Heads up to all group leaders and students!
MIC will arrange a 3-day Light microscopy course in week 38 (19-21.09.2023).
The course will be a good introduction to light microscopy techniques at different levels, both for new beginners and those with some experience. We will focus on the range of instrumentation that MIC has accessible, with emphasis on both the possibilities and limitations of the different systems. The basic theory of fluorescence light microscopy and confocal microscopy will be covered, and there will be demos on different systems as well as a short introduction to the most useful image analysis tools. Some tips in experiment planning and sample preparation are also included. Any master or PhD-student planning to use the instrumentation for light microscopy at MIC, would by attending this course have a kick-start into the microscopy field. Having the basic understanding of the techniques makes them more robust.
MIC invites you to a 1-day workshop in basic image processing with Fiji and QuPath.
- Registration deadline: 1st of June 2023 Registration link: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=14840105
- Limited number of participants, first come first serve. Experience with at least one microscopy system is a prerequisite.
- Free of charge – first time run through; constructive feedback is the currency this time.
This one-day workshop will introduce two of the most useful image analysis software being used for light microscopy images, Fiji (ImageJ) and QuPath. Both are free to download and are frequently used by scientists worldwide. If you learn how to navigate these powerful tools early in your scientific imaging career, you will have a great advantage in pursuing everything from simple image processing tasks to complex analysis of larger data sets.
Fiji is a version of ImageJ, bundling the plugins needed for scientific image analysis. In most cases, it can directly open proprietary files from different microscopy manufactures, which also means that the essential meta data information follows the images. The most common image processing is accessible, and a skilled person can build complex analysis workflows. It is also possible to make your own macros for more efficient repetition of the workflows. However, to get you started, it is necessary to have some basic knowledge on which information an image actually contains. In this workshop we aim to level up your understanding of an image, take you through some useful image processing steps in addition to some simple analysis.
QuPath is designed to handle larger images typically produced by slide scanners. It filled a gap where Fiji struggled and has evolved to become a very useful analysis tool particularly for light microcopy images of histology samples. It can also handle fluorescent images but with certain limitations (that Fiji takes care of). We will introduce you to some possibilities that QuPath offers and show the difference in handling histology color images compared to fluorescent images.
Program 21.06.2023:
0900-1000: Presentation: What can we extract from an image and how to digest it?
1015-1230: Workshop 1: Tour of Fiji – you bring your own laptop with Fiji already installed, and we will do things together.
1230-1315: Lunch break.
1315-1530: Workshop 2: Walk the QuPath – you bring your own laptop with QuPath already installed, and we will do things together.
1530-1600: Wrap up.
MIC 21st of June 2023, BBB, 3rd floor Histologisal 3
Boost your research potential with innovation perspectives
Most funding schemes incorporate innovation perspectives into their application templates. Increasing your literacy on the innovation topic will not only increase your abilities to succeed with grants, but also help you make your research more relevant to society. In this course, we will discuss what “innovation” in academia actually means, get inspiration from good examples, learn about ways to increase your innovation potential and so on. See this course from UiB Ferd: Boost your research potential with innovation perspectives | UiB Ferd karrieresenter for yngre forskere | UiB
Alrek Helseklynge, Hugin, 06.06.2023 – 09.00–12.00
Social media for researchers
This workshop will show you how to use social media to extend your own impact, network with your peers, and get access to opportunities in both academia and industry. Participants will learn how to exploit the platforms Twitter and LinkedIn as professional tools, and to avoid unnecessary distractions.
You will get practical tips on:
· Communicating effectively on the platforms
· Meeting the right people, and engaging others in your research process
· Maintaining a sustainable social media routine that fits into your working day
The workshop is both for beginners, and for those who are more experienced. Registration deadline 19.05.2023
Seminar room A+B, basement of Muséplass 1, 25.05.2023 – 09.00–12.00
Project management in academia
Are you curious about the intricacies of project management and how it is applied in academia? This course will delve into the nuances of project management within academic settings and explore how it differs from other sectors. As we examine the unique characteristics of research projects, we will also consider whether external perspectives and strategies can be effectively utilized to enhance project management in academia. Registration and further course description: Project management in academia | UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers | UiB
FIA sine lokaler i Jekteviksbakken 31, 30.05.2023 – 12.00–15.00
Mastering academic English can be as important as mastering your discipline itself. It is often decisive for conference presentations, getting published in journals and networking. So if you are not confident using English – this is your chance to benefit from expanding your skills in both written and oral presentations. Intermediate level: Improve Your Academic Writing and Presentation Skills in English | UiB Ferd karrieresenter for yngre forskere | UiB
This course targets early-stage researchers at UiB like PhD, postdocs, associate professors and those holding a researcher position.
This course is for participants who are not confident using English, from all faculties and research fields.
Online on zoom, 23.05.2023 – 17.00–20.00
Upcoming events for University of Bergen Library
See the full list here: Upcoming events for University of Bergen Library | University of Bergen (uib.no)
Some events listed:
ChatGPT – hva er greia? – 11.05.2023
Introduction to Data Management Plans (DMP) – 12.05.2023
Course in EndNote 20 – 25.05.2023
How can you make your research data open and FAIR? – 26.05.2023
UiB Opp 2.14 Åpen vitenskap (Open Science)
Å utarbeide en datahåndteringsplan for et forskningsprosjekt er godt vitenskapelig praksis og et krav fra forskningsfinansiører. Vi vil presentere datahåndteringsplan-krav fra NFR og i Horizon Europe, diskutere merverdi for forskere, gi en introduksjon til relevante verktøy, og lede gjennom de forskjellige kapitler i en datahåndteringsplan med utgangspunkt i Science Europe Guide to the International Alignment of Research Data Management. I tillegg vil vi ta med praktiske eksempler for evaluering og diskusjon i den praktiske delen av verkstedet. Målgruppen for verkstedet er både de som ønsker en introduksjon til datahåndteringsplaner og mer erfarne som ønsker seg en mer praktisk tilnærming til tematikken. UiB Opp 2.14 Åpen vitenskap (Open Science) | Støtte til eksternfinansierte prosjekter (BOA) | UiB
FIA sine lokaler, Jekteviksbakken 31, 16.05.2023 – 09.00–12.00