
Eva Maria de Jesu Lucena Toro har startet i en fast stilling
som overingeniør ved IBM den 3 mai.


Birgitte de Martens sluttet i stillingen
som førstesekretær i resepsjonen ved IBM 30 april.


«The grand old lady» innen norsk søvnforskning har gått bort

Professor emerita Reidun Ursin sovnet stille inn 1. mai, 88 år gammel. Reidun var et varmt, inkluderende og fantastisk flott menneske. Hun var utdannet lege og den første som interesserte seg for søvnforskning i Norge, og startet opp med forskning i den tidligere likkistekjelleren ved «Anatomen» i Oslo i 1964. I 1967 flyttet hun over fjellet til Bergen og etablerte søvnlaboratoriet ved Fysiologisk Institutt på Universitetet i Bergen. Forskningen ble gjort på katter, og hun disputerte i 1972 som den første innen søvnfeltet i Norge. Etter hvert ble søvngruppen større og større, og mot slutten av 1980-årene ble kattene skiftet ut med rotter. I den mest aktive perioden, veiledet Reidun fire stipendiater til doktorgrad i løpet av en tre-års periode fra 1995 til 1997, inkludert meg selv. Det var en veldig flott periode, og Reidun har vært til stor inspirasjon for alle oss som har fortsatt med forskning innen søvnmedisin.

Reidun var sentral da Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for søvnsykdommer ble opprettet i Bergen i 2004, og hun deltok aktivt i arbeidsgruppen ved tjenesten også i flere år som pensjonist. Totalt veiledet Reidun 8 stipendiater til doktorgrad. I 2019 ble hun utnevnt som æresmedlem i Norsk forening for søvnmedisin.

Det er veldig trist at hun ikke lenger er blant oss, men samtidig er det godt å minnes alle de gode stundene vi hadde sammen med henne – i søvnlaboratoriet, på kongresser i inn- og utland, og ikke minst hjemme hos Reidun i Steinsviken. Hun vil for alltid bli husket som det inspirerende og fantastiske mennesket hun var, og for hennes banebrytende søvnforskning. På vegne at søvnmiljøet i Bergen, lyser jeg fred over hennes minne.

Bjørn Bjorvatn
Leder, Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for søvnsykdommer, Haukeland sjukehus
Professor, Universitetet i Bergen



Vernerunden er en årlig kartlegging av det arbeidsmiljøet på instituttet hvor man kan melde ifra om eventuelle ønsker man har for endringer. Det er tid for den årlige HMS-kartleggingen ved instituttet. Skjemaet vil være åpent frem til på fredag 20. mai. Det er viktig at flest mulig av dere fyller det ut, ettersom dette vil gi oss best mulig grunnlag før vernerunden.
Frist: 20. mai

Mapping of HSE issues

The HSE round is an annual mapping of the working environment at the department, where you can report wishes for changes. It is again time for our annual HSE survey at the department. The form is accessible until Friday 20th May. It is important that as many as possible fill this out, as it will give a good foundation for the HSE mapping.
Deadline: 20th May


Frokostseminar: Arbeidsliv i endring
– hva med arbeidsmiljøet?

Gjennom frokostseminarserien «Arbeidsliv i endring – hva med arbeidsmiljøet?» ønsker vernetjenesten ved UiB å sette søkelys på betydningen av faktorer som bygger et godt arbeidsmiljø.
Torsdag 19.mai 08.30-10.00 arrangerer vi årets andre frokostseminar der vi retter søkelyset mot psykisk helse i akademia. Spesielt rundt stipendiatgruppen har åpenhet omkring dette vært tema de siste årene. Hvilke utfordringer er spesielle for denne gruppen? Kan karriereveiledning være med å bygge et godt arbeidsmiljø ved UiB? Hvilke tilbud har Bedrifts Helse Tjenesten (BHT)?

Informasjon og påmelding her. Norsk.



Kjære Mentimeterbruker ved UiB.

Som tidligere annonsert vil det bli arrangert et grunnleggende kurs 8. juni som gjentas 23. august, og et kurs for viderekommende 15. juni som gjentas 30. august, alle mellom kl 10.00-11.00.
Stina Nilsson Helander fra Mentimeter vil geleide oss gjennom kurset, hvor hun vil gå igjennom alt du trenger å vite for å begynne med Mentimeter. Stina er fra Sverige og det blir anledning til å stille spørsmål både på norsk og engelsk begge kursdagene. Man kan spørre underveis, og hun blir også tilgjengelig i 15 minutter i etterkant for eventuelle spørsmål.

Grunnleggende kurs:
8. Juni: Kurset holdes på engelsk,
varer i én time fra kl 10.00-11.00 (+15 min)
23. august: Kurset holdes på svensk,
varer i én time fra kl 10.00-11.00 (+15 min)
Lenken til Zoom-webinaret blir sendt som kalenderinnkalling når du har meldt deg på en eller flere kursdager i Påmeldingsskjema
Etter kurset vil du ha lært:
– Hvordan å bruke Mentimeter, og når man bør bruke det.
– Hvordan å opprette og redigere presentasjoner.
– Hvordan å bruke de ulike spørsmålstypene, og når disse bør brukes.

Viderekommende kurs:
15. Juni:
Kurset holdes på engelsk,
varer i én time fra kl 10.00-11.00 (+15 min)
30. august: Kurset holdes på svensk,
varer i én time fra kl 10.00-11.00 (+15 min)
Lenken til Zoom-webinaret blir sendt ut som kalenderinnkalling når du har meldt deg på en eller flere kursdager i Påmeldingsskjema
Etter kurset vil du ha lært:
– Avanserte innstillinger og funksjoner
– Hvordan å lage en survey
– Avanserte spørsmålstyper
– Hvordan å analysere svarene i sanntid
– Hvordan å kontrollere presentasjonen


Dear Mentimeter user at UiB.

As previously announced, a basic course will be arranged on June 8., which will be repeated on August 23., and a course for advanced students on June 15., which will be repeated on August 30., all between 1000-1100 hrs. Stina Nilsson Helander from Mentimeter will guide us through the course, and will go through everything you need to know to start with Mentimeter. Stina is from Sweden and there will be an opportunity to ask questions in both Norwegian and English both course days. You can ask along the way, and she will also be available for 15 minutes afterwards if any questions.

Basic course:
June 8: The course is held in English,
lasts for one hour from 1000-1100 (+15 min)
August 23: The course is held in Swedish,
lasts for one hour from 1000-1100 (+15 min)
The link to the Zoom-webinar will be sent as a calendar notice when you have registered one or more course days in the Registration Form
After the course you will have learned:
– How to use Mentimeter and when to use it
– How to create and edit presentations
– How to use the different types of questions
  and when these should be used

Advanced course:

June 15: The course is held in English,
lasts for one hour from 10.00-11.00 (+15 min)
August 30: The course is held in Swedish,
lasts for one hour from 10.00-11.00 (+15 min)
The link to the Zoom webinar-will be sent as a calendar notice when you have registered one or more course days in the Registration Form
After the course you will have learned:
– Advanced settings and functions
– How to make a survey
– Advanced question types
– How to analyze the answers in real time
– How to control the presentation


Automated splitting into batches for observational biomedical studies with sequential processing.
Burger B, Vaudel M, Barsnes H. Biostatistics. 2022 May 10:kxac014. doi: 10.1093/biostatistics/kxac014. Online ahead of print.PMID: 35536588

The mosaic of AII amacrine cell bodies in rat retina is indistinguishable from a random distribution.
Liu JH, Peter DO, Faldalen Guttormsen MS, Hossain MK, Gerking Y, Veruki ML, Hartveit E. Vis Neurosci. 2022 May 10;39:E004. doi: 10.1017/S0952523822000025.PMID: 35534787

Knockdown of NUSAP1 inhibits cell proliferation and invasion through downregulation of TOP2A in human glioblastoma.
Hu Y, Xue Z, Qiu C, Feng Z, Qi Q, Wang J, Jin W, Zhong Z, Liu X, Li W, Zhang Q, Huang B, Chen A, Wang J, Yang N, Zhou W.Cell Cycle. 2022 May 9. doi: 10.1080/15384101.2022.2074199. Online ahead of print.PMID: 35532155

Intrinsic Differences in Spatiotemporal Organization and Stromal Cell Interactions Between Isogenic Lung Cancer Cells of Epithelial and Mesenchymal Phenotypes Revealed by High-Dimensional Single-Cell Analysis of Heterotypic 3D Spheroid Models.
Lotsberg ML, Røsland GV, Rayford AJ, Dyrstad SE, Ekanger CT, Lu N, Frantz K, Stuhr LEB, Ditzel HJ, Thiery JP, Akslen LA, Lorens JB, Engelsen AST. Front Oncol. 2022 Apr 22;12:818437. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.818437. eCollection 2022.PMID: 35530312 Free PMC article.

Integrin α11β1 and syndecan-4 dual receptor ablation attenuates cardiac hypertrophy in the pressure overloaded heart.
Romaine A, Melleby AO, Alam J, Lobert VH, Lu N, Lockwood FE, Hasic A, Lunde IG, Sjaastad I, Stenmark H, Herum KM, Gullberg D, Christensen G. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2022 May 6. doi: 10.1152/ajpheart.00635.2021. Online ahead of print.PMID: 35522553

Structural insights into Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease-linked mutations in human GDAP1.
Sutinen A, Nguyen GTT, Raasakka A, Muruganandam G, Loris R, Ylikallio E, Tyynismaa H, Bartesaghi L, Ruskamo S, Kursula P. FEBS Open Bio. 2022 May 4. doi: 10.1002/2211-5463.13422. Online ahead of print.PMID: 35509130 Free article.

The dual role of glioma exosomal microRNAs: glioma eliminates tumor suppressor miR-1298-5p via exosomes to promote immunosuppressive effects of MDSCs.
Qi Y, Jin C, Qiu W, Zhao R, Wang S, Li B, Zhang Z, Guo Q, Zhang S, Gao Z, Zhao S, Pan Z, Fan Y, Chen Z, Wang H, Xu J, Deng L, Ni S, Wang J, Xue H, Xue F, Li G. Cell Death Dis. 2022 May 2;13(5):426. doi: 10.1038/s41419-022-04872-z.PMID: 35501306 Free PMC article.

Binding Specificity of ASHH2 CW Domain Toward H3K4me1 Ligand Is Coupled to Its Structural Stability Through Its α1-Helix.
Bril’kov MS, Dobrovolska O, Ødegård-Fougner Ø, Turcu DC, Strømland Ø, Underhaug J, Aasland R, Halskau Ø.Front Mol Biosci. 2022 Apr 13;9:763750. doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2022.763750. eCollection 2022.PMID: 35495628 Free PMC article.

AXL targeting restores PD-1 blockade sensitivity of STK11/LKB1 mutant NSCLC through expansion of TCF1+ CD8 T cells.
Li H, Liu Z, Liu L, Zhang H, Han C, Girard L, Park H, Zhang A, Dong C, Ye J, Rayford A, Peyton M, Li X, Avila K, Cao X, Hu S, Alam MM, Akbay EA, Solis LM, Behrens C, Hernandez-Ruiz S, Lu W, Wistuba I, Heymach JV, Chisamore M, Micklem D, Gabra H, Gausdal G, Lorens JB, Li B, Fu YX, Minna JD, Brekken RA. Cell Rep Med. 2022 Mar 15;3(3):100554. doi: 10.1016/j.xcrm.2022.100554. eCollection 2022 Mar 15.PMID: 35492873 Free PMC article.

Virtual Ontogeny of Cortical Growth Preceding Mental Illness.
Patel Y, Shin J, Abé C, Agartz I, Alloza C, Alnæs D, Ambrogi S, Antonucci LA, Arango C, Arolt V, Auzias G, Ayesa-Arriola R, Banaj N, Banaschewski T, Bandeira C, Başgöze Z, Cupertino RB, Bau CHD, Bauer J, Baumeister S, Bernardoni F, Bertolino A, Bonnin CDM, Brandeis D, Brem S, Bruggemann J, Bülow R, Bustillo JR, Calderoni S, Calvo R, Canales-Rodríguez EJ, Cannon DM, Carmona S, Carr VJ, Catts SV, Chenji S, Chew QH, Coghill D, Connolly CG, Conzelmann A, Craven AR, Crespo-Facorro B, Cullen K, Dahl A, Dannlowski U, Davey CG, Deruelle C, Díaz-Caneja CM, Dohm K, Ehrlich S, Epstein J, Erwin-Grabner T, Eyler LT, Fedor J, Fitzgerald J, Foran W, Ford JM, Fortea L, Fuentes-Claramonte P, Fullerton J, Furlong L, Gallagher L, Gao B, Gao S, Goikolea JM, Gotlib I, Goya-Maldonado R, Grabe HJ, Green M, Grevet EH, Groenewold NA, Grotegerd D, Gruber O, Haavik J, Hahn T, Harrison BJ, Heindel W, Henskens F, Heslenfeld DJ, Hilland E, Hoekstra PJ, Hohmann S, Holz N, Howells FM, Ipser JC, Jahanshad N, Jakobi B, Jansen A, Janssen J, Jonassen R, Kaiser A, Kaleda V, Karantonis J, King JA, Kircher T, Kochunov P, Koopowitz SM, Landén M, Landrø NI, Lawrie S, Lebedeva I, Luna B, Lundervold AJ, MacMaster FP, Maglanoc LA, Mathalon DH, McDonald C, McIntosh A, Meinert S, Michie PT, Mitchell P, Moreno-Alcázar A, Mowry B, Muratori F, Nabulsi L, Nenadić I, O’Gorman Tuura R, Oosterlaan J, Overs B, Pantelis C, Parellada M, Pariente JC, Pauli P, Pergola G, Piarulli FM, Picon F, Piras F, Pomarol-Clotet E, Pretus C, Quidé Y, Radua J, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Rasser PE, Reif A, Retico A, Roberts G, Rossell S, Rovaris DL, Rubia K, Sacchet M, Salavert J, Salvador R, Sarró S, Sawa A, Schall U, Scott R, Selvaggi P, Silk T, Sim K, Skoch A, Spalletta G, Spaniel F, Stein DJ, Steinsträter O, Stolicyn A, Takayanagi Y, Tamm L, Tavares M, Teumer A, Thiel K, Thomopoulos SI, Tomecek D, Tomyshev AS, Tordesillas-Gutiérrez D, Tosetti M, Uhlmann A, Van Rheenen T, Vazquez-Bourgón J, Vernooij MW, Vieta E, Vilarroya O, Weickert C, Weickert T, Westlye LT, Whalley H, Willinger D, Winter A, Wittfeld K, Yang TT, Yoncheva Y, Zijlmans JL, Hoogman M, Franke B, van Rooij D, Buitelaar J, Ching CRK, Andreassen OA, Pozzi E, Veltman D, Schmaal L, van Erp TGM, Turner J, Castellanos FX, Pausova Z, Thompson P, Paus T. Biol Psychiatry. 2022 Mar 4:S0006-3223(22)01067-8. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2022.02.959. Online ahead of print.PMID: 35489875

Factors associated with coronary heart disease in COPD patients and controls.
Svendsen CD, Kuiper KKJ, Ostridge K, Larsen TH, Nielsen R, Hodneland V, Nordeide E, Bakke PS, Eagan TM. PLoS One. 2022 Apr 27;17(4):e0265682. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0265682. eCollection 2022.PMID: 35476713 Free PMC article.

BBB seminar

Donald Gullberg from the Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen, will give a talk entitled “α11β1, a mesenchymal collagen-binding integrin with a central role in tissue- and tumor fibrosis”.


Position: Professor, group leader of the Matrix Biology research group and PI at the Center for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO) 
Research field: The study of integrin α11 in the context of tissue and tumor fibrosis. Major projects within the group aim to further understand the role of the collagen receptor α11β1 and other fibroblast integrins during health and in disease.

Seminar focus: Collagen-binding integrins are predicted to play an important role in matrix remodeling in fibrotic diseases. Data suggesting a role of integrin α11β1 in matrix assembly will be presented. 

Thursday, May 19, 14.30 


Manfred Jung from the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany, will give a talk entitled “Chemical epigenetics – targeting reversible histone acetylation”.


Position: Professor for Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Research field: Chemical Epigenetics
Main achievements: Prof. Dr. Manfred Jung is leading the Chemical Epigenetics Group at Institute of Pharmaceutical Science, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany. He has received multiple awards, including the Phoenix Prize for Pharmaceutical Chemistry in 2016 and the Eugen Graetz Award of the University of Freiburg 2004.
Seminar focus: The seminar will focus on new chemical and biochemical tools to dissect biological pathways, validate therapeutic targets, and discover and optimize potential drugs addressing a wide range of epigenetic targets. This includes new biochemical and biophysical assays for histone deacetylases (HDACs) and sirtuins, and newly identified targets converted into functionalized tools for chemical biology.

Thursday, June 2, 14.30 


Horizon Europe and beyond!

The European framework program Horizon Europe is the EU’s main funding program for research and innovation. Running from 2021 to 2027 with a budget of 95.5 billion euros, it is the most extensive research funding program globally. However, the complexity and documentation render the program challenging to navigate. These challenges are the drivers behind developing a practical how-to course on using the vast amount of data in the EU system to think outside the box and understand and navigate the Horizon Europe framework program.
Division of Research and Innovation together with research advisors at the Faculty of Medicine will provide a practical guide on how to build on past and current projects funded by the EU, navigate the vast Horizon Europe framework program, and write competitive research proposals. Suitable for those who want to learn more about practical creativity, Horizon Europe and writing research proposals. For this round, the target group is associate professors, professors and experienced researchers (with some years of research experience after their defense and interested in finding out what is relevant for them in the EU funding landscape).
Participants will get an overview of:
• How to take advantage of past and current projects funded by the EU Commission to think outside the box?
• How to navigate Horizon Europe – Pillar II to find relevant ‘Call to Action’?
• How to write the core concept of a research proposal?
Eitri Medical Incubator, first floor,Tuesday 31 May at 09:00-11:30. There is a limited number of slots available.

Horizon Europe and Beyond – a tool to navigate the EU landscape (


Collaborative scientific software development

In collaboration with the Institute for informatics at the University of Bergen, the Digital lab organizes a summer school in collaborative scientific software development. This summer school is funded by NORBIS and Digital Life Norway and will give 3 credits.
What comes next once you’re comfortable with the syntax of a programming language or two, and have written some small programs for yourself? Once a project grows to a certain size, factors beyond the immediate programming task take more and more time, and the social aspects of software development become more important.
The aim of this workshop is to give an introduction to topics that go beyond the initial knowledge of reading and writing code. How do you design programs that are modular and reusable by others? How can libraries in different languages be used together? What are tools that can help in documenting and testing code? How can development and releases be managed in group projects with multiple authors and multiple users?
Registration here, deadline May 23, at 18:00.
Høyteknologisenteret, Thormøhlens Gate 55, Bergen, June 20-July 1.
Collaborative scientific software development | Digital Lab | UiB


Datathon in Bergen at Eitri Medical Incubator 

Eitri Medical Datathon 2022 is an effort to unleash the potential of data in healthcare and takes place from September 16th to 19th 2022 at Eitri in Bergen, Norway.
Leo Celi from MIT will help facilitate the workshop/datathon. Celi is best known for bringing together clinicians and data scientists to collect and analyze data routinely collected during the healthcare process. The aim of the Eitri datathon is to utilize previously admitted patients’ data  from the emergency room to answer important clinical research questions.
“An equally important aim is to bring together clinicians, data scientist, engineers, industry, and investors for interdisciplinary collaboration aiming to provide better healthcare in the Bergen Hospital, and to the world”, says Director of Eitri, Torleif Markussen Lunde.
Key stakeholders from Haukeland Hospital, HVL, University of Bergen, Curie and Eureka student organizations, have agreed to participate. Clinicians, students, industry, and professors are invited to participate, nationally and internationally.
Eitri Medical Incubator, Bergen, 16. – 19. September.
Eitri | Datathon 2022



Bergens ferskeste og strålende legemidler: teranostikk – nukleære metoder mot kreft.

I dette foredraget vil førsteamanuensis og radiokjemiker Tom Christian Holm Adamsen snakke om teranostikk – nukleære metoder mot kreft. Teranostikk er en kombinasjon av terapi og diagnostikk. Feltet er blant de raskest voksende innen medisin – og Bergen er i førersetet. Ved Haukeland sykehus produserer man ferske, radioaktive legemidler som brukes i diagnostisering og behandling av ulike kreftformer. Hvordan fungerer egentlig disse, og hva forskes det på innen feltet? Foredraget holdes på norsk.
Realfagsbygget, torsdag 19. mai kl.14.15-15.00.

I serien populærvitenskapelig foredrag i Bibliotek for matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fag

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships – Applicant Workshop 2022

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships (PF) are wage and mobility funds for researchers who want to enhance their career through an academic residency abroad. The research fellow conducts research and/or innovation at a European institution for 12–36 months.The program is part of the EU’s Horizon Europe research framework program and the application deadline is in September.
We offer a training course on writing a competitive MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship proposal for applicants interested in a fellowship with UiB. The course is open to applicants who fulfill the eligibility criteria and who have identified a potential UiB supervisor willing to support the application.
Registration deadline, applicant workshop, June 12 at 12:00.
The workshop will be in English.
Applicant workshop, June14. at 09:1515:30.

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships – Applicant Workshop 2022

Medisinsk forskning: Potensial for tillit og eksport

Bergen Næringsråd i samarbeid med Deloitte inviterer til frokostseminar på Grand Hotel Terminus.
God formidling av forskningsresultater er viktig for finansiering av fremtidig forskning, helserelatert næringsutvikling, rekruttering av fremtidige generasjoner med forskere og befolkningens tillit til bl.a. vaksiner.
De fleste kjenner Armauer Hansens oppdagelse av leprabasillen. Men visste du at PCR-testen ble oppfunnet i Bergen? At Fridtjof Nansen utførte banebrytende hjerneforskning og at årsaken til krybbedød ble funnet i Bergen?
På dette frokostseminaret spør vi:
– Andre land har langt sterkere tradisjoner for synliggjøring av forskningsresultater. Hvordan og hvorfor formidler Harvard Medical School sine medisinske forskningsgjennombrudd?
– Hva kan formidlings- og dokumenteringsplanene til UiBs medisinske fakultet få å si for Bergen?
– Hvilke helseinnovasjoner fra Bergen jobbes det med nå?
Påmeldingsfrist mandag 6. juni 2022 kl. 10.00.
Grand Hotel Terminus, tirsdag 7. juni 2022 kl. 08.30 – 10.00.

Medisinsk forskning: Potensial for tillit og eksport.

Kunnskapsløft i kommunene – Partnerskap for forskning

Kunnskapskommunen Helse Omsorg Vest inviterer til sin årlige konferanse om samarbeid for forskning, innovasjon og utdanning i de kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene. Konferansen er en møteplass for kunnskapsdeling, meningsutveksling og entusiasme om forskning og innovasjon som verktøy for en bedre, mer effektiv og samordnet helsetjeneste. Her viser vi frem eksempler på hva gode samarbeid mellom forskningsmiljø og kommuner kan få til ved å jobbe sammen. Konferansier er Kaveh Rashidi. Vi har et spennende program som inkluderer disse temaene (fullt program vedlagt):
– Innlegg fra Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet og paneldebatt om den nye stortingsmeldingen «Nytte, ressurs og alvorlighet— Prioritering i helse- og omsorgstjenesten»
– Hvordan få et kunnskapssystem for kommunene (ved KS), og hvordan gå fra kunnskap til beslutning i kommunene (ved FHI)?
– Presentasjon av flere spennende og varierte forskningsprosjekter relatert til Kunnskapskommunen.
– Veien videre for forskning og innovasjon i offentlig sektor, perspektiver fra Forskningsrådet og Region Nordhordland Helsehus.
– Utdeling av Kunnskapskommunens forsknings- og innovasjonspris.
Konferansen har begrenset antall plasser, så vær tidlig ute.
Påmelding til konferansen her, påmeldingsfrist 10 juni.
Universitetsaulaen i Bergen, mandag 20 juni, kl. 09.00-15.00.

Valenseminaret 2022 – Helsetenesta i nytt lys.

Valen sjukehus inviterer til nasjonalt seminar fredag 9. september 2022, Rosendal Fjordhotell. Etter at professor Ole Didrik Lærum innleier om betydinga av døgnrytmar hos mennesket, vil fleire spennande foredragshaldarar frå Norge, Danmark og USA forelese om:
– Banebrytande utvikling av lys-terapeutiske pasientrom.
– Innovativ bruk av radar-teknologi og kronoterapeutiske prinsipp for behandling av søvnforstyrringar.
– Lysterapi i sjukeheim hos eldre med demens.
– Mørketerapi og lysterapi som integrert del av psykiatrisk akuttbehandling.
– Kronoterapi ved bipolar liding, internasjonale anbefalingar.
Påmelding til Valenseminaret 2022, med frist 31. august.
Rosendal fjordhotell, 9. september, kl. 08.30–15.00.


New doctoral degree: Fredrik Gullaksen Johannessen


Fredrik held a trial lecture on 21 April and defended his thesis on 22 April.
We congratulate him to the approved defense and wish him all the best for his future career!


Endelig kan vi feire nasjonaldagen 17. mai på skikkelig vis igjen!

Tradisjonen tro, inviteres UiBs ansatte med familie til 17. mai-frokost i Christie café,  Kr. 150,- per voksen, kr. 50,- per barn under 12 år.
Det er dessverre begrenset antall plasser til frokosten, men alle kan bli med i hovedprosesjonen under UiB sin fane.
UiB relatert program:
Kl. 07.00 – Skudd fra Skansen og sang fra studentkoret Arme Riddere.
Kl. 07.20 – Christie-statuen bekranses av en representant fra 17. mai-komiteen.
Kl. 07.45 – Rektor Margareth Hagen ønsker velkommen til frokost i Christie café.
Kl. 09.30 – Avslutning og avgang til Koengen for oppstilling i hovedprosesjonen (kolonne 5).
Dersom dere ønsker å møte direkte på Koengen, må dere stille senest kl. 10.15.

Se info og påmelding her fra UiB.

Se her for programmet for nasjonaldagen 17.mai i Bergen her.


Finally we can celebrate the national day on May 17 in a proper way again!

True to tradition, UiB’s employees and family are invited to a May 17 breakfast in Christie café, Kr. 150, – per adult, kr. 50, – per child under 12 years.
Unfortunately, there is a limited number of places for breakfast, but everyone can join the main parade under UiB’s banner.
UiB related program:
07.00 - Salute from Skansen and song from the student choir Arme Riddere.
07.20 - The Christie statue honour-decorated by a representative from the May 17 committee.
07.45 - Rector Margareth Hagen welcomes you to breakfast in Christie café.
09.30 - Exit and departure to Koengen for line-up in the main parade (column 5).
If you want to meet directly at Koengen, you must be there no later than 10.15.

Information and sign-up here from UiB. In Norwegian. 

See here for the program for the national day May 17 in Bergen here. In Norwegian.

Information from visit Bergen about the national day May 17. In English.

Det har vært en del spørsmål  vedr. representasjon og bevertning.

For dere som skal ut med gjester ol. så er det viktig at dere  oppdaterer dere på retningslinjer og regelverket fra UiB.
Se informasjon om representasjon og bevertning:

There have been a number of questions regarding representation and catering.

For those of you who are going out with guests etc. then it is important that you update yourself on guidelines and regulations from UiB.
See information about representation and catering (in Norwegian):


For funding see also:

The Nordic Cancer Union (NCU) Research Grant Applications and Allocations 2022

The Nordic Cancer Union (NCU) provides funding to support and stimulate collaborative cancer research within the Nordic countries. The applying researcher’s and collaborators involved in the project must be working in at least three, and preferably several different Nordic countries. The research project must be cancer relevant and uniquely suited to be carried out within the Nordic countries, and the effect of collaboration should be synergistic.
The Nordic Cancer Union (NCU) provides funding to support and stimulate collaborative cancer research within the Nordic countries. The electronic grant application system is open.
The application deadline is on Thursday 1 September 2022, at 4 PM (EETs).

Call is now open: NCU Research Grant Applications and Allocations 2022 – Nordic Cancer Union


Nyhetsbrev fra Institutt for Biomedisin
Publisert hver andre uke
Ansvarlig redaktør: Frode Berven
Redaktør: Anne Mette Søviknes 


Dear colleagues,

At the Faculty Day on Wednesday, prizes in various categories were distributed. As already mentioned in the last newsletter, our Department did very well with one of the two prizes for the best PhD thesis awarded to Xiaozheng (Teeny) Liu, the prize for the best research and innovation environment awarded to the Translational cell signalling and metabolism group headed by Thomas Arnesen and one of the three prizes for excellent measures in teaching was given to Tine Veronica Karlsen. In addition, Olga Therese Ousdal was awarded the Falchs junior prize. Congratulations to all of you!

The ones of you who follow the Norwegian news about higher education have probably noticed the debate about postdoc positions giving the impression that these are bad positions to be in with no future perspectives. While it is clear that most postdocs will never become principle investigators (PI) because there are many more postdoc positions than PI positions, I have many friends, both inside and outside academia, who consider their postdoc period the best time in their research life. This is the time when one can fully concentrate on research free of other hassles like collecting credits, carrying out administrative duties, having the responsibility for a research group, or writing and defending a thesis. My advice to our postdocs would therefore be to enjoy the exiting research projects you are carrying out in an international and multicultural environment. Maybe with some luck your academic dream will work out, but if not, it does not mean that that the postdoc period was wasted. Unemployment among academics is generally very low and there are many other positions inside and outside academia that are interesting. Last week, I was invited to present at the Drug Discovery Chemistry conference in San Diego which was mainly attended by researchers in industry, and I was impressed by the exiting research that is going on in some companies.

Further, I would like to remind everyone about the IBM-day on May 2. The program of the day will come by e-mail. We will also have a strategy day for all faculty members at the department on June 1st. Please reserve the date, more details will follow.

As you are probably noticing, we are trying out a new format for the newsletter starting with this edition. With this, we hope to make the newsletter even easier to read, less time consuming to prepare, and better to archive. We hope that you enjoy the new experience.

Have a nice weekend,



Sosial spillkveld for instituttansatte!
Endelig kan vi invitere til sosial samling og spillkveld på Bar3 igjen, etter en lang «covid-pause». Denne gangen starter vi kvelden med en lag-quiz: samle folket i gruppen/avdelingen og bli med på en kjekk kveld med spill og moro! 😊 Det er selvfølgelig også mulig å ta med venner og kjære om dere har lyst.
Vi møtes 12. mai, fra 17.30 og utover, på Bar3 (Rosenkranzgaten 3):


Social games night for department staff!
Finally, we are ble to invite you all to a social gathering and games night at Bar3 again, after a lengthy “covid-break”. This time we will start off the evening with a team quiz: gather the people in your group or section and join us for a lovely evening of games and fun! 😊  If you want to bring your partner/spouse or just a friend or two, that is also quite all right.
We’ll meet on May 12, from 17:30, at Bar3 (Rosenkranzgaten 3):


Bedriftshelsetjenesten sitt tjenestetilbud

Bedriftshelsetjenesten (BHT) ved UiB har et bredt spekter av tjenester som vi kan tilby til våre miljø.
Av tjenester BHT tilbyr kan vi nevne yrkeshygieniske kartlegginger, ergonomiske kartlegginger/tilrettelegginger, målrettede yrkesmedisinske helsekontroller, bistand innenfor psykososialt arbeidsmiljø og rusproblematikk.
Se mer informasjon om Bedriftshelsetjenesten.

The occupational health service’s service offer

The occupational health service (BHT) at UiB has a wide range of services that we can offer to our environment.
Of the services BHT offers, we can mention occupational hygiene surveys, ergonomic surveys / adaptations, targeted occupational health inspections, assistance within the psychosocial work environment and substance abuse problems.
See more information about the Occupational Health Service.


Norwegian Language Courses at UiB

Each semester approximately 600 UiB employees, partners, immigrants, refugees and international students are enrolled in one of our Norwegian language courses. We offer a total of 7 different courses on 4 different levels. You will find a complete overview here.
Application deadlines for the autumn semester 2022
External applicants must apply in Søknadsweb before 2 May.
International employees and partners of international employees must apply in Søknadsweb before 2 June.
International students may sign up for Norwegian language courses in Studentweb from 27 June (NOR-INTRONOR-U1) or 8 August (all other courses).

Norwegian Language Courses at UiB


Proteomic approaches for untangling pharmacological targets in acute myeloid leukemia.
Reikvam H, Hemsing AL, Hernandez-Valladares M, Birkeland E. Expert Rev Proteomics. 2022 Apr 22:1-4. doi: 10.1080/14789450.2022.2067530. Online ahead of print.PMID: 35436165 No abstract available.

The life cycle and enigmatic egress of coronaviruses. Prydz K, Saraste J. Mol Microbiol. 2022 Apr 17. doi: 10.1111/mmi.14907. Online ahead of print.PMID: 35434857 Review.

PKM2 Interacts With the Cdk1-CyclinB Complex to Facilitate Cell Cycle Progression in Gliomas. Ohba S, Tang Y, Johannessen TA, Mukherjee J. Front Oncol. 2022 Mar 22;12:844861. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.844861. eCollection 2022.PMID: 35392228 Free PMC article.

BBB seminar

Cliff Kentros from NTNU will give a talk entitled “Genetic Interrogation of the Neural Circuitry of Memory”. 

Position: Professor, Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and Centre for Neural Computation, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim.
Research field: Systems Neuroscience, Neural Circuits, Learning and Memory.
Main achievements: Grass Fellow at MBL, Member Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences, Norway.
Seminar focus: This seminar focuses on the investigation of the role of individual elements of the hippocampal/entorhinal cortex circuit via both electrophysiology and calcium imaging. Specifically on efforts related to Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), and the development of a new rodent model capturing the pathological interactions between ab and tau, the two main pathological components of AD, in the same entorhinal cortex cells which show the tauopathy side of AD. This model will be used to study how the interactions between ab and tau cause neurodegeneration specifically in entorhinal neurons, the proximal cause of dementia in AD.
Chairperson: Clive Bramham <> 

Thursday, May 5, 14.30 

Olga Therese Ousdal from the University of Bergen will give a talk entitled “How the environment impacts the developmental trajectories of limbic brain regions”. 

Position: Olga Therese Ousdal is an associate professor at Department of Biomedicine, UoB and a consultant neuroradiologist at Haukeland University Hospital.
Research field: The neurobiological underpinning of common mental disorders as well as their treatments.
Main achievements: Ousdal´s work has gained both national and international attention, and she was awarded the Marie Spångberg award in 2021.
Seminar focus: This seminar will review evidence that early life adversities affect not only the outcome but also the pace of limbic brain development. Furthermore, it will be discussed how altering the pace of limbic brain development may increase later risk of experiencing mental health problems.
Chairperson: Ruth Brenk <> 

Thursday, May 12, 14.30 


Horizon Europe Inspiration Workshop

Velkommen til inspirasjons-workshop om Horisont Europa for UiB-ansatte. Programmet er en oppfølging av infodagen i januar 2022. Programmet starter med en kort gjennomgang av de forskjellige typene finansiering som er tilgjengelig for forskning, innovasjon, karriere- og nettverksbygging i Horisont Europa og Erasmus+ og hvordan du kan finne frem til dem.
Forskere og forskningsrådgivere fra UiB deler sine erfaringer i innlegg og paneldebatter om nettverksbygging, teambygging og søknadsskriving.
Påmeldingsfrist: 10. mai, kl. 12.00. Påmelding her.
Hvor: Scandic Hotell Ørnen, Lars Hilles gate 18
Når: 13. mai, kl. 09.30-15.00

Horizon Europe Inspiration Workshop

Horizon Europe Inspiration Workshop

Welcome to Horizon Europe Inspiration Workshop – a follow-up event to the Info Day in January 2022. The program begins with a brief overview of the different types of funding available for research, innovation, career and networking in Horizon Europe and Erasmus + and how to find them.
Researchers and research advisers from UiB share their experiences in talks and panel debates on network building, team building and proposal writing.
Registration deadline: May 10. at 12:00. Registration here
Where: Scandic Hotell Ørnen, Lars Hilles gate 18
When: May 13. at 09:30-15:00

Horizon Europe Inspiration Workshop


Hvordan skrive en god søknad til ERC Starting Grants

Har du tenkt å søke ERC Starting Grant (StG) i oktober 2022? 
Forskningsrådet og Universitetet i Oslo inviterer forskere til kurs i å skrive søknad til det europeiske forskningsrådet, ERC. 
Kurset er også relevant dersom du skal søke ERC Consolidator Grant (CoG) i februar 2023.
-ERC-2023-StG har tentativ frist 25. oktober 2022 og er for forskere som har 2-7 års erfaring etter PhD.
-ERC-2023-CoG har tentativ frist 2. februar 2023 og er for forskere som har 7-12 års erfaring etter PhD
Du finner informasjon om StG og CoG på ERC sine sider. 
Passer for: forskere og EU-rådgivere
Påmeldingsfrist:30. mai 2022
Når:3. juni 2022 09.30 – 14.30, arrangementet strømmes. 

How to write a good application for ERC Starting Grants

Are you planning to apply for the ERC Starting Grant (StG) in October 2022?
The Research Council and the University of Oslo invite researchers to courses in writing an application to the European Research Council, ERC.
The course is also relevant if you are applying for the ERC Consolidator Grant (CoG) in February 2023.
-ERC-2023-StG has a tentative deadline of 25 October 2022 and is for researchers who have 2-7 years of experience after PhD.
-ERC-2023-CoG has a tentative deadline of 2 February 2023 and is for researchers who have 7-12 years of experience after PhD.
You’ll find information about StG og CoG on the ERC web.
Suitable for: researchers and EU advisers
Registration deadline: 30. May 2022
When: 3. June 2022 09.30 – 14.30, the event is streamed.

How to write a good application for ERC Starting Grants


ERC søknadslesedag i Stavanger

Norges forskningsråd arrangerer «ERC søknadslesedager» for forskere som planlegger en søknad til The European Research Council (ERC).
På lesedagen vil du få mulighet til å se gjennom søknader som har fått finansiering fra ERC, for å se hvordan et vellykket ERC-prosjekt kan struktureres. Over 60 norske ERC-grantees har vært så vennlige å gi tillatelse til at vi kan gjøre søknaden deres tilgjengelig på lesedagen.
Dette er en stille lesesesjon uten program. For mer informasjon se den felles påmeldingssiden, der finner du også lenke til hvert enkelt arrangement. Kontaktpersoner: Berit Sundby Avset ( og Per Magnus Kommandantvold (
Hvor: Universitetet i Stavanger, Arne Rettedals hus, AR V-209, Kjell Arholmsgate 41, 4036 Stavanger
Passer for: Forskere og EU-rådgivere
Når:14. juni 2022 13.00 – 16.00

ERC søknadslesedag i Stavanger

ERC Proposal Reading Day in Stavanger

The Research Council of Norway organises «ERC Proposal Reading Days» for researchers who are planning an application to the European Research Council (ERC). On the Reading Day you will get the opportunity to read successful ERC grant proposals in order to see how a proposal might be structured. Over 60 Norwegian ERC-grantees have given their kind consent to make their proposal available for the reading day.This is a silent reading session without a program. For more information, see the common registration page, where you will also find a link to each individual event.
Contacts: Berit Sundby Avset ( og Per Magnus Kommandantvold (
Where: University of Stavanger, Arne Rettedals hus, AR V-209, Kjell Arholmsgate 41, 4036 Stavanger
Target group:Researchers and EU-advisors
When:14 June 2022 13:00 – 16:00
ERC Proposal Reading Day in Stavanger


HPC On-boarding May 2022
The Norwegian Research Infrastructure Services (NRIS) is offering an on-boarding hands-on course for current and future users of national HPC systems (Saga, Fram, Betzy).
Targeted Audience: The course is aimed at students, researchers and employees of any background. We assume no prior knowledge of what an HPC is or how to use it. For those who have little experience with UNIX-like operating systems such as Linux or who have never worked on the command line of a terminal, we will offer a hands-on pre-course about UNIX a day before the HPC course. The course is open to all users and free of charge. Registration closes on 25th April.
HPC On-boarding May 2022


Best Practices on NRIS Clusters May 2022
The two half days course is the follow up to the NRIS HPC on-boarding course. We will focus on different aspects related to the everyday usage of HPC facilities in order to facilitate an valuable and productive framework to develop your research. These include best practices and trouble shooting, resource management, software installation, gpu computing with slurm and advanced user support.
Targeted Audience: The course is aimed at students, researchers and employees who want to deepen their knowledge of the usage of HPC facilities. This is a follow-up course to the NRIS HPC on-boarding course (although it is not a prerequisite). If you are new to HPC, we highly recommend to sign up for the NRIS HPC on-boarding course to benefit from this course. The course is open to all users and free of charge, but registration is mandatory.
Best Practices on NRIS Clusters May 2022


Symposium on tumor and tissue fibrosis, 2022 (

Symposium on tumor and tissue fibrosis | MOTIF | UiB


CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium

Welcome to the last CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium of the spring term 2022!
The CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium represents an integrated part of the CCBIO Research School for Cancer Studies. This is a seminar series that aims to improve scientific interaction and networking among junior researchers. Preliminary program:
Keynote lecture by Henriette Christie Ertsås: «Of course, you would never publish in a predatory journal… or would you?»
Amalie Fagerli Tegnander: «Low Anterior gradient 2 (AGR2) relates to aggressive tumor features in breast cancer»
Maria Kathrine Tveitarås: «Suppression of breast cancer metastasis by targeting tumour hypoxia»
Lena Hansen: «Fantastic antibodies and where to find them»
Where: Possibly hybrid, more information will come.
When: 12 mai, kl. 09.0012.30

CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium



NorDoc ph.d.-konferanse og sommerskole i Bergen 2022
17-18 juni 2022. NorDoc ph.d.-konferanse.
NorDoc PhD Conference and Summer School in Bergen 2022
June 17-18 2022. NorDoc PhD Conference.


The 68th Scandinavian Neurosurgical Congress

It is our great pleasure to welcome you to Bergen, Norway for the 68th Scandinavian Neurosurgical Society congress (SNS). This meeting is a joint meeting for the Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Icelandic and Norwegian societies of Neurosurgery, Neuroradiology and Neuronursing.
In Bergen, May 14-16. The 68th Scandinavian Neurosurgical Congress.




FORSKER GRAND PRIX 2022 – søknadsfrist 30. april

This event will only be in Norwegian.

Lyst å bli en fremragende formidler? Er du Ph.d student? Da kan vi hjelpe deg!
Forsker Grand Prix er Norgesmesterskapet i forskningsformidling og en glimrende sjanse å forbedre formidlingsevnene dine. Som deltager får du en fantastisk mulighet til å lære mer om hvordan du når fram med budskapet ditt til et stort publikum.
Vi gir deg individuell coaching der du får vite mer om storytelling, presentasjonsteknikker, stemmebruk, kronikkskriving, mediehåndtering og kreativ tenkning. Du får også tilgang på et stort nettverk i andre fagmiljøer. Gå ikke glipp av denne flotte sjansen til å forbedre formidlingsevnene dine. MERK: Du kan ikke ha disputert før konkurransen finner sted.
Forsker Grand Prix arrangeres 28. september i Mimes Brønn på Høgskulen på Vestlandet.
Forsker Grand Prix 2022 – Forskningsdagene i Bergen (



Det er tid for innvendig vinduspuss i BB bygget

Arbeidet starter mandag 2 mai.

Eventuell solskjerming må være oppe, dvs heises opp på ettermiddagen dagen før slik at vi kan begynne tidlig.
Persienner må holdes oppe til oppdraget er utført. Dette gjelder ikke persiennene som er integrert i vinduene.
Vinduskarmen må være ryddet og tom, samt at selskapet Coor utfører renhold KUN ved tilkomst.
Dersom vinduskarmer/ innvendige vinduer/ skilleglass ut mot korridor ikke er tilgjengelig, blir disse ikke vasket.
Arbeidet tar ca 10 min pr kontor. Slik at du kan ha tid til å hente deg en kopp kaffe.
Ved spørsmål kontakt Eli Gunn Kjørlaug

It’s time for interior window cleaning in the BB building

The work starts on Monday 2 May.

Any sun protection must be up, ie hoisted up in the afternoon the day before so that we can start early.
Blinds must be held up until the assignment is completed. This does not apply to the blinds that are integrated in the windows.
The window frame must be cleaned and empty, and that the company Coor performs cleaning ONLY if there is access.
If window frames / interior windows / partitions facing the corridor are not available, these will not be washed. The work takes about 10 minutes per office. So you can have time to grab a cup of coffee.
If you have any questions, please contact Eli Gunn Kjørlaug


Se også egen fane for Forsknings midler!

See also separate tab for Research Funds!

Økonomisk støtte til å sende ny ERC-søknad

Har du søkt ERC og gått videre til trinn 2, men likevel ikke fått midler? Da kan du få støtte til å forberede en ny søknad. Forskningsrådet gir inntil 500 000 kroner i støtte dersom du sender inn en ny søknad innen to år etter den første ERC-søknaden.
Søknadstype: Koordinerings- og støtteaktivitet
Søknadsfrist: Løpende
Aktuelle temaområder: Internasjonalisering
Målgrupper: Offentlig sektor, Næringsliv, Forskningsorganisasjon
Støttegrenser: Kr 50 000-500 000
Prosjektvarighet: maksimum 24 måneder
Utlysningskontakt: Berit Sundby Avset,

Økonomisk støtte til å sende ny ERC-søknad

Financial Support to Submit a New ERC Grant Proposal

If you have applied to the ERC and advanced to stage two, but not been awarded funding, you are eligible for support to prepare a new proposal. The Research Council awards up to NOK 500 000 to applicants submitting a new grant proposal within two years of submitting the original one.
Application type: Coordination and Support Activity
Application deadline: Open-ended
Relevant thematic areas for this call: Internationalization

Target groups: Public sector, Industry, Research organisations
Funding scale: NOK 50 000-500 000
Project duration: maximum 24 months
Contact for the call: Berit Sundby Avset,
Financial Support to Submit a New ERC Grant Proposal


Kreftforeningens forskerprosjekter– Hovedutlysningen.
Husk å underrette administrasjonen innen 6 mai og sende skjema for budsjett innen 18 mai.
Søknadsfrist er 31.05.2022.


Cancer society – main call
Remember to notify the administration by 6 May and send a form for budget by 18 May.
The application deadline is 31.05.2022.





Nyhetsbrev fra Institutt for Biomedisin
Publisert hver andre uke
Ansvarlig redaktør: Frode Berven
Redaktører: Anne Mette Søviknes og Stian Krog