The research fund for Asthma and Allergy aims to promote research in the field of asthma and allergies. In 2022, the fund distributes up to NOK 500,000 to research projects and/or other projects that promote research, for example pilot projects. The asthma and allergy area can affect many different professional fields, and we encourage all professional environments, at all levels, to apply if their research may be relevant to our diagnostic groups. Application deadline 2 October 2022 Criteria for application:
• Promote research in the field of asthma and allergies
• Maintain dialogue with the Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association (NAAF) during the work.
• Projects with a focus on children will receive some priority
• Applications are written on a separate application form that can be downloaded from the website.
The application form and information about the Research Fund can be found here: Forskningsfondet for astma og allergi ( Sorry, links in Norwegian!


Dear all;

The semester started a few weeks ago and many of us are now doing a considerable amount of teaching, in the auditoriums as well as in our teaching labs. There have been and are still challenges with our AV equipment, especially in the auditoriums and in the histology rooms. Hopefully, we will able to continue in giving a good quality education this semester also, and that the equipment will be on «our side» during the rest of the semester.

The Norwegian Research Council (NRC) are announcing the results of the calls for 2022 these days. The results from the «Fornyelse» program is out, and we can congratulate Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care (IGS) with 4 projects being funded, and Department of Clinical Medicine (K1) with funding for 1 project.
See also: Nye forskerprosjekter får finansiering fra Forskningsrådet.
The results of the FRIPRO program was announced today, and we congratulate Nils Halberg and Ruth Brenk from IBM,  Eystein Husebye (K2) and Hans Peter Marti (K1).

Last, I would like to draw your attention to all the calls for small research funds which are available. You can read more about them in this Newsletter.

Best regards


Jan-Åke Husmann starter som stipendiat i Biogjenkjenning den 1. september med Ruth Brenk som veileder.


Forskningsdagene i Bergen 2022

Sjekk ut programmet for årets festival og bli med!
Publikumsarrangementer som er åpne for alle.
21. september – 2. oktober 2022
Forskningstorget 24. september
Besøk teltet med 20 ulike stasjoner med hvor du kan lære om alt fra sjøveien i middelalderen, bygge dna-molekyler, finne klimakunnskap i gjørme og fossiler og bli med på influensavirusets reise fra luftveien til lymfeknuten og tilbake. Vil Vite stiller med vitenshow.
Målgruppe: interesserte i alle aldre. Åpningstid: kl.11-16, gratis.
Se oversikt over alle stasjonene i programmet på Forskningsdagene i Bergens nettside. 
Forsker grand prix 28. september
Bergensmesterskapet i forskningsformidling for ph.d.-kandidater. Fem av ti finalister er fra UiB. De konkurrerer på en scene om å presentere forskningen sin best mulig på 4 minutter!
Målgruppe: ungdom og voksne.
Se informasjon om kandidatene og billetter (gratis) på Forskningsdagene i Bergens nettside.
Night at the Aquarium – State of the Ocean. 30. september
Bli med på Researcher’s Night på Akvariet i Bergen, en fredagskveld fylt med foredrag, samtaler, smaksprøver og mingling mellom fisk og pingviner.
Målgruppe: ungdom og voksne.
Se informasjon om program og billetter (gratis) på Forskningsdagene i Bergens nettside.


Mangfold ved UiB: Velkommen til innspillmøte

Som et ledd i arbeidet med den nye universitetsstrategien, inviterer vi alle kollegaer og studenter ved UiB til innspillmøte om mangfold ved UiB.
12. september 14.0016.00.
Arbeid med ny UiB-strategi 2023–2030 | Universitetet i Bergen
UiB har som mål å være et godt og attraktivt arbeids- og studiested, der alle er sett,  verdsatt og inkludert, uavhengig av bakgrunn, der mangfoldet utgjør en av våre mange styrker.
Hvordan kan den nye strategien bidra til å gjøre UiB til et mer mangfoldig universitet?
12. september er dette temaet for et åpent innspillmøte for studenter og ansatte. Her vil inviterte innledere dele sine perspektiver på hvorfor og hvordan UiB kan  legge til rette for et større mangfold blant studenter og ansatte. De vil også dele sine synspunkter på hvilke strategiske veivalg som bør tas for at målet om et mer mangfoldig universitet skal nås i løpet av strategiperioden.

Vil du være med, eller foreslå en kollega?

Har du lyst til å bli verneombud? Du kan nå foreslå kandidater til vervet.
Lese mer:  UiB velger nye verneombud | HMS-portalen | UiB

Forslag leveres her:

Would you like to join, or suggest a colleague?

Do you wish to be a safety delegate? Candidates can be suggested now.
Read more: UiB is electing new safety delegates | The HSE-gateway | UiB

Please sign-up suggestions here:



Sosial spillkveld for instituttansatte!

Vi inviterer til en sosial samling og spillkveld på Bar3 igjen,
– bli med på en kjekk kveld med spill og moro! 😊
Det er selvfølgelig også mulig å ta med venner og kjære om dere har lyst.
Vi møtes 15. september fra 18.00 og utover, på Bar3
(Rosenkranzgaten 3):



Social games night for department staff!

We will invite you all to a social gathering and games night at Bar3 again
– gather the people in your group or section and join us for a lovely evening of games and fun! 😊
If you want to bring your partner/spouse or just a friend or two, that is also quite all right.
We’ll meet on September 15, from 18:00 (6 pm), at Bar3
(Rosenkranzgaten 3):

Informasjon om helse, miljø og sikkerhet ved Instiutt for biomedisin

– Alle som skal ha tilgang til våre laboratorier må være kjent med
HMS permen *)
– Ved HMS avvik, send en avviksmelding: Melding av HMS-avvik
– Mer nyttig informasjon om HMS finnes ved UiBs HMS-portalen

Beredskap ved Det medisinske fakultet – rutiner og kontaktinformasjon

Beredskap ved Det medisinske fakultet – rutiner og kontaktinformasjon | Det medisinske fakultet | UiB



Lyst til å bli kjent med nye folk? Vi Sammen Studentliv arrangerer vennespleis! Tilbudet har lav terskel, og det eneste du trenger å gjøre er å fylle ut påmeldingsskjemaet. Vennespleis er like mye for deg for deg som er helt ny i byen – som det er for deg som har vært her i flere år. Vi setter deg sammen med andre med like interesser og foreslår aktiviteter dere kan gjennomføre. Noen av aktivitetene vil også være i regi av Sammen sine studentaktivitører. Dersom du ønsker å være på gruppe med en venn er det fullt mulig. Det er også mulig å gjøre noe annet enn de aktivitetene vi foreslår. Vi deler inn i grupper fortløpende. Tilbudet er åpent og gratis for alle studenter i Bergen som er tilknyttet Studentsamskipnaden på Vestlandet (SAMMEN). For spørsmål til opplegget i Bergen kontakt oss på:
Viktige datoer høsten 2022:
  • 11.09: Frist for å melde seg på
  • 20.09: Kick-off.
  • TBA: Ulike aktiviteter med gruppen din.

Aker Scholarship

Er et stipend for deg som ønsker å ta en Mastergrad eller Ph.d. ved ett av verdens ledende universiteter. Stipendet kan søkes av studenter fra alle fagområder. Du søker Aker Scholarship et år før studiestart (eller eventuelt samme høst som du starter på studiet).
Aker Scholarship gir deg finansiering som supplerer andre støtteordninger – du vil normalt ikke pådra deg studielån under oppholdet. Med vanlig fremdrift er du sikret støtte gjennom hele graden. Vi tilrettelegger også for deg med en funksjonsnedsettelse eller kronisk sykdom. Stipendet kommer uten bindinger. Med Aker Scholarship får du mer enn pengestøtte. Vi gir deg hjelp i søkeprosessen og følger deg opp gjennom hele studiet.
Vi støtter studier ved følgende universiteter:
Caltech, MIT, Harvard, Stanford, University of Pennsylvania, Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College London, National University of Singapore (NUS)


Genetic Engineering of Lymphangiogenesis in Skin Does Not Affect Blood Pressure in Mouse Models of Salt-Sensitive Hypertension.
Thowsen IM, Reikvam T, Skogstrand T, Samuelsson AM, Müller DN, Tenstad O, Alitalo K, Karlsen T, Wiig H. Hypertension. 2022 Aug 31:101161HYPERTENSIONAHA12219777. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.122.19777. Online ahead of print.PMID: 36043415

Goal management training improves executive control in adults with ADHD: an open trial employing attention network theory to examine effects on attention.
Jensen DA, Lundervold AJ, Stubberud J, Halmøy A, Haavik J, Sørensen L. BMC Psychol. 2022 Aug 26;10(1):207. doi: 10.1186/s40359-022-00902-9.PMID: 36028907 Free PMC article. Clinical Trial.

Upregulated integrin α11 in the stroma of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma promotes skin carcinogenesis.
Martínez-Nieto GA, Teppo HR, Petrelius N, Izzi V, Devarajan R, Petäistö T, Liu H, Kim KS, Karppinen SM, Ruotsalainen H, Koivunen J, Mäki JM, Walker GC, Pihlajaniemi T, Gullberg D, Heljasvaara R. Front Oncol. 2022 Aug 8;12:981009. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.981009. eCollection 2022.PMID: 36003785 Free PMC article.

BBB seminar

Petter Frost

Position: The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board.
Chairperson: Harald Barsnes <>, Dept. of Biomedicine.
Thursday, September 8, 14:30 at the BBB, Auditorium 4.

Sushma Nagaraja Grellscheid

Position: Dept. of Biosciences and Dept. of Informatics, University of Bergen. Head of node – ELIXIR Norway – building a data infrastructure for Life Sciences and Biomedical Research.
Chairperson: Harald Barsnes <>, Dept. of Biomedicine
Thursday, September 15, 14:30 at the BBB, Auditorium 4


Over 30 gratis kurs for deg som vil søke EUs Horisont Europa

Vi har kurstilbud til deg enten du er forsker eller EU-rådgiver på et universitet, institutt eller høyskole, jobber i næringslivet eller offentlig sektor. Horisont Europa – kurstilbud ( I kurstilbudet finner du introduksjonskurs til Horisont Europa, kurs i strategiutvikling, hvordan man utarbeider gode prosjektforslag, prosjektledelse, økonomi, og kurs om spesielle tema som f.eks innovasjonsledelse, Impact og Exploitation, samt Open Access. Kursene er basert på en kombinasjon av presentasjoner, eksempler og praktiske øvelser i grupper. Noen av kursene holdes digitalt, mens andre kurs har fysisk oppmøte. For webinarer vil lenke til pålogging og til kursmaterialet bli sendt påmeldte deltakere noen dager før kursstart.
Kursene er gratis og åpne for alle, men vi tar et gebyr på NOK 1000 for ikke oppmøtte registrerte deltakere. Kursene er delt i fem kategorier (A-E), og dekker tre kunnskapsnivåer.
Naviger deg til mer detaljert beskrivelse om kursene via lenkene under.
A: Horisont Europa – oversikt
B: Prosjektutvikling
C: Prosjektledelse
D: Økonomi og budsjettering
E: Spesialkurs
Introduksjonskurs for oppstartsselskaper og små og mellomstore bedrifter (SMB) (Innovasjon Norge)
Vi kan også skreddersy kurs og veiledning ved behov. Ta kontakt med spesialrådgiver Inger Nordgard for mer informasjon (Se kontaktinfo i høyre marg fra desktop og lengre ned på siden hvis du leser dette fra mobil).


Strengthening research careers

The European Commission organizes the online workshop on “Strengthening research careers: a focus on competences, balanced talent circulation and intersectoral mobility”  on the 12th of September 2022. This workshop will present the main findings and outcomes from the study ‘Knowledge Ecosystem in the new ERA’ (KE-ERA) on the competence framework for researchers (morning session, including the potential uses and applications of the framework) and on balanced talent circulation (afternoon session, including issues of geographical brain drain and intersectoral mobility). Illustrations of cases will be presented for each of the topics, and future pathways for action will be discussed. Programme overview:
1.Morning session (9:30 – 12:30 CET)
“ResearchComp: A competence-based approach for sustainable research career»
-​ResearchComp, the new EU competence framework for researchers: presentation of the framework, methodology and potential applications, including the presentation of use cases.
-The new version of the European Skills/Competences, Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO) and its implications for research careers.
-Debate: How to foster the uptake of ResearchComp: the European dimension?
2. Afternoon session (13:30 – 16:00 CET)
“Intersectoral and international mobility: Pathways for balanced talent circulation in the EU”
-Brain drain: solutions and barriers to a balanced international talent circulation. Presentation of main findings from the Knowledge Ecosystems in the New ERA study and presentation of cases.
-Intersectoral mobility: challenges and solutions. Presentation of main findings of the abovementioned study and of interesting cases.
-Debate: How to improve a balanced intersectoral and international talent circulation in the EU?
Participants can attend either one of the sessions, or both. Interested in joining this workshop? You are invited to save the date for now, the programme and link to register will follow a few weeks before the workshop.Talent circulation (



Alrekdagene 2022, 21.-23. september!

Bli kjent med hva som foregår i Alrek! Bli inspirert av klyngekolleganes innsats med implementering, formidling, innovasjon og praksislæring. Vi avslutter med karrieretorg for studentene og forskningsnatt om gaming for foreldre!
Les mer og se programmet her.

Helsetjenesteforsknings-konferansen 2022

Helsetjenesteforsknings-konferansen 2022 – Helse Nord RHF ( 18-19. oktober 2022, Tromsø. Konferansen er en viktig møteplass for alle med interesse for, og ønske om, å styrke norsk helsetjenesteforskning. Her blir det kunnskapsdeling, erfaringsutveksling, nettverksbygging og inspirasjon! Påmeldingsfrist er 10. oktober. Arrangør: Senter for klinisk dokumentasjon og evaluering (SKDE), Helse Nord RHF i samarbeid med Nasjonalt nettverk for helsetjenesteforskning.



Start-up seminar for new PhD candidates

September 19. at 09.00 – 12.05.
Dear PhD Candidate at the Faculty of Medicine, UiB. We are pleased to inform you that we will now resume the PhD Start-up seminar for new PhD candidates at the faculty. Due to corona, this seminar has not been presented lately, but now we can meet and share experiences and information again. We invite all candidates who started from 1 July 2021 to 1 August 2022.
This is a heads up for you to reserve the time in your calendar. We are planning a program with focus on information to be of help and support for you in your early-stage period of your PhD study and interesting speakers to share their experiences as active candidates in the PhD program and alumna to give a broader perspective from the PhD education to pursue a career after finishing the PhD.
We will end the seminar with a lunch, a good opportunity to get to know your fellow PhD candidates and to do some networking as well. Please, reserve this time for the PhD Start-Up seminar:
Venue: Auditorium Midgard, Alrek.
More information and a registration form will follow. Keep an eye for it in your in-box. We are looking forward to seeing you there.

Career Development Awareness

How can reflecting on your future career be beneficial to you as an early stage researcher? How to invest in career thinking and not be overwhelmed? Join this course for enhanced knowledge about career planning. Career Development Awareness | UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers | UiB. 15. September 2022, at 09:0013:00. Meetingrooms A + B, Muséplass 1 (basement) entrance from Prof. Keysersgate
In this 3-hour Career Development Awareness course for early stage researchers you will get an increased awareness around your current career path. Through individual reflection and group discussions you are invited to map out present research practice and reflect on future career goals, to identify necessary actions to get on the right track.
The course is beneficial for researchers at all career stages. However, we especially encourage new PhD and postdoc candidates to attend. Learning how to navigate long and short-term development early on in your career, will increase your skill and confidence in decision making and career management.
As a courtesy to the participants for giving UiB Ferd valuable feedback after the course, we offer complementary lunch at 1200. Registration deadline 11.09.2022 – 23.55. Registration.


Status som merittert underviser – utlysning 2022

Fakultetet inviterer nå sine undervisere til å søke om å bli tildelt merittert undervisningsstatus. Merittert status tildeles vitenskapelig ansatte som har vist betydningsfull innsats for å sikre utdanningskvalitet i bred forstand. Tittelen den meritterte oppnår er «merittert underviser». Søknadsfrist er 15. november 2022. Meritteringsordning for fremragende undervisere ved Det medisinske fakultet | Enhet for læring | UiB
Hvem kan søke? Vitenskapelig ansatte i alle stillingskategorier med undervisningsforpliktelse kan søke, med unntak av stipendiater, post.doc. og spesialistkandidater. Det er bare enkeltpersoner som kan søke om merittert status. For å bli vurdert, må man ha vært ansatt i en undervisningsstilling. Her finner du de utfyllende kravene til søknad om status som merittert underviser (oppdatert 2022). Meritterte undervisere gis en permanent lønnsøkning på 50.000 kr. i året (beregnet med utgangspunkt i 100 % stilling). Status som merittert underviser tildeles permanent, det vil si både når det gjelder status som merittert underviser, lønnsøkning og medlemskap i det pedagogiske akademiet som de meritterte underviserne vil utgjøre.

Bjørn Christiansens minneforelesning 2022

Bjørn Christiansens minneforelesning 2022 finner sted tirsdag 6. september kl. 12:15 – 13:00 Auditorium 4 i BB-bygget. Årets foreleser er Lutz Jäncke fra Universitetet i Zurich. Professor Jäncke vil snakke om sin forskning på hjernen hos musikere.
Tittel på forelesningen: «The brain of musicians: A model for individuality?»
Bjørn Christiansens minneforelesning 2022 | Det psykologiske fakultet | UiB

Lutz Jäncke har studert psykologi og nevrovitenskap ved forskjellige tyske universiteter. Ved universitetet i Düsseldorf fikk han sin Ph.D. Fra 1997 til 2002 hadde han en full professorstilling i kognitiv psykologi ved Universitetet i Magdeburg. Han flyttet til Zürich i 2002 og har siden vært professor i nevropsykologi ved Universitetet i Zürich. Hans viktigste forskningsinteresser er hjerneplastisitet, læring og funksjonell nevroanatomi.
Forskningen hans bygger bro mellom grunnleggende kognitive prosesser, virkelige anvendelser innen læring, rehabilitering, diagnostikk og moderne nevrovitenskap. Han har publisert mer enn 400 artikler, flere bøker og bokkapitler, og dukker ofte opp i offentlige medier som en vitenskapelig konsulent. Hans vitenskapelige arbeid er blant de 1% mest siterte arbeidene på verdensbasis innen alle forskningsfelt. Han mottok flere stipender og priser, inkludert Heisenberg-stipendet fra den tyske forskningsstiftelsen. Jäncke er også en lidenskapelig lærer som har blitt tildelt flere undervisningspriser. Han er en populær hovedtaler som presenterer kompliserte problemstillinger for et publikum på en forståelig og usedvanlig underholdende måte. Du kan lese mer om professor Jäncke her: Lutz Jäncke | Forscher, Autor, Keynote Speaker | Home (

«Pest eller kolera? Om pandemiske kriser og deres historiske kraft»

Møt lege Preben Aavitsland og historiker Magnus Vollset i samtale med Eivind Valestrand fra FilPol. Onsdag 7. september kl 19. Les mer om møteserien KRISE!
Til høstens første møte inviterer vi kommuneoverlege Preben Aavitsland og historiker Magnus Vollset, begge fra Pandemisenteret ved UiB, til å reflektere over koronapandemien som krise. Samtalen ledes av forsker Eivind Valestrand fra Filosofisk Poliklinikks styre. Vi vil berøre noen av dilemmaene som dukker opp i krisesituasjoner. Hvordan veie behovet for en rask reaksjon opp mot behovet for grundige vurderinger – i en situasjon hvor mye er uavklart og stadig endrer seg? Hvordan kommunisere med befolkningen, og hva bør man si? Hvordan skiller tiltakene mot covid-19 seg fra tidligere kriser – ble intensivavdelingenes kapasitet en avgjørende faktor for politisk handling? Og hvilke langvarige konsekvenser får pandemier i en tid som vår?
Velkommen i Litteraturhuset i Bergen onsdag klokken 19! Billetter kan kjøpes på stedet. Lenke til e-billett vil bli tilgjengelig i Litteraturhusets program.


Monrad-Krohns Award for neurological research 2023

Monrad-Krohn’s endowment to promote neurological research grants an award every year for outstanding neuroscientific research preferably within clinical neurology. Professors of Neurology at universities in Nordic Region can nominate candidates for the award prize. Publications referred to must be published in recognized international medical journals. The prize amount is NOK 50,000. The award takes place at the Norwegian Neurological Association’s annual meeting in March. Reasoned proposals must be in the hands of the nominating committee by mid-January.
Read more here (Norwegian): Nominer din kandidat til Monrad-Krohns pris 2023 – Unifor – Forvalter verdier. Proposals received by 15 January 2023 will be considered.


WUN Research Development Fund 2022

The Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) is a leading global higher education network. UiB participates in WUN together with 24 leading comprehensive research universities to advance research and collaboration. It brings together all the member universities that sit in widely diverse geographical and cultural contexts, forming a partnership with the most talented researchers and educators globally to work with a range of focused issues. The Research Development Fund (RDF) is an annual competitive fund offered by WUN, with grants up to £10,000 for international researchers across the network to collaborate. RDF provides one year of seed funds to foster research collaborations among WUN members with a view to stimulating larger projects that will strengthen WUN and making the collaborating partners competitive for major external grants. All researchers at UiB are invited to apply.
The internal deadline for applying is 2 October. The application is sent to: More information about the call at UiB can be found HERE.

Demensforskningsprisen (Norwegian links)

Nasjonalforeningen for folkehelsen ønsker å stimulere til forskning innen demensfeltet. Vi utlyser derfor vår Demensforskningspris som vil bli utdelt under en høytidelig seremoni i april 2023. Det oppfordres herved til å sende inn forslag på aktuelle kandidater. Vennligst fyll ut vedlagte nominasjonsskjema og send til . Fristen er 14. oktober 2022.
Prisen er en anerkjennelse som gis på grunnlag av ett eller flere av følgende kriterier:
En forsker eller forskergruppe som har bidratt til banebrytende forskningsresultater nasjonalt og
internasjonalt som har økt kunnskapsgrunnlaget om risikofaktorer, årsakssammenhenger,
forebyggende tiltak, diagnostiske metoder eller effektiv behandling.
En forsker eller forskningsgruppe som har hatt et ekstraordinært godt nasjonalt og eventuelt
internasjonalt forskningssamarbeid og/eller tverrvitenskapelig samarbeid som kan gå foran som
eksempel for andre.
En forsker som er tidlig i sin forskerkarriere som har gjort en særlig innsats på områdene nevnt
over, og som i framtiden har potensiale til å ta en sentral rolle i å fremme og heve
demensforskningsfeltet i Norge.
Se her for informasjon om kriterier og retningslinjer for Demensforskningsprisen.
Demensforskningsprisen utgjør 200 000 kroner og et grafisk blad. Prisbeløpet skal benyttes til
forskningsrelatert arbeid. Kandidater kan fremmes fra alle forskningsmiljøer. Det er ikke anledning til å fremme eget kandidatur. Spre gjerne denne informasjonen til aktuelle forskere og forskningsmiljøer. For eventuelle spørsmål, vennligst kontakt: Forskningssjef Anne Rita Øksengård. E-post: Tlf: 48 10 21 33


Dear colleagues!

I hope you all have had a nice summer, although some have experienced sub-optimal weather (too cold, too wet, too hot …). I hope you have had the necessary mixture of relaxation, social and family activities and charging of your batteries. Now we are ready for the next working period in the autumn semester, and the students are back on campus.

We have received the new master students in our biomedical master’s programme, and this year we have a normal class size – it seems we end up with a little fewer than 25 students. For the health professions students in their first year the faculty reports that we also are close to the numbers we aim for. And the second-year students are back and active with the ordinary teaching schedule.

This year we are very pleased that the audio-visual equipment in the main auditorium in the hospital finally is upgraded and in place. This is good news for the big first-year courses. In general, we have well-functioning teaching equipment, although we have some challenges particularly in the histology rooms. The people involved are informed, and teaching can continue with minimal changes.

I wish us all a good and productive autumn semester! And although the seasonal wet periods certainly will come, we can all still hope for some late summer days with sun and nice temperatures!

“Pedagogisk påfyll” (Norwegian): Pedagogisk påfyll høsten 2022 | Enhet for læring | UiB
Pedagogical courses for PhD candidates and post-docs: Aktiviteter ved Enhet for læring høsten 2022 | Enhet for læring | UiB


Cedric Zeltz har startet i stillingen
som forsker ved IBM den 1. juli.


Markus Vabø har startet som lærling
i ekspedisjonen  ved IBM den 8. august.


Elaheh Mahootchi har startet i stillingen
som PostDoc ved IBM den 1. august.


Sosial spillkveld for instituttansatte!

Vi inviterer til en sosial samling og spillkveld på Bar3 igjen,
– bli med på en kjekk kveld med spill og moro! 😊
Det er selvfølgelig også mulig å ta med venner og kjære om dere har lyst.
Vi møtes 15. september fra 18.00 og utover, på Bar3
(Rosenkranzgaten 3):


Social games night for department staff!

We will invite you all to a social gathering and games night at Bar3 again
– gather the people in your group or section and join us for a lovely evening of games and fun! 😊
If you want to bring your partner/spouse or just a friend or two, that is also quite all right.
We’ll meet on September 15, from 18:00 (6 pm), at Bar3
(Rosenkranzgaten 3):

Informasjon om helse, miljø og sikkerhet ved Instiutt for biomedisin

– Alle som skal ha tilgang til våre laboratorier må være kjent med
HMS permen *)
– Ved HMS avvik, send en avviksmelding: Melding av HMS-avvik
– Mer nyttig informasjon om HMS finnes ved UiBs HMS-portalen

Beredskap ved Det medisinske fakultet – rutiner og kontaktinformasjon

Beredskap ved Det medisinske fakultet – rutiner og kontaktinformasjon | Det medisinske fakultet | UiB


How to use Mentimeter

At the department day in May, Arne Tjølsen presented the tool Mentimeter which can be used in teaching for quizzes, polls surveys etc. For those of you who are interested in learning more, the UIB’s Learning Lab is arranging two digital courses at beginner and advanced levels in August.

Mentimeter is a response tool making teachers interact with their students in real time. Using the tool, you can carry out live polling, surveys and quizzes, create word clouds, receive questions from the students and build all of this into presentations. The students connect easily from their own device, without an account.

Beginner level: 23. August 10:00-11:15
Advanced level: 30. August 10:00-11:15


Coming course this fall!

NEUROSYSM930 – Applied bioinformatics and data analysis in medical research, November 7-11, 2022.
Campus UiB / Haukeland University Hospital.
Note deadline September 1.

In this 3 credit course, you will learn to apply bioinformatics and data analysis in clinical research on human tissue. It will focus on practical aspects and methodological considerations that needed to be taken into account when dealing with human derived data, such as data sensitivity, limited sample sizes, sample misclassification, choice of appropriate statistical models, and covariates, and tissue heterogeneity. The course will be composed of seminars, lectures, and hands-on tutorials given by clinicians and researchers based on real-life scenarios.

Who: The course will be highly beneficial for all participants with an interest in bioinformatics, biology, medicine, or clinical research in general. It is open to researchers, postdocs, PhD students, master students, students enrolled in the Medical Student Research Program, and others interested in the topic. A basic knowledge of statistics is required. Familiarity with next-generation sequencing and a basic understanding of molecular biology and/or genetics are desirable.
Place: Campus UiB / Haukeland University Hospital, personal attendance.
When: November 7-11, 2022. Lunch will be provided.
Deadline for registration: September 1. Non-UiB students register through Søknadsweb, and UiB students register through Studentweb. If you don’t need the study points, you can register for non-ECTS participation through this link.
Program: not yet available, will be available through this link.
Organizers: Dr. Kim Brügger, Dr. Fiona Dick, Dr. Gonzalo Nido and Dr. Lilah Toker have the academic responsibility. Contact:
More information and pre-reading list: on this website

CCBIO905 – Methods in Cancer Biomarker Research, September 27-29, 2022.
A fully digital event in Zoom. Note deadline September 1.

This course focuses on the full panel of standard and advanced methods with relevance for cancer biomarker research. The intention is to provide an understanding of the various methodologies and their application in basic and translational cancer research. The course further covers relevant topics like optimal sample collection and biobanking. Note also a keynote lecture by Klaus Pantel on ctDNA and CTCs in the evaluation of cancer treatment efficacy!

The thematic parts include methods ranging from basic techniques on nucleotides and proteins to more advanced approaches, as well as bioinformatics and biobanking. The course will focus on methods to study biomarkers in tissue samples, blood samples, circulating tumor cells and DNA, and other biologic materials. Methodologies like PCR techniques, microarray, next-generation sequencing, bioinformatics and artificial intelligence, immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization, protein ligation assays, Western blot and ELISA, tissue microdissection and proteomics, flow cytometry, flow and imaging mass cytometry, and biobanking will be presented. Changes in nucleic acids and proteins in different settings will be discussed, as will the clinical applications.

Who: The course is open to researchers, postdocs, PhD students, master students, students enrolled in the Medical Student Research Program, and national and international students and researchers interested in the topic.
Place: Online on Zoom. Access links will be sent to the registered participants in due time.
When: September 27-29, 2022
Deadline for registration: September 1. Non-UiB students register through Søknadsweb, and UiB students register through Studentweb. Also possible to register for non-ECTS participation in this link if you don’t need the study points.
Program: Preliminary program is available through this link.
Organizers: Lars A. Akslen and Agnete Engelsen have the academic responsibility, and Ingeborg Winge ( is the course coordinator.
More information: on this website

CCBIONEUR910, Patient and Public Involvement in Medical and Health Research,
November 30 – December 2, 2022
Note deadline September 1.
The course aims to inspire increased user participation in research trials and will present methods on how to involve user representatives. This is highly relevant to all biomedical research fields, and Patient and Public Involvement is documented to positively impact the relevance and efficacy in medical research.

Learn: How patient and public involvement influence medical research, the conduct of clinical studies and the application of research results. About the researcher’s responsibility for patient and public involvement to be integrated into the entire process in a clinical research project. What role of user organizations and local user committees may have in your work. To communicate research findings to patients and the public. To discuss with users how their perspectives can contribute to democratization and quality improvement in research projects. To incorporate input from users into your research project. To assess and convey the added value of patient and public involvement and initiate productive user involvement in your research projects.

Time: November 30 – December 2, 2022
Place: Eitri and Haukeland University Hospital main building auditorium B301, BB Building auditorium 4, all on-site event
Program: Not yet available, but you can read about last year’s course here.
Academic responsibility: Nina Jebsen, Tone Skår and Kjell-Morten Myhr
Coordinators: Hilde Norborg and Rasmus Humlevik
Who: The course is open to researchers, postdocs, PhD students, master students, students enrolled in the Medical Student Research Program, and representatives from user/patient organizations.
Deadline/registration: September 1. Non-UiB students who need the ECTS register through Søknadsweb, and UiB students register through Studentweb. Also available for non-ECTS participation for a limited number of patient representatives. The user organizations will receive an invite. More information: on this website.

NORA national research school for AI

Earlier this year we were granted a National AI research school by Research Council of Norway. I am writing to you as your research is linked with AI topics and your organization being a partner of NORA. The objective of this email is to make you aware of the research school initiative and engage you in the future activities. For example: if you see a topic that needs to be covered as a workshop, webinar or an educational course. We can capture that input and plan future activities around it.
We plan to do several activities under the research school from research exchanges to topical events. It would be good to have your inputs and feedback. Here is the link to the research school webpage: Research School – NORA – Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium
If you are supervising a PhD student or know a PhD student who can benefit from this research school. Please ask them to sign up for free membership here: Membership – NORA – Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium
We also have a call for courses going on for 2023 term. If you are interested in preparing new courses on AI, then please fill the application here: Courses: Call for Application – NORA – Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium
The deadline for the call is 31 Aug 2022.


Labor epidural analgesia and subsequent risk of offspring autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A cross-national cohort study of 4.5 million individuals and their siblings.
Hegvik TA, Klungsøyr K, Kuja-Halkola R, Remes H, Haavik J, D’onofrio BM, Metsä-Simola N, Engeland A, Fazel S, Lichtenstein P, Martikainen P, Larsson H, Sariaslan A. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2022 Aug 13:S0002-9378(22)00650-0. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2022.08.016. Online ahead of print.PMID: 35973476

Refining the Role of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Kinases in Glioblastoma Development.
Larrieu CM, Storevik S, Guyon J, Pagano Zottola AC, Bouchez CL, Derieppe MA, Tan TZ, Miletic H, Lorens J, Tronstad KJ, Daubon T, Røsland GV. Cancers (Basel). 2022 Aug 2;14(15):3769. doi: 10.3390/cancers14153769.PMID: 35954433 Free PMC article.

Metabolically-incorporated deuterium in myelin localized by neutron diffraction and identified by mass spectrometry.
Baumann A, Denninger AR, Domin M, Demé B, Kirschner DA.Curr Res Struct Biol. 2022 Jun 28;4:231-245. doi: 10.1016/j.crstbi.2022.06.003. eCollection 2022.PMID: 35941866 Free PMC article.

Targeting the splicing factor NONO inhibits GBM progression through GPX1 intron retention.
Wang X, Han M, Wang S, Sun Y, Zhao W, Xue Z, Liang X, Huang B, Li G, Chen A, Li X, Wang J. Theranostics. 2022 Jul 11;12(12):5451-5469. doi: 10.7150/thno.72248. eCollection 2022.PMID: 35910786 Free PMC article.

HIDEA syndrome is caused by biallelic, pathogenic, rare or founder P4HTM variants impacting the active site or the overall stability of the P4H-TM protein.
Kraatari-Tiri M, Soikkonen L, Myllykoski M, Jamshidi Y, Karimiani EG, Komulainen-Ebrahim J, Kallankari H, Mignot C, Keren B, Nougues MC, Alsahlawi Z, Romito A, Martini J, Toosi MB, Carroll CJ, Tripolszki K, Bauer P, Uusimaa J, Bertoli-Avella AM, Koivunen P, Rahikkala E. Clin Genet. 2022 Jul 30. doi: 10.1111/cge.14203. Online ahead of print.PMID: 35908151

Early Evolutionary Selection of NAD Biosynthesis Pathway in Bacteria.
Sharma S, Hsieh YC, Dietze J, Bockwoldt M, Strømland Ø, Ziegler M, Heiland I. Metabolites. 2022 Jun 21;12(7):569. doi: 10.3390/metabo12070569.PMID: 35888693 Free PMC article.

Identification of BST2 Contributing to the Development of Glioblastoma Based on Bioinformatics Analysis.
Kong Y, Xue Z, Wang H, Cui G, Chen A, Liu J, Wang J, Li X, Huang B. Front Genet. 2022 Jul 5;13:890174. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2022.890174. eCollection 2022.PMID: 35865015 Free PMC article.

Genome Guided Personalized Drug Therapy in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Haavik J. Front Psychiatry. 2022 Jun 27;13:925442. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.925442. eCollection 2022.PMID: 35832601 Free PMC article.

Human myelin proteolipid protein structure and lipid bilayer stacking.
Ruskamo S, Raasakka A, Pedersen JS, Martel A, Škubník K, Darwish T, Porcar L, Kursula P. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2022 Jul 12;79(8):419. doi: 10.1007/s00018-022-04428-6.PMID: 35829923 Free PMC article.

Comparing the mitochondrial signatures in ESCs and iPSCs and their neural derivations.
Kristiansen CK, Chen A, Høyland LE, Ziegler M, Sullivan GJ, Bindoff LA, Liang KX.Cell Cycle. 2022 Jul 10:1-16. doi: 10.1080/15384101.2022.2092185. Online ahead of print.PMID: 35815665

Quantitative proteomics reveals protein dysregulation during T cell activation in multiple sclerosis patients compared to healthy controls.
Cappelletti C, Eriksson A, Brorson IS, Leikfoss IS, Kråbøl O, Høgestøl EA, Vitelli V, Mjaavatten O, Harbo HF, Berven F, Bos SD, Berge T. Clin Proteomics. 2022 Jul 5;19(1):23. doi: 10.1186/s12014-022-09361-1.PMID: 35790914 Free PMC article.

Exome sequencing in a child with neurodevelopmental disorder and epilepsy: Variant analysis of the AHNAK2 gene.
Vinci M, Kursula P, Greco D, Elia M, Vetri L, Schepis C, Chiavetta V, Donadio S, Roccella M, Carotenuto M, Romano V, Calì F. Mol Genet Genomic Med. 2022 Jul 5:e2012. doi: 10.1002/mgg3.2012. Online ahead of print.PMID: 35789128 Free article.

ILC2s and Adipose Tissue Homeostasis: Progress to Date and the Road Ahead.
Misawa T, Wagner M, Koyasu S. Front Immunol. 2022 Jun 16;13:876029. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.876029. eCollection 2022.PMID: 35784368 Free PMC article. Review.

BBB seminar

CCBIO Seminar 
Start up seminar for Carina Strell: Perspectives on early breast cancer – molecular biology and epidemiolog
Coffee/tea will be served before the seminar, followed by tapas and beverages afterwards. The event is open to all and you are welcome to circulate this invitation.
Registration: through this link.
Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen <> 
Thursday, August 25, NB! 13.00 at the auditorium in Armauer Hansens Hus


Upcoming events for University of Bergen Library

The UiB University Library continues its popular webinar series on the principles of Open Science in autumn 2022. Open science is a research practice where processes and results are openly available under conditions that promotes sharing, use, cooperation, and societal responsibility.
The UiB University Library and its Digital Lab offer a wide range of interesting courses and events – please find more information in the calendar.


Data management Plans
A data management plan (DMP) describes how data in a research project will be collected, processed, and made available. Writing a DMP is good scientific practice which helps structuring the data management in a research project and a requirement by research funders, e.g. The Norwegian Research Council or Horizon Europe. See also our information page UiB Library – Data Management Plans.
August 19th 10:00-11:00 CET: Introduction to Data Management Plans (in Norwegian)
September 30th, 10:00-14:00 CET: Data Management Plan Workshop
Following an introduction to data management plans, you will be able to work on your own DMP and receive feedback.
November 25th, 10:00-11:00 CET: Introduction to Data Management Plans

How to make your data open & FAIR
Researchers are encouraged to make their data openly available as early as possible in the research process, and most funders, e.g. Norwegian Research Council or Horizon Europe, and publishers require that the research data from a project is made openly available. In the course you will get an introduction to how you can make your research data open and FAIR, and how to archive your data in our institutional archive UiB Open Research Data. See also our information page UiB Library – Open Access to Research Data.
September 2nd, 10:00-11:00 CET: How to make your data open & FAIR
December 9th, 10:00-11:00 CET: How to make your data open & FAIR (in Norwegian)

Open Access publishing step-by-step
Governments, institutions, and research funders expect researchers to make their research openly available. What is open access, why should you make your research publications openly available and what services and support is available at UiB? See also our information page: UiB Library – Open Access Publishing
September 16th, 10:00-10:45 CET: Open Access publishing step-by-step

Make your research visible using researcher profiles
Having a researcher profile is a great way to showcase contributions to your field and open science engagement. This seminar will demonstrate how to use ORCID and other researcher profiles to showcase your work. See also MittUiB online course UBB103 Profiles and Publishing Statistics and our information page UiB Library – Bibliometric services and analysis.
October 14th, 10:00-10:45 CET: Make your research visible using researcher profiles

Open Access Week
Open Access Week is an annual scholarly communication event focusing on open access and related topics. The national Norwegian program is the result of a collaboration between UiB and several other institutions and infrastructures. Stay tuned!
October 24th-28th: Open Access Week 2022

Finding & reusing research data
Reusing published research data can open new avenues of research and avoids unnecessary duplication of efforts. The webinar will give an introduction to FAIR research data as a resource, explain data citation, and demonstrate strategies to efficiently discover datasets in your discipline.
November 11th, 10:00-11:00 CET: Finding & reusing research data

Modelling living systems – From foundational problems to applications

The increased use of digitalization technologies in life science changes the way life science research is done. State of the art experimental techniques now routinely produce very large datasets of which the interpretation is unclear. This does not only increase our ability to interrogate the natural world, but also affects the research questions. This changes life-science research, but also our view of what a living system is. The practical consequences of this are still unclear.
Time and place: Sep. 15, 2022Sep. 16, 2022Bergen, venue TBA.
Modelling living systems – From foundational problems to applications – Centre for Digital Life Norway
Registration form: