BBB seminar

BBB Seminar

Oliver Billker from Umeå University, Sweden, will give a talk entitled “Fertility screens in a malaria parasite reveal the conserved biology of sex in a divergent eukaryote”.

Thursday, March 14, 14:30

CCBIO Seminar

Mika Kontro from Helsinki University Hospital Comprehensive Cancer Center, Finland, will give a talk entitled “Functional screening for precision medicine approaches in acute myeloid leukemia”.

Thursday, March 21, 14:30

Please see all coming BBB-seminars here:
BBB Seminars | The Department of Biomedicine | UiB

April 11, BBB seminar, Helge Wiig, Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen
April 25, CCBIO seminar, TBD
May 23, BBB seminar, Karin Dedek, University of Oldenburg, Germany
May 30, CCBIO seminar, Antonio Curti, University of Bologna, Italy
June 6, BBB seminar, Ylva Hellsten, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
June 20, CCBIO seminar, TBD


Møter og kurs

Nå ut med forskningen i media

Velkommen til kurs med Kommunikasjonsavdelingen ved UiB. Her vil du få lære mer om hvordan du som forsker kan finne den gode historien i forskningen din, hvordan du kan koble deg på nyhetsbildet og sette dagsorden. Dette kurset passer for deg som ønsker å være en tydeligere stemme i samfunnet, og vil nå bredere ut med forskningen din. Du vil lære om hvordan media tenker, og får konkrete tips fra tidligere journalister.
Kurset inneholder også en del praktiske øvelser med gruppen. Kurset vil bli holdt på norsk, og er et samarbeid med UiB Ferd.
Det er et begrenset antall plasser på kurset. Påmelding innen 11. mars.
Gi beskjed så snart som mulig hvis du ikke kan delta, slik at andre kan få overta plassen.
Nå ut med forskningen i media | UiB Ferd karrieresenter for yngre forskere | UiB
Mediekurset passer for forskere på alle nivåer, fra doktorgradskandidater til erfarne forskere.
19.03.2024 – 08.3012.00, Store læringsrom, Læringslab 3. etasje, Media City Bergen (MCB)

Join the lab group/seminar series focused on (membrane) protein expression, purification and characterization.

The first meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 27th, at 11.30 in the seminar room on the 5th floor at BBB. Valeriia Kalienkova from the Petri Kursula lab will give a presentation titled : “From homolog screening to structure determination exemplified by SLC9C1”
In the future, invitations to upcoming seminars will be sent out to those who register on this mailing list, so sign up if you are interested:
Everyone is welcome to attend, bring your lunch! Looking forward to seeing you there! Svein

MRCRM’s 2nd International Meeting on Regenerative Medicine – 15.-16. April

Mohn Research Center for Regenerative Medicine (MRCRM) invites you to join our 2nd International Meeting on Regenerative Medicine at Grand Hotel Terminus on April 15th and 16th, 2024.
The scientific program features renowned speakers presenting the latest advancements in regenerative medicine, including the development of advanced therapies and insights from clinical studies. We also invite master’s and PhD students to showcase their research during the Lightning Talk Session (see the link below for more information). Following the conclusion of the scientific program on day 1, we extend an invitation to a delightful networking dinner at the hotel.
MRCRM 2nd International Meeting in Regenerative Medicine – April 2024 – Helse Bergen HF (
Date and time: April 15, 12.00 – 19.00, April 16, 09.00 – 16.00
Venue: Grand Hotel Terminus
Registration deadline: March 22

Dementia – how do we prepare for the future?

Can music help delay the development of Alzheimer’s?
Dementia is Norway’s most expensive disease. With increasing life expectancy, the number of people with dementia rises rapidly. This means that we have to think differently about how we handle the aging population. For patients with Alzheimer’s, the most common form of dementia, life disappears because memory disappears. But music therapy can help them bring the memory back to life. Could this be an inexpensive measure that delays the development of the disease, improves the quality of life of both patients and relatives, and therefore saves the healthcare system large sums?
06.03.2024 – 18.0019.00, Litteraturhuset i Bergen (Zinken Hopp)

Division of Research and Innovation – events and courses

Norsk: Kommende arrangement for Forsknings- og innovasjonsavdelingen | Universitetet i Bergen (
English: Upcoming events for Division of Research and Innovation | University of Bergen (

University of Bergen Library – events and courses

Norsk: Kommende arrangement for Universitetsbiblioteket | Universitetet i Bergen (
English: Upcoming events for University of Bergen Library | University of Bergen (

Digital understanding, knowledge and competencies (DIGI) – staff and students

Norsk: Digital forståelse, kunnskap og kompetanse | Universitetet i Bergen (
English: Digital understanding, knowledge and competence | University of Bergen (

Se tematiske søkerkurs til frister i 2024 – NFR

Sjå opptak av søker webinar (


Ph.d. og Post doc

Postdoc Development Programme

The Postdoc Development Programme is arranged from September to June every second year. The next round will start in September 2024.
The Postdoc Development Programme aims to; Support postdoctoral researchers in developing the skillset needed for a successful academic career; Build a community of early-career researchers; Make the Faculty of Medicine an attractive workplace for postdocs.
Participants: Postdoctoral researchers in “post doc” or “researcher” positions and an affiliation with a research group at the Faculty of Medicine. Up to 20 participants.
Content:Participants will be encouraged to co-design the programme according to their interests. Potential topics are career development, grant writing, knowledge valorisation, leadership skills or project management. For example, see the programme for 2022-2023.
Timeline: The programme runs from September 2024 to June 2025 and will encompass 3 two-day workshops in a hotel outside Bergen and 3 one-day meetings in Bergen. Tentative dates and places:
– 24-25 September 2024, Scandic Hotell Voss
– 21 November 2024, Armauer Hansens Hus, Bergen
– 16-17 January 2025, Scandic Hotel Voss
– 13 March 2025, 9-15, Armauer Hansens Hus, Bergen
– 24-25 April 2025, place tbd
– 5 June 2025, 9-15, Armauer Hansens Hus, Bergen
Commitment: Participation is free of charge. Attendance of all activities is mandatory for registered participants. The immediate superiors (group leaders, academic mentors) must be informed of the participation in the programme and plan other work activities accordingly. Participants will receive a diploma upon completion of the programme.
Apply by 15 May

How to create a solid pitch for job opportunities or academic advancement

An elevator pitch is a brief description of yourself and/or your research. It should be so short that you have enough time to give an impression of yourself, while also being short, preferably no more than 30-60 seconds. It is important to have a plan and to have practiced in advance.
How to create a solid elevator pitch for job opportunities or academic advancement | UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers | UiB
13.03.2024 – 09.0011.00, NG5, Dragefjellet møterom (første etg.)


Ønsker du å delta på et nyttig og gøyalt mestringskurs om hvordan tankene og oppmerksomheten påvirker humøret og handlingene dine?
Tankevirus er et mestringskurs som vant Helseprisen 2016. Kurset er utviklet av norske psykologer og forskere, og presenterer negative tanker som ulike tankevirus som kan behandles med psykologiske vitaminer. Dette tilbudet er i første omgang bare på norsk.
Tankevirus | UiB Ferd karrieresenter for yngre forskere | UiB
29.02.2024 – 12.3015.30, Seminarrom A, Studentsenteret 3.etg, (vis-a-vis Sammen kafeteria), Parkveien 1

Dual Career Seminar – working and learning in Norway

The International Center at UiB (Euraxess office) and the UiB Ferd career center for early-stage researchers have teamed up to organize a career seminar for our international researchers’ accompanying partners. One of the challenges when you move to a new country as +ONE, is establishing your own career. How does the Norwegian labor market work? How do I find jobs?
Dual Career Seminar – working and learning in Norway | UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers | UiB
10.04.2024 – 09.0012.00, Ulrike Phils hus, Rom Aktiv 2, i Professor Keysersgate 1

Healthy Working Habits: Time Management and Writing Motivation

This course will cover topics that deeply affect all researchers in and outside academia, and also transfer to other careers: time management and writing motivation. All disciplines and career stages are welcome.
Many researchers, at all career stages but especially early on, struggle with finding enough time to do everything. We work too much, we neglect our lives, we get burnt out – and we lose the passion for research that got us started. How do we develop healthy working habits and how can they renew a sustainable, positive relationship to our work?
Healthy Working Habits: Time Management and Writing Motivation | UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers | UiB
11.04.2024 – 09.0012.00, Sydneshaugen Skole, Auditorium A

Postdoctoral position in medical ethics in a project on genetic testing of children who have recently been diagnosed with cancer.
Postdoktor i medisinsk etikk i prosjektet PROTECT-CARE (257079) | Universitetet i Oslo (

UiBdoc is a non-profit interest organization for PhDs, postdocs and other temporary scientific staff at UiB.
See events here: About – UiBdoc

News from international HR UiB

Newsletter: Newsletter – February 2024.pdf (

UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers – events and courses

Upcoming events for UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers | University of Bergen
Newsletter: February 2024 (

NorDoc course database – get ECTS

COURSES | nordoc (

ELIXIR Norway – see service offers for your project

SERVICES – Elixir Norway
For any inquiries, the ELIXIR Norway Helpdesk can be reached through:

IT division – events and courses

IT division | University of Bergen (


UiB Climate Fund

UiB has decided to establish a fund to finance actions that will help motivate employees and students in the work to reduce the university climate footprint.
This fund will amount to 2 million NOK in 2024. The fund finance measures that support the work to ensure a more environmentally and climate friendly university. Either through direct reduction of UiB’ s climate footprint, or by motivating students and employees to participate in a joint “environment and climate dugnad”. Examples; environmentally friendly transport and events; measures for circular economy; creative and innovative ideas.
More info here:
Deadline for applications is set to March 17th

Research infrastructure

Det medisinske fakultet har i høsten 2023 jobbet med å utarbeide eget veikart for forskningsinfrastruktur.
Veikart for forskningsinfrastruktur


In the autumn of 2023, the Faculty of Medicine has worked on preparing its own road map for research infrastructure.
Roadmap for research infrastructure


Forskningsmidler og mobilitet

Utlysning av postdoktorstillinger innenfor LEAD AI

I løpet av mars måned skal det lyses ut 10 postdoktorstillinger ved UiB innenfor rammen av forsknings- og karriereutviklingsprogrammet LEAD AI. Det medisinske fakultet skal lyse ut 3 av disse stillingene. LEAD AI er finansiert av fakultetene og EU i fellesskap gjennom samfinansieringsordningen COFUND Postdoctoral Programmes under Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. Totalrammen er på 130 millioner NOK over fem år. Forskningsmulighetene spenner fra grunnleggende AI-forskning til anvendt forskning innen naturvitenskap, medisin og samfunnsvitenskap. Det er ønskelig å rekruttere både lokale og internasjonale forskere. Mobilitet, internasjonalt og på tvers av disipliner og sektorer er et viktig element i programmet. Alle søkere vil evalueres av en internasjonal komite og det er åpent for både innkommende og utreisende mobilitet.
Vi ber aktuelle fagmiljøer om å melde sin interesse for postdoktorstillingene innen 1. mars til  Legg ved en ½ sides prosjektbeskrivelse med navn og tilhørighet. Merk; du som sender inn en prosjektbeskrivelse skal fungere som mentor for postdoktoren; du skal ikke oppgi navn på kandidat; dette er en åpen internasjonal utlysning; tema er kunstig intelligens; hvis vi mottar mange skisser vil det velges ut hvilke prosjekter som best passer inn i tema for utlysningen; hvis ditt prosjekt er blant de som går videre vil du bli kontaktet for videre informasjon. LEAD AI | University of Bergen (
Frist 1. mars.

ERC Proposal Reading Day

The NFR will travel to Bergen on March 5th to offer an ERC Proposal Reading Day for researchers and support staff. You can sign up for a morning or afternoon session to sit in peace and quiet and read paper copies of successful ERC grants across disciplines from the Starting, Consolidator and Advanced categories (unfortunately no Synergy Grants to date).You can register for a session and choose which applications you would like to read here: Closing date for registration is 27 February.
Registration link for morning session:
Registration link for afternoon session:


Throne-Holst Stiftelse- Human Nutrition and related sciences
Home Page (
Deadline: 1 March 2024

Joint Programme on Neurodegenerative Diseases (JPND)
Deadline: 5 March 2024

Peder Sather Grant Program

Peder Sather Grant Program: How to Apply | Peder Sather Center (
Deadline: April 1, 2024

Financial support for stays abroad
MED: Financial support for stays abroad for PhD candidates and Postdoctoral Fellows | Faculty of Medicine | UiB
NFR: Funding for Research Stays Abroad for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellows (
Calls for Erasmus+
Tilskuddsutlysninger | HK-dir (
UiB Opp – kompetanseutvikling for eksternfinansiering og forskningsstøtte
Se UiB Opp kurs her: UiB Opp – kompetanseutvikling for eksternfinansiering og forskningsstøtte | Støtte til eksternfinansierte prosjekter (BOA) | UiB


Nyhetsbrev fra Institutt for Biomedisin
Bilder er enten fra eller
Publisert hver tredje uke
Ansvarlig redaktør: Frode Berven
Redaktør: Anne Mette Søviknes


Dear colleagues,  

The last weeks the weather has been a bit rough, a perfect opportunity to stay indoors and get some work done. And work has been done!  

Wednesday last week we handed in the EVALMEDHELSE self-evaluation forms to the Research Council of Norway. This evaluation takes place every 10 years and is extensive. We basically report on all the activities of the department and research groups/units the last 10 years. This includes the societal and sector impact of our work, strategy plans, collaborations, research, teaching, economy, funding, SWOT-analysis, how we comply with rules and regulations and much more. We delivered one report for the department, and six reports for six different research groups/units, plus a document with three impact cases. If you want to have a look at these documents, they can be found in the Teams channel “Institutt for biomedisin”  → “EVALMEDHELSE” → “Documents submitted to NFR”. Gathering all the information needed and creating these documents (about 200 pages in total) was a real team effort. I would like to thank everybody that has contributed to this finished product, which I think turned out really good!  

The accounting for 2023 for our department is now finalized. The budget for 2023 did not look good, but after taking several measures during the year we managed to end the year almost in balance (not including negative transfers from 2022)! Everybody contributed to this in different ways, and I think we should be very proud of this accomplishment!  

The economy for 2024 will also be very strict, and our budget indicates big red numbers, but we will keep working hard and smart and improve as much as we think is possible and responsible.  

We had the Dean, Per Bakke, visiting us at the faculty lunch two weeks ago. He talked about the economic situation at the faculty. Bottom line is that the faculty and departments must improve the economy quite a bit, and a project group is appointed with the mandate to suggest how. Frits Thorsen will be our representative in this project group. If you have input/ideas on how the economy can be improved, please approach him. This project group work starts today (February 5) and has May 15 as deadline. 


Malin Lundekvam startet den 01.02.2024 som ph.d.  i gruppen til Thomas Arnesen

Vi gratulerer Helge Wiig med hans 70 års jubileum og takker for hans verdifulle innsats ved IBM

UiB har laget e-læringskurset «Innføring i forskningsetikk» som anbefales for alle ansatte i vitenskapelige stillinger:
Kurset skal bidra til å sikre god kjennskap til grunnleggende forskningsetiske normer og retningslinjer. Det finnes på norsk og engelsk og tar ca. 15 minutter å gjennomføre. God forskningsetikk er avgjørende både for forskningens kvalitet og integritet. Forskningsetikk er ikke bare et fundament, men også en nøkkel til å bevare tilliten til forskningen, både til enkeltforskere og UiB som institusjon.

UiB has created the e-learning course «Introduction to research ethics» which is recommended for all employees in scientific positions:
The course will help to ensure a good knowledge of basic research ethical norms and guidelines. It is available in Norwegian and English and takes approx. 15 minutes to complete. Good research ethics are crucial both for the quality and integrity of the research. Research ethics is not only a foundation, but also a key to maintaining trust in research, both for individual researchers and UiB as an institution.


HMS og velferd

Utlysing av fakultetets priser 2023: forsknings-, innovasjons- og utdanningsprisene

Det medisinske fakultet vil på Fakultetets dag i 2024 dele ut priser for årets publikasjon, årets ph.d.-arbeid, årets forskningsmiljø, fremragende forskningsformidling, innovasjon og fremragende tiltak innen utdanning.
Les utfyllende om prisene her: Utlysing av fakultetets priser 2023 forsknings innovasjons ….

Please see the Employee Pages for UiB welfare offers

Welfare | Employee Pages | UiB

News from international HR UiB

Newsletter: awaiting the Februar newsletter – January 2024.pdf (

Studie og undervisning

Kunnskapsprat: Digital omstilling i UH-sektoren – status, muligheter og utfordringer

Hvor god er universitets- og høyskolesektoren til å utnytte digital teknologi for å heve kvaliteten og relevansen i utdanningen og forskningen? Hvordan står det til med den digitale kompetansen i sektoren? Velkommen til vår digitale kunnskapsprat, onsdag 7. februar kl. 10.00–11.00.
Vi inviterer til panelsamtale med sentrale aktører i utdanningssektoren, og går nærmere inn på flere aktuelle problemstillinger:
– I den digitale omstillingen jobber institusjonene mye med tekniske og organisatoriske tiltak, men: Hvordan jobbe for å fremme en digital omstilling som bidrar til å styrke fagene, forskningen, undervisningen og utdanningskvaliteten?
– Sektorens digitale kompetanse fremstår som relativt begrenset, viser kartleggingen, så hvordan bør sektoren jobbe med å løfte kompetansen blant egne ansatte?
– Institusjonene er positiv til å dele tjenester og produkter med andre. Hvilke nye muligheter gir dette for det videre arbeidet med digitalisering i UH-sektoren?
I panelet finner vi:
– Seunn Smith-Tønnesen, universitetsdirektør ved Universitetet i Agder (UIA) og nestleder i digitaliseringsstyret
– Stine Grønvold, prorektor for utdanning ved Høgskolen i Innlandet (HINN) og medlem i digitaliseringsstyret
– Harald Bolstad Evensen, fag- og forskningspolitisk ansvarlig i Norsk studentorganisasjon (NSO)
– Sveinung Skule, direktør i HK-dir
– Programleder: Ragnhild Tungesvik, divisjonsdirektør i Divisjon for høyere utdanning og forskning, HK-dir.
Kunnskapsprat: Digital omstilling i UH-sektoren – status, muligheter og utfordringer | HK-dir (
Tidspunkt: 7. februar 2024 kl. 10.00-11.00
Sted: • Digitalt, Påmelding: Webinar Registration – Zoom


Universitetsbiblioteket tester ut Keenious

Keenious er et eksempel på en ny type akademisk søkeverktøy som benytter teknologi basert på kunstig intelligens til å finne forskningsartikler. Universitetsbiblioteket ønsker å teste ut om dette er et nyttig supplement til tradisjonelle søkeverktøy. Studenter og ansatte ved UiB vil derfor vårsemesteret 2024 ha tilgang til Keenious Plus. Denne tilgangen gir flere funksjoner enn gratisversjonen.
Les mer her om hvordan du bruker verktøyet og hvordan du kommer i gang: Universitetsbiblioteket tester ut Keenious | Universitetsbiblioteket | UiB

The University Library is testing Keenious

Keenious is an example of a new type of academic search tool that utilizes technology based on artificial intelligence to find research articles. The University Library wants to test whether this is a useful supplement to traditional search tools. Therefore, students and staff at UiB will have access to Keenious Plus during the spring semester of 2024. The Plus version provides more features than the free version.
Read more here about how to use the tool and how to get started: The University Library is testing Keenious | University of Bergen Library | UiB

Language café – every Tuesday at 16-18.

Take the chance to get to know your fellow students while at the same time practicing your spoken Norwegian!
Maybe you’ll even meet someone who speaks the exact language you want to learn?
There will be a number of fun activities to set the mood such as «Academic word of the day», «language jenga» and lots more!
Various snacks and coffee will also be served. The language café will be open to ALL UiB students every Tuesday at 16-18.
Språkkafé påmelding / Language café registration (
There will be drop-in as usual, but registration is required for the first meeting on 13 February.
Babelstuen, Universitetsbiblioteket Humaniora, Haakon Sheteligs plass



Brain asymmetries from mid- to late life and hemispheric brain age.
Korbmacher M, van der Meer D, Beck D, de Lange AG, Eikefjord E, Lundervold A, Andreassen OA, Westlye LT, Maximov II. Nat Commun. 2024 Feb 1;15(1):956. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-45282-3.PMID: 38302499 Free PMC article.

On the hunt for metalloenzyme inhibitors: Investigating the presence of metal-coordinating compounds in screening libraries and chemical spaces.
Schuck B, Brenk R. Arch Pharm (Weinheim). 2024 Jan 26:e2300648. doi: 10.1002/ardp.202300648. Online ahead of print.PMID: 38279543

Investigating Polypharmacology through Targeting Known Human Neutrophil Elastase Inhibitors to Proteinase 3.
Gartan P, Khorsand F, Mizar P, Vahokovski JI, Cervantes LF, Haug BE, Brenk R, Brooks CL 3rd, Reuter N. J Chem Inf Model. 2024 Jan 26. doi: 10.1021/acs.jcim.3c01949. Online ahead of print.PMID: 38276895

The dopamine receptor D1 inhibitor, SKF83566, suppresses GBM stemness and invasion through the DRD1-c-Myc-UHRF1 interactions.
Xue Z, Zhang Y, Zhao R, Liu X, Grützmann K, Klink B, Zhang X, Wang S, Zhao W, Sun Y, Han M, Wang X, Hu Y, Liu X, Yang N, Qiu C, Li W, Huang B, Li X, Bjerkvig R, Wang J, Zhou W. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2024 Jan 22;43(1):25. doi: 10.1186/s13046-024-02947-7.PMID: 38246990 Free PMC article.

Fatigue in Parkinson’s Disease: A Proteomic Study of Cerebrospinal Fluid.
Eidem LE, Birkeland E, Austdal M, Bårdsen K, Lange J, Alves G, Berven F, Nilsen MM, Herlofson K, Tysnes OB, Omdal R. Mov Disord. 2024 Jan 20. doi: 10.1002/mds.29715. Online ahead of print.PMID: 38243743 No abstract available.

Neurobiological mechanisms of electroconvulsive therapy for depression: Insights into hippocampal volumetric increases from clinical and preclinical studies.
Abe Y, Erchinger VJ, Ousdal OT, Oltedal L, Tanaka KF, Takamiya A. J Neurochem. 2024 Jan 18. doi: 10.1111/jnc.16054. Online ahead of print.PMID: 38238933 Review.

BBB seminar

BBB Seminar

Ron Wevers from Radboud University Medical Centre, The Netherlands, will give a talk entitled “Untargeted metabolomics in body fluids and tissues – from the bench to the bedside”. 

Thursday, February 15, 14:30 

CCBIO seminar


Thursday, Feb. 22​, 14:30​

Please see all coming BBB-seminars here:
BBB Seminars | The Department of Biomedicine | UiB

March 14, BBB seminar, Oliver Billker, Umeå University, Sweden
March 21, CCBIO seminar, Mika Kontro, Helsinki University Hospital Comprehensive Cancer Center, Finland
April 11, BBB seminar, Helge Wiig, Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen
April 25, CCBIO seminar, TBD
May 23, BBB seminar, Karin Dedek, University of Oldenburg, Germany
May 30, CCBIO seminar, Antonio Curti, University of Bologna, Italy
June 6, BBB seminar, Ylva Hellsten, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
June 20, CCBIO seminar, TBD

Møter og kurs

Symposium for the Center for Medicine with AI in Bergen – 8 February

The medical faculty at the University of Bergen, Western Norway University College and Health Bergen are pleased to invite you to a symposium focused on how we can together create a coordinated center for Medicine with AI in Western Norway.
Symposium for Senter for medisin med KI i Bergen_ 8.2.24_Eitri_Program
See also this page: Symposium for Senter for medisin med KI i Bergen | Det medisinske fakultet | UiB
Time: 8 February 2024, at 09.00 – 13.00. Place: Eitri medical incubator, Haukelandsbakken 31

Essential ERC – A very basic introduction to the European arena for excellent science

It is easy to assume that all researchers are familiar with the European Research Council (ERC) grants for excellent researchers at all stages. This is however not entirely true. This is a short, very basic webinar for early stage and mature researchers who wants to know more about the grants offered to excellent researchers at all experience levels. What can you apply for, how do you apply, when and at what stage? After the presentation, there will be a Q&A.
Essential ERC – A very basic introduction to the European arena for excellent science (
The webinar complements our other activities for applicants to the ERC, such as writing courses, proposal reading days and more. The webinar is held in English. Registration deadline:13 February at 11 am
Digital:Live streaming, 13 Feb 14:00 – 15:00


ERC Proof of Concept; Innovation from excellent science

The ERC Proof of Concept Grants (PoC) aim at facilitating exploration of the commercial and social innovation potential of ERC funded research. You may apply for a PoC if you are a Principal Investigator in a Starting, Consolidator, Advanced or Synergy Grant.
Line Fredslund Volkers, call coordinator for PoC at the ERC, tells you what you need to know about PoC before you apply. We have two contributions from researchers who received PoC projects. Finally, the National Contact Point for EIC (European Innovation Councill) will speak about the possibilities in EIC. In the first EIC Transition call of the majority of the researchers getting a grant had previously received ERC grants.
ERC Proof of Concept; Innovation from excellent science (
The 2024 ERC PoC-call opened in November 2023 and there will be two deadlines: 14. March and 17. September.
The webinar will be in English. Registration deadline: February 8 at 7am
Digital: Live streaming, 08 Feb 10:00 – 11:45


Research grants i Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) – webinar

Are you interested in doing basic research focused on the elucidation of the sophisticated and complex mechanisms of living organisms?
You can apply for funding from the Human Science Frontier Program (HFSP). Please note that you do not need to have a background in biology, participation of scientists outside the traditional life sciences is recommended because such collaborations have opened new approaches for understanding the complex structures and regulatory networks that characterize living organisms, their evolution and interactions.
Norway is again a full member from January 2023, and The Research Council of Norway will in February 2024 organize a webinar about the HFSP Research Grant. In 2024, the final deadline for the Research Grant call is March 28th, and the application must be initiated before March 19th.
Research grants i Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) (
The webinar is in English and you’ll receive the Zoom link 1-2 days before the event.

Next level grant writing with AI  – open webinar

Tuesday, February 13, 2024. 14:00-16:00 Central European Time.
Next level grant writing with AI – scientifyRESEARCH
Prof. Dr. Daniel Mertens from Schiller & MertensScientists Need More! on a funding webinar, where we will cover:
How to find research funding faster – with a focus on grants for Europe-based early-career researchers.
How to write a successful grant application – part 1 – AI assistants for texting, information retrieval and for literature review.
How to write a successful grant application – part 2 – Harnessing the power of AI for brainstorming of research ideas, of experimental setups and for collaborations.

Cell Symposia: Engineering development and disease in organoids

Home – Cell Symposium: Engineering development and disease in organoids (
August 19–21, 2024,  San Diego, CA, USA

Division of Research and Innovation – events and courses

Norsk: Kommende arrangement for Forsknings- og innovasjonsavdelingen | Universitetet i Bergen (
English: Upcoming events for Division of Research and Innovation | University of Bergen (

University of Bergen Library – events and courses

Norsk: Kommende arrangement for Universitetsbiblioteket | Universitetet i Bergen (
English: Upcoming events for University of Bergen Library | University of Bergen (

Digital understanding, knowledge and competencies (DIGI) – staff and students

Norsk: Digital forståelse, kunnskap og kompetanse | Universitetet i Bergen (
English: Digital understanding, knowledge and competence | University of Bergen (

Se tematiske søkerkurs til frister i 2024 – NFR

Sjå opptak av søker webinar (

Ph.d. og Post doc

PhD Grant Writing Workshop

The Faculty of Medicine invites all PhD-candidates to a workshop on «How to write a successful grant proposal».
The workshop will enable PhD-candidates in medicine and sciences to start early with their future research project. Participants will gain insight into the international funding landscape and develop hands-on knowledge by working on their own project proposal.
PhD Grant Writing Workshop (Day 1) | Faculty of Medicine | UiB
Target audience: PhD-candidates enrolled at the Faculty of Medicine who want to kick-start their academic career in the nearest future.
13.05.2024 – 09.0013.00, EITRI Medical Incubator, Haukelandsbakken 31



UiBdoc is a non-profit interest organization for PhDs, postdocs and other temporary scientific staff at UiB.
See events here: About – UiBdoc

UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers – events and courses

Upcoming events for UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers | University of Bergen
Newsletter: February 2024 (

NorDoc course database – get ECTS

COURSES | nordoc (

ELIXIR Norway – see service offers for your project

SERVICES – Elixir Norway
For any inquiries, the ELIXIR Norway Helpdesk can be reached through:

IT division – events and courses

IT division | University of Bergen (

Forskningsmidler og mobilitet

JPIAMR – AMR Interventions 2024

3-7 Partners from 3 countries. Probably 300.000 EUR for the Norwegian partners; other partners are funded by their national funders.
Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing  interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
AMR Interventions 2024 – JPIAMR
Deadline (proposals): 14 March 2024

Human Frontier Science Program Research Grants

900.000-1.500.000 USD, 3 years. Topic: basic research focused on the elucidation of the sophisticated and complex mechanisms of living organisms. For international research team of 2-4 members. Exploratory or discovery grants that are based on ideas and concepts. Preliminary data are not required.
Research Grants | Human Frontier Science Program (
Deadline: annual, next: March 2024

DAM Foundation – research grants

1,5-3 MIO NOK for 3 years. Stiftelsen Dam is one of Norway’s largest foundations and provides funding for health and research projects that will provide better health through participation and activity for people in Norway. The applications are sent through a volunteer organisasjon like the Norwegian Red Cross, The Norwegian Cancer Society, the National Association for Publich Health etc.
Om programmet – Stiftelsen Dam
Deadline: annually, 15 February

Human Frontier Science Program

Here is a call that is particularly relevant for several researchers at Biomedicine. HFSP is the funding program for basic research in life sciences. It requires international collaboration and does not fund applied/medical research. Projects are bottom-up high-risk projects. No preliminary results are required.
Research Grants | Human Frontier Science Program (
HFSP Research Grants support innovative basic research into fundamental biological problems with emphasis placed on novel and interdisciplinary approaches that involve scientific exchanges across national and disciplinary boundaries.
a) Research Grants: 900.000-1.500.000 USD, 3 years. For international teams of 2-4 researchers. There are separate calls for early and established researchers. Deadline: 28 March 2024
b) Postdoctoral Fellowships: 3-year fellowships. The host institution cannot be located in the country where the applicant has obtained a doctorate or worked as a postdoctoral fellow, nor can the applicant be a citizen of the host country. The applicant cannot have worked with the supervisor at the host institution previously. Deadline: annual, May

NFR Collaborative Projects  – Enabling Technologies

12 MIO NOK, 4 years. Requires collaboration with partners in other sectors.
– Industrial Biotechnology. Biotechnological methods, enzymes, microorganisms and other cell systems to produce various products, such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, feed, textiles and energy.
– Technology convergence. Create radically new technologies through professional fusion within the enabling technologies.
Samarbeidsprosjekt for å møte utfordringer i samfunn og næringsliv (
Deadline: 13 March 2024

ERA PerMed -Targets for Personalised Medicine Approaches

Joint Transnational Call, most likely 3-5 partners from at least 3 countries, 300.000 EUR for the Norwegian partners. Topic: Identification or Validation of Targets for Personalised Medicine Approaches. Must combine the research on new and advanced targets with companion biomarker research (companion diagnostics).
EP PerMed Joint Transnational Call for Proposals (2024) – European Partnership for Personalised Medicine – EP PerMed
Deadline: 5 March 2024

Financial support for stays abroad
MED: Financial support for stays abroad for PhD candidates and Postdoctoral Fellows | Faculty of Medicine | UiB
NFR: Funding for Research Stays Abroad for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellows (

Calls for Erasmus+
Tilskuddsutlysninger | HK-dir (

UiB Opp – kompetanseutvikling for eksternfinansiering og forskningsstøtte
Se UiB Opp kurs her: UiB Opp – kompetanseutvikling for eksternfinansiering og forskningsstøtte | Støtte til eksternfinansierte prosjekter (BOA) | UiB



Nyhetsbrev fra Institutt for Biomedisin
Bilder er enten fra eller
Publisert hver tredje uke
Ansvarlig redaktør: Frode Berven
Redaktør: Anne Mette Søviknes


Dear colleagues! 


A new year has begun, and we have some productive months ahead! Winter may offer opportunities to use our skis and to get some cold and fresh air in our faces, and also some good working weeks while we are waiting for the light, warmth, and colours of spring. 


Teaching and research are our main tasks, and the Medical faculty has announced this year’s prizes for nomination. As before, it will be given several prizes for research, innovation and education – see link in this newsletter about how to nominate! It is important that nominations should come from groups, networks, or departments, – not from individuals. Nominations should be sent to the department at the latest February 5. 


From August, we will have 20 more medical students in the first year. For most of our teaching, it will be possible to do it as before, but we must use “videonotat” as a routine. We should also consider using alternatives to physical plenary teaching more (classical lectures). We do not know if or when the number of medical students will increase further, but it is necessary that we plan for such a situation.  


Teaching is stimulating and motivating. I recommend that you consider the seminars from the faculty’s “Enhet for læring” (Center for Medical Education), “Pedagogisk påfyll”, for some inspiration! “Enhet for læring” also offers courses and other resources – have a look at their home page.  


Another interesting opportunity is “Læringsfestivalen” at NTNU, which this year is arranged May 27.-28. On their home page, recordings of many of last year’s presentations are available. Have a look! And our own “Learning lab” at UiB also offers resources and recommendations for teaching! 


Enhet for læring:æring
On their page, there will also come information on «Pedagogisk påfyll» for Spring 2024!
UiB læringslab:æringslab 


Thomas Myhre Dale startet i sin stipendiatstilling 01.01.2024

Dushyant Kumar Garg startet i sin postdoc stilling 03.01.2024 i Jan Haavik sin forskningsgruppe.

Zonglai Liang starter i stilling som forsker 29.01.24 i Nils Henrik Halberg sin forskningsgruppe.

HMS og velferd

Hjertestarter i Laboratoriebygget

Det finnes nå en hjertestarter på lab-bygget som er tilgjengelig, for alle.Du finner den på nederste hylle i skapet kalt «sikresonen» i lunsjområdet i 5te etasje.
Starteren er helautomatisk og veldig lett å bruke. Det er både tale og skjerm som viser hva du skal gjøre. Den har Norsk og Engelsk språk som enkelt endres ved å trykke på en knapp. Maskinen og elektrodene kan brukes på voksne og barn, men det er en bryter som må stilles på barn eller voksen. I bærevesken ligger det også en startpakke med saks, maske for munn til munn.

Arbeidsmiljøpris ved Universitetet i Bergen 2023

Universitetet i Bergen har i sin reviderte strategiplan «Kunnskap som former samfunnet» klare målsettinger for utvikling av arbeidsmiljøet. Som ledd i dette arbeidet ble det i 2020 etablert en årlig arbeidsmiljøpris i form av diplom og en pengepremie til én eller flere prisvinnere. Les mer her: Arbeidsmiljøpris ved Universitetet i Bergen 2023
Fristen for å nominere kandidater er satt til 21. januar 2024. Prisen vil bli delt ut på HR-dagen den 16 februar 2024. Universitetets arbeidsmiljøpris 2023 (

Rektors Festkonsert 2024 med Bergen Filharmoniske Orkester 24. januar

Du er velkommen i Grieghallen fra kl. 18:30 for sosialt samvær og mingling og hvor vi byr på ett glass musserende med eller uten alkohol. Baren vil være åpen for salg frem til konsertstart kl. 19:30. Dørene til Griegsalen er åpne fra kl. 19:10. Vi regner konsertslutt til ca. kl. 20:45.
Bergen Filharmoniske Orkester – Rektors festkonsert – Billetter (

Onsdag 24. januar kl. 19:30 i Grieghallen.

Please see the Employee Pages for UiB welfare offers

Welfare | Employee Pages | UiB

News from international HR UiB

Newsletter – January 2024.pdf (

Studie og undervisning

Norbis sin logo

Course – Metabolic pathway analysis
Course description: This course will provide an introduction to the computational analysis and reconstruction of both small and genome-scale metabolic networks. The main goal is to familiarize students with relevant state-of-the-art computational tools and databases, as well as to provide the students with hands-on experience in metabolic modelling approaches. Furthermore, we will cover the mathematical basis of constraint-based analysis of genome-scale metabolic models and provide a foundation for stability and control analysis of dynamic models. Link to the course description: Metabolic pathway analysis
Prerequisites: Basic competence in a programming language (preferably Python) is expected. Basic knowledge in biochemistry, linear algebra and statistics are required.
Time: February 19th to March 1st, 2024. Please note that the course is two weeks.
Place: University of Bergen, Department of Biomedicine
Course responsible: Ines Heiland, Mathias Ziegler, and Suraj Sharma
Invited lecturers: Sascha Schäuble, HKI, Jena Germany
Suggested amount of ECTS: 10
Number of participants: max 20
Registration form: Metabolic pathway analysis 2024 (

UiB Læringsarena ved NG5 inviterer til åpen dag mandag 22. januar

Mandag 22. januar inviterer vi på ny ansatte til  for å se og slå av en prat.
Invitasjonen: Åpen dag i UiB Læringsarena 22. januar | Læringsarenaen i Nygårdsgaten 5 | UiB

Course responsible (emneansvarlige) – revised regulations 2024

The regulations for students and studies at the UiB has been revised, and the Medical faculty has accordingly revised our local regulations. You can find the local regulations here, with link to the UiB regulations: See also:
Nytt utfyllende studiereglement ved Det medisinske fakultet fra og med 1.1.2024
Utfyllande studiereglement ved Det medisinske fakultet f.o.m. 01.01.2024

Rekruttering av studenter fra 2023-kullet – Forskerlinjen høsten 2024

Ved Forskerlinjen er vi i full gang med å rekruttere studenter fra 2023-kullet med tanke på opptak på Forskerlinjen høsten 2024. Det er en absolutt fordel at aktive, interesserte studenter rekrutteres så tidlig som mulig i 2024, helst før sommerferien.
Til enhver tid er det ca. 75-80 studenter som går på forskerlinjen, dvs. ca. 10 % av studentene. Både studenter og veiledere melder tilbake om gode erfaringer og god forskning. Mange studenter er godt i gang med doktorgradsprosjekt. Vi har 17 plasser til disposisjon hvert år, 15 for medisin og 2 for odontologi. Med dette inviterer vi deg til å levere inn prosjektforslag. Det er viktig at prosjektene er av en slik karakter at de lar seg gjennomføre i forskerlinjeløpet. Potensielle forskerlinjestudenter er genuint interesserte, de er smarte og vitebegjærlige. MEN det er viktig å huske at de fleste er unge og uten forskningserfaring, noe som innebærer at de trenger tett oppfølging i startfasen. Husk at du skal vinne studentenes interesse og entusiasme for feltet og faget.
Forslag til prosjekter leveres inn via skjemaker: Innmelding av forskningsprosjekt for forskerlinjestudent (
Frist for innlevering: 26. januar 2024.

«Mingledag» –
Som i fjor ønsker vi å initiere større kontakt mellom studentene og forskningsmiljøene, og inviterer dere til å presentere dere på stands. Vi vil forsøke å dele dere inn etter institutt. Det vil bli satt opp postervegger i minglearealet på BBB en gang i februar, vi kommer tilbake til dato og klokkeslett. Tilbakemeldingene vi har fått på dette opplegget er svært bra, både fra studenter og forskere. Hvis du lurer på hva Forskerlinjen innebærer og hvilke fordeler og plikter en har som er veileder, så finner du informasjon på forskerlinjen sine nettsider.

CCBIO courses – deadline February 1

We have a range of courses coming up this spring, and please note: for study point (ECTS) providing participation, registration deadline is February 1, in Studentweb. So, PhD candidates and students: remember to register, and supervisors and PIs, remember to advise your students to register. Except for the Clinical Trials course which takes place January 17-19, which qualifies for a Good Clinical Practice (GCP) certificate as well as study points. ECTS deadline in Studentweb for this course was January 5, and non-ECTS registration closes January 12. Courses with deadline February 1 for registration in Studentweb:
CCBIO901, the CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium series (3 ECTS). Also register in Skjemaker for each event. The coming event is February 1. Also open for other than students / non-ECTS.
CCBIO902, the CCBIO Seminar series and the Annual Symposium (3 ECTS). Also open for other than students / non-ECTS. Coming dates are in the CCBIO calendar.
CCBIO903, Cancer research: Ethical, economic and social aspects (5 ECTS). Course week 1: April 8-12, and course week 2: June 3-6.
This course focuses on ethical, economical and societal aspects of cancer and cancer research and aims to equip cancer researchers with tools for reflecting on the limits, challenges and opportunities of their own research, as well as provide an understanding of the outside-the-lab context, with discussions on the broader ethical, social, economic and political implications of their research.
CCBIONeur910: Patient and Public Involvement in Medical and Health Research (2 ECTS). Also open for other than students / non-ECTS. Takes place April 17–19.
The course aims to inspire increased user participation in research trials and will present methods on how to involve user representatives. This is highly relevant to all biomedical research fields, and Patient and Public Involvement is documented to positively impact the relevance and efficacy in medical research.
CCBIO908, Scientific Writing and Communication Seminar (2 ECTS). Also open for other than students / non-ECTS. Takes place May 21-22.
This course teaches how to organize ideas, results and messages in a scientific paper, improve titles and abstracts, present a clear problem statement, use punctuation, grammar and numbering in a text, write an informative and convincing cover letter, and will also present and discuss what is good research communication.
CCBIO904, Biomarkers and tumor biology in clinical practice (4 ECTS).  Also open for other than students / non-ECTS. Takes place May 29-31.
This course covers tumor biological aspects important for the understanding of why cancer develops, and which mechanisms are important for tumor growth, metastases and morbidity in patients. The course will focus especially on tumor biological changes that may have or already have significance for personalized cancer treatment and clinical trial studies of new diagnostics and treatment.

CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium – February 1st

We are happy to welcome you all to the upcoming CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium, February 1st, 202409.00-13.00. This seminar series is a perfect place to meet and interact with other young scientists, and engage in lively and interesting discussions. We are looking forward to the keynote lecture by CCBIO Masterclass graduate Hege Berg, who will give a talk about clinical implementation of multi-omics methods in cancer diagnostics. The program spans several exiting topics including the role and inheritance of BRCA1 epimutations, novel CAR T therapies for lymphomas, and development of preclinical models for investigating resistant subclones in ovarian cancer. The application of CyTOF in oncology and fibrosis will also be presented.
CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium | Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO | UiB
Open to all. Please register here within January 29th at 11.00. Conference room, BB-building (right across from the auditoria), campus Haukeland, Bergen
Open to both junior and senior researchers as well as students. The symposium series is open, but also part of the CCBIO Research School under the code CCBIO901, and participation is eligible for ECTS. STUDENTS: Remember to sign up in Studentweb as well as the link above. Mari Kyllesø Halle and Vladan Milosevic are coordinators of the junior seminars and are planning and chairing these meetings. Any questions can be addressed to them.

Read more about the CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposia here.


High Mitochondrial Protein Expression as a Potential Predictor of Relapse Risk in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients with the Monocytic FAB Subtypes M4 and M5.
Selheim F, Aasebø E, Bruserud Ø, Hernandez-Valladares M. Cancers (Basel). 2023 Dec 19;16(1):8. doi: 10.3390/cancers16010008.PMID: 38201437 Free PMC article.

Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4 ) treatment stabilizes tyrosine hydroxylase: Rescue of tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency phenotypes in human neurons and in a knock-in mouse model.
Jung-Kc K, Tristán-Noguero A, Altankhuyag A, Piñol Belenguer D, Prestegård KS, Fernandez-Carasa I, Colini Baldeshi A, Sigatulina Bondarenko M, García-Cazorla A, Consiglio A, Martinez A. J Inherit Metab Dis. 2024 Jan 9. doi: 10.1002/jimd.12702. Online ahead of print.PMID: 38196161

Cerebrospinal fluid proteomics in patients with Alzheimer’s disease reveals five molecular subtypes with distinct genetic risk profiles.
Tijms BM, Vromen EM, Mjaavatten O, Holstege H, Reus LM, van der Lee S, Wesenhagen KEJ, Lorenzini L, Vermunt L, Venkatraghavan V, Tesi N, Tomassen J, den Braber A, Goossens J, Vanmechelen E, Barkhof F, Pijnenburg YAL, van der Flier WM, Teunissen CE, Berven FS, Visser PJ. Nat Aging. 2024 Jan 9. doi: 10.1038/s43587-023-00550-7. Online ahead of print.PMID: 38195725

Epicardial adipose tissue volume, plaque vulnerability and myocardial ischemia in non-obstructive coronary artery disease.
Khan I, Berge CA, Eskerud I, Larsen TH, Pedersen ER, Lønnebakken MT. Int J Cardiol Heart Vasc. 2023 Jul 13;49:101240. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcha.2023.101240. eCollection 2023 Dec.PMID: 38173787 Free PMC article.

Mouse models for inherited monoamine neurotransmitter disorders.
Thöny B, Ng J, Kurian MA, Mills P, Martinez A. J Inherit Metab Dis. 2024 Jan 2. doi: 10.1002/jimd.12710. Online ahead of print.PMID: 38168036

Colicins and T6SS-based competition systems enhance enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) competitiveness.
Kjellin J, Lee D, Steinsland H, Dwane R, Barth Vedoy O, Hanevik K, Koskiniemi S. Gut Microbes. 2024 Jan-Dec;16(1):2295891. doi: 10.1080/19490976.2023.2295891. Epub 2023 Dec 27.PMID: 38149626 Free PMC article.

Maternal fiber intake during pregnancy and development of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms Across Childhood: The Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa).
Solberg BS, Kvalvik LG, Instanes JT, Hartman CA, Klungsøyr K, Li L, Larsson H, Magnus P, Njølstad PR, Johansson S, Andreassen OA, Bakken NR, Bekkhus M, Austerberry C, Smajlagic D, Havdahl A, Corfield EC, Haavik J, Gjestad R, Zayats T. Biol Psychiatry. 2023 Dec 22:S0006-3223(23)01794-8. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2023.12.017. Online ahead of print.PMID: 38142720 Free article.

Identification of a core EMT signature that separates basal-like breast cancers into partial- and post-EMT subtypes.
Knutsen E, Das Sajib S, Fiskaa T, Lorens J, Gudjonsson T, Mælandsmo GM, Johansen SD, Seternes OM, Perander M. Front Oncol. 2023 Dec 4;13:1249895. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2023.1249895. eCollection 2023.PMID: 38111531 Free PMC article.

Longitudinal resting-state network connectivity changes in electroconvulsive therapy patients compared to healthy controls.
Verdijk JPAJ, van de Mortel LA, Ten Doesschate F, Pottkämper JCM, Stuiver S, Bruin WB, Abbott CC, Argyelan M, Ousdal OT, Bartsch H, Narr K, Tendolkar I, Calhoun V, Lukemire J, Guo Y, Oltedal L, van Wingen G, van Waarde JA. Brain Stimul. 2023 Dec 13:S1935-861X(23)01966-6. doi: 10.1016/j.brs.2023.12.005. Online ahead of print.PMID: 38101469 Free article.

Tangram of Sodium and Fluid Balance.
Bagordo D, Rossi GP, Delles C, Wiig H, Rossitto G. Hypertension. 2023 Dec 12. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.123.19569. Online ahead of print.PMID: 38084591 Free article. Review.

Roles of extracellular vesicles in glioblastoma: foes, friends and informers.
Lunavat TR, Nieland L, Vrijmoet AB, Zargani-Piccardi A, Samaha Y, Breyne K, Breakefield XO. Front Oncol. 2023 Nov 24;13:1291177. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2023.1291177. eCollection 2023.PMID: 38074665 Free PMC article. Review.

An Association of Chitinase-3 Like-Protein-1 With Neuronal Deterioration in Multiple Sclerosis.
Ahmad I, Wergeland S, Oveland E, Bø L. ASN Neuro. 2023 Jan-Dec;15:17590914231198980. doi: 10.1177/17590914231198980.PMID: 38062768 Free PMC article.

Correction: Electroconvulsive therapy-induced volumetric brain changes converge on a common causal circuit in depression.
Argyelan M, Deng ZD, Ousdal OT, Oltedal L, Angulo B, Baradits M, Spitzberg AJ, Kessler U, Sartorius A, Dols A, Narr KL, Espinoza R, van Waarde JA, Tendolkar I, van Eijndhoven P, van Wingen GA, Takamiya A, Kishimoto T, Jorgensen MB, Jorgensen A, Paulson OB, Yrondi A, Péran P, Soriano-Mas C, Cardoner N, Cano M, van Diermen L, Schrijvers D, Belge JB, Emsell L, Bouckaert F, Vandenbulcke M, Kiebs M, Hurlemann R, Mulders PC, Redlich R, Dannlowski U, Kavakbasi E, Kritzer MD, Ellard KK, Camprodon JA, Petrides G, Malhotra AK, Abbott CC. Mol Psychiatry. 2023 Dec 5. doi: 10.1038/s41380-023-02358-8. Online ahead of print.PMID: 38052984 No abstract available.

ADHD medication discontinuation and persistence across the lifespan: a retrospective observational study using population-based databases.
Brikell I, Yao H, Li L, Astrup A, Gao L, Gillies MB, Xie T, Zhang-James Y, Dalsgaard S, Engeland A, Faraone SV, Haavik J, Hartman C, Ip P, Jakobsdóttir Smári U, Larsson H, Man KK, de Oliveira Costa J, Pearson SA, Hostrup Nielsen NP, Snieder H, Wimberley T, Wong IC, Zhang L, Zoega H, Klungsøyr K, Chang Z. Lancet Psychiatry. 2024 Jan;11(1):16-26. doi: 10.1016/S2215-0366(23)00332-2. Epub 2023 Nov 27.PMID: 38035876

BBB seminar

BBB Seminar


Michisuke Yuzaki from Keio University School of Medicine, Japan, will give a talk entitled “The C1q family synaptic organizers: Unlocking therapeutic potential for neuropsychiatric and neurological disorders”.


Thursday, January 18, 14:30 

CCBIO Seminar  


Vibeke Fosse from Department of Clinical Science, UiB, will give a talk entitled “Comparative oncology: a valuable model for cancer immunotherapy research”.   


Thursday, January 25, 14:30 

Please see all coming BBB-seminars here:
BBB Seminars | The Department of Biomedicine | UiB


Møter og kurs

Data science meetings – mark the dates!

We will have a «data café» at the Faculty of Medicine on the 30th of January from 9 to 12. All interested in data science applied to medicine are invited to mingle around a nice breakfast. Then, two workshops will be organized: (1) «Introduction to data handling in Python» by Jakub Vasicek and (2) «How to be Open about your Science?» by Julia Romanowska.
Many of you have asked for it and we are pleased to announce that we will have a joint MED-CBU seminar on the 21st of March at 11:15. Like last time the seminar aims to foster interaction between researchers at MED and CBU (Computational Biology Unit) and will be followed by a mingling lunch.
If you are interested in joining either of these events please let Marc know ( If you have suggestions for activities, workshops, or want to help with the organization – it would be most welcome!

Symposium for Senter for medisin med KI i Bergen – 8. februar

Det medisinske fakultet ved Universitet i Bergen, Høgskolen på Vestlandet og Helse Bergen har gleden av å invitere til et symposium fokusert på hvordan vi sammen skal skape et koordinert senter for Medisin med KI på Vestlandet.
Symposium for Senter for medisin med KI i Bergen_ 8.2.24_Eitri_Program
Tidspunkt: 8. februar 2024, kl. 09.00 – 13.00
Sted: Eitri medisinsk inkubator, Haukelandsbakken 31

New EU Rules for the Digital World – guest lecture

Welcome to a guest lecture by Martin Müller titled “New EU Rules for the Digital World – What´s the Common Core?”
Guest lecture with Martin Müller: New EU Rules for the digital world – What’s the common core? | Forskargruppe for europarett | UiB
The lecture will be held on Friday, January 19th from 10:15-12:00 AM. Det Juridiske Fakultet, Jekteviksbakken 31, Jusbygg II, Auditorium

Next level grant writing with AI  – open webinar

Tuesday, February 13, 2024. 14:00-16:00 Central European Time.
Next level grant writing with AI – scientifyRESEARCH
Prof. Dr. Daniel Mertens from Schiller & MertensScientists Need More! on a funding webinar, where we will cover:
How to find research funding faster – with a focus on grants for Europe-based early-career researchers.
How to write a successful grant application – part 1 – AI assistants for texting, information retrieval and for literature review.
How to write a successful grant application – part 2 – Harnessing the power of AI for brainstorming of research ideas, of experimental setups and for collaborations.

NFR webinar om mars-fristene for forskere

Passer for: Forskere som vurderer å søke Forskerprosjekt for fornyelse, Forskerprosjekt for tidlig karriere, Stort tverrfaglig forskerprosjekt, kompetanseprosjekt og samarbeidsprosjekt.
Søkerwebinar om mars-fristene for forskerer (
Påmeldingsfrist:25. januar, klokken 11. Digitalt: Arrangementet strømmes

DigitalHelse2024 – billettslipp og early bird pris

Vi ønsker velkommen til konferansen DigitalHelse2024 i Bergen 29. og 30. mai – Vestlandets største møteplass for teknologi og digitalisering i helse og omsorg.
DigitalHelse2024 – Alrek (
DigitalHelse2024 er en møtearena for helse- og omsorgstjenestene, næringsliv, forskere, brukere og beslutningstagere for å utforske løsninger, lære og inspirere.
I 2024 setter vi kunstig intelligens, ledelse i endring og bærekraft på agendaen. Vi byr på inspirerende eksempler på implementerte løsninger, og vi setter av en halv dag til forskningskonferanse. Programmet er under oppbygging og innledere publiseres underveis.

Meld deg på ett av bibliotekets kurs denne våren

Bibliotek for medisin tilbyr kurs til ansatte ved Det medisinske fakultetet, og ansatte ved Helse Bergen:
Søkekurs i PubMed og Embase. Introduksjon til Endnote. Introduksjon til Zotero. Introduksjon til systematiske oversikter. Litteraturoppgaver for studenter
Kursene er planlagt som hybridløsning, hvor det er mulighet for å delta både fysisk og digitalt via Zoom. Kursene er fortrinnsvis for ansatte og stipendiater. De fleste studenter får bibliotekkurs som en del av sin studieplan. Dersom ikke det er tilfelle kan de melde seg på disse kursene. Det siste kurset er spesielt for studenter som vil vite mer om litteraturoppgaver, og som ikke har hatt eget kurs om det.
Kursdatoer, påmelding og mer informasjon finnes på

Cell Symposia: Engineering development and disease in organoids

Home – Cell Symposium: Engineering development and disease in organoids (
August 19–21, 2024,  San Diego, CA, USA

Division of Research and Innovation – events and courses

Norsk: Kommende arrangement for Forsknings- og innovasjonsavdelingen | Universitetet i Bergen (
English: Upcoming events for Division of Research and Innovation | University of Bergen (

University of Bergen Library – events and courses

Norsk: Kommende arrangement for Universitetsbiblioteket | Universitetet i Bergen (
English: Upcoming events for University of Bergen Library | University of Bergen (

DIGI-emner for studenter og ansatte ved UiB

Digital forståelse, kunnskap og kompetanse | Universitetet i Bergen (

Se tematiske søkerkurs til frister i 2024 – NFR

Sjå opptak av søkjarwebinar (

News – NFR

Norsk: Nyheter og pressemeldinger (
English: News (

Ph.d. og Post doc

Register for the SDG Conference in Bergen 2024!

The sixth SDG Conference Bergen will take place 7-9 February 2024 with the theme “The role of universities in transformative change”.
SDG Conference in Bergen | University of Bergen (
This digital conference provides new opportunities to present emerging and important research by motivated PhD students and postdoctoral researchers addressing the conference themes. Please register here: Register – SDG Conference in Bergen 2024 – Registration type (
We invite all PhD and postdoctoral researchers that are interested to present a digital video-recorded poster on your research and how it relates to the theme of the upcoming conference. Invitation to submit videoposter SDG Conference 2024

Illustration for Science 2024

Do you want to use illustration as an effective communication tool? Learn the essentials of design theory, drawing by hand and drawing digitally during this course.
Illustration for Science 2024 – CHESS (
This course will introduce the theory and method of how to visually represent your scientific research. Being able to translate complex research into information that can be understood by a wide range of audiences is an important skill that will help you throughout your career. When: 20 – 22 February 2024 (plus 3 online meetings on ZOOM, starting from 30 January 2024). Where: Geophysical Institute, UiB. Max. number of participants: 20. Credits: 1 ECTS. Register here: Illustration for Science 2024 – Page 1 of 3 (

Education 2030 and beyond – BSRS 2024

PhD summer research school in Bergen, 3-13 June 2024. The theme of BSRS 2024 refers to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Bergen Summer Research School | University of Bergen (
Quality in education is one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) that all countries have committed to. However, education, and in particular, Higher Education, has the potential to guide transformations toward achieving all the goals. The role of education is thus not only to address and implement the SDGs, but also to critically engage with the goals as well as crafting the content of the agenda beyond 2030. The students we educate today will shape policies and actions far beyond the present agenda.


UiBdoc is a non-profit interest organization for PhDs, postdocs and other temporary scientific staff at UiB.
See events here: About – UiBdoc

UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers – events and courses

Upcoming events for UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers | University of Bergen
Newsletter: January 2024 (

NorDoc course database – get ECTS

COURSES | nordoc (

ELIXIR Norway – see service offers for your project

SERVICES – Elixir Norway
For any inquiries, the ELIXIR Norway Helpdesk can be reached through:

IT division – events and courses

IT division | University of Bergen (


Utlysing av fakultetets priser 2023: forsknings-, innovasjons- og utdanningsprisene

Det medisinske fakultet vil på Fakultetets dag i 2024 dele ut priser for årets publikasjon, årets ph.d.-arbeid, årets forskningsmiljø, fremragende forskningsformidling, innovasjon og fremragende tiltak innen utdanning.
Les utfyllende om prisene her: Utlysing av fakultetets priser 2023 forsknings innovasjons ….

Falch juniorpris – frist 1. mars 2024

Styret for Konsul Søren Falch og øyenlege Sigurd Falchs fond for medisinsk vitenskap har vedtatt å stille til rådvelde en Juniorpris for 2024 til unge forskere under 40 år.

Grantee of ERC – Permanent Position at the Faculty

The Faculty of Medicine, UiB (MED) is introducing from 01.01.24 a scheme that facilitates researchers who are awarded an ERC project to be permanently employed after the end of the project period at the institute where the research activity naturally belongs. The faculty will cover the salary cost at the institute. With this arrangement, we aim to stimulate increased application activity towards ERC, strengthen future medical research in Bergen, and make the faculty more attractive, especially for researchers early in their career.
The following criteria apply:
-The arrangement applies to individuals who are employed in postdoc or researcher positions, or in temporary positions as associate professors or professors at MED at the time of the ERC project award.
-The arrangement applies to individuals who move to MED with their ERC project from the start of the project period and who have their research activity at MED during the project period.
-The arrangement does not apply to individuals who are permanently employed as scientific staff at MED as associate professors or professors prior to the ERC award.
-Salary funds from the faculty will normally be provided after the completion of the ERC project. This means that candidates must secure their own salary from the ERC project or other sources during the project period.
-The position (associate professor or professor) will be advertised using the usual procedure as the project period nears its end, but the advertisement text will be tailored to the candidates’ scientific and methodological profile.

Nominasjonsfristen for å nominere kandidater til Meltzerprisene er 19. januar 2024

Meltzerfondet vil den 8. mars, 2024 dele ut 3 priser:
-Meltzerprisen for fremragende forskningsformidling.
-Meltzerprisen for fremragende arbeid utført av yngre forskere.
-Meltzerfondets ærespris. Prisen tildeles for fremragende vitenskapelig virksomhet ved Universitetet i Bergen.
Alle universitetets professorer og instituttledere har forslagsrett. Forslagsstiller kan sende signerte nominasjoner som pdf-vedlegg på e-post til Kristin Hansen ved Forsknings- og innovasjonsavdelingen innen nominasjonsfrist 19. januar, 2024.
Sjekkliste for forslagsstiller | Meltzer (

Hvis dere har spørsmål kan dere ta kontakt med Kristin Hansen.

Innovasjonspiloter i 25 prosents stillinger

Universitetet i Bergen skal tilsette to innovasjonspiloter i 25 prosents stillinger, og ser etter studenter som er engasjerte i og ønsker å lære mer om innovasjon og entreprenørskap. Innovasjonspilotene skal jobbe inn mot innovasjonsfag og -miljø for å skape engasjement og kultur rundt innovasjon og entreprenørskap, og hjelpe andre studenter med å lykkes med innovasjonsprosjekta sine. Dei vil få opplæring og oppfølging heile vegen, og stillingene kan passe godt som deltidsjobber ved siden av utdanninga.
Vi vil gjerne ha søknader inn snarest, og søknadsfristen er 24. januar.
Kanskje veit du om studenter eller studentmiljø som dette kan være aktuelt for?

Milliardsatsing på kunstig intelligens – KI for tillit og bærekraft

Forskningsrådets plan for 2024 (første fase)
Forskningsrådet har lagt en overordnet plan for utlysning av midlene i 2024. Planen omfatter følgende tiltak som skal tilpasses felles utlysningsfrister og prosesser, les mer her: Milliardsatsing på kunstig intelligens – KI for tillit og bærekraft vår 2024


Forskningsmidler og mobilitet

Utlysning innenfor nanomedisin: Nano og avanserte teknologier for sykdomsforebygging, diagnostikk og terapi

Søknadsfrist for skisser: 30. januar 2024. Søknadsfrist for inviterte fulle søknader:13. juni 2024. Program: ERA4Health.
NANOTECMEC: Nano and advanced technologies for disease prevention, diagnostic and therapy (
Forskningsrådet lyser ut 1 600 000 euro til norske forskere som vil delta i transnasjonalt forskningssamarbeid.

Identifisere eller validere markører og mål for persontilpasset medisin i bredden

Skissefrist : 05. mars 2024. Frist for fulle søknader for de som går videre fra skisse: 20. juni 2024. Program: European Partnership for Personalised Medicine (EP PerMed)
Identification or Validation of Targets for Personalised Medicine Approaches (
Utlysningen (JTC2024) vil finansiere forskning for å identifisere eller validere markører og mål for persontilpasset medisin i bredden. Konsortiene må være transnasjonale, tverrfaglige og transsektorielle og tydelig skissere persontilpasset medisin.

Human Frontier Science Program

Here is a call that is particularly relevant for several researchers at Biomedicine. HFSP is the funding program for basic research in life sciences. It requires international collaboration and does not fund applied/medical research. Projects are bottom-up high-risk projects. No preliminary results are required.
Research Grants | Human Frontier Science Program (
HFSP Research Grants support innovative basic research into fundamental biological problems with emphasis placed on novel and interdisciplinary approaches that involve scientific exchanges across national and disciplinary boundaries. a) Research Grants: 900.000-1.500.000 USD, 3 years. For international teams of 2-4 researchers. There are separate calls for early and established researchers. Deadline: 28 March 2024
b) Postdoctoral Fellowships: 3-year fellowships. The host institution cannot be located in the country where the applicant has obtained a doctorate or worked as a postdoctoral fellow, nor can the applicant be a citizen of the host country. The applicant cannot have worked with the supervisor at the host institution previously. Deadline: annual, May

Science in Shorts science communication award

The Science in Shorts science communication award from Nature Awards together with Merck recognizes creative research videos from active researchers employed by a university or research institution working in any scientific discipline.
Applicants must hold an advanced degree, such as MSc, PhD or MD. The video should tell the world about the research in 1 minute, explaining “what are you doing and why does it matter”. Up to 10 videos will be selected as favorites and will win a prize of 5,000 EUR each. Audio or text must be in English.
Applications close January 29, 2024 at 23:59 midnight (UTC 00:00).

Tematiske utlysninger fra NFR – frist i starten av mars

Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study

The Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study supports projects carried out by researchers at UC Berkeley in collaboration with researchers from eight Norwegian universities. The Center offers grants between $10K and $25K. Funds are made available for two academic years. Grants can support activities such as workshops, mini-conferences, virtual intellectual exchanges, the undertaking of exploratory and pilot studies, activities such as PhD student exchanges, longer-term stays for Principal Investigators, the collection and analysis of data, and other core research activities.
Peder Sather Grant Application Guidelines 2024-2025 | Peder Sather Center (
Interested applicants should visit the Peder Sather Center Website. All application materials must be submitted by the deadline of April 1, 2024.

UTFORSK 2024 – Call for applications

Vi lyser ut inntil 90 millioner norske kroner i tilskudd til internasjonalt utdanningssamarbeid. Utlysninga er i UTFORSK-programmet og gjeld mellom norske høyere utdanningsinstitusjoner og partnere i Brasil, Canada, India, Japan, Kina, Sør-Afrika, Sør-Korea og USA. Søknadsfrist: 15. april 2024 kl. 12.00.
UTFORSK 2024 – Call for applications | HK-dir (

Utlysing Erasmus+ Global Mobilitet 2024-2027

Da kommer også utlysning for Erasmus+ Global Mobilitet, der man kan søke om midler til mobilitet utenfor Europa. Hvis noen har eller planlegger noen internasjonale samarbeidsprosjekt der dette er aktuelt, så er det greit med tid til å slenge seg med. Søknadsfrist er 20.02.24.
Global Mobilitet 24-27 – Utlysning
Viser ellers til HK-DIRs nettsider og Europakommisjonens programguide. Helge Bjørlo ( er «eksperten» på dette på UiBs internasjonale senter.

Coming calls 

ERA4Health Nano and advanced technologies for disease prevention, diagnostic and therapy (NANOTECMEC)
3-5 partners, 3 countries, 3 MNOK for the Norwegian participant. Regenerative medicine, Diagnostics or Nanotherapy. TRL3-6. The aim of the call is to advance nanomedicine toward any translational focus with anticipated impact relative to the risk and investment.
Deadline (pre proposals): 30 January 2024 

DAM Foundation Research grants (Forskning)
1,5-3 MIO NOK for 3 years. Stiftelsen Dam is one of Norway’s largest foundations and provides funding for health and research projects that will provide better health through participation and activity for people in Norway. The applications are sent through a volunteer oganisation like the Norwegian Red Cross, The Norwegian Cancer Society, the National Association for Publich Health etc.
Deadline: annually, 15 February

NFR Collaborative Projects Food-Climate-Health
12 MIO NOK, 4 years. Requires collaboration with partners in other sectors.
The projects must be interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral. They must include elements from each of these three areas and look at the relationships and interaction effects between them:
– food (sea and/or land-based)
– environment and/or climate
– public health
Deadline: 13 March 2024

NFR Collaborative Projects Enabling Technologies
12 MIO NOK, 4 years. Requires collaboration with partners in other sectors.
– Industrial Biotechnology. Biotechnological methods, enzymes, microorganisms and other cell systems to produce various products, such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, feed, textiles and energy.
– Technology convergence. Create radically new technologies through professional fusion within the enabling technologies.
Deadline: 13 March 2024

Human Frontier Science Program Research Grants
900.000-1.500.000 USD, 3 years. Topic: basic research focused on the elucidation of the sophisticated and complex mechanisms of living organisms. For international research team of 2-4 members. Exploratory or discovery grants that are based on ideas and concepts. Preliminary data are not required.
Deadline: annual, next: March 2024

ERA PerMed PMTargets
Joint Transnational Call, most likely 3-5 partners from at least 3 countries, 300.000 EUR for the Norwegian partners. Topic: Identification or Validation of Targets for Personalised Medicine Approaches. Must combine the research on new and advanced targets with companion biomarker research (companion diagnostics).
Deadline: 5 March 2024

JPIAMR AMR Interventions 2024
3-7 Partners from 3 countries. Probably 300.000 EUR for the Norwegian partners; other partners are funded by their national funders.
Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing  interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Deadline (preproposals): 14 March 2024

3 MNOK, 4 years. The Norwegian Directorate for Higher education and skills finances these educational projects with Brazil, Canada, China, India, Japan, South Africa, South Korea, or the USA.
Deadline: 15 April 2024

Innovative Health Initiative Call 6 and 7
The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) is a public-private partnership between the European Union and the European life science industries that funds health research and innovation to address unmet public health needs and foster interdisciplinary and international collaboration. Upcoming topics:
– 7.3 Clinical validation of biomarkers for diagnosis, monitoring disease progression and treatment response.  15 MIO EUR.
Deadline: summer 2024

Financial support for stays abroad
Financial support for stays abroad for PhD candidates and Postdoctoral Fellows | Faculty of Medicine | UiB

Calls for Erasmus+
Tilskuddsutlysninger | HK-dir (

UiB Opp – kompetanseutvikling for eksternfinansiering og forskningsstøtte
Se UiB Opp kurs her: UiB Opp – kompetanseutvikling for eksternfinansiering og forskningsstøtte | Støtte til eksternfinansierte prosjekter (BOA) | UiB



Nyhetsbrev fra Institutt for Biomedisin
Bilder er enten fra eller
Publisert hver tredje uke
Ansvarlig redaktør: Frode Berven
Redaktør: Anne Mette Søviknes


Dear colleagues,

I would like to thank everybody for a very nice HSE-day and Christmas party. My impression was that everybody had a great time, and appreciated to have a day where we could socialize and get to know each other better through the activities at the HSE-day. I would like to thank all of you involved in the planning, arranging and practical work for both the HSE-day and the Christmas party! The quiz during the Christmas party was also great fun, so good job by Harald and Stian on that one. A special thanks goes to Bård for being the coordinator for both activities in addition to all the practical work he also did the whole day from early until late!
The year is coming to an end, and this will be the last newsletter for 2023. To summarize the last year in short, key words would be: success, changes, retirements, challenges, teaching and external funding. Last year was one of the best in the department history when it comes to external funding obtained. This year there has been less, which in some ways is natural as many are not allowed to apply for funding from the same source where they already have funding. However, some have had success lately and I would like to congratulate Hongyu, Per Øyvind and Hrvoje with funding from Helse Vest. I would also like to congratulate Donald with funding from Nasjonalforeningen. Last, but not least I congratulate Henriette with obtaining the highly prestigious starting grant from TMS. Great achievements and I’m so happy on your behalf!
External funding is important for all of us collectively, not only for those that obtained it.  This is especially the case now since the economy still is very challenging. I, and many others, are working hard in many directions to improve the economy at the department, and I’m hopeful that all of us together can succeed in getting the economy back in balance. This requires some tough decisions ahead, like not replacing most of the positions from people that leave their positions. Unfortunately, this is necessary in our current situation and sometime ahead to stabilize the economy. Challenges in the economy is not only the case for us but is the case for many others in our sector as well. Such times often require changes and in addition to the above, we decided to make changes in our group structure at the department. This new research unit structure will help us move forward in a better and more dynamic way, and I think this will be very positive for the department in the long run. I really appreciate the overall positivity and your understanding of the need for this restructuring.
During 2023 some of our most experienced employees have left their position at the department, and this will affect us both short term and long term. We are working hard to set up the administration in a suitable way after the recent changes there. For most of the retired professors and technicians there will unfortunately be no replacements. This means that we must prioritize and see if we can do things more efficiently. For example, we have started to look at ways to make our teaching more efficient, which also is important when more students arrive. We’ll continue this important work in 2024. Even though the effect of these changes for us and the entire sector may seem overwhelming, I am optimistic for the future, and I’m confident that we’ll continue to deliver great teaching and scientific output at the highest level within our fields! We can make this happen by standing together and helping each other!
With this I’ll thank each and every one of you for great effort in 2023 and I’m looking forward to a productive and exiting 2024!


Anita H. Garden er nå fast ansatt som vår administrative leder fra 1. desember.

Astrid-Elisabeth Pettersen startet som vår nye gruppeleder for studieadministrasjonen 1. desember.


Helena Amalie Hushagen startet  i et ettårig vikariat som avdelingsingeniør i studieadministrasjonen (vikar for Lene Øygarden) 27. november.


Siren Carr Svanes startet i et 6 måneders engasjement som avdelingsingeniør istudieadministrasjonen
30. november. Hun skal både jobbe opp mot studiesiden og den øvrige administrasjonen.


Dushyant Kumar Garg starter i stillingen som postdoktor 14.12.2023 i NeuroConvergence gruppen hos Jan Haavik.


Vennligst registrer ferien din for 2023

Ferie skal tas i ferieåret. Overføring av ferie kan bare avtales i visse tilfeller.
Vennligst les om ferie her: Information holiday 2023 engelsk


Please register you holiday for 2023

The holiday should be taken in the holiday year. Transferring holiday can only be agreed upon in certain cases.
Please read about holiday here: Information holiday 2023 engelsk

Frist for innkjøp i 2023

For å sikre at alle innkjøp blir registrert i dette regnskapsåret, og for å unngå pakkeleveranser i juleferien, vil den endelige datoen for innkjøp være 6. desember, før kl. 14.00. Det er viktig at du planlegger hvilke utgifter som skal utstedes før utgangen av året, og at du vurderer hva som er nødvendig med hensyn til pågående forskningsaktivitet i desember og aktiviteter eller disputas tidlig neste år. Kjøp vil gjenopptas som normalt fra den første virkedagen i 2024.

Deadline for purchases in 2023

To make sure that all purchases will be registered in this fiscal year, and to avoid package deliveries during the Christmas holiday, the final date for purchasing will be December 6, before 14.00. It is important that you plan which spendings are to be issued before the end of the year, and that you assess what is needed regarding ongoing research activity in December and activities or disputation early next year. Purchases will resume as normal from the first business day of 2024.