Informasjon om utsatt søknadsfrist for fond og legater
Årets søknadsprosess for fond og legater vil bli forskjøvet litt i tid. Vanligvis åpnes søknadsdatabasen i oktober, men i henhold til fremlagt plan er det nå forskjøvet til 2. januar 2023, og søknadsfrist vil bli senere i januar. Målet er fortsatt at støtten skal utbetales i mars som tidligere.
Bakgrunnen for den utsatte søknadsfristen, og informasjon om prosessene som er involvert i dette, kan leses i brev fra Universitetsledelsen her.
Vi ønsker at arbeidet med stiftelsene skal bli raskere og bedre for alle administrativt ansatte, uten at det gjør det vanskeligere å søke midlene for dem som søker om tildelinger og støtte.
Information about the postponed application deadline for funds and grants
This year’s application process for funds and grants will be shifted slightly in time. Normally, the application database is opened in October, but according to the submitted plan, it has now been moved to 2 January 2023, and the application deadline will be later in January. The aim is still for the support to be paid out in March as before.
The background for the postponed application deadline, and information about the processes involved in this, can be read in a letter from the University Management here.
We want the work with the foundations to be faster and better for all administrative staff, without making it more difficult for those who apply for grants and support to apply for the funds.
King Olav V‘s Cancer Research Fund’s prize 2023
The King Olav V Cancer Research Fund was established by the Norwegian Cancer Society on April 29, 1992, in memory of King Olav V to honour cancer researchers in Norway.
Size of prize 1 MNOK, application deadline 5. January 2023, 13:00.
King Olav Vs Cancer Research Fund’s prize 2023 – Insights (
Eligibility of the candidates: The fund awards a prize to a cancer researcher, or a group of researchers, who have contributed to furthering the quality and scope of cancer research in Norway. A group of researchers is defined by several researchers working together on joint research project(s). Each of the researchers in the group must individually have a research production of importance. If a group is suggested, the group members must be identified by name. The same person can receive the prize only once.
Eligibility of the nominator: Any person or group of persons can nominate candidates for the prize. You may nominate several candidates. Every nomination must be done through separate application forms.
How to nominate: Nomination must be done through the ApplicationWeb of Norwegian Cancer Society.
The Norwegian Cancer Society’s Prize for Young Cancer Reserachers 2023
The Norwegian Cancer Society’s Prize for Young Cancer Reserachers 2023 – Insights (
Eligibility of the candidates: The Norwegian Cancer Society’s awards a prize to a young cancer researcher who has contributed to furthering the quality and scope of cancer research in Norway. The same person can receive the prize only once.
The candidate to be nominated must: be under 40 years old by the nomination deadline; hold a PhD;
be associated with a Norwegian university, university college, hospital, any other institution with research as part of its noncommercial activities; have documented talent, shown extraordinary effort and achieved results of high quality for cancer research in Norway.
The nomination should be in line with the evaluation criteria and must include nomination letter containing motivation and background to nominate the candidate and description of the candidates’ research effort within the field of cancer research; CV; list of publications.
Eligibility of the nominator: any person or group of persons can nominate candidates for the prize; you may nominate several candidates; every nomination must be done through separate application forms.
How to nominate: nomination must be done through the ApplicationWeb of Norwegian Cancer Society.
NFR deadlines in February 2023
The Research Council is announcing funding within several thematic research areas in the upcoming deadlines of 8 and 15 February. Based on positive feedback from last year regarding the internal process at the faculty, we would like to continue with a common internal deadline this year as well. Current calls for proposals – apply for funding (
Those who wish to do so can use this form joint skjemaker for registration of potential applicants with a joint last registration date of 28 November 2022. The institutes that use their own form can send the list of applicants to me after the deadline.
Good overviews will help our economists and research advisers to be better prepared to meet the deadlines in February and support our researchers in the best possible way.
Research project for renewal, 8 February, Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal (Thematic Priority Call) (
Up to 50 million for research into global health.
Up to 60 million for research into women’s health.
Up to 60 million for educational research.
Up to 72 million for research into working life and the labor market.
Research project to meet challenges in society and business, 15 February, Collaborative Project to Meet Societal and Industry-related Challenges (
Up to 174 million for research into sustainable prevention, treatment and services in the municipalities.
Up to 52 million for research into measures for work inclusion.
If you plan to apply for funding from these calls, please complete this form by 28 November 2022.
Call for candidates: The DLN FAIR data award 2022
The Centre for Digital Life Norway encourages open science and FAIR data management. For the second time, we are highlighting and rewarding outstanding examples of life science researchers in Norway who have managed their data according to the FAIR principles. The deadline for nominating candidates is January 31. 2023. Amount of support: 10,000 NOK. Information and nomination form here: Call for candidates: The DLN FAIR data award 2022 – Centre for Digital Life Norway
Eligible data sets are those created by researchers based in Norway and focused on life science research. The research does not have to be affiliated with the Centre for Digital Life. The data can, but do not have to, be associated with a scientific publication.
The winner will be selected based on the following criteria: As the state of the art of FAIR data varies across domains and techniques, it will be considered how ambitious the data management is within the related research domain.