Third Nordic Conference for Young AI researchers
The main purpose of the symposium is to provide a platform for AI researchers in early careers to exchange ideas, build collaborations and form a nordic approach to building AI solutions for the societal good.
See the web page for this meeting at Nordic AI Meet.
The call for abstracts is open! The deadline is 07 May 2023.
National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen, 02-03 October 2023
The 2023 symposium of the Norwegian AI Society
The 2023 symposium of the Norwegian AI Society aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners in the field of Artificial Intelligence from Norway and Scandinavia to present on-going work and discuss the future directions of AI. With the symposium NAIS provides a forum for networking among researchers as well as building links with related research fields, practitioners, businesses, and the public sector.
The 2023 symposium of the Norwegian AI Society
Ulrike Pihls hus, June 14-15, 2023
35th Norwegian ICT Conference for Research and Education
We have the pleasure of welcoming you to the 35th Norwegian ICT (Information and communications technology) Conference for Research and Education, NIKT 2023. This conference is an important annual meeting place for ICT-researchers in Norway. The conference is hosted by Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Stavanger. NIKT 2023 | University of Stavanger (
.The conference consists of four tracks:)
NIK – Norwegian Informatics Conference
NOKOBIT – Norwegian Conference for Organizations’ Use of IT
NISK – Norwegian Information Security Conference
UDIT – Norwegian Conference for Education and Didactics in IT subjects
University of Stavanger, Monday 27 November 09:00 – Thursday 30 November 16:00.
The 24th Broegelmann Lecture- Peder Olofsson
Peder S Olofsson is the Head of Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Departmentof Medicine, Solna, Karolinska Institutetand the Scientific Director of the StockholmCenter for Biolectronic Medicine will give the talk Reaching beyond innervation to map mechanisms of neural regulation of inflammation. The 24th Broegelmann Lecture- Peder Olofsson | The Research Group of Immunology and Rheumatology | UiB
Auditorium B302, sentralblokken, 15.05.2023 – 15.00–16.00
Disease X: The 100 Days Mission to End Pandemics
On this event we will be joined by speaker Kate Kelland, «Chief Scientific Writer» in CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations). She is author of the book Disease X: The 100 Days Mission to End Pandemics described as a «pacy, real-life page-turner». Disease X is the codename given by the World Health Organisation to a pathogen currently unknown to science that could cause havoc to humankind.
Auditoriet, Armauer Hansens hus (AHH), 23.05.2023 – 11.15–12.00
Ethics for Breakfast – AI and Research Ethics
Machines as moral arbiters. Objects and devices, such as cars, washing machines, and speakers, now come with digital connectivity features that allow them to collect and process data. AI-powered computer programs enable autonomous operation and direct communication. While machines can make decisions for us, it also limits our ability to make different choices and consider their consequences. For example, a washing machine decides the amount of water and temperature needed for a load, saving us time, but it may affect the longevity of clothes. Recommender systems and chatbots can save us hours of browsing, but they limit our exposure to different products and research papers. Etikkfrokost 26.mai – AI og forskningsetikk | Forskningsetikk | UiB
Christie, Muséplassen 3, 26.05.2023 – 09.00–10.30