HMS og velferd

Velkommen til UiB Læringsarena! 

I 1. etg. i Nygårdsgaten 5 har UiB-samfunnet fått en helt ny læringsarena, med fasiliteter for UiBs etter-og videreutdanningsaktiviteter samt faglige seminarer, konferanser, kurs og tjenesteutviklingsaktiviteter for både interne- og eksterne målgrupper. Les om lokalene og booking: Læringsarenaen i Nygårdsgaten 5 | Universitetet i Bergen (

Please see the Employee Pages for UiB welfare offers

Welfare | Employee Pages | UiB

News from international HR UiB

International Newsletter – November 2023

Studie og undervisning

Bruk av kunstig intelligens (KI) ved Det medisinske fakultet

UiB har oppdatert sine retningslinjer for redelighet og fusk som også omtaler bruk av kunstig intelligens. Vi ser imidlertid at det er behov for en presisering av hva dette innebærer for dere som studerer på Det medisinske fakultet.
Les hele kunngjøringen her: Bruk av kunstig intelligens (KI) ved Det medisinske fakultet


Use of artificial intelligence (AI) at the Faculty of Medicine

The UiB guidelines for integrity and cheating have been updated. These also discuss the use of artificial intelligence. However, we see that students at the Faculty of Medicine need some clarification on this topic.
Please read the full statement here: Use of artificial intelligence (AI) at the Faculty of Medicine

Master farmasi 2024/2025

Senter for farmasi vil med denne henvendelsen oppfordre fagmiljøene til å tilby masterprosjekter i farmasi for året 2024/2025.
Se vedlegg for mer informasjon: Masterprosjekt i farmasi 2024 og 2025
For å melde inn masterprosjekt må dette skjemaet fylles ut: Forslag til masteroppgaver for farmasi, 2024-2025 (
Frist for å melde inn prosjekter er 10. januar 2024.

Enhet for læring har flere kurstilbud for våren 2024
Kursene egner seg for alle som kunne tenke seg påfyll eller inspirasjon, og de kan alle inngå i kravet om utdanningsfaglig kompetanse for vitenskapelig ansatte (kravet er 200 timer ≈ 8 studiepoeng). Les mer her om pedagogisk kompetanse for vitenskapelig ansatte: Pedagogisk kompetanse for vitenskapelig ansatte – FAQ | Enhet for læring | UiB
Våren 2024 tilbys disse kursene:
MEDDID601: Innføring i  medisinsk didaktikk (5 stp)
MEDPVEIL602: Praksisveiledning (3 stp) OBS: oppstart tidlig i vårsemesteret!
MEDTBL601: Innføring og praktisk gjennomføring av Teambasert Læring (2 stp)
Det er ledige plasser på alle kursene.
All info og lenker til påmelding er samlet her: Aktiviteter ved Enhet for læring våren 2024 | Enhet for læring | UiB
Trenger du hjelp til å lage en pedagogisk mappe har vi laget et e-lærings kurs i MittUiB som er tilgjengelig her:

Are you a PhD student with an interest in innovation and entrepreneurship?

Then the course ELMED223-A Innovation and Entrepreneurship might be something for you.
Course description: Innovation and entrepreneurship | University of Bergen (
The course is taught intensively from January 15th to 22nd with full-day classes for two consecutive weeks and includes lectures and group work.
The course is taught in English.
The registration period is from November 14th at 7:00 AM to December 12th, 2023. It’s first come, first served for course registration.


DELTEX E3 ligases ubiquitylate ADP-ribosyl modification on nucleic acids.
Zhu K, Suskiewicz MJ, Chatrin C, Strømland Ø, Dorsey BW, Aucagne V, Ahel D, Ahel I. Nucleic Acids Res. 2023 Nov 24:gkad1119. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkad1119. Online ahead of print.PMID: 38000390

Electroconvulsive therapy-induced volumetric brain changes converge on a common causal circuit in depression.
Argyelan M, Deng ZD, Ousdal OT, Oltedal L, Angulo B, Baradits M, Spitzberg AJ, Kessler U, Sartorius A, Dols A, Narr KL, Espinoza R, van Waarde JA, Tendolkar I, van Eijndhoven P, van Wingen GA, Takamiya A, Kishimoto T, Jorgensen MB, Jorgensen A, Paulson OB, Yrondi A, Péran P, Soriano-Mas C, Cardoner N, Cano M, van Diermen L, Schrijvers D, Belge JB, Emsell L, Bouckaert F, Vandenbulcke M, Kiebs M, Hurlemann R, Mulders PC, Redlich R, Dannlowski U, Erhan K, Kritzer MD, Ellard KK, Camprodon JA, Petrides G, Malhotra AK, Abbott CC. Mol Psychiatry. 2023 Nov 20. doi: 10.1038/s41380-023-02318-2. Online ahead of print.PMID: 37985787

BBB seminar

BBB seminar


Bente Sandvei Skeie from the Department of Biomedicine, UiB, will give a talk entitled “Radiosensitization of radioresistant cancers”. 


Thursday, December 7, 14:30 at the BBB, Auditorium 4

CCBIO seminar 
Thomas Barker from University of Virginia, USA, will give a talk entitled [title not yet available]. 
Thursday, December 14, 14:30 

The BBB seminars has their 20 years anniversary this autumn
Please see the anniversary poster here!



DIGI emnepakken våren 2024

Digitalisering endrer fagene våre, både når det gjelder hvilke metoder og verktøy som brukes og hvilke problemstillinger og tema som studeres. Teknologien generelt, og utvikling tilknyttet kunstig intelligens spesielt, endrer yrkesutøvelsen på tvers av bransjer.
Påmeldingsfrist, studenter: 1. februar, ansatte: 15. januar.

NFR arrangement og kurs – events and courses
Forskningsrådets arrangementer (
Events (

Division of Research and Innovation – events and courses

Kommende arrangement for Forsknings- og innovasjonsavdelingen | Universitetet i Bergen (
Upcoming events for Division of Research and Innovation | University of Bergen (

University of Bergen Library – events and courses

Kommende arrangement for Universitetsbiblioteket | Universitetet i Bergen (


Eitri Datathon 2024

Are you passionate about AI, healthcare, or both? Do you aspire to understand how data can revolutionize the healthcare industry? Would you like to work closely with leading medical AI experts and clinicians from around the world?
At this event, clinicians, data scientists, and social scientists will come together to harness clinical data and apply machine learning to address specific healthcare challenges.
This year, alongside advancing AI in medicine, we will place a special emphasis on addressing biases in health data.
Information and sign up here: Eitri | Datathon 2024 (
Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a transformative healthcare journey!
For inquiries, please, email Torleif at or Maija at
January 7-8, 2024 (with a pre-meeting online on January 5), Eitri Medical Incubator, Haukelandsbakken 31, Bergen

Digital Life Norway – mini MBA

Are you interested in commercialising your research? This intensive 5-day course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to start an R&D company, see your science deployed in the real world and maybe even get rich in the process.
Digital Life Norway – mini MBA – Centre for Digital Life Norway

Ph.d. og Post doc

UiBs søknadsportal for fond og legater er nå åpen

I UiBs søknadsportal gis en oversikt over ulike stiftelser det er mulig å søke om midler fra. Dette er stiftelser som har forskning og undervisning ved Universitetet i Bergen som sine vedtektsfestede formål.
Målgruppen er ansatte, stipendiater, postdoktorer og studenter ved UiB, og noen av stiftelsene gir også anledning for eksterne å søke midler. Hvem som kan søke fremkommer ved å se på den enkelte stiftelse i portalen.
UiB stiftelser hjem – Søknadsportal for fond og legater
I søknadsportalen er det også mulig å filtrere etter hvilken søkergruppe (ansatt, student, stipendiat etc.) og/eller hvilket fagområde man tilhører, så vil aktuelle stiftelser vises.
Generell søknadsfrist er 12. januar 2024.


The University of Bergen’s (UiB) application portal for funds and grants is now open.

The UiB application portal provides an overview of various foundations from which it is possible to apply for funds. These are foundations that have research and teaching at the University of Bergen as their statutory purposes.
The target group is employees, fellows, postdocs, and students at UiB, and some of the foundations also provide opportunities for external applicants to apply for funds. Who can apply is indicated by looking at each individual foundation in the portal.
UiB stiftelser hjem – Søknadsportal for fond og legater
In the application portal, it is also possible to filter by which applicant group (employee, student, fellow, etc.) and/or which subject area one belongs to, and then relevant foundations will be displayed.
The general application deadline is January 12, 2024.

Erasmus+ 2024: Ekstra reisestipend til studenter

Utlysningene i Erasmus+-programmet for 2024 er klare. Blant nyhetene er ekstra reisestipend til studenter innen høyere utdanning. Totalbudsjettet for tiltakene innen utdanning og opplæring er på rundt 3,26 milliarder euro.
Av disse skal Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse dele ut rundt 39,8 millioner euro til norske søkere. Norske aktører kan i tillegg også søke på midler som tildeles direkte fra Europakommisjonen.
Tilskuddsutlysninger | HK-dir (


Erasmus+ 2024:Extra travel grants for students

The calls in the Erasmus+ program for 2024 are ready. Among the news are extra travel grants for students in higher education. The total budget for the measures within education and training is around 3.26 billion euros. Of these, the Directorate for Higher Education and Skills will distribute around 39.8 million euros to Norwegian applicants. Norwegian actors can also apply for funds that are awarded directly from the European Commission.
Tilskuddsutlysninger | HK-dir (

Young researchers info and mingling – MED research advisers

Welcome to information and mingling with the faculty research advisers.
Nice food will be served, coffee, tea, and Christmas cookies. See poster here:
Young researchers info and mingling – MED research advisers 6.12.23
Please sign up to join: Christmas meeting with research-advisers: Wednesday 6/12 at 14:30-16:00. Nice food will be served, coffe, tea and Christmas cookies. (
Wednesday 6. December, 14:30 – 16:00, 7th floor seminar room.


UiBdoc is a non-profit interest organization for PhDs, postdocs and other temporary scientific staff at UiB.
See events here: UiBdoc

UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers – events and courses

Upcoming events for UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers | University of Bergen

UiB Ferd Newsletter November and Decmber 2023 (002)

NorDoc course database – get ECTS

COURSES | nordoc (

ELIXIR Norway – see service offers for your project

SERVICES – Elixir Norway
For any inquiries, the ELIXIR Norway Helpdesk can be reached through:

IT division – events and courses

Upcoming events for IT division | University of Bergen (



Hovedoppgavesymposium medisin, 12. desember

En fantastisk mulighet til å se bredden i det gode arbeidet våre medisinstudenter gjør med hovedoppgavene sine!
Sted: auditoriet i Armauer Hansens hus.
Tid: tirsdag 12. desember kl. 10.15 – ca. kl. 13
Stikk gjerne innom i løpet av denne tiden, og få med litt av symposiet!
Les hele programmet her: Hovedoppgavesymposium – annonsering H-2023

Informasjon om nominasjonsfrist for Meltzerpriser 2023

Vi vil gjerne informere dere om at i 2023 vil nominasjonsfristen for forslagsstillere for å nominere
kandidater til Meltzerprisene være 19. januar 2024. Les mer her: Sjekkliste for forslagsstiller | Meltzer (


Forskningsmidler og mobilitet

Application Support for External Funding – at our faculty
Here you will find an overview of the application process, our services, and current open calls for funding.
Application Support for External Funding | Faculty of Medicine | UiB
See the collection of calls on the web page.

Erasmus+ 2024:Extra travel grants for students
The calls in the Erasmus+ program for 2024 are ready. Among the news are extra travel grants for students in higher education. The total budget for the measures within education and training is around 3.26 billion euros. Of these, the Directorate for Higher Education and Skills will distribute around 39.8 million euros to Norwegian applicants. Norwegian actors can also apply for funds that are awarded directly from the European Commission.
Tilskuddsutlysninger | HK-dir (

Young CAS Grant
Nå er det aktiv utlysning for forskningsmidler til yngre forskere gjennom CAS. Sjekk lenken under og se om dette er av interesse for deg. Fristen er 9. desember.
There is now an active call for research funding for younger researchers through CAS. Check the link below and see if this is of interest to you. The deadline is 9 December.

Tandem Programme – Translational research collaboration between Basic and Clinical Researchers
With the present call ‘Tandem Programme’ The Novo Nordisk Foundation wishes to strengthen and support Danish translational health research of high international quality.
The project must be anchored at a university, hospital or other non-profit research institution in Denmark. The main applicant must have his/her primary employment (75%) at a university, hospital or other non-profit research institution in Denmark. The co-applicant can be anchored in Denmark or abroad.
Application deadline 10. January 2024

Parkinson’s Disease Therapeutics Pipeline Program | Parkinson’s Disease (
To accelerate the path of the therapeutic pipeline towards clinical results through the support of ambitious and scientifically robust pre-clinical studies aiming at developing and testing treatments and interventions that can address the unmet needs of people with PD. Amount: flexible, up to 24 months. Read more about several deadlines on the webpage.

Novo Nordisk – grants in open competition
If you wish to apply for a grant at the Novo Nordisk Foundation, browse through our open competition calls for applications below to find the call that fits the purpose and idea of your project.
Grant Overview – Novo Nordisk Fonden
Several deadlines in January 2024.

Stiftelsen Dam utlysning for Forskning 2023
Formålet er støtte til helseforskning rettet mot målgrupper i Norge og som bidrar til å fremme levekår, fysisk og psykisk helse, mestring, livskvalitet eller sosial deltakelse. Det omfatter blant annet arbeid for økt deltakelse og likestilling for funksjonshemmede, forebyggende helsearbeid, rehabilitering, habilitering, omsorgsarbeid og folkehelsearbeid. Et hovedmål er å knytte forskning tettere opp mot de helseutfordringer innbyggerne i Norge møter. Informasjon og søknad her: Utlysning – Stiftelsen Dam
15. november: Søknadsskjema åpnes, 15. februar: Søknadsfrist.

King Olav V‘s Cancer Research Fund’s prize 2023
The King Olav V Cancer Research Fund was established by the Norwegian Cancer Society on April 29, 1992, in memory of King Olav V to honour cancer researchers in Norway.
King Olav Vs Cancer Research Fund’s prize 2024 – Insights (
Application deadline 11. January 2024, 13:00

Financial support for stays abroad
Financial support for stays abroad for PhD candidates and Postdoctoral Fellows | Faculty of Medicine | UiB

Calls for Erasmus+
Tilskuddsutlysninger | HK-dir (

UiB Opp – kompetanseutvikling for eksternfinansiering og forskningsstøtte
Se UiB Opp kurs her: UiB Opp – kompetanseutvikling for eksternfinansiering og forskningsstøtte | Støtte til eksternfinansierte prosjekter (BOA) | UiB


Nyhetsbrev fra Institutt for Biomedisin
Bilder er enten fra eller
Publisert hver tredje uke
Ansvarlig redaktør: Frode Berven
Redaktør: Anne Mette Søviknes


Dear all,

It is a dark time of the year, but we can be glad for a rather beautiful autumn so far with several pleasantly fresh, cold, and dry days. Some of you may also been fortunate to see the Northern Lights.The establishment of the new research units are now formally accepted by the Department Council meeting on November 2nd and will formally take effect January 1, 2024.

As you know the Norwegian Research Council has decided to carry out evaluation of medicine and healthcare (EVALMEDHELSE) (2023-2024). The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the quality of Norwegian research in an international context. In addition, for the evaluation committee to advice the authorities about future research strategies/developments. Both the administrative unit and the research units must do self-assessments. Although this is a busy time, both regarding research and teaching, hopefully, all research units have started to fill in the self-assessment form with an internal IBM deadline of December 15, 2023.

NFR has made several changes to FRIPRO. To mention a few: continuous deadlines and  submission restriction period (quarantine). Next faculty lunch, November 22, the senior adviser of the faculty support team for externally funded research will inform about changes regarding applications for NFR (FRIPRO) and EU (ERC). PhDs, postdocs and young researchers will get information about FRIPRO and ERC on December 6 (7th floor seminar room at 14.30-16.00).

Finally, our mandatory HSE-day is Friday December 1. Please save the date. The HSE day will be followed by our Christmas party in the 4th floor canteen in the evening, with traditional Norwegian Christmas food, entertainment, and dancing. The food is free, but you must bring your own beverage. Deadline for registration for the Christmas party is November 19th. The registration form is found here:


Toma Janusonyte Christako startet 13.11.2023 i stilling som seniorkonsulent ved studieseksjonen og vil ha et særskilt ansvar for administrasjon av masterprogrammet i biomedisin.


Victoria Arnesen skal begynne i stilling som overingeniør fra 01.12.2023. Hun skal arbeide 50% ved TCR og 50% ved MIC.

Bianca Cecilie Nygård slutter som leder av Studieseksjonen ved IBM den 24.11.2023.
Hun har fått ny jobb som Studiesjef ved Mat.Nat. og vi ønsker henne lykke til videre.

Frokostseminar for ph.d.-veiledere ved Det medisinske fakultet

Teamet denne gangen er publiseringsetikk. Vitenskapelig publisering skal fremme kvalitet, men det er mye som tyder på at dagens publiseringssystem kan være en kilde til forskningsetiske spenninger og utfordringer.
Vi har invitert professor Trine B. Haugen fra institutt for naturvitenskapelige helsefag, ved OsloMet, som skal ha et foredrag om publiseringsetikk til våre ph.d.-veiledere.
Her er lenke med informasjon om påmelding:
Påmeldingsfrist 27.11.2023 – 12.00
Styrerommet, Armauer Hansens Hus, 29.11.2023 – 08.3009.45

For å sikre at alle innkjøp blir registrert i dette regnskapsåret, og for å unngå pakkeleveranser i juleferien, vil den endelige datoen for innkjøp være 6. desember, før kl. 14.00. Det er viktig at du planlegger hvilke utgifter som skal utstedes før utgangen av året, og at du vurderer hva som er nødvendig med hensyn til pågående forskningsaktivitet i desember og aktiviteter eller disputas tidlig neste år. Kjøp vil gjenopptas som normalt fra den første virkedagen i 2024.


To make sure that all purchases will be registered in this fiscal year, and to avoid package deliveries during the Christmas holiday, the final date for purchasing will be December 6, before 14.00. It is important that you plan which spendings are to be issued before the end of the year, and that you assess what is needed regarding ongoing research activity in December and activities or disputation early next year. Purchases will resume as normal from the first business day of 2024.


HMS og velferd

Arbeidsmiljøprisen 2023 ved Det medisinske fakultet 

Det medisinske fakultet lyser ut arbeidsmiljøprisen til den eller de som har gjort en særlig innsats for arbeidsmiljøet i 2023. Prisen deles ut på fakultets HMS-dag den 21. februar 2024.
Vinneren tildeles:
  • Heder og ære!
  • Diplom
  • Prispenger på kr. 20.000, – til arbeidsmiljøet
Du kan nominere via følgende skjema:
Vi ser fram til mange gode forslag!
Arbeidsmiljøpris på Det medisinske fakultet 2023 (
Frist 8. desember 2023

Christmas party 1.Desember

The mandatory HSE-day is Friday December 1.
Please save the date. The HSE day will be followed by our Christmas party in the 4th floor canteen in the evening, with traditional Norwegian Christmas food, entertainment, and dancing.
The food is free, but you must bring your own beverage. Deadline for registration for the Christmas party is November 19th.
The registration form is found here:


Frokostseminar 21. november – Det gode arbeidsmiljø

Vernetjenesten inviterer til høstens siste frokostseminar i serien Arbeidsliv i endring – hva med arbeidsmiljøet.
Du kan melde deg på vi skjemaker: Frokostseminar – Det gode arbeidsmiljø tirsdag 21.november 2023 (
På dette frokostseminaret vil vi fokusere på arbeidet i sektoren som gjøres innenfor sikkerhet og beredskap. vi  har fått med oss som er norske universiteter, høgskoler og forskningsvirksomheters samarbeid på kriseinformasjon og sikkerhetsopplæring. De kommer til frokostmøtet for å fortelle oss om hvilke ressurser dere kan finne på siden, samt gå mer i detalj på nye ressurser om hvordan håndtere utfordrende situasjoner.
Seminaret arrangeres digitalt 21.november kl. 0830-1000 på Zoom.

Please see the Employee Pages for UiB welfare offers

Welfare | Employee Pages | UiB

News from international HR UiB

International Newsletter – November 2023

Studie og undervisning

Årets masteroppgaver registrert i Cristin

Årets masteroppgaver utgått fra IBM er registrert i Cristin:
Cristin – Enhet: Institutt for biomedisin 
Dette er masteroppgaver i biomedisin, men også masteroppgaver i andre studieprogram som dere som har veiledet dem fram har meldt til oss.Sammendrag ligger ute for de oppgavene der det ikke har vært et ønske om at vi skal la være å registrere dette.
Gi beskjed til om du savner noen, eller ser feil.
Tips – du skal få opp oppgaver du har vært veileder for når du går inn på din egen side hos Cristin.


Om BORA for masterstudenter

Masterstudenter kan akseptere avlevering til BORA av fulltekstversjon av oppgaven når de leverer denne. Se informasjon om dette her:
Flere av årets masteroppgaver er derfor også tilgjengelig i BORA.




Novel Calcium-Binding Motif Stabilizes and Increases the Activity of Aspergillus fumigatus Ecto-NADase.
Ferrario E, Kallio JP, Strømland Ø, Ziegler M. Biochemistry. 2023 Nov 7. doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.3c00360. Online ahead of print.PMID: 37934975

Novel roles for cooperating collagen receptor families in fibrotic niches.
Zeltz C, Kusche-Gullberg M, Heljasvaara R, Gullberg D. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2023 Oct 31;85:102273. doi: 10.1016/ Online ahead of print.PMID: 37918273 Review.

Structural properties of the HNF-1A transactivation domain.
Kind L, Driver M, Raasakka A, Onck PR, Njølstad PR, Arnesen T, Kursula P. Front Mol Biosci. 2023 Oct 16;10:1249939. doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2023.1249939. eCollection 2023.PMID: 37908230 Free PMC article.

Neurobiological mechanisms of ECT and TMS treatment in depression: study protocol of a multimodal magnetic resonance investigation.
Frid LM, Kessler U, Ousdal OT, Hammar Å, Haavik J, Riemer F, Hirnstein M, Ersland L, Erchinger VJ, Ronold EH, Nygaard G, Jakobsen P, Craven AR, Osnes B, Alisauskiene R, Bartsch H, Le Hellard S, Stavrum AK, Oedegaard KJ, Oltedal L.BMC Psychiatry. 2023 Oct 30;23(1):791. doi: 10.1186/s12888-023-05239-0.PMID: 37904091 Free PMC article.

N-terminal acetylation shields proteins from degradation and promotes age-dependent motility and longevity.
Varland S, Silva RD, Kjosås I, Faustino A, Bogaert A, Billmann M, Boukhatmi H, Kellen B, Costanzo M, Drazic A, Osberg C, Chan K, Zhang X, Tong AHY, Andreazza S, Lee JJ, Nedyalkova L, Ušaj M, Whitworth AJ, Andrews BJ, Moffat J, Myers CL, Gevaert K, Boone C, Martinho RG, Arnesen T. Nat Commun. 2023 Oct 27;14(1):6774. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-42342-y.PMID: 37891180 Free PMC article.

Rare variants with large effects provide functional insights into the pathology of migraine subtypes, with and without aura.
Bjornsdottir G, Chalmer MA, Stefansdottir L, Skuladottir AT, Einarsson G, Andresdottir M, Beyter D, Ferkingstad E, Gretarsdottir S, Halldorsson BV, Halldorsson GH, Helgadottir A, Helgason H, Hjorleifsson Eldjarn G, Jonasdottir A, Jonasdottir A, Jonsdottir I, Knowlton KU, Nadauld LD, Lund SH, Magnusson OT, Melsted P, Moore KHS, Oddsson A, Olason PI, Sigurdsson A, Stefansson OA, Saemundsdottir J, Sveinbjornsson G, Tragante V, Unnsteinsdottir U, Walters GB, Zink F, Rødevand L, Andreassen OA, Igland J, Lie RT, Haavik J, Banasik K, Brunak S, Didriksen M, T Bruun M, Erikstrup C, Kogelman LJA, Nielsen KR, Sørensen E, Pedersen OB, Ullum H; DBDS Genetic Consortium; Masson G, Thorsteinsdottir U, Olesen J, Ludvigsson P, Thorarensen O, Bjornsdottir A, Sigurdardottir GR, Sveinsson OA, Ostrowski SR, Holm H, Gudbjartsson DF, Thorleifsson G, Sulem P, Stefansson H, Thorgeirsson TE, Hansen TF, Stefansson K. Nat Genet. 2023 Oct 26. doi: 10.1038/s41588-023-01538-0. Online ahead of print.PMID: 37884687

Structures of a sperm-specific solute carrier gated by voltage and cAMP.
Kalienkova V, Peter MF, Rheinberger J, Paulino C. Nature. 2023 Nov;623(7985):202-209. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06629-w. Epub 2023 Oct 25.PMID: 37880361 Free PMC article.

Innate lymphoid cells and tumor-derived lactic acid: novel contenders in an enduring game.
Marciniak M, Wagner M. Front Immunol. 2023 Oct 5;14:1236301. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1236301. eCollection 2023.PMID: 37868977 Free PMC article. Review.


BBB seminar


CCBIO seminar

Speaker TBA
Thursday, November 23, 14:30 at the BBB, Auditorium 4

BBB seminar 


Bente Sandvei Skeie from the Department of Biomedicine, UiB, will give a talk entitled “Radiosensitization of radioresistant cancers”. 


Thursday, December 7, 14:30 at the BBB, Auditorium 4


Coming seminars, fall 2023: BBB Seminars | The Department of Biomedicine | UiB
  • CCBIO seminar, 14.12.2023, Thomas Barker, University of Virginia, USA

The BBB seminars has their 20 years anniversary this autumn
Please see the anniversary poster here!



Workshop – Norwegian Society for Extracellular vesicles

NOR-EV Technical Workshop: Analysis and phenotyping of Extracellular Vesicles – Nettskjema
Venue: A3.3067, Domus Medica, Sognsvannsveien 9 (Rikshospitalet), 0372 Oslo.

Registration deadline: Monday, 20th November.
See also: News and events (
Thursday November 30th 2023

Division of Research and Innovation – events and courses

Kommende arrangement for Forsknings- og innovasjonsavdelingen | Universitetet i Bergen (
Upcoming events for Division of Research and Innovation | University of Bergen (

University of Bergen Library – events and courses

Kommende arrangement for Universitetsbiblioteket | Universitetet i Bergen (

DIGI-emner høsten 2023

DIGI-emner høsten 2023 | Digital forståelse, kunnskap og kompetanse | UiB


Genmodifisering i et forskningsetisk lys

Er det uetisk å ikke satse på GMO? Den norske genteknologiloven har vært uendret i 30 år. Samtidig har det skjedd en revolusjon innen genteknologiske metoder de siste 10 årene. I 2020 ble det satt ned et genteknologiutvalg av Solberg regjeringen som bl.a. skulle redegjøre for utviklingen av genteknologi, og komme med anbefalinger om regulering. Tirsdag 6. juni 2023 la Genteknologiutvalget ved utvalgsleder Anna Wargelius fram utredningen for politisk ledelse i Klima- og miljødepartementet.

Genmodifisering i et forskningsetisk lys – Er det uetisk å ikke satse på GMO? | Ansattsider | UiB
Påmeldingsfrist 20.11.2023 – 18.00
NG5 – storsalen, 28.11.2023 – 09.0013.00

datathon flyer image

Eitri Datathon 2024

Are you passionate about AI, healthcare, or both? Do you aspire to understand how data can revolutionize the healthcare industry? Would you like to work closely with leading medical AI experts and clinicians from around the world?
At this event, clinicians, data scientists, and social scientists will come together to harness clinical data and apply machine learning to address specific healthcare challenges.
This year, alongside advancing AI in medicine, we will place a special emphasis on addressing biases in health data.
Information and sign up here: Eitri | Datathon 2024 (
Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a transformative healthcare journey!
For inquiries, please, email Torleif at or Maija at
January 7-8, 2024 (with a pre-meeting online on January 5), Eitri Medical Incubator, Haukelandsbakken 31, Bergen


Mohn Research Centre for Regenerative Medicine

Welcome to the 2nd Mini-Symposium hosted by the Mohn Research Centre for Regenerative Medicine! The event takes place on November 21, 2023, at Birkhaugsalen, Haukeland University Hospital.
MRCRM Mini-Symposium 2023 – Helse Bergen HF (
Our symposium promises insightful lectures and discussions on topics related to regenerative medicine, including immunotherapy, biomaterials, schizophrenia and more!
We extend an invitation to all who are interested in these topics to join the symsposium.
To secure a seat and lunch, please fill out the registration form.
Contact us at for further information.
November 21, 2023, at Birkhaugsalen

Erasmusseminaret for høgare utdanning 2023

Vi inviterer til Erasmusseminaret 2023 for universitets- og høgskulesektoren. I år er Universitetet i Bergen vertskap for denne sentrale møtearenaen som årleg samlar rundt 150-200 deltakarar som jobbar med Erasmus+-programmet i norsk høgare utdanning.
Erasmusseminaret for høgare utdanning 2023 | HK-dir (
Tidspunkt: 28. november 2023 kl. 19.00- 30. november 2023 kl. 15.00
Stad: Universitetet i Bergen (Administrasjonsbygget) og Scandic Hotel Ørnen.

Utdanningsutvalgets årlige studiekvalitetsseminar

Utdanningsutvalgets årlige studiekvalitetsseminar finner sted fredag 8. desember kl. 8.45 – 12.30 i storsalen Nygårdsgaten 5
Meld deg på her innen 15.november: Påmelding til studiekvalitetsseminar (
Her finner du programmet for seminaret: Velkommen til studiekvalitetsseminar | Studieavdelingen | UiB
Målgruppe: Faglige og administrative utdanningsledere- herunder vise/prodekaner for utdanning, programstyreledere og undervisere, administrative støttespillere med ansvar for kvalitetsutvikling i utdanningene på alle nivå, og studentutvalgene og studentrepresentanter med interesse for kvalitetsarbeid.
8. desember kl. 8.45 – 12.30 i storsalen Nygårdsgaten 5


Cell Symposia: Engineering development and disease in organoids

Cell Symposia: Engineering development and disease in organoids,

August 19–21, 2024 in San Diego


Ph.d. og Post doc

UiBdoc is a non-profit interest organization for PhDs, postdocs and other temporary scientific staff at UiB.
See events here: UiBdoc

UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers – events and courses
Upcoming events for UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers | University of Bergen

Boost your career by building international networks.
Registration and more information:
Nygårdsgaten 5, NG5, 16.11.2023 – 09.00–12.00

UiB Ferd Newsletter
UiB Ferd Newsletter November and Decmber 2023

NorDoc course database – get ECTS
COURSES | nordoc (

ELIXIR Norway – see service offers for your project
SERVICES – Elixir Norway

IT division – events and courses
Upcoming events for IT division | University of Bergen (

Forskningsmidler og mobilitet

Application Support for External Funding – at our faculty

Here you will find an overview of the application process, our services, and current open calls for funding.
Application Support for External Funding | Faculty of Medicine | UiB
See the collection of calls on the web page.


Tandem Programme – Translational research collaboration between Basic and Clinical Researchers

With the present call ‘Tandem Programme’ The Novo Nordisk Foundation wishes to strengthen and support Danish translational health research of high international quality.
The project must be anchored at a university, hospital or other non-profit research institution in Denmark. The main applicant must have his/her primary employment (75%) at a university, hospital or other non-profit research institution in Denmark. The co-applicant can be anchored in Denmark or abroad.
Application deadline 10 January 2024

The Eppendorf & Science Prize for Neurobiology 

Call from Eppendorf and the journal Science is awarded to one early-career researcher per year, for the most outstanding neurobiological research based on methods of molecular and cell biology conducted by him/her during the past three years. The nominee may be based anywhere in the world, and have completed an advanced degree in the past 10 years, and are not older than 35 years old. The nominee must submit an essay of less than 1000 words to describe their research work.
The prize consists of 25,000 USD.
Eppendorf & Science Neurobiology Prize – scientifyRESEARCH
 Annual deadline for call, June 15, 2024.

Dear north2north partners in Norway and on Iceland

Please find below a call for project collaboration funding between Norwegian and Icelandic institutions.
The call is not published in English unfortunately, but you may forward it to the academic staff at your institution working with Icelandic or Norwegian institutions if you wish.
Arktisk forsking og studiar – utlysing av tilskot til prosjektsamarbeid 2023 | HK-dir (
Søknadsfrist1. desember 2023 kl. 17.00

EMBO Core Facility Fellowships

EMBO Core Facility Fellowships funds international exchanges of up to one month between core research facilities in eligible countries. Core Facility Fellowships are intended for the training of core facilities staff, including scientists and technicians, in specific techniques used in core research facilities that provide services to research institutions or universities. The fellowships contribute towards travel and subsistence of the fellow.
Fellowships, grants and career support – Core Facility Fellowships – EMBO
Deadline: continous

Erasmus+ staff mobility for training

Another possibility to fund international training is Erasmus. It funds trips between 2 days and 2 months. All employees at the University of Bergen can receive a grant for a mobility to an institution, organization or university in Europe through Erasmus+. Example: Training in a company or at a university (laboratory training, method courses, job shadowing).
Erasmus+ staff mobility for training | Employee Pages | UiB
Deadline: 20 January

NFR utlysninger – calls for proposals
Aktuelle utlysninger – søk om midler fra Forskningsrådet (
Current calls for proposals – apply for funding (

MSCA COFUND 2023: Webinar om samfinansiering av PhD- og postdoktor-program
Visste du at institusjonen din kan søke om samfinansiering av doktorgrad-kandidater og postdoktorer gjennom Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions COFUND-ordninga? I dette webinaret får du vite mer om hvordan ordningen fungerer. 24. nov kl 10:00 – 11:30, digitalt.


MSCA Staff Exchanges (SE) – Webinar om tilsette-mobilitet innen forskings- og innovasjonsprosjekt
Staff Exchanges er ei fin mulighet til å kunne bygge nettverk og utveksle kunnskap over sektor- og landegrenser. Noe som kan førebu grunnen for videre, eller nye samarbeid innen forsking og innovasjon. Innvilgingsprosenten pleier å være bra, opp til 25 prosent. 28. nov kl 14:00 – 15:30, digitalt
NFR arrangement og kurs – events and courses
Forskningsrådets arrangementer (
Events (

Financial support for stays abroad
Financial support for stays abroad for PhD candidates and Postdoctoral Fellows | Faculty of Medicine | UiB

UiB Opp – kompetanseutvikling for eksternfinansiering og forskningsstøtte
Se UiB Opp kurs her: UiB Opp – kompetanseutvikling for eksternfinansiering og forskningsstøtte | Støtte til eksternfinansierte prosjekter (BOA) | UiB



Nyhetsbrev fra Institutt for Biomedisin
Bilder er enten fra eller
Publisert hver tredje uke
Ansvarlig redaktør: Frode Berven
Redaktør: Anne Mette Søviknes


Dear colleagues, 

An HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) day and a Christmas party are being planned at the BB-building on Friday, December 1st, so please mark the day and evening on your calendars already! More information will follow! 

It is now possible to apply to the Norwegian Research Council (NFR) for the FRIPRO-program with a floating application deadline! So please go ahead and apply when you are ready, but remember to always send a short notice to the department first so we know and can help out with the budgeting etc. Plans for external funding (Department of Biomedicine) (  

Treårig Forskerprosjekt med internasjonal mobilitet (FRIPRO) 

Forskerprosjekt for erfarne forskere (FRIPRO) 

Forskerprosjekt for tidlig karriere (FRIPRO) 

To make sure that all purchases will be registered in this fiscal year, and to avoid package deliveries during the Christmas holiday, the final date for purchasing will be December 6, before 14.00. It is important that you plan which spendings are to be issued before the end of the year, and that you assess what is needed regarding ongoing research activity in December and activities or disputation early next year. Purchases will resume as normal from the first business day of 2024. 

Update on the restructuring work at the department: There will be a Department council meeting on November 2nd, where the establishment of research units will be put to a vote. The documents outlining the mandate for unit leaders and the structure for technical positions have now circulated in all research groups twice, and there were few feedback comments on the latest version. After some changes from the last round, these documents are therefore considered to be finalized now and will be presented to the Department council prior to the vote. 

Regarding the relocation of research groups, Bård is working through this group by group. The goal is that as much as possible of the research activity should take place on the 5th and 6th floors, and the office locations for everyone involved in research are therefore also desired to be on the 5th and 6th floors to the greatest extent possible. To make room for this, we are looking into the possibility of moving the administration to the corresponding A-wing on the 7th floor. It is expected that one or two new research centers will be established on the 7th floor, which will have members from across the departments at MED.  

I wish everyone a pleasant and productive workweek! 


Lasse Neset ble ansatt som ph.d.-kandidat 1. oktober i gruppen til Martha Enger


Dear All,
A very warm thank you to everyone who joined us for our Institute Potluck party.
It was really nice, and the food was amazing.
Thank you again.
Best Regards, Tambu, Anne and Juha

HMS og velferd

UiB samarbeider med Bergen internasjonale filmfestival (BIFF) 17. – 26. oktober

I år blir det konkurransen Gulluglen, debattmøter og eigne, gratis filmframsyningar på campus.
Mange tilsette og studentar er involverte i festivalen, og desse får også gunstige billettprisar.
Se hele programmet her:
Trekker spesielt fram:
  1. – 26. oktober: Armauer Hansen Internasjonale Filmfestival.
    Armauer Hansen International Film Festival (

Arbeidsmiljøpris på Det medisinske fakultet 2023

Frist for å melde inn kandidat(er) er 8. desember 2023, juryen består av fakultetets HMS utvalg ledet av fakultetsdirektør.
Arbeidsmiljøpris på Det medisinske fakultet 2023 (

Course in HSE risk assessment and Safe Job Analysis (SJA)

Course in HSE risk assessment and Safe Job Analysis (SJA) | The HSE-gateway | UiB
10. november 09.0015.00

Please see the Employee Pages for UiB welfare offers

Welfare | Employee Pages | UiB

News from international HR UiB

International Newsletter – October 2023

Studie og undervisning

Utdanningsseminar ved Institutt for global helse og samfunnsmedisin

IGS arrangerer utdanningsseminar og vil gjerne at så mange som mulig fra alle de andre instituttene ved MED deltar.
Undervisningsseminar 15. november (
Foreløpig program ser slik ut:
12.00 – 12.30 – Lunsj
12.30 – 14.30 – Mentimeter: Empowering students’ participation for course evaluation and redesign – Mirey Alfarah, vinner av IGS’ utdanningspris for 2022
14.30 – 14.45 – Skikkethetsvurdering av studenter (introduksjon ved Arne Tjølsen)
14.45 – 15.30 – Paneldiskusjon om skikkethetsvurdering av studenter
Onsdag 15. november fra 12-15.30

Læringsfestivalen digital 2023

Høstens LFD går over to halve dager, og du får tolv bidrag fra engasjerte undervisere over hele landet.
Kan læreren erstattes av kunstig intelligens? Det er det første spørsmålet vi stiller i år. Vi skal også snakke om veiledning, universell utforming og om å bruke VR til å aktivisere studentene. Vi avslutter med to bidrag om Chat GPT.
Les alt om festivalen her: Konferansebidrag – Læringsfestivalen – NTNU
Læringsfestivalen digital (LFD) blir i år ein lunsj-til-lunsj-konferanse over to halve dagar, tysdag 28. og onsdag 29. november.

Call for master’s projects Biomedicine

The new students on the Master’s programme of biomedicine will be looking for projects this autumn and spring. We are therefore collecting project descriptions for them. Please use the attached form if you have projects for our students. The timeline of the projects is from June/august 2023 to June 2024.
Please send your project to by the 24th of October.
We will distribute all the projects to the students on Mitt UIB after this deadline. The students are then encouraged to approach the supervisors of the projects they are interested in.
We also ask you to hand in the Master’s agreement (see attached file) 14 days after you have formally signed on a student, or let us know if a project is taken. Then we can update the list of available projects.
Please let us know if you have any questions about taking on a master student



The effects of phenylalanine and tyrosine levels on dopamine production in rat PC12 cells. Implications for treatment of phenylketonuria, tyrosinemia type 1 and comorbid neurodevelopmental disorders.

Szigetvari PD, Patil S, Birkeland E, Kleppe R, Haavik J. Neurochem Int. 2023 Oct 19:105629. doi: 10.1016/j.neuint.2023.105629. Online ahead of print.PMID: 37865339

One ring closer to a closure: the crystal structure of the ES3 hydroxymethylbilane synthase intermediate.
Bustad HJ, Christie MS, Laitaoja M, Aarsand AK, Martinez A, Jänis J, Kallio JP. FEBS J. 2023 Oct 20. doi: 10.1111/febs.16982. Online ahead of print.PMID: 37863644

Editorial: Synaptopathies: from bench to bedside.
Bramham CR, Lessmann V, Hannan AJ, Wang C, Catanese A, Boeckers TM, Zhang H. Front Synaptic Neurosci. 2023 Sep 27;15:1291163. doi: 10.3389/fnsyn.2023.1291163. eCollection 2023.PMID: 37829658 Free PMC article. No abstract available.

A Galaxy of informatics resources for MS-based proteomics.
Mehta S, Bernt M, Chambers M, Fahrner M, Föll MC, Gruening B, Horro C, Johnson JE, Loux V, Rajczewski AT, Schilling O, Vandenbrouck Y, Gustafsson OJR, Thang WCM, Hyde C, Price G, Jagtap PD, Griffin TJ. Expert Rev Proteomics. 2023 Oct 3:1-16. doi: 10.1080/14789450.2023.2265062. Online ahead of print.PMID: 37787106 Review.


BBB seminar

BBB seminar
Arne Östman from Karolinska Institute, Sweden is invited by CCBIO to give a talk entitled “Spatially enriched multi-marker human CAF-subsets linked to treatment response, prognosis, driver mutations, immune features and micro-niches”.
CCBIO Seminar – Arne Östman | Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO | UiB
Thursday, October 26, 14:30


BBB seminar 
Bradley Zuchero from Stanford University School of Medicine, USA, will give a talk entitled “Cell biology of myelin formation, dynamics, and disease”. 
Thursday, November 9, 14:30 


Coming seminars, fall 2023: BBB Seminars | The Department of Biomedicine | UiB
  • CCBIO seminar, 30.11.2023, TBA
  • BBB seminar, 07.12.2023,  Bente Sandvei Skeie UiB
  • CCBIO seminar, 14.12.2023, Thomas Barker, University of Virginia, USA

The BBB seminars has their 20 years anniversary this autumn

Please see the anniversary poster here!

The first seminar was September 3rd 2003.
Since then there has been more than 700 seminars with over 600 unique speakers from 26 countries across the globe.



Workshop – Norwegian Society for Extracellular vesicles

The Norwegian Society for Extracellular vesicles (NOR-EV) will arrange a technical workshop with focus on analysis and phenotyping of EVs. Please save the day!
Tentative program:
– 10:00-12:00 Presentation of technologies for EV analysis and phenotyping (ZetaView fluorescent Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis, OLINK proteomics, +answer pending for other)
– 12:00-13:00 Lunch
– 13:00-15:00 Instrument demonstration (ZetaView fluorescent NTA, +answer pending for other) in smaller groups depending on the number of participants.
Detailed program and registration information will be sent out at the beginning of November.
Please see this page: News and events (
We also appreciate if you inform us about people that would like to be included in the mailing list/become a member of NOR-EV, or if you do not want to be included in the list.
Venue: Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet (room TBA).
Thursday November 30th 2023.

Division of Research and Innovation – events and courses

Kommende arrangement for Forsknings- og innovasjonsavdelingen | Universitetet i Bergen (
Upcoming events for Division of Research and Innovation | University of Bergen (

University of Bergen Library – events and courses

Kommende arrangement for Universitetsbiblioteket | Universitetet i Bergen (
Kommende arrangement for Universitetsbiblioteket | Universitetet i Bergen (

DIGI-emner høsten 2023

DIGI-emner høsten 2023 | Digital forståelse, kunnskap og kompetanse | UiB


Erasmusseminaret for høgare utdanning 2023

Vi inviterer til Erasmusseminaret 2023 for universitets- og høgskulesektoren. I år er Universitetet i Bergen vertskap for denne sentrale møtearenaen som årleg samlar rundt 150-200 deltakarar som jobbar med Erasmus+-programmet i norsk høgare utdanning.
Erasmusseminaret for høgare utdanning 2023 | HK-dir (
Tidspunkt: 28. november 2023 kl. 19.00- 30. november 2023 kl. 15.00
Stad: Universitetet i Bergen (Administrasjonsbygget) og Scandic Hotel Ørnen.