HMS og velferd

Pride-parade  – Universitetet i Bergen

On Saturday the 10th of June, the University of Bergen will attend the Bergen Pride parade, under the banner “Mangfold trenger tankene dine” (Diversity needs your mind). We are happy to invite all our students and staff to come with us and celebrate love, diversity and equality, for an inclusive society.
Festningskaien ved Statsraaden Bar & Reception, 10.06.2023 – 12.00–14.00

Arboretum Day 2023

The program at the Lace House will take place according to the same reading as in previous years, designed especially for families with children. At Blondehuset, various associations set up their own stands and get opportunities to present themselves. All associations have a local connection and/or nature as their theme. From the stage at Blondehuset there will be a varied program of entertainment. The activity trail for children is popular, with quizzes and various activities.
Arboretum Day 2023 | The University Gardens | UiB
Det norske arboret, Mildevegen 240, Sunday 04.06.2023 – 12.0016.00

Søndag på Milde – Medisinplanter

Nyt hagen og bli med våre guider, Inge Raknes og Michael Pirie, på omvisning blant medisinplantene i Bergen botaniske hage.
Oppdag skjulte skatter, se sesongens høydepunkter og lær litt om tanken bak utstillingen.
Vi møtes ved tribunen like innenfor porten. Omvisningen varer ca en time.
Medisinplanter | Universitetshagene | UiB
Bergen Botanical garden – inngang sør, Skipanesvegen 45, 18.06.2023 – 12.0013.00