
Nasjonalt Kick-off webinar, Innovative Health Initiative (IHI)

EU partnerskapet på helse, Innovative Health Initiative (IHI), vil snart publisere de første utlysningen og i den forbindelse arrangeres det nå flere møter. Første møte er 8. juni, da ønsker vi velkommen til et Nasjonalt Kick-off webinar hvor det vil bli gitt informasjon om IHI samt diskutert aspekter sentralt for norsk deltakelse. Fra 10.juni starter en serie med workshops arrangert av IHI sentralt, knyttet til de første utlysningene som vil bli publisert i juni.
Vennligst se informasjon og påmeldingslenker til de ulike webinarene nedover i denne eposten.
Nasjonal IHI kick-off 8.juni kl09:00-10:45(digitalt)
Kl. 09:00             Velkommen
Kl. 09:03             Norske ambisjoner v/Nils Olav Refsdal, Underdirektør, HOD
Kl. 09:10             IHI-At a glance v/Hugh Laverty, Head of Scientific Operations, IHI
Kl. 09:40             Spørsmål
Kl. 09:55             Kort pause
Kl. 10:00             Refleksjoner og innspill fra aktørene v/ LMI, Melanor, Abelia, Norway Health Tech, UiO, Sunnaas
Kl. 10:30             Spørsmål
Kl. 10:40             Oppsummering og veien videre
For mer informasjon og påmelding til Norsk Kick-off: https://forskningsradet.pameldingssystem.no/norsk-ihi-kick-off


Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) European

The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) European will hold an information and brokerage event online, on 14 June to share details of the first round of calls launching in June and support consortium building. IHI webinars are traditionally a good place to find consortium partners or join a consortium.
Registration in the right corner on this page: IHI Kick-off and brokerage event – Home (b2match.io)

The following topics are under consideration for inclusion in the first IHI calls for proposals, which are planned to launch in June. IHI is publishing the draft topic texts in advance of the official call launch to give potential applicants additional time to start building a consortium and drafting a proposal. You will also find links to webinars arranged for each call.
IHI call 1 (single stage call)
– An innovative decision-support system for improved care pathways for patients with neurodegenerative diseases and comorbidities  Webinar Thursday 23 June | 14:30-16:00. Register
– Next generation imaging and image-guided diagnosis and therapy for cancer. Webinar Wednesday 15 June | 14:30-16:00. Register
– Personalised oncology: Innovative people-centred, multi-modal therapies against cancer. Webinar Thursday 23 June | 10:30-12:00. Register
– Access and integration of heterogeneous health data for improved health care in diseases areas of high unmet public health need. Webinar Wednesday 22 June | 10:30-12:00. Register

IHI call 2 (two stage call)
Cardiovascular diseases – improved prediction, prevention, diagnosis and monitoring. Webinar Wednesday 22 June | 14:30-16:00. Register
Setting a harmonised methodology to promote uptake of early feasibility studies for clinical and innovation excellence in the European Union. Webinar Thursday 16 June  | 14:00-16:00. Register

LawTransform PhD Course Effects of Lawfare 2022: Application deadline 10 June!

Are you Interested in law as political strategy? How rights, law and courts are used as instruments for social change, and how different groups use legal mobilization in and out of court to advance their goals? Do you wonder when legal strategies are successful – and how we can measure their effects? Then this PhD course is perfect for you.
LawTransform PhD Course Effects of Lawfare 2022: Application deadline 10 June! | Centre on Law and Social Transformation