The Armauer Hansen 2023 Anniversary
2023 marks 150 years since the discovery of the leprosy bacillus. This landmark in the history of global health will be celebrated throughout the year, and on February 28 – the date of the first observation of the leprosy bacillus – we invite you to a commemoration in the University Aula.
The Armauer Hansen 2023 Anniversary | University Leadership | UiB
University Aula in Bergen 28.02.2023 – 11.00–13.00
Five years in, the GDPR has raised the bar for data protection significantly. What role will new regulation, such as the EU’s DSA and DMA, play. Tobias Judin, who is head of the international department at the Norwegian Data Protection Authority, will hold a guest lecture.
GDPR enforcement in practice and the road ahead – guest lecture | Research Group for European Law | UiB
Zoom 13.02.2023 – 12.30–14.00
Fagdag NSF – Norske Sykehusfarmasøyters Foreningen
Norske Sykehusfarmasøyters Foreningen ønsker velkommen til årets fagdag med tema «Hvordan ruste sykehusfarmasøyten for framtidens oppgaver?». Les mer om fagdagen her: Fagdag NSF 09.03.2023.pdf
Påmelding: Checkin — påmeldingssystemet som er regnskapets bestevenn (frist: 23/2-2023).
Dato, 9. mars kl 9-16, Radisson Blue Gardemoen
Darwin Day – Horizons lecture: Making Sense of Cancer
Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. So what is the evolutionary meaning of cancer? What will it take to get rid of it? In this lecture, professor in medicine Jarle Breivik explores the evolutionary logic of cancer.
Darwin Day/Horizons lecture: Making Sense of Cancer | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences | UiB
Studentsenteret, Egget, 13.02.2023 – 16.00–18.00
Disease related malnutrition – causes, prevention and intervention
Conference at Domus Medica, University in Oslo, or on Zoom link.
Disease related malnutrition – Institute of Basic Medical Sciences (
«Store auditorium» Domus Medica, University in Oslo or on Zoom link April 21th 9:00 – 16:30
Likestillings- og mangfoldskonferansen UiB
Velkommen til Likestilling- og mangfoldskonferanse 24. mars 2023 kl. 08.00 – 15.00 i Universitetsaulaen
Konferansen er også avslutningskonferanse for likestillingsprosjektet GenderAct. Kontakt HR-direktør Sonja Irene Håland Dyrkorn for program.
Se også: Mangfold, inkludering og likestilling | HR-avdelingen | UiB
Påmelding her, frist 28. februar: Likestilling- og mangfoldskonferanse (