Ph.d. og Postdoc

Join UiBdoc! Annual General Meeting 2023

It is our pleasure to invite you to the Annual General Meeting of UiBdoc – an interest organization for all temporary scientific staff (PhDs, Postdocs, Research Assistants) at the University of Bergen.
Join UiBdoc! Annual General Meeting 2023 – UiBdoc
Sign up if you want to attend the meeting and get a reminder. We will offer lunch for those joining us in-person.
UiBdoc Annual General Meeting 2023
Faculty of Social Sciences building (SV-bygget, Lauritz Meltzers hus, Fosswinckels gate 6), Monday, June 5th at 12:00 

University of Geneva, position as POST-DOC in Biochemistry

The laboratories of Prof. Anne-Claude GAVIN and Prof. Nathalie REUTER are looking for a postdoctoral candidate to join a high-profile research project, “Life at the periphery: the workings of proteins at the surface of cell and organelle membranes”, investigating how lipid transporters, e.g. lipid-transfer proteins function at the surface of biological membranes. Project start: to be agreed upon, ideally in the fall of 2023
Job Openings – Département de physiologie cellulaire et métabolisme – UNIGE


New Autumn Research School in Artificial Intelligence Methods in Medical Imaging

The research school is arranged by PRESIMAL in collaboration with the Norwegian Artificial
Intelligence Research Consortium (NORA). “The school covers central topics of the AI pipeline
in medical imaging – Building bridges across deep learning rivers!”
Sommarøy Arctic Hotel (ca. 55 km from Tromsø), 13-15 September, 2023


Boost your research potential with innovation perspectives

Most funding schemes incorporate innovation perspectives into their application templates. These are especially visible in the chapters on impact but go beyond and should be found as a red line throughout a good research project – or rather, research and innovation project.
Boost your research potential with innovation perspectives | UiB Ferd karrieresenter for yngre forskere | UiB
Enrollment deadline 02.06.2023 – 16.00
Alrek Helseklynge, Årstadveien 17 (kursrom Hugin), 06.06.2023 – 09.0012.00

Psychological Support Groups for Ph.D and early career scientists

As a young researcher, challenges may arise that you don’t quite know how to handle. Psychologist Andreas H. Schei invites you to a group workshop where you can take a closer look at the challenges young researchers face
Where: Christies Gate 20 – entrance from Muséplass 50

08.06.2023 – 12.1515.30,Psychological Support Groups for Ph.D and early career scientists | Employee Pages | UiB

22.06.2023 – 12.1515.30, Psychological Support Groups for Ph.D and early career scientists | Employee Pages | UiB


Forskningsmidler og mobilitet

Årsrapport 2022: søknadene til Forskingsrådet

I løpet av di siste tre åra fikk vi 8579 søknader om forskerstyrt prosjekt. I årsrapporten for 2022 kan du lese om kvaliteten på søknadene, og hvordan de fordeler seg mellom universitet og institutt.
Årsrapport for Forskningsrådet 2022 (


Evaluation of ERC grant proposals: what to expect in 2024

ERC has published an announcement regarding the 2024 (and subsequent) calls, which gives further detail on research assessment, the evaluation process, lump sum funding, as well as the tentative schedule of the 2024 grant competitions.
Evaluation of ERC grant proposals: what to expect in 2024 | ERC (


Funding opportunity – translational research on cancer epigenetics

The purpose is translational research that will result in better patient treatment in cancer.
The expected outcome of the call is to improve the efficacy of current detection, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of cancers, through the development of novel approaches based on a better understanding of cancer epigenetics. The specific objectives of this funding opportunity are to stimulate new partnerships between researchers and clinicians and support original, high-quality projects, with significant clinical impact. Support to enterprises will be in accordance with the state aid rules.
Translational research on cancer epigenetics (
Deadline of submission of pre-proposals 21 July 2023
Deadline of submission of full proposals 15 December


 Novo Nordisk Prize 2024 Nomination Form

The 2024 Novo Nordisk Prize will recognize an active scientist for her/his excellent research, inspirational leadership and mentoring, leading to a major discovery or breakthrough in biomedical science. The prize is intended to award and further support biomedical research in Europe.
Novo Nordisk Prize 2024 Nomination Form – Novo Nordisk Fonden
Deadline for nomination: 15 June 2023


The Research Council Innovation Award

The Research Council’s Innovation Award is given to an individual, business or public entity that has achieved innovation through the strategic use of research. To be eligible, the candidate must have received Research Council funding.For the award, we are always looking for candidates who are involved in moving boundaries for what is possible within a field. The winner receives honor and glory and half a million kroner. The money will be used for innovation activities.
The Research Council Innovation Award (
Deadline June 20th 2023


The Research Council’s dissemination award 2023 – now you can nominate

Do you know a researcher who has distinguished himself with good, innovative and lively communication from his own field? We would like to have candidates for the Research Council’s dissemination award. The deadline for submitting proposals is 30 June. The price is NOK 500,000.
Forskningsrådets formidlingspris 2023 – nå kan du nominere (
Deadline June 30th 2023



Nyhetsbrev fra Institutt for Biomedisin
Bilder er enten fra eller
Publisert hver tredje uke
Ansvarlig redaktør: Frode Berven
Redaktør: Anne Mette Søviknes 


Dear colleagues, 

I hope you had a great weekend in the nice weather!  

In this leader I’ll focus on three subjects: the use of chatbots and artificial intelligence (AI), the upcoming RCN evaluation of our department and sector, and the status of restructuring the research groups at our department.  

 There has been an explosive development in chatbots and other tools based on artificial intelligence (AI) the last months, and very powerful AI-based tools are now accessible for everybody. I guess most of you have heard about or even tested Chat GPT already. These tools give us new possibilities in many aspects of science and teaching. So how do we use these tools efficiently, how much can we trust the output, and what should we not use these tools for are questions that arise and that we should ask ourselves. I can’t answer these questions here, but I’ll focus on a couple of aspects especially important to keep in mind when using these tools. Some of answers you get from these tools in their current versions are wrong, and a large portion of the references that are generated are also made up and do not really exist. So, it is important to have a critical view on the output from these tools, and not take for granted that the output can always be trusted even if it looks convincing. The information is also likely to be incomplete on a given subject. As it is now, these tools are nice to use to get information and partial overview on a subject, but it is not ethical to copy this text and use it as your own in a paper or a thesis etc., so please avoid doing that. As any other tool, it is appropriate to cite these AI-based tools when they have been used. Making guidelines on how to use these tools in our setting is in progress, but not yet ready. The faculty distributed a note about the use of these chatbots to the students a few weeks ago, and this text can be found below in the newsletter. 

 As you probably know there has been a process over some time regarding restructuring of the research groups into larger research units. This work is still ongoing, and during this week, the first round of discussion with the PIs should be completed and the outcome of these discussions will be used as a basis for making a draft. We’ll then use this draft as a starting point for further discussions including all members of the group and unit. It is important that everybody contributes to these discussions so that we get a good foundation to establish this research unit structure. We hope to have most of the new structure ready before the summer, but the formal implementation will probably not take place before sometime during the fall, with the goal of full implementation completed from January 2024.  

 It is now 10 years since our department was evaluated by RCN last time. This spring, the first phase of the new RCN evaluation of our department as part of the “fagevalueringen av medisin og helsefag (EVALMEDHELSE)” will take place. The deadline for our input is June 6. We received information about the process this week, and have started the work for the first part, which is basically defining the research groups at the department and filling in this and associated information in an excel sheet. There are some criteria to these definitions, so we will work on clarifying them in the coming days and will at some point probably need input from the group leaders on some of this. The next phase will require much more information about the groups, activities, and the department, but this deadline is in the late fall. For more information about the subject please visit this link: Evaluering av norsk forskning og høyere utdanning 



Morten Govasli Larsen er ansatt som forsker fra 01.05.2023 i Cellnet gruppen hos James Lorens.

FEBS Education Ambassador from department of biomedicine.

The Federation of the European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) is an international scientific society promoting activities in biochemistry, molecular biology and related research areas in Europe and neighboring regions. Summary of FEBS activities on Wikipedia.
We congratulate Knut Teigen here at IBM who has been elected as Norway’s ambassador for education in FEBS. FEBS Education Ambassadors network to exchange ideas and communicate on all issues on education and education progress across Europe. Furthermore the FEBS Education Committee has the mission of promoting biochemistry and molecular biology education and training at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Knut represents Norway at an FEBS meeting on European education these days in Vilnius.


We congratulate Taral Lunavat as winner of Miltenyi Biotec TME Travel Award competition by our Nordic team with the project that focus on exosomes that can potentially have great impact for new therapeutic treatments. Price money is to be used  towards travel, registration, accommodation costs for attending EACR 2023 Congress, which takes place June 12–15, 2023 in Torino, Italy.
EACR 2023 Congress: Innovative Cancer Science | EACR2023

HMS og velferd

Bli med på årets Sykle til jobben-aksjon

Bli med på Norges største aktivitetskampanje som er lavterskel og en sosial konkurranse som passer for alle, uansett fysisk form.
Kampanjen varer i seks uker – fra 3. mai til 16. juni. I denne artikkelen fra På Høyden kan du lese mer om aksjonen.
All fysisk aktivitet som utøves i jobbsammenheng og på fritiden kan registreres i kampanjeperioden og du kan delta individuelt, eller som et lag på maksimalt fem personer bestående av venner eller kollegaer. Alle som registrerer aktiviteter er med i trekningen av fine premier.


Fire prevention course 2023

All UiB Employees must complete a fire prevention course which consists of a digital part, and a practical part on how to put out fires. This is required by law. Read about how to find a course here:  Fire prevention course 2023 | Employee Pages | UiB
See also the Norwegian page for dates: Brannvernkurs ved UiB | Ansattsider | UiB


Velferdstilbud: I svarte skogen inne av Jon Fosse

Tilsette ved UiB kan kjøpe billetter til generalprøve onsdag 10. mai kl. 19.00 på Hovedscenen. Billettpris kr. 200.
I svarte skogen inne | Fremsyninger | Det Norske Teatret
Billettar kan du kjøpe her hos Det Vestnorske Theateret.
Du kan også sende e-post til (ref UiB)


Programme for the 2023 Holberg Week

Join us in celebration of this years’ Holberg Prize Laureate, Nils Klim Prize Laureate and the Holberg Prize School Project winners. The 2023 Holberg Week takes place in Bergen and Oslo from 6 to 9 June. Read more aboute the programme and the prizes at UiB.
Multiple venues, 06.06.2023 – 10.00 to 09.06.2023 – 16.00


Arboretum Day 2023

Velkommen til stort arrangement i en ramme av flott rhododendronblomstring. Arboretum Day 2023 | The University Gardens | UiB
The program at the Lace House will take place according to the same reading as in previous years, designed especially for families with children. At Blondehuset, various associations set up their own stands and get opportunities to present themselves. All associations have a local connection and/or nature as their theme. From the stage at Blondehuset there will be a varied program of entertainment. The activity trail for children is popular, with quizzes and various activities.
Det norske arboret, Mildevegen 240, 04.06.2023 – 12.0016.00


2023 Førstehjelpskurs, 10. mai

Du lærer grunnleggende livreddende førstehjelp. Førstehjelpskurs | HMS-portalen | UiB
  • Hva er livreddende førstehjelp?
  • Kunnskap redder liv
  • Pasientundersøkelse og varsling
  • Fremmedlegeme i hals
  • Hjerte–lunge redning
  • Hvem hjelper redderen?
Kurset varer i 3 timer og kombinerer teoretisk undervisning med praktiske øvelser. En undervisningstime varer i ca. 45 min med ca. 15 min pause. Kurs og kursmateriellet er i henhold til anerkjente nasjonale retningslinjer. Det er 25 kursplasser.
Aktivt rom 1 (Romnr. 1F9D), Realfagsbygget, 10.05.2023 – 12.1515.15


Studie og undervisning

IBM Teaching Day – May 24

The annual Teaching Day will be on Wednesday, May 24, in Auditorium 4. This time we will focus on exams, assessment and censoring. We will take up both practical elements such as the use of Inspera in censoring, and the challenges of grading and «standard setting». This is useful for all of us involved in exams, – and it is relevant for all teachers and teaching administrators!
  • The purpose of assessment and exams
  • What should be the requirements to pass?
  • Practical ways to assess students and evaluate results.
The programme is of course open for all that are interested, and will last from about 13.00 (after the Faculty lunch) until 15.00. See you there!


Hovedoppgavesymposium medisin, 12. juni

For kull 18A vil det bli arrangert et «Hovedoppgavesymposium» i auditoriet i Armauer Hansens Hus. Vi inviterer alle interesserte ved fakultetet til symposiet!
Alle hovedoppgavene som leveres nå i vår skal presenteres i dette symposiet. Fra hver oppgave lages en vitenskapelig poster på en side i PowerPoint, og denne presenteres muntlig. Presentasjonene foregår fortløpende som «one-minute-madness», hvor hver student får 1 ½ minutter til å gi et hovedbudskap fra sin oppgave.
Posterne vil også presenteres i en digital utstilling på nett, slik at alle som får nysgjerrigheten pirret av presentasjonen kan finne mer detaljer.
Armauer Hansens hus, auditoriet, mandag 12. juni kl. 10.15 – ca. kl. 13
Stikk gjerne innom i løpet av denne tiden, og få med litt av symposiet!


Er du veileder? Nominasjon av gode oppgaver

Vi vil gjerne dele ut priser til de beste oppgavene, og de (inntil to) oppgavene ønsker vi også skal bli presentert grundigere. Vi vil derfor gjerne at de studentene eller veilederne som mener at oppgaven er ekstra interessant eller ekstra god, nominerer sin oppgave. De som blir foreslått, blir vurdert av en komité, og får holde et 10-minutters foredrag om sin oppgave på symposiet i stedet for en ett-minutts presentasjon av posteren.
Frist for nominasjon av oppgave: fredag 26. mai. Forslag sendes til


Kjære alle studenter ved Det medisinske fakultet

Dere har trolig fått med dere oppstyret rundt kunstig intelligente roboter (chatbot), som for eksempel ChatGPT og nå snart Googles Bard, som kan generere gode faglige tekster ut fra enkle spesifikasjoner og gi svar på eksamensoppgaver og lignende. Dette er i og for seg ikke veldig nytt, men det som er nytt nå er at det er allment tilgjengelig, gratis og lett å bruke og at tekstene får et naturlig språk. Hva betyr dette for dere som studenter ved Det medisinske fakultet?
Kort fortalt er en slik chatbot en avansert måte å trekke ut kunnskap fra en database. Du kan stille et spørsmål og roboten vil finne det mest sannsynlige svaret ut ifra den informasjonen den har tilgjengelig. Det er riktignok ikke alltid det riktige svaret. En kjapp test på et lite utvalg oppgaver fra nasjonal delprøve i medisin, viste at ChatGPT fant rett svar i ca 80% av oppgavene. ChatGPT kom også med overbevisende forklaringer på hvorfor svarene var riktige. Dette gjaldt for øvrig også for de svarene som faktisk var feil, slik at det er lett å bli lurt. Du kan også be om et essay om et gitt tema, eller en tale, sangtekst eller lignende. Kvaliteten avhenger av hvor mye og hva du gir i input.

Denne typen verktøy må brukes kritisk og med forsiktighet. Dere kan bruke dette for å øke egen læring og utvikling, samt lære dere hvordan dere skal stille dere kritisk til svarene som genereres fra en slik database. Eksempelvis kan dere bruke det i kollokvier ved å få ChatGPT til å stille dere spørsmål fra litteraturlisten. Det er ikke galt å bruke verktøyet for å skaffe seg informasjon innen et tema, men det er ikke redelig å kopiere direkte fra en slik datagenerert tekst, på samme måte som det ikke er redelig å kopiere fra andres tekster eller å få andre til å skrive en oppgave for seg. Dessuten vil det resultere lite dybdelæring og forståelse, noe som er essensielt for senere yrkesutøvelse. Det er også viktig å huske på at alt dere gir av informasjon til disse verktøyene lagres utenfor Norge og benyttes til videreutvikling av roboten, så unngå å oppgi personlig informasjon.
ChatGTP og tilsvarende verktøy vil medføre at vi må justere hvordan vi gjennomfører undervisning, vurdering og eksaminering i fremtiden. Dette kommer vi til å diskutere nøye i studieledelsen i tiden fremover.
Vennlig hilsen Marit Øilo, visedekan for utdanning

Dear all students at the Faculty of Medicine

You have probably heard the fuss about artificially intelligent robots (chatbots), such as ChatGPT and soon Google’s Bard, which can generate good academic texts based on simple specifications and provide answers to exam papers and the like. This in itself is not very new, but what is new now is that it is widely available, free and easy to use and that the texts are given a natural language. What does this mean for you as students at the Faculty of Medicine?

In short, such a chatbot is an advanced way of extracting knowledge from a database. You can ask a question and the robot will find the most likely answer based on the information it has available. Admittedly, that is not always the right answer. A quick test on a small selection of tasks from a national partial test in medicine showed that ChatGPT found the right answer in about 80% of the tasks. ChatGPT also provided convincing explanations as to why the answers were correct. Incidentally, this also applied to the answers that were actually wrong, so that it is easy to be deceived. You can also request an essay on a given topic, or a speech, song lyrics or similar. The quality depends on how much and what you give in input.

This type of tool must be used critically and with care. You can use this to increase your own learning and development, as well as learn how to be critical of the answers generated from such a database. For example, you can use it in colloquia by having ChatGPT ask you questions from the bibliography. It is not wrong to use the tool to obtain information on a topic, but it is not fair to copy directly from such a computer-generated text, in the same way that it is not fair to copy from other people’s texts or to have others write a task in itself. In addition, little in-depth learning and understanding will result, which is essential for later professional practice. It is also important to remember that all information you provide to these tools is stored outside Norway and used for further development of the robot, so avoid providing personal information.
ChatGTP and similar tools will mean that we have to adjust how we carry out teaching, assessment and examinations in the future. We will discuss this carefully in the study management in the future.
Sincerely, Marit Øilo, vicedean for education


The intrinsically disordered protein glue of the myelin major dense line: Linking AlphaFold2 predictions to experimental data.
Krokengen OC, Raasakka A, Kursula P. Biochem Biophys Rep. 2023 Apr 26;34:101474. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrep.2023.101474. eCollection 2023 Jul.PMID: 37153862 Free PMC article.

Feasibility of deep learning-based tumor segmentation for target delineation and response assessment in grade-4 glioma using multi-parametric MRI.
Hannisdal MH, Goplen D, Alam S, Haasz J, Oltedal L, Rahman MA, Rygh CB, Lie SA, Lundervold A, Chekenya M. Neurooncol Adv. 2023 Apr 13;5(1):vdad037. doi: 10.1093/noajnl/vdad037. eCollection 2023 Jan-Dec.PMID: 37152808 Free PMC article.

Anxiety, mood, and substance use disorders in adult men and women with and without Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: a substantive and methodological overview.
Hartman CA, Chen Q, Solberg BS, Du Rietz E, Klungsøyr K, Cortese S, Dalsgaard S, Haavik J, Ribasés M, Mostert JC, Libutzki B, Kittel-Schneider S, Cormand B, Vos M, Larsson H, Reif A, Faraone SV, Bellato A. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2023 May 4:105209. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2023.105209. Online ahead of print.PMID: 37149075 Review.

POLG genotype influences degree of mitochondrial dysfunction in iPSC derived neural progenitors, but not the parent iPSC or derived glia.
Hong Y, Kristiansen CK, Chen A, Nido GS, Høyland LE, Ziegler M, Sullivan GJ, Bindoff LA, Liang KX. Exp Neurol. 2023 Apr 25:114429. doi: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2023.114429. Online ahead of print.PMID: 37105450 Free article.

Dynamics of circulating lymphocytes responding to human experimental enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infection.
Rim S, Sakkestad ST, Zhou F, Gullaksen SE, Skavland J, Chauhan SK, Steinsland H, Hanevik K. Eur J Immunol. 2023 Apr 27:e2250254. doi: 10.1002/eji.202250254. Online ahead of print.PMID: 37102399

Conserved intramolecular networks in GDAP1 are closely connected to CMT-linked mutations and protein stability.
Sutinen A, Paffenholz D, Nguyen GTT, Ruskamo S, Torda AE, Kursula P. PLoS One. 2023 Apr 14;18(4):e0284532. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0284532. eCollection 2023.PMID: 37058526 Free PMC article.

Sulfonylpiperazine compounds prevent Plasmodium falciparum invasion of red blood cells through interference with actin-1/profilin dynamics.
Dans MG, Piirainen H, Nguyen W, Khurana S, Mehra S, Razook Z, Geoghegan ND, Dawson AT, Das S, Parkyn Schneider M, Jonsdottir TK, Gabriela M, Gancheva MR, Tonkin CJ, Mollard V, Goodman CD, McFadden GI, Wilson DW, Rogers KL, Barry AE, Crabb BS, de Koning-Ward TF, Sleebs BE, Kursula I, Gilson PR. PLoS Biol. 2023 Apr 13;21(4):e3002066. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3002066. eCollection 2023 Apr.PMID: 37053271 Free PMC article.

Do Poor Diet and Lifestyle Behaviors Modify the Genetic Susceptibility to Impulsivity in the General Population?
Xie T, Schweren LJS, Larsson H, Li L, Du Rietz E, Haavik J; Lifelines Cohort Study; Grimstvedt Kvalvik L, Solberg BS, Klungsøyr K, Snieder H, Hartman CA. Nutrients. 2023 Mar 27;15(7):1625. doi: 10.3390/nu15071625.PMID: 37049467 Free PMC article.


BBB seminar

BBB seminar 
Georg Pabst from University of Graz, Austria, will give a talk entitled “Membrane asymmetry – coupling lipid structural dynamics to protein function”.
Thursday, May 11, 14:30 


CCBIO seminar 
JianFeng Chen from Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology Chinese Academy of Sciences will give a talk entitled “Control of lymphocyte homing by two-way tuning of integrin activation”. 
Thursday, May 25, 14:30 



Heads up to all group leaders and students!
MIC will arrange a 3-day Light microscopy course in week 38 (19-21.09.2023).

The course will be a good introduction to light microscopy techniques at different levels, both for new beginners and those with some experience. We will focus on the range of instrumentation that MIC has accessible, with emphasis on both the possibilities and limitations of the different systems. The basic theory of fluorescence light microscopy and confocal microscopy will be covered, and there will be demos on different systems as well as a short introduction to the most useful image analysis tools. Some tips in experiment planning and sample preparation are also included. Any master or PhD-student planning to use the instrumentation for light microscopy at MIC, would by attending this course have a kick-start into the microscopy field. Having the basic understanding of the techniques makes them more robust.


MIC invites you to a 1-day workshop in basic image processing with Fiji and QuPath.

  • Registration deadline: 1st of June 2023 Registration link:
  • Limited number of participants, first come first serve. Experience with at least one microscopy system is a prerequisite.
  • Free of charge – first time run through; constructive feedback is the currency this time.

This one-day workshop will introduce two of the most useful image analysis software being used for light microscopy images, Fiji (ImageJ) and QuPath. Both are free to download and are frequently used by scientists worldwide. If you learn how to navigate these powerful tools early in your scientific imaging career, you will have a great advantage in pursuing everything from simple image processing tasks to complex analysis of larger data sets.
Fiji is a version of ImageJ, bundling the plugins needed for scientific image analysis. In most cases, it can directly open proprietary files from different microscopy manufactures, which also means that the essential meta data information follows the images. The most common image processing is accessible, and a skilled person can build complex analysis workflows. It is also possible to make your own macros for more efficient repetition of the workflows. However, to get you started, it is necessary to have some basic knowledge on which information an image actually contains. In this workshop we aim to level up your understanding of an image, take you through some useful image processing steps in addition to some simple analysis.
QuPath is designed to handle larger images typically produced by slide scanners. It filled a gap where Fiji struggled and has evolved to become a very useful analysis tool particularly for light microcopy images of histology samples. It can also handle fluorescent images but with certain limitations (that Fiji takes care of). We will introduce you to some possibilities that QuPath offers and show the difference in handling histology color images compared to fluorescent images.

Program 21.06.2023:
0900-1000:  Presentation: What can we extract from an image and how to digest it?
1015-1230: Workshop 1: Tour of Fiji – you bring your own laptop with Fiji already installed, and we will do things together.
1230-1315: Lunch break.
1315-1530: Workshop 2: Walk the QuPath – you bring your own laptop with QuPath already installed, and we will do things together.
1530-1600: Wrap up.

MIC 21st of June 2023, BBB, 3rd floor Histologisal 3

Boost your research potential with innovation perspectives

Most funding schemes incorporate innovation perspectives into their application templates. Increasing your literacy on the innovation topic will not only increase your abilities to succeed with grants, but also help you make your research more relevant to society. In this course, we will discuss what “innovation” in academia actually means, get inspiration from good examples, learn about ways to increase your innovation potential and so on. See this course from UiB Ferd: Boost your research potential with innovation perspectives | UiB Ferd karrieresenter for yngre forskere | UiB
Alrek Helseklynge, Hugin, 06.06.2023 – 09.0012.00


Social media for researchers

This workshop will show you how to use social media to extend your own impact, network with your peers, and get access to opportunities in both academia and industry. Participants will learn how to exploit the platforms Twitter and LinkedIn as professional tools, and to avoid unnecessary distractions.
You will get practical tips on:
·         Communicating effectively on the platforms
·         Meeting the right people, and engaging others in your research process
·         Maintaining a sustainable social media routine that fits into your working day
The workshop is both for beginners, and for those who are more experienced. Registration deadline 19.05.2023
Seminar room A+B, basement of Muséplass 1, 25.05.2023 – 09.0012.00


Project management in academia

Are you curious about the intricacies of project management and how it is applied in academia? This course will delve into the nuances of project management within academic settings and explore how it differs from other sectors. As we examine the unique characteristics of research projects, we will also consider whether external perspectives and strategies can be effectively utilized to enhance project management in academia. Registration and further course description: Project management in academia | UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers | UiB
FIA sine lokaler i Jekteviksbakken 31, 30.05.2023 – 12.0015.00

Intermediate level: Improve Your Academic Writing and Presentation Skills in English
Mastering academic English can be as important as mastering your discipline itself. It is often decisive for conference presentations, getting published in journals and networking. So if you are not confident using English – this is your chance to benefit from expanding your skills in both written and oral presentations. Intermediate level: Improve Your Academic Writing and Presentation Skills in English | UiB Ferd karrieresenter for yngre forskere | UiB
This course targets early-stage researchers at UiB like PhD, postdocs, associate professors and those holding a researcher position.
This course is for participants who are not confident using English, from all faculties and research fields.
Online on zoom, 23.05.2023 – 17.0020.00

Upcoming events for University of Bergen Library

See the full list here: Upcoming events for University of Bergen Library | University of Bergen (
Some events listed:
ChatGPT – hva er greia? – 11.05.2023
Introduction to Data Management Plans (DMP) – 12.05.2023
Course in EndNote 20 – 25.05.2023
How can you make your research data open and FAIR? – 26.05.2023

UiB Opp 2.14 Åpen vitenskap (Open Science)

Å utarbeide en datahåndteringsplan for et forskningsprosjekt er godt vitenskapelig praksis og et krav fra forskningsfinansiører. Vi vil presentere datahåndteringsplan-krav fra NFR og i Horizon Europe, diskutere merverdi for forskere, gi en introduksjon til relevante verktøy, og lede gjennom de forskjellige kapitler i en datahåndteringsplan med utgangspunkt i Science Europe Guide to the International Alignment of Research Data Management. I tillegg vil vi ta med praktiske eksempler for evaluering og diskusjon i den praktiske delen av verkstedet. Målgruppen for verkstedet er både de som ønsker en introduksjon til datahåndteringsplaner og mer erfarne som ønsker seg en mer praktisk tilnærming til tematikken. UiB Opp 2.14 Åpen vitenskap (Open Science) | Støtte til eksternfinansierte prosjekter (BOA) | UiB
FIA sine lokaler, Jekteviksbakken 31, 16.05.2023 – 09.0012.00



Third Nordic Conference for Young AI researchers

The main purpose of the symposium is to provide a platform for AI researchers in early careers to exchange ideas, build collaborations and form a nordic approach to building AI solutions for the societal good.
See the web page for this meeting at Nordic AI Meet.
The call for abstracts is open! The deadline is 07 May 2023.
National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen, 02-03 October 2023


The 2023 symposium of the Norwegian AI Society

The 2023 symposium of the Norwegian AI Society aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners in the field of Artificial Intelligence from Norway and Scandinavia to present on-going work and discuss the future directions of AI. With the symposium NAIS provides a forum for networking among researchers as well as building links with related research fields, practitioners, businesses, and the public sector.
The 2023 symposium of the Norwegian AI Society 
Ulrike Pihls hus, June 14-15, 2023


35th Norwegian ICT Conference for Research and Education

We have the pleasure of welcoming you to the 35th Norwegian ICT (Information and communications technology) Conference for Research and Education, NIKT 2023. This conference is an important annual meeting place for ICT-researchers in Norway. The conference is hosted by Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Stavanger. NIKT 2023 | University of Stavanger (
.The conference consists of four tracks:)
  • NIK – Norwegian Informatics Conference
  • NOKOBIT – Norwegian Conference for Organizations’ Use of IT
  • NISK – Norwegian Information Security Conference
  • UDIT – Norwegian Conference for Education and Didactics in IT subjects
University of Stavanger,  Monday 27 November 09:00 – Thursday 30 November 16:00.


The 24th Broegelmann Lecture- Peder Olofsson

Peder S Olofsson is the Head of Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Departmentof Medicine, Solna, Karolinska Institutetand the Scientific Director of the StockholmCenter for Biolectronic Medicine will give the talk Reaching beyond innervation to map mechanisms of neural regulation of inflammation. The 24th Broegelmann Lecture- Peder Olofsson | The Research Group of Immunology and Rheumatology | UiB
Auditorium B302, sentralblokken, 15.05.2023 – 15.0016.00

Disease X: The 100 Days Mission to End Pandemics

On this event we will be joined by speaker Kate Kelland, «Chief Scientific Writer» in CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations). She is author of the book Disease X: The 100 Days Mission to End Pandemics described as a «pacy, real-life page-turner». Disease X is the codename given by the World Health Organisation to a pathogen currently unknown to science that could cause havoc to humankind.
Auditoriet, Armauer Hansens hus (AHH), 23.05.2023 – 11.1512.00

Ethics for Breakfast – AI and Research Ethics
Machines as moral arbiters. Objects and devices, such as cars, washing machines, and speakers, now come with digital connectivity features that allow them to collect and process data. AI-powered computer programs enable autonomous operation and direct communication. While machines can make decisions for us, it also limits our ability to make different choices and consider their consequences. For example, a washing machine decides the amount of water and temperature needed for a load, saving us time, but it may affect the longevity of clothes. Recommender systems and chatbots can save us hours of browsing, but they limit our exposure to different products and research papers. Etikkfrokost 26.mai – AI og forskningsetikk | Forskningsetikk | UiB
Christie, Muséplassen 3, 26.05.2023 – 09.0010.30


Ph.d. og Postdoc

How to write competitive proposals for the ERC Starting and Consolidator Grants

The competition for ERC Grants can be daunting, but UiB has many examples of researchers who have won and enjoy the academic freedom of an ERC grant. Find out how to best prepare your application with this digital workshop. How to write competitive proposals for the ERC Starting and Consolidator Grants | Støtte til eksternfinansierte prosjekter (BOA) | UiB.
Digital: Zoom. 12.06.23  9:00-11:30pm and 12:30-14:30pm. 13.06.2023 09:30-11:30am.

Psychological Support Groups for Ph.D and early career scientists

As a young researcher, challenges may arise that you don’t quite know how to handle. Psychologist Andreas H. Schei invites you to a group workshop where you can take a closer look at the challenges young researchers face.
Psychological Support Groups for Ph.D and early career scientists | Employee Pages | UiB.
More information and sign-up found on this page.
Next group 08.06.2023 – 12.1515.30, Christies Gate 20 – entrance from Muséplass 50
Before summer 22.06.2023 – 12.1515.30,Christies Gate 20 – entrance from Muséplass 50


Forskningsmidler og mobilitet

Kommende webinar hos NFR

Se hele listen av webinarer på denne siden: Forskningsrådets arrangementer (
Norsk veikart for forskningsinfrastruktur – 16. mai
Formelle avtalene knyttet til Horizon Europe-prosjekter – 23. mai
Hva som kjennetegner et vellykket forsknings- og innovasjonsprosjekt i EU – 30. mai
MSCA Doctoral Networks 2023 – 30. mai
Introduksjon til et EU-prosjekts livssyklus; hvordan starte opp prosjektet, samt rapportering og ledelse underveis – 31. mai
Introduksjon til finansiering og budsjettering I Horisont Europa – 01. jun
Lump Sum Funding – eller engangsfinansiering – 12. jun
ERC Synergy Grants – 14. jun

Førehandsvarsling om utlysing av NORPART 2023

HK-Dir informerer til institusjonane at det er planlagt ei utlysing av NORPART-programmet i
løpet av mai månad med søknadsfrist i september 2023.
NORPART – Norwegian Partnership Programme for Global Academic Cooperation (


Call for Research Unit Proposals

After 10 years of successful operation, we now open a new call for DIGSSCORE research unit proposals. Both new and existing units are welcome to apply. Proposals for units who will collect data in the Norwegian Citizen Panel, may want to check out existing units for ideas and inspiration: Thematic Research Units | DIGSSCORE | UiB
Read also this PDF for more information.
The deadline for submitting proposals is May 23, 2023


ERC – what to expect in 2024

The ERC has published an announcement regarding the 2024 (and subsequent) calls, which gives further detail on research assessment, the evaluation process, lump sum funding, as well as the tentative schedule of the 2024 grant competitions. We encourage everyone interested in ERC to have a look at the press release and make themselves familiar with the planned changes, especially those regarding the CV and track record. Please also note that some of the 2024 calls will have a
submission deadline in 2023!
• StG-2024: 24 Oct 2023
• CoG-2024: 12 Dec 2023
• AdG-2024: 29 Aug 2024
• SyG-2024: 8 Nov 2023



Nyhetsbrev fra Institutt for Biomedisin
Publisert hver tredje uke
Ansvarlig redaktør: Frode Berven
Redaktør: Anne Mette Søviknes 


Dear all,

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter holiday! The weather in Bergen showed itself from its best side.

Congratulations to Harald Barsnes who has been promoted to full professor.

Friday March 17th there was a joint research day for Helse Bergen and the University of Bergen. The meeting, unfortunately only in Norwegian, was about joint research between Helse Bergen (HUS) and UiB. Topics that were covered: Nina Langeland, about Covid-19 research and health problem caused the infection during the epidemic and how to proceed further. Eystein Husebye, about the circadian rhythm of adrenal hormones and hormone diagnostics using micro-dialysis. Cecilie Bredrup, about clinical features and molecular genetics of patients with corneal dystrophies and the future use of limbal stem cell transplantation. Olga Therese Ousdal, about the use of NMR and advanced analysis tools to examine changes in the brain in patients with anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders and The Bergen 4-Day Treatment – B4DT, a concentrated exposure-based treatment for anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders.
To sum up it was interesting talks with focus on the patient but not much basic research.

Every year, The Medical Faculty is awarding prizes for excellence in research and teaching. New this year is also a separate award for innovation. This year’s Faculty Day is Wednesday April 19th, 9.00-12 in the auditorium in Armauer Hansens hus. I hope many of you can attend this event.

The application portal for The Norwegian Cancer Society is now open for researcher projects with the application deadline, May 26. More info will follow.

The vernal equinox has just passed and  it is just to enjoy everything that happens around us as it signals the beginning of spring. The days are getting longer and longer and spring flowers like tulips, daffodils, and crocus are blooming. Enjoy!


Matteo Stefano Luppi, started as PhD candidate 11.04.2023 in the
Neural Networks and Microcircuits Research Group.


Leder fysisk aktivitet til bedre akademiske prestasjoner?

Leder fysisk aktivitet til bedre akademiske prestasjoner? En rekke empiriske studier viser at det er en positiv sammenheng mellom fysisk aktivitet og akademiske prestasjoner. Andelen studenter som trener regelmessig er for eksempel større på studier med høye opptakskrav enn på studier med lavere opptakskrav. Men denne samvariasjonen mellom trening og akademiske prestasjoner forteller oss ingenting om hvilken retning sammenhengen går. Vi vet ikke om studenter blir smartere av å trene eller om de som trener i utgangspunktet er smartere enn andre. For å teste om mer trening faktisk fører til bedre akademiske prestasjoner gjennomførte forskere ved NHH et felteksperiment i samarbeid med Studentsamskipnaden i Bergen. Vi rekrutterte rundt 800 studenter som ikke hadde kjøpt treningskort i begynnelsen av semestret. Halvparten av disse studentene fikk et gratis treningskort ut semesteret, den andre halvparten fikk ingen ting. I dette foredraget kommer Mathias Ekström fortelle om funnen fra denne studien.
Mathias Ekström er førsteamanuensis i adferdsøkonomi ved NHH og medlem av forskergruppen FAIR. Gjennom kontrollerte felteksperiment studerer han de underliggende faktorene som påvirker menneskers valg og adferd, og konsekvensene dette har før samfunnet i stort.
19.04.2023 – 18.0019.00, Bergen Offentlige Bibliotek



Lørdag 22. april vil mange av UiBs IT-tjenester være utilgjengelige eller ustabile store deler av dagen.

IT-avdelingen skal gjennomføre en kontinuitetstest denne dagen. Det vil gi mer omfattende og varige avbrudd enn på en vanlig «endringslørdag». Vi kan ikke anbefale noen å arbeide på UiB-nettet eller mot UiBs IT-tjenester denne dagen. Eksterne tjenester (som f.eks. Microsoft 365) bør virke som normalt så lenge man ikke er på UiBs nettverk.
Merk at avbruddene i april altså kommer fjerde lørdag i måneden, ikke tredje som vanlig. Det blir ingen andre endringslørdager i april måned.
– IT-avdelingen


On Saturday April 22nd many UiB IT services will be unstable or unavailable for longer periods.

The IT division will be performing continuity tests and training, which will cause larger and longer lasting outages than on a normal «change Saturday». We do not recommend working on the UiB campus network or with UiB IT services this day. External services (such as Microsoft 365) should work as normal as long as you avoid the UiB network.
Please note that this outage in April is on the fourth Saturday of the month, rather than the third as in our normal schedule. There will be no other change Saturdays in April.
Regards, The IT division


UiB advises against TikTok and Telegram

UiB follows the recommendations of the Norwegian National Security Authority (NSM) with regard to the use of TikTok and Telegram, and advises against installing these applications on work devices. «Work devices» here means mobile phones, tablets or computers paid for by the employer.
Please read more here: Fraråder TikTok og Telegram – UiBhjelp


HMS og velferd

Fakultetets dag i 2023

Fakultetets dag i 2023 blir 19. april kl 9-12 med etterfølgende lunch. Der får du anledning til å treffe kollegaer fra andre institutt og ikke minst høre de som har vunnet ulike priser. ChatGPT, utfordringer og muligheter står også på programmet.
Les om programmet her: Møt våre beste – Fakultetets dag 2023 | Det medisinske fakultet | UiB


Faculty Day in 2023

The faculty’s day in 2023 will be 19 April from 9 am to 12 noon with a subsequent lunch. There you will have the opportunity to meet colleagues from other departments and, not least, hear from those who have won various awards. ChatGPT, challenges and opportunities are also on the programme. Please read aboute the programme here: Møt våre beste – Fakultetets dag 2023 | Det medisinske fakultet | UiB


Gledelige nyheter fra bedriftshelsetjenesten (BHT)

Psykolog Andreas Schei jobber nå 100% fra 1.01.23, og han vil bistå i det forebyggende arbeidet med det organisatoriske arbeidsmiljøet og i vanskelige personalsaker. I tillegg har vi fått en ny kollega, Truls Flønes Lillebø. Truls er fysioterapeut og kognitiv terapeut og er en del av det psykososiale teamet hos oss i BHT.
BHT er ekspertgruppen som bistår UiB/arbeidsgiver i arbeidet med arbeidsmiljøet. Vårt fokus er arbeidsrelaterte helseproblemer, og vi kan bistå med risikovurderinger, forebygging og tilrettelegging. Vår rolle er fri og uavhengig, og vi har ingen rapporteringsplikt. Vi er tilgjengelig for alle ansatte for konfidensielle samtaler ved behov, og kan gjerne benyttes dersom en ansatt er i fare for å bli sykemeldt. Da kan vi bistå med råd for å forebygge fravær som kan gjøres sammen med leder. Høres noe av dette aktuelt ut for deg eller dere må dere ikke nøle med å ta kontakt.


Good news from the occupational health service (BHT)

Psychologist Andreas Schei is now working 100% from 1.01.23, and he assists in the preventive work and in difficult personnel cases. In addition, we have a new colleague, Truls Flønes Lillebø. Truls is a physiotherapist and cognitive therapist and is part of the psychosocial team at BHT.
BHT is the expert group that assists UiB/employers in their matters with the working environment. Our focus is work-related health problems, and we can assist with risk assessments, preventative measures, and adaptation. Our service is free and independent, and we have no reporting obligation. We are available to all employees for confidential conversations  when needed, and can help if an employee is at risk of being absent due to illness. In such cases, we can assist with advice to prevent absences, which may be done together with the manager. If any of this sounds relevant to you or you, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


COVID-19 and immunosuppressive treatment in Multiple Sclerosis – what have we learned?

Popular Science talks in the Library.
MS (multiple sclerosis) is an autoimmune disease that affects young adults and causes damage to the central nervous system. Around 13,000 people live with the disease in Norway today. There is no curative treatment, but immunosuppressive drugs have in recent decades given a far better prognosis than before, and made it possible to live with the disease with less loss of function. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the question arose: Are patients on immunosuppressive treatment at greater risk of serious infection than others? And does vaccination work optimally? Medical doctor and research fellow Hilde Marie Torgauten (Haukeland University Hospital) has investigated just this and will tell you about the preliminary results from her research. The talk will be held in Norwegian.
20.04.2023 – 14.1515.00, Bibliotek for matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fag, Realfagsbygget.


New application period for the welfare-cabins – the summer of 2023

You can now apply for the desired period at the welfare cabins for the summer of 2023, in the period June 25 to August 13.
Read more about the welfare-cabins here: Cabin hire | Employee Pages | UiB
When applying for a cabin, one must prioritize both the desired cabin and the period.
If you are allocated a cabin, you must either confirm or cancel the rental period. In order to cancel your booking, you must follow the link provided in the confirmation email and then register your cancellation. It is not enough to simply refrain from confirming your booking.
Cancellation deadline for allocated cottage is 30 days before the start of the rental period to avoid cancellation fee.
You must use the electronic cabin system ( by logging in with your UiB username and password.
When applying for the first time, you must enter some information. All applications must be registered in the electronic cabin system to enter the draw.
The application form and information about the cabins can also be found on the employee pages below Employment conditions – Welfare – Cabin hire. The application deadline is April 26. The winners will get information by email.
Questions about the cabins can be directed to The Estate and Facilities Management division via UiBhelp.


Studie og undervisning

Informasjonsmøte Aker Scholarship

Aker Scholarship er et stipend for deg som ønsker å reise ut for å ta en master eller ph.d ved et av verdens ledende universiteter. Aker Scholarship støtter master- og doktorgrader innenfor alle fagfelt ved ni av verdens ledende universiteter: Harvard, Caltech, MIT, Stanford, University of Pennsylvania, Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College London og National University of Singapore (NUS).
Som Aker Scholar får du finansiering som supplerer andre støtteordninger. Du vil normalt ikke ha studielån når du er ferdig, og du får hjelpi søknadsprosessene til universitetene. Informasjon og påmelding her: Informasjonsmøte Aker Scholarship | Studentsider | UiB
Søknadsfristen for å søke stipendet er 17. september 2023.
Aker Scholarship tildeles studenter som er faglig sterke og som har et ønske om å bidra i samfunnet. Det er ingen forpliktelser ovenfor Aker og det stilles heller ingen krav til hva du skal jobbe med etter studiet.
17.04.2023 – 18.0019.00, Digitalt møte

Career day for master students – at department for biomedicine

Master coordinator Siri Tangen Aaserud welcomes you to participate for the Career day for master students.
This is the program for the day:
14.00-14.20:     Guri Sandsdalen              What is Sammen career centre and what can they offer our students?
14.30-15.00:     Anne Mette Søviknes     What does a phd at the Department of Biomedicine entail?
15.00-15.30      Selina Cannon Homaei   How is it to be a phd-candidate at the Department of Biomedicine?
15.30-16.00      Mingling between the phd-candidates and the master students
Sign up deadline 18.04:
All PhD students are welcome to join for mingling and food at 15:30.
Friday 21.04 from 14:00 – 16:00, meeting room at 9th floor, 9A110bP. 


Heldagsseminar for ph.d.-veiledere

Det medisinske fakultet har gleden av å invitere til fysisk heldagsseminar for ph.d.-veiledere den 21. april.
Program annonseres i slutten av mars. Påmeldingslenke:
Les mer om veiledning her: Veilederopplæring (ph.d.) ved Det medisinske fakultet | Det medisinske fakultet | UiB og Veiledningsforhold | Det medisinske fakultet | UiB
21.04.2023, 09:00-15:00,  Eitri medical Incubator



Functional activity level reported by an informant is an early predictor of Alzheimer’s disease.
Vik A, Kociński M, Rye I, Lundervold AJ, Lundervold AS. BMC Geriatr. 2023 Mar 31;23(1):205. doi: 10.1186/s12877-023-03849-7.PMID: 37003981 Free PMC article.

Cardiac involvement in systemic and local vasculitides: The value of non-invasive multimodality imaging.
Ali AM, Yakupoglu HY, Fuchs TA, Larsen TH, Aukrust P, Gunnarsson R, Saeed S. Curr Probl Cardiol. 2023 Mar 30:101718. doi: 10.1016/j.cpcardiol.2023.101718. Online ahead of print.PMID: 37003450 Free article. Review.

Protein Termini 2022: central roles of protein ends.
Arnesen T, Aksnes H, Giglione C. Trends Biochem Sci. 2023 Mar 29:S0968-0004(23)00075-0. doi: 10.1016/j.tibs.2023.02.008. Online ahead of print.PMID: 36997368

VEGF-B hypertrophy predisposes to transition from diastolic to systolic heart failure in hypertensive rats.
Samuelsson AM, Bartolomaeus TUP, Anandakumar H, Thowsen I, Nikpey E, Han J, Marko L, Finne K, Tenstad O, Eckstein J, Berndt N, Kühne T, Kedziora S, Sultan I, Skogstrand T, Karlsen TV, Nurmi H, Forslund SK, Bollano E, Alitalo K, Muller DN, Wiig H. Cardiovasc Res. 2023 Mar 23:cvad040. doi: 10.1093/cvr/cvad040. Online ahead of print.PMID: 36951047

Nanoluciferase-based complementation assays to monitor activation, modulation and signaling of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs).
Dosquet H, Neirinckx V, Meyrath M, Wantz M, Haan S, Niclou SP, Szpakowska M, Chevigné A. Methods Enzymol. 2023;682:1-16. doi: 10.1016/bs.mie.2022.09.002. Epub 2022 Dec 24.PMID: 36948698


BBB seminar

CCBIO seminar

Linda Lindström from Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. Title of the talk TBA.
Linda Lindström | Karolinska Institutet (

 Thursday, April 27, 14:30 

BBB seminar 

 Georg Pabst from University of Graz, Austria, will give a talk entitled “Membrane asymmetry: coupling lipid structural dynamics to protein function”. 

 Thursday, March 16, 14:30 



How to write a competitive CV for the Industry?

Employers in both the public and private sectors want employees with a broad range of skills. It is the job of the applicants to explain why their experience and skills are not only relevant, but desirable for the employer.
Writing a CV is therefore not just a listing of everything you have in terms of education and work experience. A CV should show that you have the right combination of skills needed to carry out the tasks described in the position. Information and sign up here: How to write a competitive CV for the Industry? | UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers | UiB
The course is designed for early-stage researchers who are curious about sector mobility.
05.05.2023 – 09.0011.00, UiB Ferd Career Center for early-stage Researchers, Museplass 2, 2.


Healthy Working Habits: Time Management and Writing Motivation

Many researchers, at all career stages but especially early on, struggle with finding enough time to do everything. We work too much, we neglect our lives, we get burnt out – and we lose the passion for research that got us started. How do we develop healthy working habits and how can they renew a sustainable, positive relationship to our work?
Information and sign-up here: Healthy Working Habits: Time Management and Writing Motivation | UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers | UiB
This course will cover topics that deeply affect all researchers in and outside academia, and also transfer to other careers: time management and writing motivation. All disciplines and career stages are welcome.
27.04.2023 – 09.0011.30, Ulrike Phils hus, Rom Aktiv 2, i Professor Keysersgate 1


UiB Opp Module 2.10 Posisjonering og langsiktig EU-arbeid

Du vil i kurset lære mer om EU, hvordan man kan jobbe for å påvirke politikk og programmer. Introduksjon til EU, EØS og Norsk programdeltakelse. Utforming og påvirkning av EUs forskning og innovasjonspolitikk.
For å bygge nettverk og påvirke må man være synlig – hvordan bli synlig?
Påmelding og informasjon her: UiB Opp 2.10 Posisjonering og langsiktig EU-arbeid | Støtte til eksternfinansierte prosjekter (BOA) | UiB
Det blir arrangert 10. mai 2023, kl. 9-12, i FIA sine lokaler i Jekteviksbakken 31, 2. etg.


UiB Opp 2.14 Åpen vitenskap (Open Science)

Da er det satt opp et nytt kurs i åpen vitenskap. Kursholder er Kjersti Hasle Enerstvedt fra UB. For påmelding og mer informasjon
Det blir arrangert 16. mai 2023, kl. 9-12, i FIA sine lokaler i Jekteviksbakken 31, 2. etg.



Christiekonferansen 2023

Tirsdag 25. april inviterer vi til Christiekonferansen i Universitetsaulaen. Årets tema er: Kunnskapsbyen Bergen – hva er status for kunnskapsbyen i dag, og hvordan rigger vi oss best mulig for framtiden?
Vi får også høre fra Bergens ledende fagmiljø innen blant annet kultur, finans og helse, etablerte forskningsinstitusjoner og gründere med internasjonal suksess: Hva er veien videre for kunnskapsbyen? Hvordan kan vi legge til rette for mer kunnskapsdreven innovasjon?
På Christiekonferansen går vi i dybden, diskuterer og debatterer.
25.04.2023 – 09.0015.15, Universitetsaulaen.


NORA.startup event #35 Matchmaking event for researchers, students and startups

Are you a student or researcher studying AI subjects, eager to put your skills to the test in the real world? Are you interested in working with startups and contributing to innovative projects?
Join us on the 19th of April where NORA.startup, Startuplab Bergen, UiB AI and the Norwegian Cognitive Center will gather students, researchers and startups looking to collaborate on exciting AI projects. This is a unique opportunity for students to gain hands-on experience and build their portfolios while working with innovative startups that are working to promote disruptive innovations by using AI.
19.04.2023 – 16.0018.00, Startup Lab Bergen.


The UiB Læringskonferanse

The Program of University Pedagogy invites you to attend the UiB Læringskonferanse, held at the UiB Studentsenter  on April 25, 2023. The conference will feature keynotes by Cathy Bovill (University of Edinburgh) and Crina Damşa (University of Oslo), a panel discussion with bioCEED, iEarth, & SLATE, and over 40 papers and posters from people at UiB and other institutions. The theme for this year’s conference is Transformative Learning and Teaching.
The UiB Læringskonferanse is free and open to all members of the UiB community. It will an opportunity to learn, discuss, and celebrate transformative and research-based practices in university teaching and learning. We invite all teachers at UiB to attend the conference. The contributions share inquiry on teaching and learning from the UiB community, and presentations on practice and research will focus on student learning through examination of classroom teaching practices, field or practical teaching, use of educational technologies, curriculum revision, use of accessible and inclusive teaching methods, and supervision.
The Læringskonferanse is intended to be an opportunity to connect with a community of teachers and to learn together about transformative teaching practice.
More information about the conference is available atæringskonferanse-2023
The conference is free and open to all and includes lunch and refreshments. Therefore, we do ask that you register by 20. April for catering and planning purposes.Registration:
April 25, 2023, UiB Studentsenter.



CCBIO’s 11th Annual Symposium (2023) – May 8-10

CCBIO Annual Symposium at Hotel Solstrand close to Bergen – attending online for scientific updates, or in-person at Hotel Solstrand. Please register early and within the deadline of March 31 (closes earlier if fully booked earlier). We have secured a range of international speakers, among them Alexander Swabrick, Amy Leblanc, Anniina Färkkilä, Benno Schwikowski, Douglas Lauffenburger, Frederic Amant, Iain McNeish, Ian Mills, Ingrid Hedenfalk, Klaus Pantel, Michael Rogers, Rameen Beroukhim, Robert D’Amato and Stephane Terry. Younger researchers will be offered slots for 3-minute speed-talks as well as extended poster sessions with ample time for interaction between the participants.
CCBIO’s 11th Annual Symposium (2023) | Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO | UiB
Now open for registration: Solstrand Hotel May 8-10, 2023.


Ph.d. og Postdoc

PhD grant writing workshop

The Faculty of Medicine invites all PhD-candidates to a workshop on «How to write a successful grant proposal».
The workshop will enable PhD-candidates in medicine and sciences to start early with their future research project. Participants will gain insight into the international funding landscape and develop hands-on knowledge by working on their own project proposal.
Target audience: PhD-candidates enrolled at the Faculty of Medicine who want to kick-start their academic career in the nearest future.
Registration deadline 10th  May.
Sign up here: Grant writing workshop for PhD-candidates 2023 (
Eitri Medical Incubator, Monday 22 May, 10-12 and Wednesday 24 May, 10-13.

Digital Life Norway (DLN) – course aimed at early career researchers – PhD and Post-docs

This summer, DLN is again organizing its signature course on RRI (5 ECTS) for early career researchers.
Read more here: KULT-8880 Science, Technology, and Society: RRI Course Digital Life Norway – 5 ECTS – Centre for Digital Life Norway
As you may already know, RRI is a policy instrument adopted by the European Commission and endorsed by the Norwegian Research Council to guide research efforts towards a societal inclusive and responsive model.
This course is thus aimed at introducing the concept of responsible research and innovation and giving the participants a space to explore how these considerations arise in their own projects whether their interests lie in drug development, systems modelling, aquaculture, beer brewing or others. The skills developed through this course would offer early career researchers the language and tools needed to understand the broader implications of their research, as well as the social and political context within which their research is embedded. Skills that would prove critical for the career advancement of early career researchers. Additionally, this is one of the corner stones of the DLN initiative and one of the arenas where DLN really can sow the seeds necessary to transform the Norwegian biotechnology science. In practice this means that to fully engage with the societal challenges we now face, reseearch and innovation in biotechnology must engage with stakeholders beyond science. RRI is a tool that facilitate this engagement among other aspects of your research.
June 7, 2023–June 9, 2023, Oslo.


Planlegge et forskningsopphold i utlandet?

Vi anbefaler å begynne planlegging av utenlandsopphold minimum seks måneder i forveien.
Har du flere spørsmål du ikke finner svar på, book et møte med en av oss på Euraxess.
Se også vår Euraxess sider: Departure conditions/formalities | EURAXESS.


One Ocean Week 2023

Etter å ha vært på reise i 20 måneder, seilt 55 tusen nautiske mil og besøk 36 havner over hele kloden, feires Statsraad Lehmkuhls hjemkomst med en uke dedikert til havet. Les mer på UiB om dette internasjonale møtet her: One Ocean Week | Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet | UiB
Se også her for One Ocean Week 2023: One Ocean Week – Program
Bergen 15-21 april, ulike lokaliteter i Bergen by.


Frist for å registrere søknader for gjestestudenter og trainee 2023

Søknadsportalen for gjestestudenter og trainee blir tilgjengelig i perioden 2. April til 02.mai 2023.
Frist for å registrere søknader er den 2.mai 2023. Fristen er absolutt og søknadsportalen blir lukket etter den 2.mai. 2023.

Vilkår for vurdering av gjestestudenter:

  • Internasjonale studenter bosatt i utlandet.
  • Være aktiv student på masternivå.
  • Fagligtilknytting/ faglig grunnlag/forskningssamarbeid.
  • Kompetanseutvikling innenfor fagfeltet.
  • Behov for kontakt med fagspesialister/behov for litteratur-/kildesøk
Erasmus trainee:
  • Periode for opphold må ha varighet mellom 2 til 12 måneder.
Erasmus trainee som skal komme til UIB i perioden juni-september 2023 må registreres innen 2.mai 2023.
Les mer om detaljert informasjon om rutiner for vurdering og registrering for gjestestudenter og trainee er tilgjengelig her: Vurdering og registrering av gjestestudenter og trainee | Ansattsider | UiB.
Det er viktig å registrere informasjonen i alle felter se FS rutiner.  Gjeste/trainee status gis for max. 2 semester, inkludert tidligere opphold ved UIB. For mer informasjon se:§ 4-1-2.Om opptak til kortvarige studier). Studieperioden gjelder uansett studentkategorien. Opphold for under 2 mnd. blir ikke registrert/gitt studentrettigheter. Gjestestudenter og trainee studenter har ikke rett på boliggaranti.   Informasjon om bolig er tilgjengelig på våre nettsider.
Alle gjest og trainee henvendelser skal sendes til og ikke via UIBhjelp. Ved spørsmål ta kontakt med: Ana Veronica Cordova, International Admission Team, University of Bergen.


Forskningsmidler og mobilitet

Kreftforeningens hovedutlysning – Forskerprosjekter 2023

Kreftforeningen arbeider for å bekjempe og forebygge kreft, og for at kreftpasienter og deres pårørende skal få et best mulig liv. Kreftforeningen lyser ut midler til Forskerprosjekter innen disse tematiske områdene:
  • Fri kreftforskning
  • Brystkreftforskning (Rosa sløyfe)
  • Kreft med spredning (Krafttak mot kreft)
  • Unge lovende kreftforskere
Rosa sløyfe-midlene kommer fra Rosa sløyfe-aksjonen i 2022, som er et samarbeid mellom Kreftforeningen og Brystkreftforeningen. Midlene til det tematiske området «Kreft med spredning» blir samlet inn under Krafttak mot kreft-aksjonen i 2023, med samme tema.
Se fullstendig utlysning her: Researcher projects 2023 – Insights (
Søknadsfrist er fredag 26. mai 2023, klokken 13.00.


Norwegian Cancer Society: «Questions and answers» for applicants of Researcher projects

On Tuesday 25th of April at 9.30–11.00 we’ll be taking a quick look at the parts of the application form we receive the most questions about, as well as answering submitted questions from you, in a digital seminar. The details of eligibility for «Young Aspiring Cancer Researchers» will be presented. The application guidelines and the application form will become available at the latest on the 14th of April. See our calls here: Søk forskningsmidler – Kreftforeningen.
Sign up for Q&A here: Researcher projects 2023 – Q&A for applicants (
Tuesday 25th of April at 9.30–11.00.

Interessert i innovasjon? Få opptil 500 000 kroner og hjelp til å utvikle din idé

Gode idear oppstår overalt på Universitetet i Bergen, og med UiB idé kan studentar og forskarar teste ut og utvikle innovasjonsideane sine. Studentar kan få opptil 100 000 kroner i støtte, og forskarar 500 000 kroner. Du får òg råd frå profesjonelle rådgivarar.
Søknadsfristen er 30. april.
Les meir om programmet på, og bli med på UiB idé vors for studentar 12. april. Det er i tillegg muleg å søkje om opptil 25 000 kroner gjennom UiB tidleg idé, og her kan ein søkje heile året. For meir informasjon, kontakt


Interested in innovation? Get up to NOK 500 000 and help to develop your idea

Good ideas occur everywhere at the University of Bergen, and with UiB idé students and researchers  can test and develop their innovation ideas. Students can get up to NOK 100 000, and researchers NOK 500 000. You will also get advice from professional advisers.
The application deadline is April 30th.
Read more about the program at and join the UiB idé vors for students April 12. You can also apply for a maximum of NOK 25 000 through UiB tidleg idé, and applications can be filed anytime. For more information contact

Fremtidens helsesystemer

Har du hørt om utlysningen «Fremtidens helsesystemer» av de Europeiske forskningssamarbeid om helse- og omsorgstjenester? Målene med utlysningen er ganske brede, slik at mange aktiviteter kan passe inn:
(1) samle kunnskap for innovative løsninger for helsesystemet
(2) ta i bruk innovative løsninger i en større kontekst.
Forskningsrådet lyser ut 2 000 000 euro til norske forskere som vil delta i europeisk forskningssamarbeid om fremtidens helse- og omsorgstjenester. Mer informasjon finner du her:  Fremtidens helsevesen (
Søknadsfrist13. juni 2023, kl.14.00.

Transforming health and care systems

Have you heard about the “Transforming health and care systems” call regarding European research collaboration for the healthcare of the future?The objectives of the call for proposals are quite broad, so that many activities can fit in:
(1) Providing the necessary knowledge to build the health care of the future.
(2) Supporting the implementation of innovative solutions on a larger scale.
The Research Council of Norway is announcing 2 000 000 euro to Norwegian researchers who want to participate in this European research collaboration. More information you can find here: Transforming health and care systems (THCS) (
Application deadline 13. June 2023, at 2 p.m.


Utlysning av SPIRE-såkornsmidler 2023

Det er lyst ut SPIRE-midler for 2023 i følgende to kategorier.
1. SPIRE for internasjonale forskningssamarbeid.
Støtten er å anse som såkornsmidler for initiering og utvikling av nye internasjonale forskningssamarbeid som grunnlag for prosjektsøknader. SPIRE-midlene kan bla. dekke frikjøp av ansatte og utgifter i forbindelse med partnersøk.  All frikjøp må først avklares og støttes av instituttleder før det kan søkes om støtte til dette formålet.
2. SPIRE for gjesteforskermidler.
Midlene skal dekke kostnader (reise, innlosjering, kost, transport) med å invitere en utenlandsk gjesteforsker for et opphold på 1-3 måneder. Det legges ingen begrensinger på land eller samarbeidspartnere. SPIRE-midler kan ikke utbetales som lønn/stipend til gjesteforskeren.
Les mer om utlysningen og betingelser her: SPIRE – Såkornsmidler | Forsknings- og innovasjonsavdelingen | UiB
Søknadsfrist for SPIRE-midler er 26. mai 2023.


Utlysning av forskningsmidler fra Gades Legat

Gades Legat lyser ut midler til anvendelse i forskning innen patologi, mikrobiologi og immunologi. Alle som er faglig tilknyttet forskningsmiljø ved UiB eller Haukeland Universitetssykehus innen patologi, immunologi eller mikrobiologi kan søke om midler. Søknad skal være kortfattet og inneholde navn på søker og arbeidssted, navn og kort beskrivelse av prosjektet det søkes om midler til, budsjett, søknaden må totalt ikke overskride 2 sider. Legatet har i senere år tildelt beløp i størrelsesorden 20-100 000 kr, men større tildelinger kan vurderes. Støtte til reiser der man ikke formidler/presenterer egen forskning vil ikke bli prioritert.
Søknad sendes som én PDF-fil til Gades Legat ved sekretær Håvard Hoel Aass,
Søknadsfrist er mandag 23. april 2023.


ERC Advanced Grant 2023

For established and active researchers who want long-term funding to pursue a ground-breaking, high-risk project and have a recognised track-record of significant research achievements in the last 10 years which identifies them as leaders in their respective field of research. Up to 2,5€ million, 5 years.
Please read more here: Advanced Grant | ERC (
Deadline: 23 May 2023.


ERC Starting Grant 2023

For talented early-career scientists of any nationality with 2-7 years of experience since completion of PhD, who have already produced excellent supervised work, is ready to work independently and shows potential to be a research leader with a scientific track record showing great promise. Up to 1,5€ million, 5 years.
Please read more here: Starting Grant | ERC (
Deadline: 17 October 2023.



Dear Colleagues,

We optimistically wrote a few weeks back that spring is coming, but it now seems like the sensations of spring in the air have temporarily been postponed. Let’s hope that the weather will catch up with the calendar in the weeks ahead.

Henriette Aksnes was awarded the Meltzer prize for young researchers on March 8th, a very deserved recognition of her well-focused, high-quality effort in research over many years. Congratulations Henriette!

Olga Therese Ousdal was recently awarded the prize for best pre-clinical teacher by Medisinsk fagutvalg. Congratulations to Olga Therese for this prize, which is a great recognition by the students of her skills as teacher!

I would also like to welcome Martha Enger as new group leader for the Translational Cancer Research group. She is taking over as Rolf Bjerkvig now has retired, but we are very happy that Rolf will still be active in research at the department as emeritus.

Finally, I would like to remind everyone dealing with sensitive data to ALWAYS use appropriate storage solutions. For sensitive research data, UiB has a solution called SAFE, which is a good option for most of us to use for storage and processing of such data. It is very easy and straightforward to get a SAFE account, so please do so if this is or could be relevant for you.

Please read more about the SAFE solution here: SAFE brukerveiledninger | IT-avdelingen | UiB

Definition of personal data and sensitive personal data: Personopplysninger | Datatilsynet

Personal Data and Privacy Gateway from UiB: Personvernportalen | Universitetet i Bergen (